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🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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I was within the minority which thought Trump was not gonna win, but given the utter trainwreck which was that debate, it's undeniable that if they pick Biden, they lose.


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I was bullish but have become bearish on Biden and the Dems seem like they're shitting the bed in real time. I'm thinking it might be irrecoverable because the main line of attack on Biden was vindicated on T.V. in extreme fashion. Everyone saw through the charade. People who pretended everything was fine but KNEW something was wrong but kept silent about it, that is just no longer sustainable. That is just death for a politician.

Main thing is that the track record of people being able to predict the future is remarkably bad. Also on Russia's war, launching an offensive can really be like rolling the dice. It's starting to sound like there might actually be negotiations to end the war. Russia looks able to grind on and hold on to what they have, expand it a little, but the war did not go the way they planned. Russian media outlets and their flunkeys will spin it, but their army has just not performed up to expectations. There's also this rightward shift going on in Europe, but that has not necessarily changed the opinion of Russia for the better. It makes me wonder if, now knowing how it has gone, whether would Putin have still done it.


I mean Democrat-pilled in the sense you fixate on the national polling and forget the electoral college exists
>if the democrats lose, they would absolutely not do jack fucking shit
What do you think they'd do? Beg extra hard for donations for the next most important election of our lives?
>once the military has to be involved to salvage the election, that can of worms will permanently change the country and allow for more military involvement in domestic affairs.
NSCbros… we're gonna win


This is not an issue. You're really voting for electors, so come the "real election" of the electors, they will be told to switch their vote to whomever the Democrats say, and that will be clear. They can just say "Biden = so and so" and deliver that message to the rank and file. But, being a major party, they can set the ballots to whatever they need them to be, and the election authorities are not able to pull the shenanigans certain assholes like pulling against people who actually give a shit.

Whether the Democrats give a shit is a different question. If the Democrats gave a shit, they would stop this indecision and slam anyone who does the stupid insinuation game of who should run in the idiot press. Of course, if Biden is replaced, and he almost certainly will be after this, the Democrats know who they really want. It was expected that they would wait until the primaries are done to foist the real candidate in.

I believe that whomever it will be will be someone unexpected, who has kept a low profile until he is announced (and it will be a man, don't be silly), who represents more or less openly "the deep state" and flashes his cred with that group. They already got the libs to become soulless and willing to accept anything. They're going to keep the public twisting themselves in knots for a while longer, then the guy they really want sweeps in as the savior.



>die down

biden is just getting older and more demented, we have 4 months left, trump hasnt even picked a vp yet


 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What is the marxist explanation, that western countries are mass importing immigrants, but not countries like China and Russia? Shouldn't a socialist state like China actually import the world proletariat into their country?
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>American socialists don’t promote nationalism and social conservatism?
CPUSA anon does, but he doesn't speak for us all.


>American socialists don’t promote nationalism and social conservatism?
CPUSA anon does, but he doesn't speak for us all.


Yes we all know America has the most evil government in the world, the thing is, saying “US politicians support Israel” doesn’t mean, “the American people support Israel”, only the oldest generations do, young Americans despise Israel, and they also do not support the wars, not the same as ethnic violence being popular in Europe right now


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>American socialists don’t happily quote Marx saying “Jewish nigger” to justify racism?
That's a leftypol thing. I don't have insider info on the nationalities of the 4chan vets most in favor of jewish nigger.

America is the true Roman and Byzantine succesor by by being a true multiracial globohomo empire. Racist crackers haven't been cool in a century or so. Globohomo is what made America the empire it is today.


<China's position on the issue of illegal immigration is consistent and clear. The Chinese government firmly opposes all forms of illegal immigration. In recent years, Chinese law enforcement departments have cracked down hard on crimes that harm the tranquility of national border, and maintained a high pressure against all kinds of smuggling organizations and offenders. Our work has produced good results. At the same time, Chinese law enforcement agencies have regular cooperation with relevant countries to jointly tackle cross-border smuggling activities, repatriate illegal immigrants and maintain the order of international flow of people.

How is it that Communist China can raise real wages for everyone, especially migrant workers? Why do wages decline in the whole west?


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I'm sorry but how is saying "an intelligence agency is responsible for it" to any world event not merely great man theory by another name. That for example any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA. IF great man theory is wrong, why does it suddenly become right if that "great" man is an intelligence agent?

Isn't this unmarxist? Obsession with intrigues can only lead down a path from the lofty heights of institutional and historical analysis to conspiracism, paranoia, and ultimately right wing schizo-ism and antisemitism.
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What a glowfaggot


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KEK! Aside from the fact that this thread is just another example of loooooooow effort bait, this McMullin guy is so fun! I mean, even his name, it sounds like some kind of cookie or snack kids love for breakfast, like: mom, can I have another McMullin?


