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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1714516612702.mp4 (5.44 MB, 1258x712, 0AbLYLbbY7HdI8iI.mp4)


Would you smash?
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Damm, that is so epic bro


Rolling for an epic ideology!


>they make extreme faces like this a lot and then rightoids use them in their epic feminist owned compilations.
anon, standard footage is 30 frames per second. if you look through a few seconds of anybody talking one frame at a time, I guarantee that you can find even the most stoic person making a soyjak face.


Smash what, the patriarchy? Yes I would.


Fuck off and kill yourself please.


can the mods get rid of the gay ass filter than auto assigns anons names based on their ips. I wouldn't care as much but I dont want those faggots tracking me
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Remember it is wrong to fuck kids


Well it still works



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Would you read this book?
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>I was reffering to crimes like CSAM, that should be an exception to get police involved

Well, we are not the ones who set what is an exception and what is not. That is the point.


oh I didn't thought about this detail, guess I was definitely wrong all along


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Yeah, what you said sounded pretty silly XD, third party intervenience would be horrible, accounting this is a leftist imageboard where ppl fantasize about going full Robespierre.


the average british swerf/terf would unironically agree with the first 2


Most people are bad at parenting.

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Was Goebbels the first incel?


no but he was the first chinlet


He had a wife and 2 kids, so no.


>Alien skull


his chin is only slightly below average. What really does him in is his megamind ass 5head

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Concession accepted


It's impressive how disengaged you are.
I can only grasp the amount of women left out to dry with your dirty talk.


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okay anon hear me out: what if love is actually fascist bourgeois individualism


Romantic love is oversold as a maturity license.
People go for it because its the easiest way to feel complete.


Since today is the anniversary of Hitlers suicide, it got me thinking, what was his problem?
>claims international Jewery started the war
>he does after setting up a series of false flag events against the poles to justify an invasion of them
>is baffled when the British declare war on him even though anyone with the most basic understanding of British foreign policy for the last 200 years would have seen that coming.
>blames the jews for the war the with the US. even though hes the one who declared war on them
>invades the soviet union because of communist Jews, but would rather them take Berlin than the Americans because he was more afraid of the American Jews than Bolchevikism.
>believes that race wars are natural and the stronger race should win. Says that if the Germans are not strong enough they themselves should be wiped out. Yet blames the war on the Jews.
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>with the most basic understanding of British foreign policy for the last 200 years would have seen that coming.

can you explain to me, do british people love polish people


Thinktanks probably


your looking at the wrong way its not that britian has inherently love of polish people or the in case of the first world war Belgium people its that britain wanted to maintain the "balance of power". They wanted this because of two reasons any sufficiently powerful continental power could build a navy challenging the royal navy and lead to a possible invasion of the home islands. also maintain financial dominance as war is bad for trade. that's why they didn't declare war on the soviets when they invaded. also it seen as potential powerful ally later down the road.


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>what was his problem?


You mean GG Allin?

The family history for GG Allin and Hitler are oddly similar.

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why are old leftist books is expensive to find? if amazon can print on demand, why can't there be some co-op run website that reprints out of print books for cheap?


Everything is free on the internet, anything and everything all of the time.


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reading digitally is eye stranding for me, i can do it but i prefer not to


Oh well if that's all you can get an eReader pretty cheap (compared to physical books) My Boox has done me pretty well. And it's an android, so it does KDE connect with my desktop.


print it


ayo bro got the chihuahua in his character's inventory

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>eat spicy food
>make spicy poops


I don't want to be white anymore


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>can't wait to start goonan
>lose interest immediately

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you commie fucker your philosophy is utopic.

your views? myopic.
your penis? microscopic.
your topics? no logic.
your internet use? chronic.

get a life and shower before yall socioeconomic(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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why are mods banning prople for making mock diss tracks on siberia?


Mr.Porky Mr. Porky get outta here
We all know it's us you gotta fear
Ya talk alotta smack
but you got nothing but jack
Your money's a scam
You've got human-kind in a jam
We ain't takin' no more
We're coming for you, ya whore!


They're rightists who want to kill this website.


It's an obvious shitpost, or is the OP image not obviously demonstrative of that? It's a lot more fun to play around with rap battles than mull over the repetitive and boring online culture-war drama that brings NOTHING to the table.

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