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>US presidential candidate literally has brain worms


complications from installing his implant. the next-gen ones don't have the same issues


The choices are between 3 old men with rotting brains
Even rome wasnt this scandalous
What happened, 'merica?


wait, he has a brain?!


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Ambiguous endings really are the best and I’ll never understand the kind of person who craves a clear cut answer.
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Fuck all these limp-dick rappers and chicken-shit gossip chasers. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck celebrity culture. Fuck the media! Fuck all of it!


The USSR was dismantled against the will of its people tho.


Which part of the "people"? Some wanted it gone, others stay, most didnt care much, wasnt dismantled against the will of the majority, but merely not in accordance with it, important difference.


>the USSR fell not because of its flawed non-marxist program in its inception and leaving the DotP behind but because "many people believed in something"
Holy fucking shit lmfao.

Communism isn't about "the will of "the people".


this isnt restricted to endings, most people just really don't understand directing or different ways of story-telling that aren't just 'beat the viewer over the head with every detail' in general

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Okay so i read basically all of plato and aristotle, and i learned some stuff, but it ultimately felt like a chore and i just did it for pseudointellectual and quasi-academic credit.
But when i listen to music and all of the sublime images enter my head and im filled with song and dance, i feel like i am being inspired by the truth; some poetic truth of my being. Like love. It feels worthy and transcendent, where dialog and argumentation feels draining and trite.
For example, i even read decartes' "principles of philosophy" today and he admits that all he is doing is re-stating a "most ancient and common" perspective immanent to philosophy.
So here i do not see an "intellectual" revolution in modernity, but modernity is clearly the site of History as such; of "progress" (by whichever measure) and the self-movement of a self-referential subjectivity, which i would argue is not from a new metaphysical grounding (as vulgar historians would have it), but of a *cultural* or *artistic* development instead.
Marxists would argue that it is technology, but my feeling is that the superstructure has primacy in such things.
even hephaestus had his "mechanical women" in his dwelling. I would argue instead that mechanics takes its leading role from class interests of producers rather than some historical determinacy
So basically what im saying is that philosophy is totally circular and even by fichte's conception (which is later adapted by lenin and althusser), the real battle is between materialism and idealism (which is also what aristotle's "de anima" and "metaphysics" is implicitly about - how all of the presocratics where materialists, and how only socrates, the pythagorians and plato are idealists in different proportions).
So philosophy is ultimately dichotomous. You either believe in God or you dont basically (or you believe in the *anti-god* of atheism). Its sophistry properly boils down to a normative theology. This to me is good though since it grounds thought in the social, and thus gives self-reference to lofty contemplation.
So here i return to the fundamental contradiction of philosophy; namely, socrates' daemon/muse, which in his imprisonment, beckoned him to put aesop's fables into prose (against the supposed "higher" 'music' of philosophy), and this to me (in "phaedo", the final socratic dialog), is the most beautiful image since it harkens back to Plato's own life.
Plato originally was aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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That won't make you any less wrong.


So birds can feel a "strategic" despair but not an indulgent sorrow? Pets feel depressed all the time like humans. I think its weird when 'evolutionary' thinkers explain away animals' dignities as "instincts" but always forget that we are animals too.
I think in both cases it is very dangerous and morally wrong. The cow put in the slaughterhouse today is us tomorrow. Just look at how war turns men into meat. I see a broader equality in nature.


shut up chvd. animals DO mourn


How small is your God if His domain is found only in passion? If He is only present in the rare sublime? And to humble Him to the smallest of particles, a god only for you.

If God is real, then he must be, greater than what one can feel. Even in the lowly cell or the great expanse, God would be greater still. Then that would mean that there can be no piece of matter that is not Him.

But that's not all, or shall I say, that is all, but one last thing, if one can call it such a name, and that's nothing. For if he is all, then that means He is all that is and nothing. And so it seems that one must say that if God is then He is also nothing.

If God then is everything and nothing, then God can't be any particular thing. Which means that anything you try to reduce God to will necessarily be wrong. You can't even say He exists because then you deny his nonexistence. And neither can you say He doesn't exist because you deny his existence, hence reducing Him to a particularly.

Therefore, God can neither exist nor not exist.


