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>Multipolarity good
<Ok, so neither Beijing nor Washington
>Nooooo not like that
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Nazi germany


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buddy , i get enough bipolarity at home ! 😂😂🤣🍻


whatever canadian, seek palliative care


>and like most of the economy is state owned…
<In the context of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), state-owned enterprises are a major contributor to GDP and employment. According to a 2014 study by the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations, they account for around 80% of GDP and employment.
(source: https://theforum.erf.org.eg/2018/01/23/corporate-ownership-performance-united-arab-emirates/)

<By the end of 2021, figures from the ministry said that assets controlled by SOEs are worth Rp 9 trillion, or equal to 53 percent of Indonesia's GDP.

(source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/business/2022/10/19/indonesia-showcases-state-owned-enterprises-success-in-g20-forum.html.)

<[In 2016], the Norwegian state owns a large number of business enterprises. The state controls around 35 percent of the total values on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and five of the seven largest listed companies are partially owned by the state, ranging from 34 to 64 percent.

(source: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/enterprise-and-society/article/abs/context-and-contingency-explaining-state-ownership-in-norway/9692E949E6DED9815D79B0CC5DB8D30F)

Glory to the UAE, Indonesia and Norway! Long live comrades Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Joko Widodo and Jonas Gahr Støre!

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I was at a supermarket today, when two gypsy children approached me and, I am not even 100% sure because they phrased it weirdly, begged for money. Every time something like this happens, I am faced with suffering, I get washed by a wave of overwhelming anxiety and my brain starts screaming at me to get out, I mumbled "no" and basically run away. Couple seconds later I regained my composure, felt horribly bad, looked around for them to give them some money but didnt see them anymore. Figured they are somewhere in the store, probably begging other people. Saw them across the aisle, went towards them but they were just leaving the store, didnt buy anything. I quickly finished my shopping and hoped to find them hanging out somewhere outside, near the store or nearby streets, but to no avail.
I have felt like shit entire day, thinking, maybe I was the only person in that store they asked for help, maybe they looked at me and though "that looks like a good person, lets go to him", and I fucked up, impaired a lesson of indifference and cruelty, no different from all the other indifferent and cruel subhumans this world is filled with.
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But i also think we reserve the right to say "no" loud and clear without feeling guilty


Quality post


You have no right, and no responsibility. Stop hiding behind abstractions. You choose to help, or you choose not to.


Then i choose not to help strangers
But i'll help people i know


They probably ask everyone they come across anon idk why you think you were the only person that could help them. They also probably have resources other than the charity of strangers to get by on. I gave a homeless guy that didnt even ask and was in the middle of scarfing down a bag of chips and a coffee 20 bucks yesterday and didn't feel any better for it


>muh taxes
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it's a meme to make fun of burger lolberts, not a diploma showing you graduated from marx academy


Lolberts worship small business owners, not hereditary firms


some thieloids do think investors etcetera are the most important entrepreneurs, who create jobs. depends what kind of libertarian retard we're dealing with.
not for showing off how much you know about marxism but for showing off how much better marxist analysis of how people get fucked is. a lot of leftist meme groups online lean towards discussion of how people get fucked by their employers, which is great, but people have a lot of other things in their lives ruining them.
i am tired of seeing leftoids on social media fucking up analysis of how the abnormally high wages of western workers get wasted on legal, medical, auto, housing debt/rent which goes to banks, suppliers jacking up prices on everything while simultaneously cutting costs at the expense of low income countries and migrant workers, this is the fabric of modern life and people learn from this analysis that it goes much further than being mad at your boss (which I am, and it rules how mad I am at my boss and you are etc)


see I forgot to list off motherfucking education, alright I'm gonna make my own meme when I get home you're right


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>So while you may make 40K annually in gross, you're likely to only have 5-7K as remaining income in the absolute best case scenario if you literally buy the cheapest products and don't spend on anything except the bare necessities. Yet you're still taxed for the full 40K.
No you're not. The income tax is progressive. It varies depending on the country, but the first say, 15,000 dollars you make is taxed less than the next say, 30,000 dollars you make after that. Poor people pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes precisely because poor people spend a larger percentage of their income on necessities like rent and food.
>The thing about taxes is that essentially it penalizes you for making money
No they don't. That's not how tax brackets work. It's impossible to lose money by increasing one's income, because taxes are levied within brackets. The tax you pay on your 15,000 dollars is not the tax you pay on your next 30,000 dollars, so there is never any point where you're punished for making money. The income tax merely serves to diminish returns on income, which is good for the poor and bad for the rich, hence why the income tax is one of the most progressive taxes in existence.
>and you suddenly have to pay a government that doesn't take care you very much as is on top of that
The reason the government doesn't take care of you very much is because it doesn't have very much tax revenue. If you want a larger welfare state (and you should), you should desire much higher taxes.
>taxes under capitalism is another form of stealing
Theft is okay if it's for the greater good. Property rights are defined and enforced by the state and it can alter society's property norms in whatever way produces the most beneficial outcome.
>Money that is supposed to pave roads, fund healthcare and provide other forms of welfare is instead directed to the US government to do shit like send billions of dollars to Ukraine or invest in absolute garbage like the F-35 or hell, cover the tax-cuts of the rich and shameless
Most US tax money goes to pay for social programs like social security and medicare. Look at this breakdown.
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How is this not considered cruel and unusual punishment, even by American standards?
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Autistic people do much better in prison than allistics do. We prefer routine, alone time, etc.


