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Gen Alpha seems based tbh
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Hating the newer generations and reminiscing about the "Good old Days" seems to be the only constant across all of human history and culture.


nothing ever happens?



the link you cited says the quote is correct though


Read the update from 2019. It's fake.


Hello, I'm an Authoritarian Communist Revolutionary Progressive who is an adherent to Leninism and is a worker. I want to visit a Far-Left Website (Preferably one that is against Conservatism) so I can interact with like-minded people. Any good websites?

Note: I am an American who was born in 1974 and has hated the country. I am an Anti-Zionist and a supporter of the PFLP. I am militant in my ideology.
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This face looks like a hybrid of Sam Harris and Destiny, like scientists toiled for years to genetically engineer the man who would most want to bomb the middle east.


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you can always tell by the eyes being in the direct center


G'day to you too agent! Oh wait… wasn't supposed to say that. Pls ignore.


Greeting fellow AuthLeft socialist progressive. I'm going to make a Google doc for fellow progressives to fill out. Remember, don't use Tor or VPNs, use clearnet. Post your real name, location and picture. Real revolutionaries aren't anonymous cowards.

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A liberal revisionist social fascist professor and welfare leech was teaching a class on Norway, a first-world imperialist stronghold.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Norway and accept that it was the most socialist society the world has ever known, even more socialist than the Soviet Union!"

At this moment, a brave, dialectical materialist, anti-revisionist marxist-leninist-hoxhaist-maoist who had watched over 1500 Hakim and Second Thought videos and understood the necessity of a planned economy and fully supported all executions ordered by Comrade Lavrentiy Beria stood up and held up a copy of Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution.

"Is the minimum wage socialist?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "Of course it is you stupid dogmatist!"

"Agreed. As Rosa Luxemburg said, a minimum wage would be impossible under capitalism, because it conflicts with the laws of the capitalist system, the bourgeoisie would never allow it. So if Norway is socialist, why doesn't it have a minimum wage?"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Capital in the 21st Century. He stormed out of the room crying those socdem crocodile tears. The same tears the moderate wing of fascism cries for the "poor" (who will never rise up and overthrow the government if they get free healthcare and college) which it tries in vain to help through a system that could only ever be temporary, unlike socialism in Russia, which still exists today. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Martin Luther King Jr, wished he had read Lenin and become more than a reformist class-collaborationist professor.

The students applauded and all registered PSL that day and accepted Joseph Stalin as their lord and savior. An eagle named "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" flew into the room and perched atop the Russian flag and shed a tear on the chalk. Concerning the International Situation was read several times, and Karl Marx himself showed up and established a one-party state following the correct ideological line all across the country.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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> dont forget that the union movement is massive in america

In the united states? Really?



No it is not. You are wrong.


quit name-dropping timeless philosophers to make urself look smart


>The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly

you forgot to edit the copypasta to say he smirked quite revisionistly


Am I the only one who feels like the world just isn't fun anymore?

I'm now in the middle of my 30s and remember how much fun things were back between 2010-2016. People had a sense of humour back then. You could be authentically edgy and people wouldn't look at you like you were the most despicable person in the world. People didn't hate you if you were enjoying your life or had a warm outlook on everything. Now it feels like everyone has turned into a giant malignant asshole or stick-in-the-mud who despises everything and anything. You're not "allowed" to be curious. You're not "allowed" to be funny or edgy. You're not "allowed" to enjoy little pleasures without being condemned.

If I had to pin the blame on anything, I'd say Trump, covid, and now the dual wars of Ukraine and Gaza have ripped the fun out of everything. Sure, the economy collapsed back in 2008, but those of us who were adults or nearly-adults at that time had ways of dealing with it that simply don't exist now. We still had fun. We had spaces we could go to where we could enjoy life in spite of the failed economy and uncertainty about our futures. Now it feels like there's zero outlet to deal with anything and everyone knows the ship has almost completely sunk.

I hate it. I don't even think it's an age thing really because people ten or 15 years younger than me are just as nasty and malignant as people in my age group. I want to go back to a simpler time.
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>Things simply went down the shitter from 2012 onwards
is 2012 the new 2007 now


im sure your pet cats will keep you happy well into your 50s
kek to you, sir!


i hate cats


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you're overthinking. offline people aren't the way you describe. i prescribe grass. both the kind you touch and the kind you smoke


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all the videos i make i post on imageboards. because that's where it makes sense to post them. i don't expect google to host a masterpiece like cheka_twist_his_nuts.mp4


does this song that sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler is a parody of promote a toxic view of romance


Moved to >>>/music/12147.

