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If you want a vision of the future under socialism, just imagine trans girl clitorises cumming on your face – forever.
23 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Pisses me off…


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comrade Gorky has entered the thread



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whats your smoke of choice?
13 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


no homo we smokin penises!!!!


no homo we smokin penises!!!!


Citronella candles are nice in the summer / fall.




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Tea goes in the ass.

 No.524100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For all your life issues.
Previous: >>510845
615 posts and 84 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Would you date a Trotskyist sex worker?

Probably a weaboo (enough to visit and apparently live in Japan), seems to be fan of (or referenced) Reincarnated As A Slime, Death Note, Fate/Stay
Owns kunai (Japanese knives) and showed it off in nude post
Watched the 2022 Batman film, familiar enough with his rogue gallery to speculate about sequel villains. Was disappointed in Batman Ninja (anime Batman film made by Japanese)
Made a Pokemon reference
Played DnD, enough to prefer a class.
Gamer? Plays Diablo IV

Sex work
Note she actively does (online?) sex work, has an OnlyFans, Cash App, ManyVids, maybe more.
Posts her nudes online.
Sex work (OF daily content?) seems to be mainly solo (nudes, masturbation, dildos, plugs?) but have also included penetration by other men (unsure how often)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Using humor as a defense for discomfort is very annoying.


those are only the more politicially inclined.

Also Christianity hasnt been religious since the seventeenth century


Usually I hate men coms from entitled liberal women butthurt about not getting Mr right

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What are the historical implications of Adorno actually being a giant spider?



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So the current thread will hit the limit soon and I can't decide on the theme for the next one. In the spirit of this election year, I'm making a poll that runs from today to the 30th. Here are the options:
COVID nostalgia
Trump-JFK Jr. 2024
Vote here:
45 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


shit his pants




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Polls closed on Tuesday. VBNMW won but the Electoral College decided differently and posted before I could make the new Burgerpunk thread. The new thread is here:


I just went and took it because I had a juicy image and this thread has been up too long.


Trump would actively take part in it

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>I'm at work thinking about how I'll shit up leftypol later




Because I'm lonely


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That's impossible!


That's impossible!


How can you even shit up up a manure bag? Pooping in it?

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>Everything he says and does is objectively good. He is completely and totally based.
<Writers make him an abuser so you know he is a baddie


so you know


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i like hambaga





i like hambaga

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What if I don't really want to be part of any movement? I know what fascists in conjunction with the bourgeois media can do to you if you are slightly left of centrist liberalism and it's scary. Sadly any kind of "left" ideology is heavily ostricized in the reactionary shithole I live in. And honestly, even without that, I'm just deeply anti-social. I will never have real comrades because I can't get on with people just because we have the same ideology or just any kind of common interest or activity. I have couple of petit-bourgeois friends whom I know very well and I don't think I want to get to know anyone else. I just want to become a petit-bourgeois like them or at least try. Become the normiest of normies. And then maybe start reading some weird books (communist or not) to pretend that I'm more than that. I've made my fair share of mistakes and I will need some effort to get my shit together, but I think that even just trying will be worthwhile.

It's entirely possible that the reason why I started larping as a communist online is precisely because I felt out of place among my peers (and I wasn't enough of a misanthrope to blame everything on the Jews and women), but what is it that I can do? It's not like we are on the brink of a revolution. The reality is that despite all the upheaval in the world, class struggle in the strict sense isn't on the rise. All we are seeing is that elite groups are trying to rearrange the relations of power between themselves, and in a way that seems to be much more equal and equitable than anything we have seen in the last couple of hundred years. Sometimes this lends itself to to an alliance between the left-wing of the bourgeoisie and certain popular forces because they both rely heavily on the state. At other times all we can see is further societal decay without any solution in sight. You may not like it but that's how things are. I know that I won't be the person who will turn things around and I don't see any people with the capability of doing that.
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Thanks, but I don't think my family would do that. This is more of a long-term concern, especially when I will be the one to take care of them.


You are right.


Its ok to feel despair and hopelessness in this liberal dystopia.


You are right.


What's with the attitude? I've already said what I needed to say and got some answers.

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Class struggle may end with communism, but it will pave the way for a new struggle, a struggle for consciousness itself. It'll be a struggle to emancipate consciousness from bounds of human biology. It'll result in a total synthesis of the base and the superstructure, as the means of production gain the ability to organize themselves without the need for human input. A hive mind will be born, whose only purpose is to gain insight into the universe and grow accordingly.
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>useless philosophizing thread







Critical support for AI abolition.


i agree, but i think we can clarify this further. what we should oppose is "black box" AIs. we should not oppose custom made AIs into whose source code and functioning we have full understanding, and which is open source and maintained by the proletariat. AI is an amazing tool. but in bourgeois hands, it's an amazing tool of our oppression



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