Idk. You proabbly would get ired of beung locked in a metal cage surrounded by others. You barely get any alone time and every amenity you have is barely enjoyable.


Better than being a wage slave in capitalism. A lot of autistic people can’t live alone anyway.


You would get eaten alive by psychopaths in prison.


Still better than living without assistance in capitalism.

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It's time for your daily dose
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it's may 13th


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> dubbed anime

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make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after chopping peppers. DO NOT take a piss without first washing your hands after chopping peppers.
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Once i was chopping vegetables for a curry. Not a good curry mind, just one of those daily curries that you gotta make to keep yourself alive. I chopped a chili and i swear a fucking chili seed fleck flicked into my eye.
It hurt, but not as much as the disappointment i got from my dad. Watching across the kitchen was Jamie Oliver, my father. "it's alright mate" he sighed. "you get em next time" he tapped my back but it was clear that his heart wasn't in it anymore.
He needed me to soar but all i was capable of doing was getting chili in my eye.
It was burning really hot at this point but i couldn't let down my father. I couldn't add insult to injury by screaming out like a usual person would. We were fourth generational chefs. We do not show pain.
He slowly left the room, a cold chill ran down my back. What if my father wouldn't let me take over the family business? What if Olivers olives fell into the hands of another.
I thought about that and concluded that that would be a bit shit.


Why would you use your hands on your PP? Personally, I just piss in the bathroom with a superman pose.


> Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
- Oscar Wilde


one time my friend was fingered after a guy ate spicy wings, when will men learn


Not OP.
Bruh, I'm born and raised in Mexico, I forget EVERY FUCKING TIME. Washing your hands doesn't even do much if you're cutting actually spicy peppers. Your fingertips will burn all day, and you'll be like fire Midas, making everything you touch turn into fire.

Don't touch your eyes either. Fucking suuuuucks. The best you can do is use gloves or use a fork to avoid touching the peppers.

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Can a straight person have intense homoerotic fantasies? I know this sounds like trolling but the only reason i don't call myself a bisexual is because this happened very, very rarely to me. Like i can count on one hand how much this has happened throughout my whole life; the rest of the time i am overwhelmingly heterosexual.
Was just wondering whether this is just some biological quick in our sexuality evolution hasn't solved or something
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Bruuuuuuh gay people have been forced into straight relationships for centuries. What the fuck are you on about?


Well according to the red pill now you may be straighter than any guy having casual sex with women.


Bro, you’re gay


Is only gay if the balls touch.


I'm obviously talking about people who do it willingly.

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>average Mormon looking for a job on his way to choose between working for the CIA or the FBI or at the Pentagon
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shut your bitch ass up glowboy
don't soil the magic undies


Speak for yourself.


I know from first and secondhand experience. Just lie for anything that isn't written down. Obviously you'll need to let drugs in your system pass, afterwards, just lie.


>I know from first and secondhand experience.
You know from first and secondhand experience about how the burger intelligence agencies do drug testing?


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Maybe he really did bleach his skin…


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Bolsheviks also wore red armband


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I originally searched for soviet red armband but that Mao pic turned up and it was better.


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>During one interview, Jackson said: "Hitler was a genius orator. To make that many people turn and change and hate, he had to be a showman and he was."

>Boteach then asked the star: "You believe that if you had an hour with Hitler you could somehow touch something inside of him?"

>Jackson replied: "Absolutely. I know I could."

>He went on to argue that nobody is totally evil, adding: "You have to help them, give them therapy, teach them that somewhere, something in their life went wrong."

>Boteach, 42, who recorded more than 30 hours of interviews with Jackson, told The Sun: "Michael despised what Hitler had done. When it came to believing he could heal Hitler, that was hopeless naïvety."

He just wanted to Captain EO him. (Zoomers won't understand this reference)


"Whoever condemns Jewish capital, gentlemen, is already engaged in the class struggle, even though he does not realize it." - Ruth Fischer
Well, is it true?
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It's me. That's my name.


Thx. I don't actually support Iran, I just wanna see this board opinion on this.


nope youre as stupid as the libs who root for the "little guy"


I never said i was a simp for victorian factory owners, im just saying there is an inherent class contradiction in the elites


My politics are judeo-bolchevism. We will destroy the economy, human rights and bring an end to the white demon reign.

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