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Why do students get those long ass summer breaks? They just forget everything they learned and it puts a lot of burden on their working parents.
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The sharp contrast between how easy and full of rest life is as a kid vs how fucking exploited you are as a working adult is still something I can't fully wrap my head around as a young person who just entered the workforce.
In my backwards ass country, children/students get around 60 days of vacation per year + many day-off holidays while adults/workers get only 12 days per year (used to be 8 before 2023) and 48 hour workweeks and that's ONLY if you're lucky enough to work for an employer that actually respects labour laws.
No wonder every "functioning" adult I know is some kind of depressed alcoholic or suffers from some kind of chronic pain/illness.


t. manchild


Yea but the thing is kids have no freedom of play nor money.
And pop culture brainwashes you to think its ok


More breaks are always good. Mandatory strike for everyone, and the police cant put you in jail because of It. That is what vacations is basically


Apparently adults have a problem with kids having any form of break.
Yet they preach about the joys of childhood

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I've got a tank that is nitrous and sulfer.

Can I just inhale this raw or do I need to work out how to filter the sulfer out somehow? I'm just wanting to get lit
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That's not food safe nor is it good for your lungs. Seriously don't inhale it.


youre supposed to be huffing nitrous OXIDE genius…


oh nvm i thought op was huffing something called nitrous sulfur which probably doesnt exist


bro thinks he's a souped up honda


Are you going to listen to the Grateful Dead?


The eurovision eurofinal eurothread for all your 2024's euromusical needs


Imagine spending your Saturday evening watching this talmudic slopfest lmao


So who won? Shouldn't this be over by now?


For better or for worse, none of my friends really wanted to see it this year. I don't have the interest of watching it alone, but I am a hungry bitch for drama.
Please post any highlights.

Also, the Joost dutch guy that got disqualified, on one hand, it's nice that he was a sacrificial lamb to increase the chaos, drama, and hate for the sionists. On the other hand, their song was a pro-EU song. I'm sorry but I can't support people who support the EU. So on both of those sides, I think it was nice he got disqualified.

>talmudic slopfest


The whole drama made it the only interesting Eurovision since ever.

Still didn't watch. The music is so fucking dogshit everytime (except Ukraine 2007)


What was the drama?


Is this the correct way to address transphobia?
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posting pbf is cheating


ok this is pretty funni


we get it, i'm 32 now so I'm old and cringe. just shoot me and make a new one


reddit tier switcheroo

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 No.533377[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

porn industry proves Marx right

>The 39-year-old adult entertainer, who has been in the industry for almost 20 years, said in a new interview that anal sex brings in the most cash.

>White, who hails from Australia, explained that filming anal takes the most time to prepare for, therefore, she's compensated more.

>'If I'm working for another company and I'm doing anal, anal requires more labor time,' she said on the Life Uncut podcast in March.

>'There's a process that we go through to clean out and prepare for anal, so more labor time, equals more money.'

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depending on the type of video, these shots take hours or days. you think they feel immense pleasure for hours on end? they do need to actually perform this shit. this is discounting the fact that porn filimings are infamously rough on actresses, especially when it comes to anal. they're also at a premium because it's well known you can only perform so much anal until you start to get all sorts of digestive issues, including incontinence and prolapse.


anons, does this mean that bottoms are the trve proletariat


It's really not, you're either attractive to the other person and have chemistry or you don't. It comes intuitively and being in tune with your partner.


>there is more artistry in reading a line than in interpreting a piece of music on a given instrument
keep doubling down, lib


There objectively is lol. An actor is conveying the whole state of mind of a character. Reading a line has more opportunity for expression and variation just in the voice than there is for how to play a bar of a song. That's not to say one is better than the other, but to say that an actor has less creative input than a musician is totally absurd.

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what went wrong?
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I think op pic on left is better looking.

But if you gave me a choice between op pic on right vs Donald Trump in his thirties amd foeties I would choose Donald Trump in his thirties ans forties.


>being unkemt and ugly is a sign of adulthood

This is why things are going to ahit.
Maturation is too tied to aesthetics especially the negational kind.