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 No.456918[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your best results from AI generators, could be DALL-E 3 (free here with a Microshit account: https://www.bing.com/images/create ), Stable Diffusion, or anything. Coomers slightly allowed but don't flood the thread pls I want it more shitposting/curiosities focused.
Also you can just post AI memes, doesn't need to be original.
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was* (platauing due to hardware)


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wawa adventurer


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Pretty solid. Ironic too considering what happened this year on the 9th of May.


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This Women vs Bear meme of the week is some of the most First World shit I've seen in recent days. At least the memes are funny.

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>Prior to this, efforts like "The Ballad of Donald White" and "The Death of Emmett Till" had been fairly simplistic bouts of reportage songwriting. "Blowin' in the Wind" was different: for the first time, Dylan discovered the effectiveness of moving from the particular to the general.

>a song as vague as "Blowin' in the Wind" could be applied to just about any freedom issue.

Isn't something that can be applied to anything, bad? In capitalism, vagueness is more profitable as they can be used more seamlessly

But doesn't that kill uniqueness


to be "vague" means it can be universal. Maybe it will not be unique, but will still hold ground for centuries. "Blowing in the wind" is a music of change, and the world is always changing. "Ms tambourine man", a song about the misery of the world, still talks about the overall world of today, etc, etc.
You can say this practice was used even before capitalism. Religious text books, parables, were so vague, and did not represent any moment or people in particular, that even today people from all around the world, from the most different of backgrounds and views, can identify and justify their behavior with the little information they got from those texts. This vagueness that makes it open for relativization, is what makes it useful to justify a variety of things, and make people all over the world identify with its content.


you make a good argument

reading more about his songs

>Less than a month after Dylan recorded the song, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. The next night, Dylan opened a concert with "The Times They Are a-Changin'"; he told biographer Anthony Scaduto, "I thought, 'Wow, how can I open with that song? I'll get rocks thrown at me.' But I had to sing it, my whole concert takes off from there. I know I had no understanding of anything. Something had just gone haywire in the country and they were applauding the song. And I couldn't understand why they were clapping, or why I wrote the song. I couldn't understand anything. For me, it was just insane

this guy is so high

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Did you wish your mother a 'Happy Mother's Day' today?

I did not.
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Yes, we've had our disagreements in the past but we are bonded to family by blood. She's still my mom. And she contended with some real shit circumstances over the course of becoming a mother. I still have to thank her for her role in molding me into the person I am today during my most formative years.


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>Did you wish your mother a 'Happy Mother's Day' today?


I'm not American, we celebrate it on another day.



No, since the true Mother's Day is March the 8th, not the 2nd Sunday of May or the like.

Women had helped mankind's livelihood.

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 No.524561[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I want accountability. I'm fat, impatient, lazy, and undisciplined. In this thread, I'll catalogue my process from weak useless parasite, to strong paragon of the proletariat.

I'll post here everyday with updates.

My goals are to reach and maintain my weight, exercise regularly, and make a certain amount of money every day.

I'll add more detail later on. Feedback is welcome all along the way.
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looking forward to this haul


>useless parasite
>paragon of the proletariat
This is extremely fucking spooked. But you are a weakling, thanks for pointing this out.
>morally superior food


Good luck, OP


proteinbros… is it over?
based agrochemist telling me the human body needs 10g/day protein
also really interesting stuff about ammonium nitrate pollution in the air amidst other stuff i already knew, not done yet, check it out


I just remembered this "shards of broken glass" comment and came back to post this from the Upanishads (cited after Wikipedia actually, don't sue me)

He who sees himself in all beings,
And all beings in him,
attains the highest Brahman,
not by any other means.

—Kaivalya Upanishad 10

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Me on the right.

Pls sar what da phuck is dis
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My brother in god (who is a femdom), I look up femdom tag on motherless and this came amongst the results, I click on it and it sends me to a rabbit hole of race femdom.
Some hindutvas are so politically horny I'm honestly impressed


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