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what if they admit it?


To some degree it is, MLs kinda stop discounting social developments and collections of class forces in favor of conspiracism frequently, probably because their project is often connected to nationalism and the spooks it engenders in various peculiar ways
For instance, I almost never see MLs really bring themselves to comprehending that the CIA almost exclusively acts through local reactionaries, their entire project centered and centers around helping organize reactionaries and coordinate their actions to confront socialists and US competitors around the world, MLs treat them like unstoppable supervillains rather than a resource for reactionaries around the world


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post comics u drew


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Eugenics and advanced transhumanist biotechnology will end capitalism
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>Hell is the firm itself, and so on
Yes, based Bordiga. Although I make the claim that technology can continue to exist without a mass industry. And whatever factory work is needed can be automated. It all needs to be in accordance with scarcity against unlimited growth.


>And what does a "better world" look like exactly?
Something like this video.


I am more landian in my reading
There is something inherently capitalist in the trend of technologisation (even where capital is self-destructive, like how teslas blow up).
Where we give Dasein to automata, it reigns in the death drive of its endless repetition. This is a vortex human beings should guard against.


We can have technology without a mass-industry through organizations in dedicated research groups for specific developments in the field of medicine once the conditions have been met and the means of production have been seized.
>Marx talks about how for example, much of scientific progress directly depended on capitalists investing into strategies for multiplying the production of commodities. Therefore all science in capitalism becomes rendered as capitalist science, like all labour becomes expressed as the capitalist commodity.
All correct. This is why all the technologies from the current mode of production can only be beneficial to the status quo. Luddites didn't wreck because they hated the machines themselves, but how the machines were being used against them. Neo-Luddites don't make that distinction. In essence we have to go Luddic to be able to create what can be of benefit for the interests of the proletariat.

>I am more landian in my reading
Could tell, that's not a bad thing though.
>This is a vortex human beings should guard against.
They should. The problem with the late Land however was precisely that he just went along with it, rather than combating it.


>the trend of technologization
This is also something to be considered. Technology doesn't need to be inserted into every part of life. Transhumanism doesn't either. I look to Masanobu Fukuoka when it comes to growing crops. Technophiles like to think that everything needs to be "upgraded" and fail to analyze the current situation because most of them are driven by consumerism where they just want more "NEW" even if it isn't practical or is outright harmful. Unconditional technophiles are themselves tools for the ruling class and the status quo, because they don't ever want to consider ending exponential growth and commodity production. They would rather have their food made with GMOs that potentially cause disease and an industry that fucks up the soil than a sustainable way of living because it's "upgraded" - in reality causing their own demise.


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A thread dedicated to the elections of:
>France: June 30th
>UK: July 4th
>France (round two): July 7th

Big habbenings in the 2 main powerhouses in Yurop (besides Worst Germoney).

Really good rundown on tomorrow's election in Frogland by our comrade Michael Roberts: https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2024/06/29/france-macrons-gamble/

Mind you, the Frogs are about to host an Olympics very soon and are having shittons of problems regarding the water quality of the river supposed to host some water sports and terrorism threats, and now they nuke it with a surprise election to top it all.

In any case, comrade roberts will surely have something to say about britbong electioms as well, so keep looking up his blog in the following days.

…on another note…

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>Red brown coalition


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Eat shit and die. The so called "left" is so boring and predictable even in a space that should be a free for all. No wonder people in many countries doesn't want anything to do with it.


No way


If Le Pen gets elected, I swear to fucking God, I will stop being so polite to "third worldism bad!" shitters.


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Georgism, ordoliberalism, neoliberalism, yaddayaddayadda yup yup trash. Why tf do libshit countries need so many dumbass big government programs, systems, and isms to fix their dumbass housing crisis anyways? Just remove zoning laws, and end discrimination on a social, economic, and environmental level. Fuckers will just build houses immediately wherever they want in that kind of environment, because they can and there isn’t anything stopping them from doing so. All that yapping and theorizing about a solution to fix housing is just that; senseless yapping.
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yes, this guy knows what he is talking about


>just remove the zoning laws
no, you cannot be this retarded, i dont want to believe it


on that grindset


Nah. Houses have existed before those laws have existed and will continue to. There’s absolutely nothing stopping homes (or any building) from being built past supply chain-based restraints and dickheads that don’t want things to be better for others.


I agree with OP. Say what you want, but he's right. I wish I could build my own house somewhere, but no, I can't. And to those who say "but there's already plenty of houses!" I reply that most of them are shitty to put it gently and in fact they should be completely demolished to start with. And somewhere there aren't even enough houses, it really depends on the place, one can't generalise like that.


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Remember!!: The jungle WILL invade the garden!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1893738


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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Can you just relax and enjoy the war please?


lmao that pic


october-november 2025, screencap this.