Who are you even quoting?


Do not reply to Newgene dumbass


>Claiming "twink death" and it's just a person not being a teenager anymore.
yeah that's what twink death is


Hey guys,
After thinking about it for a good few years, Ive decided I want to be a dad. Now someone posted a very interesting book on here a few months ago. The crux of the book iirc was that most parenting advice is bullshit that confuses our natural parenting abilities that came free with evolution. I don't remember what it's called but Id like to check it out.

Pic unrelated but it's the album I'm listening to and the book I'm reading rn
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>theres no extensive screening for foster parents
Depends on nation/municipality. I've talked to foster parents who said it was a pain in the ass.


Well, always beware of evo-psych ideology
According to "evolution" strictly there should be more teen pregnancies


>I'll never forget when they gave her a shot in her spine.
FWIW that's fairly standard for them so it's not especially dangerous. They do it for a lot of women who are giving birth vaginally, to avoid feeling pain. Hopefully they didn't make it scarier than it needed to be for both of you.

>In my experience the diapers and crying isn't nearly as bad as when they start getting out of their beds on their own and running around and banging their head on shit.

People also drastically underestimate the power of parental instincts people have that makes them want to take care of a baby. It literally changes the way baby shit smells to you.


Thats good but not good enough.
I think biological parents should be put into the same pressure before procreating.

OP is probably another one these mediocre postboomer adults.


thats because that was when people gave birth back then. but tbh people shouldnt be procreating.

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I already have 3 clients this week, should i try to get more clients or just leave it this week?
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you can wear a dress and makeup anon


Lumpen response


nice cock bro


SÈX kulak detected


A true proletarian works on the base not on the superstructure. A strong foundation is necessary. The flashy vanity muscles smack of a petit-bougeois character

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 No.440715[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Which group of people have the best/worst feet? The biggest/smallest, cleanest/nastiest. Whose feet would you personally smell and lick, whose toes would you want in your mouth? If you have feet, post them here. It can be your feet or someone else’s.

This is the official thread for feets.
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Why? It's on topic… precisely on topic.

How the hell are these not even 18+'d up LMAO. Someone's gotta save and upload these before they get deleto'd.
Excellent compilation


I'm going to need sauce for every single one of those.


Part of female feet being "daintier" is due to cosmetics and lack of heavy exertion.

If women were socially conditioned to be as physical as men they wouldnt have such "dainty" looks.

Also "rugged" isnt universally masculine.

Also complimenting male physiwue isnt bait.

Death to gynocentrism in beauty


ive seen enough people on 4chan being attracted to huge women with huge feet or bara men feet to know what theres all kinds out there


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>huge women with huge feet
It's not the size, so much as the shape: female feet generally develop with higher arches and different shapes to men.
Also those are outliers. The majority of foot-fetish content since porn became widespread (1990s video-tapes to now) have been female focused and consumed primarily by males, male foot fetish is far less common and less in demand.

>Part of female feet being "daintier" is due to cosmetics and lack of heavy exertion
And the other part is puberty and sexual dimorphism.
Also your spacing is ass to read.
>"rugged" isnt universally masculine.
It generally is for male humans, great apes and hominids, it's part of sexual dimorphism.
>complimenting male physiwue isnt bait.
<'just' complimenting
<focusing on male ass in mating press porn


Why are these people so stupid? Furthermore, why must they control everything?
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you're right but you don't need to post this same thing 1000 times.


>why must they control everything
>born too late for WW2
>die too early for WW3
>grew up on the neetbux of FDR social democracy
>as adults became capitalist just as that social democracy was being deliberately rolled back
>got the benefits of a great society
>then got to plunder it from the next generation
>too stupid to even know how good they had it

don't get me wrong genpol is idpol but there is an element of trvthnvke to this


We're getting fucked over by GenX and Millennials now.


In the form of hijacked rehashed pop culture.
And neurotic helicopter parenting practices.


>the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois inherit reserves from their parents or proletarians accumulate enough reserves to join the middle-class as they get older
damn you dont say?

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