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If God cannot be felt then he is rescinded from his object of knowledge except in mere concept, which is what i rebel against; deism.
But like you say, is my "god" some mere phantom of my interest then? Am i an idolator?
Perhaps, but my worship is something "true" in the way of things. It is "objective" in its self-relation (the same way a gay guy is "objectively" gay; even if he is closeted, his "truth" speaks through his lie, the same way any lie is in itself self-deceptive, which inverts a lie into the truth).
So thats why i think the anthropormophised God of myth is perfectly fine, the same way Kant's "understanding" is equally human, where his "noumemon" is also irrelevant, and i think thats proper. Meaning, even in occult terms, that the "true god" is not the creator, but the lord of the age - this is the preconditioning of our subjectivity; like how in the west we are all christians, even if we dont believe (our unbelief is a constitutive aspect of christian faith, even like the prodigal son, and in the case of evil atheists, they choose the devil instead, so still need the christian myth to ground themselves).
Basically, as per german idealism, i support a subjectively-objective world (the world of history, providence and revelation), not the unrepresentable world of "matter" (the gnostic "barbalos"; pure ideology! so to say..)

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Alunya would prefer being kissed on the forehead instead of obtaining those blank commodities though.


that's nice


No its not. Waste of resources.


Yes it is, for the individual, that's the problem. Just like suburbs they are "nice".


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>some bourgeois pig names his boat alunya
>all search engines now return this instead of alunya on images
it's a conspiracy to drown out our based catgirl agitprop!!!!


How common is this thing? Is it truly bad?
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Do you happen to have any Chels yourself?


CRINGE is a toxic label or TOXIC is a cringe label?



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why does this all look AI generated?

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Under anarchism, human resources departments will be abolished. Management of a company's affairs will be handled by a committee of elected workers. No write-ups, no masters (also human resources "professionals" will be purged as members of the petit bourg)


And no, I'm not saying this because it's the third time this week I've been reported for "sexual" harassment

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Are you enjoying your tittytainment today? Cracking open a nice cold beer and fapping to Brazzers while simultaneously watching football? Consuming much?

Who will win? Who will lose? Place your bets here. And go gambling later.
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Where are those titties, mate?


In Mbappé's mouth.
Lest you wanted photos, in which case consult pornhub.com or wait for spoilered images.


Lol rip


as long as theyre not hairy


I can't take Bayern Munich nor Paris seriously. The only real football is in the UK, Iberia and Latin America.


As leftists, we should petition Square to put Kingdom Hearts on Steam


Let's give the capitalists a bigger market


Kingdom Hearts is inherently socialist. The Heartless are an analogue for capitalism and Sora is Karl Marx


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>The Heartless are an analogue for capitalism


Why is the princess a human when a mouse is the king though?


the mouse king was cucked

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420chan.org redirects here. Communists have finally triumphed the libertarians
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Marx: Son of vineyard owning petit bourgeoisie, married into old aristocratic family
Engels: Heir to bourgeois factory owner, eventually became bourgeois himself after receiving father's inheritance to fund communist operations
Lenin: Well-to-do educated middle peasant, family had local school board officials
Fidel: Son of a plantation owner
Che: Educated and from a wealthy family, medical professional
Mao Zedong: Came from a prosperous peasant family
Kollontai: Came from a well-to-do Ukrainian military family that traced its ancestry to the 13th century
Trotsky: Born into a wealthy family

Only Stalin and Deng had proletarian roots


the petit bourgeois have to demonstrate theyre an addition to the movement instead of proles having to cater to them

stalin, fidel and mao werent even marxists. che was but barely

>proletarian roots

fucking irrelevant if their position changed later on


>fucking irrelevan
Not completely, blindspots are all over upper class leftists takes, all of them. That goes for proles too, we need each other's understanding of class relations. We need the educated and trained but they need our direct experience with class struggles to round out their understanding. It matters, but I wouldn't use upperclass roots an excuse for dismissal.


I noticed a pattern that people who make comments like these seem to for some reason also vehemently oppose any criticism of rulling communist parties abandoning working class base in favour of middle class.


b-but they call themselves communists. ignore that theyre part of the bourgeois electoralist machine!

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>No, Joe Biden does not have superpowers. He's a human being like everyone else, with strengths and limitations. As the President of the United States, he holds significant political power and responsibilities, but he does not possess superhuman abilities.


Sends a quintillion dollars to Ukraine and Israel, can't cancel student loans.


Sneds a chillion green papers to Hohols, yet Americans can't have healthcare


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