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How it feels to have worked during Labour Day 😭😭😭
Anyone else was forced to pull a shift at the shit factory?


Umm, REAL labor day hasn't happened yet, sweetie.

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yes, you read that right. ALL OF YOU. even you so-called "allies" of minorities. we all know you do it just to brag about being progressive to your friends while sip your fucking starbucks. white people are a disease that destroys everything it touches. you think you are the craddle of civilization but you destroy civilization. then you push your degenerate ideas onto us (transgenderism, homosexuality, promiscuity, etc) i only used to see white boys in skirts now i see it all over minority communities. this was never part of our culture and until you whites fucked everything up. you changed our culture by telling us our own history, as if we didnt even know it. you told us "two-Spirited" was thing and all medicine men were "two-spirited" transhumanists. BULLSHIT! that was never a fucking thing. some dumb progressive white bitch coined that term in winnipeg back in the 90's. this is what pisses me right the fuck off, YOU ARE FORCING YOUR GAY SHIT ONTO US AND TRYING TO REWRITE OUR FUCKING HISTORY!

why do you think you know whats best for us? why do you think you are Gods gift to minorities? why do you think the only way we can prosper is by you (a fucking white cumskim) leading us my the hand? you fucking racist pricks. you think you are actually helping us but you are only perpetuating white supremacy.

none of you are my ally, i see right thru you
one day my people are gonna take back whats rightfully ours and the blood of whites (left or right) will flow in the streets(funny shitpost)
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Im somewhat sympathetic because some of the things you are mentioning are what americans have done
But heres the thing
I aint white, Im asian.


erm nonbinary nock in your mouth thovghever


Go back to /pol/.


i didn't do anything, i'd gladly help you out if i even knew a way too, i'm in the shit already just trying to help out people i know man


We need a American Indian version of Hamas to Oct 7 these white devils and send them back to the hell they crawled out of

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>inb4 Twitter

I want to discuss how Xtwitter post-Elon has become nothing but regurgitated, stolen content from the same large meme accounts, India/Vietnam/Africa based bot accounts that spam every tweet with unrelated content, porn bots that post unsolicited content, Nazis that can openly praise Hitler, Zionists and Hindutvas who flood any post they can find to disparage Palestinians, Muslims and anyone else they hate. Twitter might be at the bottom of the totem pole for social media content, but it’s convenient and has a massive base of anti-imperialist MLs who now have to deal with seeing the sheer insanity that place has become.

I fear that this will be true of all nuinternet going forward. Forums and IBs have been obsolete for years now and everywhere else is going to be the same toxicity psyop unleashed by dead internet theory. The future feels bleak.
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Why, whats the issue with him(?)?


That's literally just archival. You need to develop a worldview that isn't solely comprised of soyjak memes.


>Yurichin Bitch Club off-canon


>They're rising in popularity actually


How could there be statistics on that without analytics? I've simply seen more forums popping up and people sharing stuff from them.

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birthday jubilee
happy birthday to myself!
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The hunger games match will start later.
Last chance to submit contestants.


doesn't one game need like a dozen contestants? i submit japanese mao and catboy patrick bateman https://a.uguu.se/HbtioWPi.png https://a.uguu.se/JdYgdrkD.jpg


Shit, a bit late, but Happy Birthday!


We'll join this with the 8moe /b/ thread


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super late but happy birthday!
I have no idea how this works but I nominate the virtual hedgehogs and the shadow androids


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And the most sadly, there are landlords and petit bourgeouise roaming on the same gloomy streets as you.


Very dialectical. Much materialism.


Incredible revelation. Reminder that under capitalism monopoly is progressive to the extent it strengthens and increases the ranks of the proletariat.


Why the kitty cry? :(


All exist because of labor, yawn.

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how do you live knowing nobody thinks you're cool

it just hit me and I'm devastated
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I used to be depressed by this, but then I saw what they think was cool and now I'm proud not being cool.


People think I look cool and as a result I don't really spend any time thinking about how other people perceive me IRL, I focus on actually wanting to present myself well in the first place, and being on task. Go on the offensive.


'cool' is a psyop to make you conform, watch adam curtis (i forgot which of his things he said this in whatever)



All these optimists here saying "no anon dont change for everyoneelse" lack self awareness.

Im not saying you should conform but alot of imageboard users are awfully obsessed about not being "cringe" which ironially is also what "normies" do although to a lesser extent.

I fo however think "cringe" is a paternalistic label used put down others, especially men amd children, for not conforming to the pampered morality of women amd elders.


>I fo however think "cringe" is a paternalistic label used put down others, especially men amd children, for not conforming to the pampered morality of women amd elders.

Could you expand on this concept?

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this is sad 😔😔
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I dont know why people obsess over abortion when kids are socially neglected and actively barred from interacting with the real world for moral convenience.

Kids whom are seen playing without a care in the world are looked down upon as leeches.


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she is just like me fr


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This is how I act when I see a beautful anime boy.
I feel left out

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Coomers will fetishize anything unless it involves consensually convincing a mature woman into allowing you to get her pregnant. Dog girls, catboys, transgender goth women, but no pregnancy fetish. Typical politicians - all cock but no cum.
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holy fucking shit I kneel…


this is why people who choose to marry and procreate dont really deserve sympathy.
Also 12 to 18 is why I annoyingly criticise the romanticising secondary schooldays.

Also youre forgetting spousal fights. Those are just as bad.


All that would be solved under socialism


We should stop giving free sympathy to middle class semi-lumpens for breeding.
And make schools vocational


I don't totally disagree. I think elementary school shouldn't be vocational.

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Why do Poland and the Czech Republic hate communism so much?
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>Czechoslovakian communist party leadership sees that the party is loosing public support
>they undertake reforms to restore it
>Soviet leadership OKs them
>leadership of neighbouring Warsaw pact countries throw a hissy fit in fear of reformist sentiments spreading
>Brezhnev caves in and orders invasion
>half a century later a historically illiterate retard summarizes the situation as "glowie provoked coup"


polish socialism had some unique economic failures, a cia funded popular coup, an unequal relationship with the ussr, and historical circumstances that made soviet-style socialism and its geopolitical alignment easy to portray as a symptom of russian imperialism


They never had Communism




i thought they were given clear redlines they immediately crossed

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Does anyone have any idea of how much lemon I should put in a gin tonic?
So far, given that I have only access to 200ml bottles of tonic water and have to serve 3 people, I have come up with the following:
- 66ml tonic water
- 35ml gin
- 3 ice cubes
Most recipes I've seen just toss a lemon slice in the glass, but I wanted to use the squeezed lemon juice in


Eat the whole lemon, anon.


Just a small squeeze at most. A squirt if you will.

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