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 No.386264[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How are you spending this Friday? Do you have any plans for the weekend?
492 posts and 157 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It might go to 7 at this pace
Brunson has an annoying whistle


Night of trying to beat Undertale fangames in hard mode.


He's a great player but ya I despise his whistle. tbf it's a league wide issue.
It's brunsover


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SGA never beating the free-throw merchant allegations either LOL.


>Do you have any plans for the weekend?
gonna figure out on how tf does someone use famitracker and UTAU/Synthesizer V

 No.529846[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Bird vs Capybara vs Cat vs Dragon:

Dog vs Dolphin vs Fox vs Goat:

Jellyfish vs Narwhal vs Octopus vs Opossum:

Platypus vs Raccoon vs Seal vs Sponge:
178 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>run siberia
you can't even run on land lol


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ONLY 5 (FIVE) HOURS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


le mao true



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>Jelly fish gang Sunday night be like
(It's gonna be a 🧹sweep🧹)

Come back to us when you can visit the marina trench.
Yeah that's right, stick to staring at fartballs in the sky.


Anyone have artwork of the "Rodina" from the old /leftypol/ (the one on 8chan)? I ask because I'm currently looking for some artwork of the character that is beyond the image search results.
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>someone replies with the most correct answer in the first post
I'm not used to seeing this. Thank you.

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Post your favourite birds and let's talk about birds in general!
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burd laff


I know a Macaw that will laugh whenever someone laughs or after he'll uses his beak to pinch you and you react. It's quite amusing.


Today I saw a hoopoe
They make the coolest sound too, supposedly a bird in the Quran or something


we have the numbers to beat every candidate in the animal election, we just need the vooter turnout


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I don't care if your board is "democratic"
I'm not VOTING

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 No.490337[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

VR edition: by invitation of Cat Alunya
411 posts and 848 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Hmm, what is the difference between the embassy and the royal colony?


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If you think about it, mixing communismtechnically dictatorship of the proletariat with monarchism(instead of having a republic) is actually possible, the monarch just needs to be part of the working class and not part of the bourgeois class

I'm not shilling monarchism I swear


The embassy is basically a leftypol colony.


do roleplay *you are rushing on your way to work when you crash into someone and drop all your paper work*
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*stands there frozen not knowing what to do, scared shitless. find myself starting to look at your cock*


*be mesmerized at how stiff and veiny it was because i have never seen a penis in real life*



*unsheaths sword*
*cuts off dick with a katana*
heh, nothing personnel kid
*sheaths sword*


you ever see people on imageboards who get really mad at roleplaying but then roleplay anyway, just in their socially accepted way (with greentext)?

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Yes, I made the yoloswagstudios thread but lets have a george alexopolous one too because he has some real bangers and unlike yoloswagstudios hes completely unironic
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Agreed. I used to be the all red one when I was a teenager and it made my skin hella dry and then when I moved in with my GF she told me to just stop exfoliating my entire body every time and my derma would be better. she was right


the artists barely disguised fetish


tfw you realize all 3 of these are self inserts and he started drawing himself as less fat even though he probably didn't lose any weight


this honestly reeks of butthurt, the way he just has to draw a comic to just say "i know what you are but what am i" against his twitter critics, like they got under his skin alright


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bruh it's the fucking canker sisters

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dear leftypol, please stop spamming pol with bbc porn.


- based polack
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>first converts to lumpen-proletarialism


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Notice how there's so few examples of that stuff here, while 4chan's /gif/ board consists primarily of that, and most websites about blacked edits of anime stuff can be traced back to 4chan?

Your ideology is founded on thinktankisms peddled on the servers of a toy company. This site poses a threat to the illusion those thinktanks want you to live in, so they make it a scapegoat. They don't even want to risk you moving to FOSS stuff like matrix so the story they make up about us uses elements you're familiar like fbi.gov so you develop the assumption that's the default option for making a chatroom.




I don't have a "bio".

First of all, stay on topic you fucking spaz.

Second, lurk before posting. Leftypol is not a liberal imageboard by any stretch of the imagination, and we're fiercely opposed to identity politics. We see the world in terms of class, not race, gender, sexuality, pubic hair length, or any of the other retarded things you care about.


No, we don't subscribe to neoliberal conception of idpol that class reductionism is founded on. These topics that you have decided are "inherently" idpol aren't so, but factors in how one person's class struggle may differ from another, and are relevant to praxis. Such assumption is in of itself idpol.
Recognising class as primary does not result is neolib color-blindsess. Go back to reddit.

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 No.505265[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
184 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


u got a thing for zunes or something??


Synths are the true patrician choice, since there aren't retarded design constrictions on those


Never had a zune specifically, but find them being a focus in art facinating. Dedicated music players were a big part of my developmental years, and probably a taste of political thought as I proceed to go to virusful youtube downloader sites on my Dad's laptop with zero regard for copyright. Seeing artists thinking about them these days, particualarly as a household item rather than an audiophile thing, makes me curious if they'll get more popular like how flipphones have had a bit of an uptick lately.
Also just seeing tech built to last that long even as recent as when the zune came out is interesting, like there's people still using those things after over a decade of use. There's probably graceful degradation involved and I wanna see how that works.


Tigress > Zheng


woah thats really cool and deep, even though i was half memeing. i appreciate it anon keep it up

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How do I cope with having zero friends?
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>How do I cope with having zero friends?
as long as you also have zero enemies then being alone is pretty chill


>it's an American thing
never would have known that, interesting


It also exists in my country but it bears another name.


i have enemies….


>nobody is going to shun you for that
It depends. Some people won't give a shit and some will treat you like a stick in a mud that's killing their vibe.

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