Putin is unironically grinding Army XP.


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It's the same reason that the US always gets into a random pointless war somewhere in the globe every 10 years.



Answering that anime avatar weirdo:
>are you implying that there can be ethics without morals?

No. Ethics involve morals, but a focus on ethics rather than a focus on moralism is more useful, for moralism is inflexible and primitive, especially religious moralism. Killing can be a good thing, and so can dishonoring your father and mother.


>counteracting anime with children's cartoon
you 2 are made for each other


making a thread just to reply to one guy is crazy work anon, I have to say I respect the dedication though.


I thought the point of ethics was to replace morals with logistics and consent.


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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>posts .neteen brainworms
>quickly clears cache, screenshots and complains before jannies can zap it.
What was their game plan?


"you're no better than pol so just stop posting here and post on pol"


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>My dudes
>Im scared


Kutsuzure Sensen - Majo Vasenka no Sensou
Its cute read, not too anti communist. Though does Pedo Beria


I don't get it, did Cuckson Twinkle buy a car and billed it to Zelensky?


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>For Reagan not only saw communists as parricides, but also as extremely active sexually-completely in contrast to the actual sexual code in most communist countries. For instance, when he ran for Governor of California, one of the central themes of his campaign was “the mess at Berkeley,” a place where, he said, they held “sexual orgies so vile I can-not describe them to you,” promising if elected to “investigate the charges of communism and blatant sexual misbehavior on the Berkeley campus.” A good part of the reason why he was elected was that, as one biographer put it, “hidden away in the hearts of parents was the fear that their own children might one day go away to college, grow beards and march against authority.”… Reagan promised these voters that his first targets as Governor would be the students at Berkeley, “advocates of sexual orgies, drug usage, and filthy speech,” who wanted only to “disrupt the academic community” and who therefore must be brought under control immediately. The situation at Berkeley, he told a woman’s club in April of 1966, was now so bad that their “morality gap is so great that we can no longer ignore it.” He had proof, he said, that the Alameda County District Attorney had just investigated a student dance which had turned into “an orgy,” where they had displayed on a giant screen “pictures of men and women, nude, in sensuous poses, provocative, fondling.” Since Reagan had waved a piece of paper in the air during the speech, saying that he had the report of the DA’s investigation “in his hand,” curious reporters later asked the DA for a copy, only to be told that “my office made no investigations of the college dance.” - Lloyd deMause, "REAGAN’S AMERICA"

You can even see this sort of mentality in people like Ben Shapiro who conflate communism, socialism, and "the left" with rebellion against all authority and goodness for the sake of mindless pleasure. Not to mention the endless obsession with LGBTQ+, qanon pedophile theories, porn, abortion, etc.

What is the actual materialist explanation for the right wing obsession with sex? Does porky get some sort of benefit from everyone being a heterosexual monogamous who goes to church once a week? if not why the backlash? is it just to ensure a constant supply of new workers?
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In fact the only black category they have is called "black actor" whatever that is in japanese. Only interaccial japs make is AMWF and BMAF


Now does it tell you which people are watching these videos?


No but it does tell us the majority are white.


>Only interaccial japs make is AMWF and BMAF
But blacked stuff out numbers riced stuff 10 to 1 to add.


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Well at least that was my perception but maybe the stats say I'm wrong. I was 100% right that White Actor and Black Actress are non existent JAV genres.

Black Actor:
White Actress:


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

👁️🪬🧿Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️🤝🐲

Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the study of said esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to the anarchist The Black Hand, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
-The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Eminem aka Marshall Bruce Mathers II 's Ancestors (just kidding, Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer)
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The pure facts are that oswald was a patsy set up by the government and mob, who was killed by jack ruby, who was then murdered himself
The actual shooter was likely on the ground.
The "secret societies" kennedy opposed was the newly founded CIA and mobsters, not the masons


>The actual shooter was likely on the ground.
In the documentary by Colin McLaren the claim is that one of Kennedy's "bodyguards" in the row of cars shot him out of "panic".


I mean that is just laughable obfuscation
If that was the case, how did they determine it was this "random" guy oswald so quickly?


I mean after he had already been shot. Though I don't recall what the documentary had to say about Oswald. I watched it long ago. The main claim was that the first shot wasn't fatal, the last was - the one they claim was done by one of his own men. Vidrel


So this is what /leftypol/ has come down to? Magic threads?
>it's for demystifying
Yeah.. I reckon this thread is going to achieve the exact opposite and will end up a platform for idealism/mysticism. I'm gonna try to help to prevent that from happening, but it might only be a matter of time before you start seeing /x/ schizos talking about tulpas and The Nobody.



