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 No.444530[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So, a couple of months ago we had a thread where people were talking about penis size and Shay posted a patent where a vasodilator was used in combination with other substances to enlarge one's penis permanently. I found that pretty intriguing so I wanted to give it a shot. I've read the patent and worked out how I could create an amateur version of the procedure at home with just the necessary parts. I'm one month in and that's not long enough (hehe) to say whether or not it has worked, but from my measurements I may have gained 2mm in length and circumference. Keep in mind that this is a treatment that takes around 3 to 6 months. So at one month time the results will be minuscule.

Anyway, feel free to ask me anything and I will give you monthly updates (if people are interested).
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Too much Zinc?


<it finally happened
Welp, no more pumping for the next two months.
Go slow folks.


What happened? The fuck does this mean?


His balls exploded.


But it's for the cock?

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 No.442493[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Asshole thread.

post booty holes. male or female.
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i do :(


tin can bralt


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>tin can bralt



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Eldritch Ass

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Dubs and I buy alcohol


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don't do it OP


Quads and you do heroin

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I miss just having fun online and not concerning myself with political matters.


try getting a hobby
Politics is a one-way street


That's because you were ignorant of capitalist tyranny


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you can't put the genie back in the bottle, eh?


Look into web revival. There'll still be politics, everything is interwoven with politics, but at least the web will be fun again.


Safe to say that OP's idea of concerning themself with political matters is itself just a form of having fun online

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one day it will be real
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we're so breaking back bros


Whats the movie the Hank Schrader scenes are from?


Scanning Dean Norris's IMDB: Seems like a lot of stuff. Hard to tell. Probably a mixture of:

He plays a guy named "Uncle Daddy" in Claws and he also did a Funny or Die sketch in 2013 where Hank Schrader comes back to life.


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>wayne's world recognizes the blackest reaction:

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>the geographical center of all land masses on earth is the very location Jesus Christ was crucified
>to pinpoint a location with Cartesian coordinates is to graph it onto an X and Y axis, a mathematical crucifixion
>in 3D space an X/Y graph is pierced with a Z axis, which is the Lance of Longinus
>God has left his very signature on the geographic structure of the world.
Explain this, Atheists.
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Vgh, the real heirs to ROME


Based Based Based


it's amazing how glowiepedia barely gives a shit about source quality in most articles but the second it's "current events" (i.e. relevant to the interests of the ruling class) they enforce with the absolute strictest disciplines they're rule that you're only allowed to use "credible" (ruling class) media outlets.

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Historically speaking which sengoku jidai clan was the closest to being /our guy/
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perhaps it’s a result of the language and writing system.


You've got it the wrong way around, the question should be why are corporate logos designed like japanese feudal heraldry.


Maybe it has to do with the impact the japanese had on graphical design? Company logos looking like japanese emblems.

I instead see linux distros there


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At least it's memorable, euro shits always put le sophisticated symbols on their old flags like an eagle, a crown, a knight, or an egg, or a cross, or an egg with a cross, and the Chinese just put letters we can't even read

But for me, my favorite old flaggerino is cvme ovt yov cvckold


Feudal structure similar to Europe results in the importance of heraldry which is what gave birth to flags and logos.

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I look like this btw.


owls don't know how much 2 + 3 is




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owls are literally wise, how do you not know that?




Reminder that Mother's day is fascist because it references traditional conservatism and the idea of a woman being a tradwife.

Ignore your mom all day on mothers day!
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its tomorrow, idiot


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procreationism is fascist


Trans mothers are mothers


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We usually both forget lol. Back in the day we relied on TV to tell us when holidays are, and we haven't done TV in years.

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Are children born with no state of mind, blind to the ways of mankind?
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Tabulosa rosa is a detrimental idea that has poisoned pedgagogy for threr centuries.

Children may be born naive bit theyre not blank slates. We all have inclinations that are waiting for situational triggers.


the study of semiotics only becomes complete once people understand that reality itself is linguistic and poetic



I mean they're technically absorbing information before that for a while. I knew some instrument sounds and words upon birth.


True, both sensory input and epigenetics.

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