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Maximizing joint slay edition
Prev: >>506441
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normie dating apps are, not appetizing tbh


I'd say get rid of it if you don't like it and make it a habit to trim every day. Maybe you don't need a close shave? It's shilled all the time but I have sensitive skin and I like the Phillips one blade. I also use it to trim my pubes and shave my nutsack.


it's not all it's cracked up to be. hell is other transes


Well if you limit yourself to only dating trans people you're gonna have to deal with the idea of searching a lot further afield.


Lex is tough cause theoretically I'm a trans nationalist, but lex people hate huge muscular 5 foot 8 (tall) trans guys with a kind of young James dean style swagger like me. Most queer people will only accept femininity in trans men, or else not consider them genuinely "trans." I have tried the other one- taimi or whatever, but I think there's something wrong with it- in nyc there are only maybe 5 people.

My goal is to find an interesting and original trans man to date, but it's hella difficult cause the only community that exists is a dystopian panopticon mind poison designed to keep ftm self-esteem low and prevent the development of self-consciousness. If I were more conspiracy minded I would say that cis male chasers were behind queer theory, but I know the problem is actually an over reliance on feminism to position ourselves in the world as men. I am trying to engage on the soul/ t-dick level with another gay trans guy but I think it might actually impossible at this point.

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ten days from now, it will be exactly 8 years since my dude Harambe was shot
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I remmeber alot of spam and slower speeds.
Also we still had culture war online.


>it is not that idiots got onto the internet via the iPhone, it is (glibly) that the iPhone makes an idiot of anybody who uses it.
Functionally the same for the purposes of the argument at hand. I didn't make the pic. If I did, I just would have said that it massively increased internet access, mostly through proprietary apps and normalizing closed ecosystems.


Desktop computers don't make people into idiots, though. They tend, if anything, to make people creators. Every boomer geocities website was, in its own way, creatively empowering in a way that a tweet sent from your iPhone is not.
It is not a question of corruption: A lightbulb does not corrupt man by changing the environment so that he can read in the dark. An iPhone does not corrupt a man by making it more likely that he will doomscroll than type raw html into a text editor. Nevertheless, a lightbulb and an iPhone do have those effects.

It's an important distinction for imagining "solutions" (even if this is mostly idealism). If the people are dumb, the solution is to gatekeep and exclude them, if the devices make them act dumb, the solution is to give them better devices.
(this is as true if not more true for websites themselves. Twitter has been one long-running experiment in proving my point: take a genius, have him engage deeply with twitter, and in a year you will see the tweets of an imbecile.)


Desktop computers arent the only creative outlets though.
But I will say theyre better than TV.
But desktop computers also habe perverse effects just like iPhones or any other media device.

Remember, its the man behind the machine not the machine itself.


>Desktop computers don't make people into idiots, though. They tend, if anything, to make people creators. Every boomer geocities website was, in its own way, creatively empowering in a way that a tweet sent from your iPhone is not.
fair point tbh
>It's an important distinction for imagining "solutions" (even if this is mostly idealism).
Sure, but as far as answering the question goes, either way you get an influx of much lower quality posting when iphones come into use. It still helps explain the phenomenon either way.

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They always bring up Orban's "family first" policies as a good example on how to deal with the apparent decline of fertility rates in European countries. Is this just a lighter version of the "Great Replacement Theory" or actually a problem we should be concerned about? How should i argue with someone who is convinced this is going to be the end of our civilization?


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The lumpen and petty booj reactoids are usually obsessed because of kvltvre kampf reasons. Mvh racial statistics. Mvh beavtifvl ethnobabies. Mvh immergvnts and refvgees climbing mvh wall and crawling thrv tvnnels. etc.

The real big porkies don't really care about that stuff usually. They're pissed at declining birth rates because of the reserve army of labor. The price of labor power is typically close to its value, which is the socially necessary labor time required to produce labor power, which is the food/shelter/water/air/resources etc. to keep the average prole in your society alive for one more day. However, the price of labor will become much higher than its SNLT/Value if there is a rapid depopulation event. War, famine, disease low birth rates, etc. This is because prices are effected by supply and demand even though they are derived from value. A historical example of this would be the black plague. It killed half of europe. Even in a pre capitalist mode of production there were day laborers and artisans who worked for a wage. Their wages nearly doubled during this time. King Edward tried to freeze wages to their pre-plague levels, but this was unenforceable. Around the same time Wat Tyler led his failed peasants rebellion.


big porkies are pro-immigration Though

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 No.474612[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT: Post the image(s) you came to every time you jerk off
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Apparently youve never been scuba diving


now imagine the same but as a wagie
I'd rather be the lobster


Stop FUCKING posting about sea ROACHES and answer my goddamned question. I did as much image searching as I could.



