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Is Bill Gates a psychopath?

>he wrote pic related

>he was on Epstein's flight logs

>richest person in the world at one time and spends billions of dollars on multiple houses and yachts and gives poverty stricken africans lightbulbs made out of milk jugs
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>This should always be posted when people are talking about Gates.
I will do my best :)


>my parents became uncool when they gave birth to me
sucks to be them



He's just an asshole either way


my ex gf used to think he was a great person

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Lumpen-a opportunist-a tyrant-a revisionist-a falsifiers of history-a… state capitalist-a! Petit-a bourgeoisie, modernizers, deniers! How are you? Fine, thank you. I wish I were a bird.
Lumpen-a tyrant. Tyrannosaurus. Stalin… you Tyrannosaurus.

Hello comrades! Before any of you write-a meany things consider-a this - Stalin was a tyrant and I save-a revolution. He does-a things I don't like-a!

no energy-a from drawing (very tired-a) I take a small break-a from typing revolutionary text-a
maybe reply


Your drawing is pretty cool anon, thx for sharing!

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>smooth af even when you just smoke it out of a bowl
>mentally stimulating, but no paranoia/anxiety
>relaxing but won't knock you out

For me, it's Northern Lights
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>Have you ever smoked grade A flower?
>How does this stuff compare to analog marijuanas?
Don't know. I'm only using these on picrel because there aren't many other alternatives here. I don't have the real thing. This is the only reason people take synthetics, because the real thing can land them in jail and fuck up their life. While these tend to come and go as the old scummy lawmakers catch up to them so they can prohibit them when they learn of their existence.


And by fuck up their life I mean in the consequences of getting arrested and having it on permanent record. Not the usage itself ofc.


Chinese are hypocritical on this issue with how liberal they are on alcohol


the war on drugs is highly arbitrary everywhere


Another great export from the west

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>mom went through my phone


>my boss saw me browsing leftypol


I remember that happened to me when i was 14 and they made me smash my phone with a hammer LOL. but they are squares and i have always been a freak so its understandable.


Smartphones didn't exist when I still lived with my parents


I once showed my mother something on my computer and I accidentally had "poverty of philosophy" by marx open in a pdf reader


>burgers try to make a movie about stalin
>scene with stalin/lenin
>lenin has had his stroke
>stalin walks into lenin's house
>lenin has portraits and busts of himself in the room just after the antechamber
what did they mean by this?
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Maybe they dont know that Stalin started Lenins personality cult by having him mummified and erecting statues for him.
>However, during his lifetime, Lenin vehemently denounced any effort to build a cult of personality as in his eyes the cult of personality was antithetical to Marxism.


Found your problem


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Forgot picture


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ironically stalin was also opposed to his own cult of personality


Stalin literally invented leninism and dialectical materialism as fornal doctrines and state philosophies.

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Chancellor, I send this message to you and the Senate now in a time of desperation for my people

Emperor Palpatine has begun to flood my cities with cheap Gungan labour

They are arriving here in boats, being trafficked from the cities swamps in order to look for work

My cities are in strife and my people divided. The wealthy citizens are welcoming these brave inhabitants of war stricken regions with open arms

But others have risen up in anti-Gungan violence, and are burning down their centres of refuge

Please, dispatch aid to my planet else this will not stop here. The Gungans will invade every corner of the galaxy, and before long we will be replaced
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>le republic
>built on uppity monarchies vying for power against progressive industrialists
>also built on religious order that promotes blood magic and mercenary adventurism
Anakin brought balance whether he knows it or not


i wonder who approves of all this


when you talk to your lib gf about politics


libs always edit down the full critique because they can't handle legit criticism of democracy


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>no mention of demcent

 No.518153[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

if you type before:2010-01-01 preceding your search term in youtube you can limit your search to videos from the 2000s, the first four years of youtube. I'll be ripping gems I find during my archaeological dig with yt-dlp and posting them here. I'll be focusing on things that interest me but I hope others join me. I'll avoid posting memes with high views like chocolate rain, etc. that people already know about. This is more for niche content that gets buried under the current search algorithm. A lot of this content will be "cringe" but nevertheless… there might be gems in the muck. Perhaps even some low video/audio quality content that might be worth revisiting with up-to-date editing software
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Alex Jones was born in February 1974 and looks like in his late forties/early fiftues despite being thirty-two in 2006


Found this while looking up a different song from a meme (unsuccesfully)


the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin's early videos should be in the Smithsonian.


His opp Roo


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Y'know those weirdly edited tribute videos? Those were the days


What's the dumbest argument you've ever gotten in IRL? Were you baffled? What would have said differently? Have you ever been in an argument where you feel like the person you're arguing with teleported in from a different reality, or doesn't experience time the same way you do, because you couldn't even agree on the most basic and obvious ground truths?
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A security guard didn't want to give me back my phone saying I was pretending to be the owner to steal it. I even unencrypted it in front of him and the stupid ape still didn't believe me, so I had to snatch it and run.


You sound deeply autistic.

>I've also been accused of being more emotional when I'm the far calmer one.

Yep autism.


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He believed you. He was just being a thief and using the law to steal from you. Typical pig behavior. Me on my way to fuck that pig.


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I'm not sure I understand. I haven't been diagnosed with autism by a professional. I do not think it is helpful to armchair diagnose. In particular people tend to use autism as a random accusation for any behavior they see as atypical. Is it really autistic to call on your family and friends to think about things more carefully and stop engaging in self destructive behaviors?


It totally is


Philo fags explain dis 2 me
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Idk much about guttari except that some people say he was a bad influence on deleuze
I heard guttari liked to make diagrams



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>virgin nietzscel cope when god is not real
<chad stirner morality is a spook and everything is my property including you


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umm sir excuse me i am actually a "Basedpilled Übermensch Führer" and my will to power is about to beat you up if you don't respect my choice


Is my will 2 powa considered weak if I have constipation and simply cant will the poop out?


the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin just entered his Mormon Era.

What will happen now?
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He said the moonies were CIA in one of his books too but started working with them


he wants to become a new Joe smith or Revd moon, and score all that tite trans pussy


Yes, which is proof Maupin should never be taken seriously.


we definitely know this that he wont back down


This US fed's random affinity for an incoherent Russian nationalist is just as sincere as his other "beliefs"

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