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File: 1714868292959.png (2.64 MB, 960x1280, ClipboardImage.png)


you're a German and you see this when walking down the street
you join the army or nah?
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probably from the sweet state of alabama


>>Is this a broken bot script?


Considering that it is most likely a man in that photo, I would probably sign up for the reserve and contemplate the ensuing inner dialogue. The dialogue helping me determine if I am in fact, only attracted to the idea of a possible homosexual relationship instead of engaging in warfare, be it economic, political, social or direct combat.


>you join the army or nah?
No? Just rip it off and throw it in trash.

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How can I leverage my knowledge of leftist theory to get SEX (from females)?
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It's called a douche you douche


>How can I leverage my knowledge of leftist theory to get SEX (from females)?
You don't. Next question.


Yeah what a great image for Leftypol. So when people lurk here, they can know pedos get to make jokes and post "art".


This is Си/б/ирь, not leftypoo sir.


Try leninmaxxing >>530761

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<be me 15 yo zoomer
>live in shitty city, 90% wet all the time
>parents having mental health problems and socialization problems, dad wanna large uni music studies
>almost no socialization of parents
>best group of friends i ever had in my life
>they genuinely loved and cared to me
>it keep me motivated to trail 5 years at technical institute (that should have been 4 years but pandemic and strikes fuck everything up, plus had no interest and will)
<be me, after 4 years and 1 month
>place where i live is fully beautiful
>parents happy at new home remeeting its family
>me lost all my loved friends, cannot ever socialize because too old to school, all i can do is some random test because the institute cannot give me the credits
>lost all my social life, school, works
>stuck into the void of paradox games
>too scared to find new friends/organize before seeking to enter uni
>city known for being a place full of petit bourgs and chvdies out of university and southern parts
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(me) i am not agaisnt the trade unions and strikes, i support it.
What fucked it up is because it take alot of time resulting into a entire semester lost because the government refuses to negotiate for decades with the teaching sector




Pursue a better degree: there will be plenty humanities bachelor in political orgs, they also need people with technical skills. If anything, try becoming a lawyer if you really insist on not doing engineering


>stuck into the void of paradox games
Are you into masochism or something


It's easier to keep old friends than to make new ones but I still recommend attending university and force yourself to all the social events. Orgs are also easy place to make friends as you have similiar interest and lot to talk about.

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canon btw
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>shinji is cut
Amerilard artist detected


That's not a cut penis lol



The skin is retracted

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i would like to begin to use the internet less soon, so i'll dump some images from my folders here, then someone who cares for some reason can save it, or not. some pertain to /leftypol/, 4chan or 8chan. if you want i can take requests to see if i have something.
pics related are imkampfy's breakdown after codemonkey (ron watkins) turned /pol/ on 8chan into a global board on account of kampfy's horrible moderation quality (since he was the board owner). not really that interesting in itself.
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cool story


sorry do you want some subway surfer with it?


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lmao Is this real? dear god


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I'm taking a trip to Sweden soon. What cool leftist things should I see and do while I'm there?
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>what part(s) of Sweden?
i heard about the capital but everybody goes there, i want to visit sweden a bit more north


good choice. Norrland is by far more socialist than the south is, especially compared to St*ckholm aka Fjollträsk. Norrland is basically treated as a colony ("I Norrland hafva vi ett Indien")


>capital: neo-libral
>any other city outside the capital: concervatard
>remote and rural areas outside both: either socialist or where rightoids run away to.
why is every europoid country like this?


>any other city outside the capital: concervatard
this isn't true for cities in Norrland, especially Umeå which is pretty much the gommie center of Sweden. oh and Norrland also has the most guns per capita - roughly the same as the US last time I looked. the gun culture is also highly social and collective since it mostly revolves around moose hunting in large teams


good choice. Norrland is by far more socialist than the south is, especially compared to St*ckholm aka Fjollträsk. Norrland is basically treated as a colony ("I Norrland hafva vi ett Indien")

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This is what you'll look like if you mew for two weeks.
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The resonance of your voice is separate from the fundamental pitch. Raising and lowering your larynx is how you change the pitch, but you can adjust where you get resonance kind of independent of that.


>Raising and lowering your larynx is how you change the pitch
>but you can adjust where you get resonance kind of independent of that.
I have no idea how resonance works but it seems to be better than pitch(according to picrel it looks far easier to hit all octaves with just resonance instead of pitch), very interesting


Mewing is a meme




does that even work after your body already has fully developed

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Today, I cried.

And not just for a few minutes. I've been having intervals through the day where I start weeping and dry heaving for a few minutes, like a wave of sadness rushes over me, and I collect myself and go on. It feels terrible. I feel lonely. I've been free from work and other obligations for a few days now and all the things I've been pushing deep down are now coming up. Deaths in the family, loses of friendship, general feeling of senselessness.

The thoughts of suicide have, however, not come up.
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Yes. I do cry. I have days where I cry all day, but it's usually months in between of no crying.

Regarding depression, I don't cry more when I'm depressed, I cry less.

However, when I'm feeling like shit for no discernable reason, I go through a checklist to try to see what's the reason:
- am I taking my vitamins (D and B12 primarily)?
- did I drink enough water?
- have I eaten enough nutritious food?
- did I have quality sleep?
- have I drank alcohol in the past few days?
- have I walked enough steps today?
- have I either stretched my muscles or exercised them with weight?
- have I been around people today (if not with friends, work, etc, then going to a crowded place, even though it is exhausting, it is important)?
- have I pushed my heart rate above 130 BPMs today?
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I remember that thread about how burning money was praxis lol. I wish I archived that.


The lasttime I cried was like 15 years ago, I try to cry because I'm pretty sad and depresssed, but to no avail.

I'm a fucking mess through and through.


imagine doing all four ways at once. imagine being a transfem musclegirl monk warrior



Reminder that Christianity especially Protestantism is incompatible with Communism
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>This being something that gets spammed on /siberia/ rather than simply posting reading materials on /edu/ on the matter, where it would be permenant.
I really need to get into witchcraft of some sort. I remember youtube reactionaries had their roots in reddit atheism, having watched gamergate form in real time as a kid, and while I don't quite know where to pin why, it feels useful to thinktanks.


post physique


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Doesn't matter when you have a gun.


fatty detected

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