Sorry, didn't see your post. FYI to search videos, take the first frame image and search on google or other search engines.

She posts on redgif.

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how did they build tolerance to standing on very high places back then? i want to overcome that fear


>how did they build tolerance to standing on very high places back then?

Probably has to do with the whole starvation thing.


Will they allow there to be enough milennials and zoomers to replace those guys?


We still have people scaling tall skyscrapers today for construction amd maintenance today.

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>czech far right party founded by a half japanese
>dutch politian who shits on ayyrabs and turks and licks israel when he can is an indonesian who died his hair blonde
>radio genoa was run by pol pot
why are non-europeans more nationalistic in europe than actual mainlanders?

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Would you sniff?
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I would tickle.





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Call it.

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is gambling bad? as in reactionary?
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why did all societies except for middleeasterners develop a gambling addiction?


>why did all societies except for middleeasterners develop a gambling addiction?
The only gambling addict I know is middle eastern.
>we must retvrn to islamic tradition
No. Addiction is a smaller problem than Islam.


idk maybe gambling is haram or something, but people do it because it's fun. the thrill of anticipation is actually higher the more is on the table. people are literally getting excited by the possibility of losing their house or whatever. that's the whole thing with it, the danger is thrilling. it's the same kind of thing with people going skydiving or whatever. the possibility of eating shit and dying is what makes it exciting. this is honestly probably not a bug but a feature at least in evolutionary terms since it encourages people to try new things and opens up new possibilities for the group when you have some people who are more prone to these behaviors. it's still something that should be managed properly so it's either harmless or productive instead of people just losing all their money (or labor vouchers).


Yes, it's bourgeois poison


uygha who the hell brought up islam here? im talking in general, gambling in the middle east wasn't that big even before islam


Roses are red
I love the welfare state
The way it smooths income across the lifecycle, protects people from income shocks, fixes informational and market failures in savings, credit, and insurance markets while providing a dignified life for non-workers is all really great
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>The Marxist-leninist says to the socdem: sir, all of your parties capitulated to neoliberalism in the 1980's and 90's.
>The social democrat says: sir, all of your parties capitulated to neoliberalism in the 1980's and 90's.
both are correct, as it goes. it is important to distinguish between a social democrat of the Olof Palme type (i.e. actual keynesian social democracy, at least before Kanslihushögern put it into a death spiral) which is fundamentally agreeable, a "social Democrat" of the Tony Blair or Keir Starmer type (i.e. not a social democrat, a Thatcherite wearing the corpse of social democracy, advancing a fundamentally anti-egalitarian project), a bitter enemy, and a social democrat of the Helen Clark type. (i.e. someone with social democratic instincts "pragmatically" managing things in a neoliberal world.), a sort of boring neutral which is to be ignored, or used only as a comparator against the Blair type to show that they had options and elected to do harm.
The first type gives you employee earner funds, the second type refuses to nationalise railways despite it being overwhelmingly publicly popular and despite a crisis where the private sector literally broke the national rail network, which provided an opportunity to do so, and the third type renationalises airlines in a crisis and railways because they're not likely to lose the last election and privatising them was dumb.

those are the three paths a self-identified social democrat can take: idealistic, evil, and pragmatic. all wordly incentives will drag you towards evil outside very, very odd circumstances. autism can preserve idealism, but pragmatism is very both rare and hard to distinguish (Blairites will always tell you that they're being pragmatic, even as they waste half the money they put into healthcare on trying to marketise management of the system because their underlying ideological commitment to neoliberalism tells them this boneheaded dogmatism is true pragmatism.)


oh and there's also the historical sense of "social democrat" in the RSDLP or the SPD (ha!) sense of "socialist", but nobody uses that now so who cares.


This is why we cant have nice things.


the real socdem poster died after a embarrassing accident in his closet while he was gooning and strangulating himself


he's writing incomprehensible essays in heaven now ;-;

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 No.467989[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY
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Attempted rape by soccer coach. I outed him to the team. There were consequences.


>going to cinema with best friend
>the movie is virtual reality type where you can see and feel what the characters feel
>the movie is about war and egyptian gods (?)
>didnt like the experience and complain about the movie to friend


I don't remember my dreams. Can I change this? I've tried lucid dreaming before but I usually wake up real fast when it works.


I lucid dreamed one time like 15+ years ago and got to fly which was fun. It wasn't superman style pinpoint accuracy tho, rather it was very haphazard Hancock style where it took all my effort just to slightly shift trajectory. I remember seeing giant old fashioned schoolhouses on robot legs walking around in the distance before waking up, probably me dreading school xd


>we are building a planet size AI machine

>religious leaders start to power struggle for its control
>everyone dies when my sister connects her brain with the AI
>we try to rebuild the planet with the machine

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