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 No.524278[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Real talk: how do we fix Detroit?
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Nature is healing!


>Detroit gained 1,852 residents between July 1, 2022, and July 1, 2023, bringing its population to 633,366. The city went for six decades without seeing growth, instead seeing population declines every year since 1958.

>tfw real

>tfw nothingburger


Housing prices in most of America skyrocketed post-pandemic.

You know where they didn't skyrocket? Detroit.


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You can buy a house at auction in flint for about 8K right now. No back taxes, the Biden administration recently approved $3Billyin to improve infrastructure in the US.

My guess is that this place is going to get setup as a low key investment source, the funding will get pumped into it and everyone will be talking about missing the Michigan boom. But yeah, you can get house right now for less than a Hyundai.


Those houses require tens of thousands, if not hundreds, of dollars in repairs though.


Hey brits would you rather:
A. Restore the British Empire (nobody will make fun of your dental health again). Or
B. Have Gr*ggs bring back their cheese and bacon turnovers

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Your opinion on Alex Jones, /leftypol/?
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Reposting from the /occult/ thread


1 Day after 9/11


He seems to do it for the money at this point.


the fourth video makes him sound like a leftypol poster unironically


He reminds me of the kid in school who always had cigarettes to bum to others but was generally disliked. Someone who very early on began to watch others from a distance, only feeling accepted by proxy of his favors to others. He internalized this and began marketing himself, using his observational techniques, however perverted by his worldview, to take advantage of others in ways which he saw as normalized through his own experiences.


>Imagine if the remaining indigenous americans all left to go live in Asia, following WW3 between China and the USA, forming a large diaspora throughout Asia.
>All the indigenous American tribes become attached to their identity as indigenous, while forgetting which tribe they actually came from
>they start to see themselves as an ethnoreligious group primarily, and form strong ideolgoical bonds based on mythology to maintain their identity in the Asian nations
>despite this they take on the appearance and habits of the locals in other matters, due to assimilation
>after 2,000 years and an attempted genocide against you in Asia, you decide to form an ethnic settler colony in the USA, displacing and eradicating the locals (who either always lived there or arrived during a later conquest that happened while you were gone)
>Your hegemonic patrons in Asia fund and arm and support your settler colonial ethnic cleansing as a matter of foreign policy, and also because they want to be rid of you in Asia

This shit actually happened it's called Israel


Its worse.
Out of all the populations, the levantian component of modern jewish DNA is closest to Palestinians, so its more like:

>Imagine if a foreign conquering army came to China, and displaced some of your ancestors from Hong Kong to Singapore.

>You maintain your ethnic identity as a Cantonese person.
>In the following 2000 years, you spread in diaspora all across the world, while maintaining religious and identity ties to your identity of a Cantonese person
>In this time, you look, talk, act, drink like the places you have lives in the past 2000 years, because of intermixing and assymilation, barely distinguishable from the europea, south africa and african populations you live between.
>After an attempted genocide against Cantonese in europe, you all go to your ancestral homeland
>When you arrive there, you find no cantonese speakers. There are only mandarin speakers.
>You genocide all of canton and establish an ethno state there.

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Older threads are located on >>>/siberia_archive/

Current /fit/ thread >>>/hobby/39663
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wat happen to molymeme?


he eventually just became a neonazi and got outcompeted by newer, fresher neonazis online.


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he never recovered from egggate

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 No.480351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/tits/ 6
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>more of the same lady, idk who it is tho
Nice, thanks. I found who she is, Niley Lop



Have a massive set


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Lesbian tit fondling and sucking is hot as fuck


Are they twins?


name, by any chance?

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 No.415467[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alunya & Grace fanfic thread
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No I get that, just wondering where people were, even just conversation-wise.



Grace-Rodina Russian Civil War Pg 3


Sweat lined Grace’s face. Although it wasn’t a hard battle, she still treated it as such, and mustered her forces to attack with fervor. Small erratic uprising and skirmishes were plaguing the area the White controlled. For the most part, they were benign to suppress. But Grace knew better and made it a point to crush any dissidents with a fervor.

Finally, ceasefire was called and Grace advanced. Weapons were thrown to the ground, the men surrendered. Grace asked for their leader. A pudgy man with an unkempt beard and rags for a so-called uniform stepped up.

Who does he think he is.

Grace looked him up and down before slowly surveying all of the men that made the resistance. She gave the signal to the Lieutenant to announce the order.

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New up-to-date Grace design.
This is the official & canon Grace look w/ her new black pants.
(in case anyone ever wants to /draw/ Grace).


Is Grace-chan the one wearing the pants in the relationship?


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>In June 1941, Soviet scientists Tashmuhammed Kari-Niyazov and Mikhail Gerasimov were sent by Stalin to Samarkand to exhume the body of Timur, one of the most cruel warlords of the medieval age, for study. The goal was basically to see if his tomb was really his tomb or not, what his face looked like, and if he was actually physically lame. Stalin had a morbid curiosity about the notorious warlord, as did many Russians. For centuries, Russia had suffered under and paid tribute to fearsome nomadic steppe warriors, and their histories were entwined.The keepers of the tomb warned the team about ancient curses, but they were rudely pushed aside, and their warnings were discounted. The casket of Timur was cut from precious black jade, the largest single piece in the world. Upon its opening, a pungent, sweet smell arose, which was supposedly the smell of several curses being unleashed but was probably due to the scented embalming fluids used to preserve the remains for burial. One of the inscriptions on the inside of the tomb (in addition to the one above) said, “Whosoever opens my tomb, shall unleash an invader more terrible than I.”The remains were carefully, but unceremoniously, packed up and prepared for flight back to Moscow. Two days later, the German wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union, launching Operation Barbarossa.

>when the germans have reached to the volga, Stalin wanted to try his luck, he had chosen this time to have Timur’s remains flown back to Samarkand for a proper reburial with full rites. He chose to have the plane carrying the historic corpse fly over the front at Stalingrad for a month before detouring back to Timur’s place of rest. Timur’s reinterment by a few weeks. Paulus and The Sixth Army surrendered at Stalingrad.

 No.482007[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the foot fetish threads have already been split into IRL and anime ones, I think it is fair to open up a dedicated furry feet thread too. Post your favorite furry paw art, discuss what kind of anthro feet you like the most, stories and others, just do not be a dickwad.
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Boipaws? Boipaws.


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Double dubs checked.
Is there a textless version of pic 1?


Fuck, wrong thread

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