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the meme I posted is making fun of people saying '1984' to things.


Yea I know.
Thats why Im adding my opinion.


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I am deeply convinced that the entire "Marxist-Leninist" falsification was a huge coping mechanism by Stalin in response to feeling theoritically indaquate to Bukharin.
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>Stalinoid calling anyone a cultiist


the man who constantly adapts to the world around him may one day unwittingly find himself in a revolutionary position by quirk of history, the man who constantly obsesses over the minutiae of theory will stand lost in idle thought forever. inaction and cargo-cult behaviour are by far the greater sin of modern communists.


I want you to give me a specific example of what you mean.


"Adapting to the world" to MLs means liberal market reforms and cuckceeding to the West.


<Real Marxism is psychobabble gossip about people you have never met and following a messiah from the right line of lineage of Great Men.

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me in the middle




what kind of séxo will occur in the honeymoon? cbt séxo maybe? futa séxo perhaps? edging pegging chastity cage double femdom séxo perchance????


>edging pegging chastity cage double femdom séxo perchance????




berserk mode btw


I know they reject the word of Our Comrade Joseph Stalin (PBUH) but it seems unfair to me that they should get tortured for eternity in Gulag. Surely Comrade Stalin (PBUH) in His infinite mercy will forgive their misguided souls in the end and lead them to the righteous path of Marxism-Leninism, right?
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Heaven doesn't exist, so they will go to where they were before they were born like everybody else.
The term "tankie" is simply "commie" for today's era.


it's a pretty theory, but a good number of people who use the term tankie are self-declared communists.
(like all words, the fun part is the massive conceptual stretching involved.)


the thing is the people who openly declare themselves as tankies do very much fit the stereotype and that's why I still you use the term.


Yes but only if they publicly repent from their Trotskyite deviationism in front of a certified People's Imam who has memorized all of Das Kapital


Stalin was a counter revolutionary, the USSR was a failed state closer to capitalism. Nothing to discuss.

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If you ask a 19th century British man what the most enduring legacy of the British empire would be he'd probably say things like Anglicanism, steam engine and the Royal Navy; but nope, it's actually Tea, America and cricket, and two of those are not even strictly British.
What about you yankees? What do you think the most enduring legacy of America would be? What is the thing that, centuries from now, people will see and think of the Star-Spangled Banner?
Israel-Palestine? Corn syrup? E-sports?
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it's true Though


the legacy of the public school system and the ritual molestation and abuse of young boys to shape them into the leaders of tomorrow. the empire might be gone but bourgs around the world still send their kids to England to be educated


That's China tho.


>That said, it's crazy how Americans created so many things during the 20th century that are now ubiquitous.
It only makes sense when capitalism developed the fastest there first tbh.

I think most people still associate e-sports to South Korea.


i dont associate products of human creativity and intuition to countries


eaux l'irony

sabine NATOfelder publishes a video asking why scientific progress is slowing down after defending capitalism
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Someone send her that Graeber essay on the topic.


this one too

>3:46 But the next problem was that the head of the institute made a lot of money with selling textbooks.

>4:58 It made me realize that this institute wasn’t about knowledge discovery. It was about money making. And the more I saw of academia, the more I realized it wasn’t just this particular institute and this particular professor. It was generally the case.

>6:48 The result is a paper production machine, in which students and postdocs are burnt through to bring in money for the institution.

>10:12 I applied for grants on research projects because it was a way to make money, not because I thought it would leave an impact in the history of science.

>10:40 But I knew it was bullshit just as most of the work in that area is currently bullshit

>11:02 on the side I would do the research that I thought was worth my time but that I couldn’t get money for because it was too far off the mainstream. But that research never got done because I had to do the other stuff that I actually got paid for. Then COVID came and it reminded me how short life really is. I pivoted, applied for funding on the research that I wanted to do, that I was rather afraid wouldn’t get funded. It didn’t get funded. And so here we are, on YouTube.


SÈX with Sabine Hossenfelder


natural science has been shafted out for decades by theoretical scientists and computers.
Like, people still imagine the "scientific method" is still in effect, but everything is managed through statistics now.
Ironically its usually the "soft sciences" like sociology that actually get any ground data today.


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The poison of theoretical science is how people literally believe in "the multiverse" because its communicated as a contrivance from a bunch of mathematics.
They say "we know more about space than the ocean" which might be true, but this shows how space is a void that we project "findings" into. The death of science is the abandonment of science for simulation. But this is the movement of modernity into postmodernity by the same measure.
The death of science is a technical and ontological issue, not just "economic".


How do you fellow leftoids on this dead site cope with the fact that you're never gonna see socialism in your.lifetime?
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Chances are it won't happen in centuries but that doesn't mean we should stop trying to unite the proletariat as one.


He had a way with words, though a few quotes were translators taking some artistic liberties that didn't distract from the main point but still sound prettier than the original German.


Positive spin: Lenin didn't have any respected guides to forestry, so he wrote them himself! :D

We just need to keep building on the movements we have, learning and correcting their deficits, understanding and building on their successes, and formulating our forestry guides from there, once we can better identify soil because we've experimented with it more, and once we've turned our few seeds into many seeds. (still, the science of planting seeds isn't the science of protecting trees from fungus, drought, and insects! There's always more we don't know. But people have gotten relatively far regardless of that fact. That proves that not knowing isn't a real obstacle, it's a cry for our parents to help us that keeps us from getting up and doing it ourselves!) <3


>let's make communism about whatever the fuck we want
Why are lib leftoids like this??????


what is communism about and how do you contribute to this. answer immediately and honestly so i can brand you a naive imbecile or an honest loser, otherwise you will be forever branded a coward. if you answer with anything except (a) a definition of communism or "what communism is about" and (b) an explanation of how you contribute to this cause, you will be branded an imbecile coward.
do what i say: answer now or never post again.


Skibidi 73 full episode just dropped


actual brainrot




Damn, the big guys got wrecked pretty hard. Still pretty sweet how the Camera Titan picks the Speaker Titan up with his claw and gives him a ride on his back.
Also, the brainrot is canon. Look closely at the guy without headphones on the left in the last scene. He visibly twitches and grimaces when the leader of survivor squad starts talking to Camerawoman.


QRD on cameramen? Are they imperialist?

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does anyone else have incredibly dry eyes? they burn all day and it makes me so uncomfortable. how do i get rid of it? im pretty sure theyve been like this all my life.
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medicine is bullshit and doctors are bourgeois. i'd much rather try to find a solution online first
yeah, caffeine does help a bit. do you also have dry eyes? what kind of eye drops do you use?


I just use any old things that make it look less like I took fat rips 30 min ago. I should probably be more choosy.
I'm convinced what improves your metabolism is food with a high thermal energy loss in digestion like protein and complex carbs


Watch the whole series of Madoka every day, the tears will keep your eyes moist.


Because you forgot to blink when staring at the computer, dunkass.


take prozac

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