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 No.508684[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They’ve been confirmed for astroturf, right?
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I wish I was aborted.


>I wish I never experienced life
I wanna say get help, but honestly the only way you'd value your life is to suddenly be plunged into the worst shit possible, so you can realize that until then your problems weren't all that bad after all.


LOL, no. You’re just petit-bourgeois gangsters/


Even if you're anti-abortion you have to know that stealing (dead) fetuses is just deranged and pointless.


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Uh oh! Server error! Oopsie! Removed: This post was removed by Reddit's spam filters. Your comment was removed! Oopsie! You can't post this meme to r/UltraLeft! Oopsie! You can't post this reply! Server error! Uh ohhhhh!!!

>Hey guys Im having this issue can you help?


Holy fucking shit fuck this fucking shit fucking trashy piece of shit platform fucking blocking vpns and shit , motherfuckers. Fucking die motherfuckers. I'm so fucking glad leftypol and imageboards still exist so I won't have to fucking sign up and deal with this fucking shit anal prolapse of platform.


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Lemmy is waiting


what good ones are there?


As if we're much different.


It's been a while since I've used it (didn't quite get the format due to having never used reddit), so maybe things have shifted around a bit.

leminal.space seems pretty performant compared to how I remember pawb.social being, though seems like it too is running faster so that might be a software improvement for lemmy.

I'll explore a bit, but here's the site I'm using to look. https://lemmyverse.net/


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>posting on reddit

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 No.444683[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post Zero Two! NSFW, SFW it doesn't matter just post her.
237 posts and 588 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



is this show worth watching or nah


It's pure trash.


Fun trash or i-will-kill-myself trash?


You could possibly have fun watching it but it depends. A friend made me sit through the whole show with him so the experience kind of sucked for me. Overall it was real derivative and I kept falling asleep.

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this is a good comic
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


white women fuck dogs


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is this the reason why white women like jesus so much?


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Lovely couple


Your daily reminder that commiekitties must have titties bigger than its head. Titless commiecats are an utter disgrace and must never be drawn. Now that we have AI art bigtitty commiecats can be created with ease, so artists must adapt with the times and compete with AI by drawing commiecats with even more massive titties than AI commiecats. The back pain must be constant and the titties must occupy all available space.

That is all.
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Its name is commiecat and it must have massive titties.

Disgusting phillistines who like titlesscats will be punished by only being allowed to own weird commiecats like the preggocat.


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Bigtitty commiecats belong everywhere.


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It's never been so over for Millennoids. It was over for them before it began.
37 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I wonder what they think people over a certain age should be doing? Watching Friends reruns?
No you're just supposed to stare at the wall until it's time to work. Didn't they taught you that in adult courses?


the kids at my job say these things every once in a while but only, as you say, ironically


I want to live forever.


>burger high school slang


skibidi edge rizz
skibidi edge rizz
skibidi edge rizz

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Imagine if you weren't able to eat chocolate, that would suck wouldn't it /leftypol/
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>Chocolate casero


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i heard your mom also likes nut milk


it's alright but i could definitely live without it


Chocolate is overrated.

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13 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Why are pretend the flying car salesman is actually going to deliver? He has never made anything, he can only buy what he thinks is succeeding and hype up speculators until the company dies. He has no concept of science beyond what is revealed to him in his dreams.

If I wanted this sorta thing I'd see where 8/cyber/ splintered off to and do it myself. Haven't even seen any propositions for what it could do beyond what external hardware can achieve, other than making smell-o-vision practical.


the media for the last ten years syphocantically lapped up every bs he said about going to mars by 2020, or robot taxis that would make people rich


if you have a brain chip, the ad won't be like a regular ad, they will just hijack your dopamine system to make you desire the product the same way people desire meth


what da dog doin


It's cute people think Neuralink even works in the first place.

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got that receding maozedong hairline
it's ogre


Take finasteride before it's too late


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embrace, or finasteride+minoxidil

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 No.470963[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

2d/3d porn animation thread

Old: >>297367
162 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Just realized that there's 2 posts of the same ass lol


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How the fuck is the fur animation on this model so smooth? This is Disney Zootopia levels of smoothness.

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