Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.
http://ojzfy6mtnjkg4pbkf6fjnty22naczpek253skjm4crwftbohwgevbjyd.onionPrevious thread
>>36480>>39783Isn't it tiresome dealing with these bad faith idiots? It's the same people who post the "Lasalle is a JN" quote and the Gorky quote about "kill homos to end fascism" and use it to justify their imbecilic chauvinism. Just the laziest appeals to authortity. Marxists like Marx because of his critique of political economy. Chauvinists ignore his critique of political economy and dig up random quotes from his private letters in order to lend authority to their reactionary social attitudes.
Then we have the never ending menace of tor posters poisoning the discourse with the same endless lazy trolling. "silly dxmcels can't understand CEOs are proletarian" and so on
Remove the tor pedo thread All boards except for /siberia/ (and potentially /roulette/) are 'Safe For Work' boards. Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason, and any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option. New threads on /siberia/ with pornographic topics should have a Spoiler Image on the opening post. Some kinds of pornographic content are always banned on every board, including /siberia/: cp/
anything that could possibly interpreted a child, "feral" furry, zoophilia, murder/gore (photographic)
and other suitably extreme fetishes.>>40093So, I know a lot of us are convinced that mods glow, but we can't do much about this. At the same time, a lot of us also would rather have CPC (and/or CPV, CPRF) mods, and we'd be willing to pay for it.
Tossing in nominally socialist / AES Communist Party members would be the only way possible to counteract Western capitalist glowies, and it would do a lot for credibility if, as usual, we suspect Western glow, but there are anti-Western glowies sitting on the mod staff monitoring things and acting to, within their ability, counteract perceived Western government glow.
In the radical politics field, glowing is inevitable, but we can have some red glow as a neutralizer.
Once again, no objections?
>>39851^ this anon cooms to female xenomorphs
Yeah, whatever, we have a furry feet thread here, pretty sure nobody gives a fuck.
>>40096It's reasonable to assume that every Communist Party in the world glows (black) to some extent; the only difference is that the level of infiltration varies by country.
Considering the posting that's allowed on Leftypol, the site glows, you zigger.
>>40094this anon said it better:
>>39847too add to this question, is their any way to tell if my ban appeal has already been rejected?
and do they have a character limit?
Why can't I post files over 10 mb?
>>40221I think that's unlikely. Jannies are generally incompetent, not whatever that is.
>>39847Yes, they all get read. Most of the Time is people calling the mods Jewish n
>>40127Like I archived this thread, and in fact every single /edu/ thread that has been made between 2020 and 2023 and 90% of them are GONE. I checked. Someone is going after the archives.
someone's posting pedo shit again All boards except for /siberia/ (and potentially /roulette/) are 'Safe For Work' boards. Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason, and any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option. New threads on /siberia/ with pornographic topics should have a Spoiler Image on the opening post.
Some kinds of pornographic content are always banned on every board, including /siberia/: cp/loli/jailbait/anything that could possibly interpreted a child, "feral" furry, zoophilia, murder/gore (photographic) and other suitably extreme fetishes.
mods, can you PLEASE stop being retarded moralist puritans and start modding your site with some semblance of consistency? or just stop modding altogether and let the site die already? you are actively creating an environment where breaking the rules is more easier than following them and the site will not last long like this.
you banned the poster of #77375 for posting an image of a guys tummy with his shirt up, barely a nipple showing, this is not even nudity by the most prudent of standards let alone "NSFW" you fucking miserable cunts. i'll mail you a sexy muscleman nude calendar and you can hang it in your offices for everyone to see.
you gave out week bans for the shotacon thread which was up for seven hours, and yet i got a fucking permaban for posting a girls pubes outside /siberia/ by accident, which the ban message called "loli" fucking PUBIC HAIR IS """""""LOLI""""""" ARE YOU RETARDED?
why do i even bother asking, of course you are. now please reconsider your ridiculous rules and getting more mods who can actually do their fucking jobs, not making more rules when you can't be bothered to enforce the ones you already have. and arbitrarily deciding punishments like a 16th century puritan judge.
its not like you aren't associated with GETchan which openly allows lolicon content to be posted, its not like this isn't already a site dedicated to a political milieu considered radically extreme by the standards of the general public, its not like you have to signal your moral virtues to anybody, why can't you figure this shit out?
and to be clear: that posting anything that could be misunderstood by an individual moderator as """"""loli/shota"""""" will be instantly removed and the user banned, while actual CSAM will be removed if whined about enough ETA 10 hours.
>>40339Report it using the report function immediately delete all that shit and go hit on an older woman.
If I could reach through this screen….
>>40317Ok thanks habibi and good work
>>40325Someone spamming garbage 6 posts in a row. That guy does that everytime, he just can't write in a single post like a normal person, he has to shit up and spam threads with 3-post chains everytime
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