>get job
>get apartment
>find hobbies that dont involve social interaction
>post on this place and scroll generic social media posts if i ever feel lonely
<dont interact with people outside of work or purchasing thing
<dont have sex or romance; jerk off occasionally to release pent up libido (but not to porn, porn sucks)
is this a solid idea for a mental/social wreck that people are better off not being inflicted with the presence of
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if this is true, then it's just an inevitable negative feedback loop anyways
no one wants to baby a special case
also, i feel like online is even worse for me
idiosyncrasy is even less tolerated in online algorithmic social media, which encourages being a lowest common denominator


Stacking shelves


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p sure long periods of isolation helped to bring the schizo out of me


FNAF player


i legitimately believe that isolation and neglect from a young age gave me a strong decline in cognitive function. i dont think i will ever be able to recall or think normally



How do you debunk race realism?


it is simple, look yourself at the mirror, fun incel.


Class (caste) realism seems like a better orientation.


Move to India.


Race doesn't exist scientifically speaking but you cannot deny that certain phenotypes are predominant in specific ethnicities so you're asking people to rise above appearances


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It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good all one's life and never do anything bad, to act consistently in the interests of the broad masses, the young people and the revolution, and to engage in arduous struggle for decades on end. That is the hardest thing of all!

"Message of Greetings on the 60th Birthday of Comrade Wu Yu-chang" (January 15, 1940).
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There are not a few people who are irresponsible in their work, preferring the light to the heavy, shoving the heavy loads on to others and choosing the easy ones for themselves. At every turn they think of themselves before others. When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride and brag about it for fear that others will not know. They feel no warmth towards comrades and the people but are cold, indifferent and apathetic. In fact such people are not Communists, or at least cannot be counted as true Communists.

"In Memory of Norman Bethune" (December 21, 1939), Selected Works, Vol. II, pp. 337-38. *


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Hard work is like a load placed before us, challenging us to shoulder it. Some loads are light, some heavy. Some people prefer the light to the heavy; they pick the light and shove the heavy on to others. That is not a good attitude. Some comrades are different; they leave ease and comfort to others and take the heavy loads themselves; they are the first to bear hardships the last to enjoy comforts. They are good comrades. We should all learn from their communist spirit.

"On the Chungking Negotiations" (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 58. *


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Imperialism will not last long because it always does evil things. It persists in grooming and supporting reactionaries in all countries who are against the people, it has forcibly seized many colonies and semi-colonies and many military bases, and it threatens the peace with atomic war. Thus, forced by imperialism to do so, more than 90 per cent of the people of the world are rising or will rise in struggle against it. Yet, imperialism is still alive, still running amuck in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the West imperialism is still oppressing the people at home. This situation must change. It is the task of the people of the whole world to put an end to the aggression and oppression perpetrated by imperialism, and chiefly by U.S. imperialism.

Interview with a Hsinhua News Agency correspondent (September 29, 1958).


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If the U.S. monopoly capitalist groups persist in pushing their policies of aggression and war, the day is bound to come when the people of the whole world will hang them. The same fate awaits the accomplices of the United States.

Speech at the Supreme State Conference (September 8, 1958).


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Over a long period, we have developed this concept for the struggle against the enemy: strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously. This also means that we must despise the enemy with respect to the whole, but that we must take him seriously with respect to each concrete question. If we do not despise the enemy with respect to the whole, we shall be committing the error of opportunism. Marx and Engels were only two individuals, and yet in those early days they already declared that capitalism would be overthrown throughout the world. However, in dealing with concrete problems and particular enemies we shall be committing the error of adventurism unless we take them seriously. In war, battles can only be fought one by one and the enemy forces can only be destroyed one by one. Factories can only be built one by one. The peasants can only plough the land plot by plot. The same is even true of eating a meal. Strategically, we take the eating of a meal lightly - we know we can finish it. Actually, we eat it mouthful by mouthful. It is impossible to swallow an entire banquet in one gulp. This is known as a piecemeal solution. In military parlance, it is called wiping out the enemy forces one by one.

Speech at the Moscow Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (November 18, 1957).


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for Brits to discuss green energy, the psychology of homosexuality, JK Rowling, and prisoners having sex with wardens

Also there's an election going on but everyone got bored of it a week ago because they go on for too long, maybe someone will do a cytube for it if anyone even remembers it's happening
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Lucky bastards, keep them coming. Besides, who in their right mind wants to guard prisons with low pay? Of course, they'll copulate with inmates. But was she really an officer or just a swinger and onlyfans model?


is the british green party racist?


Name one(1) challenge challenge


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my life.


Being an England fan


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It's genuinely over for me, I give up. On everything. Life, living, seeing tomorrow. There's nothing for me other than crippling self awareness at how worthless I am. Every minute I'm a live is a drain on everyone else around me. No, I'm not just "in a bad place". Yes I want to die, I know I do. So if you're coming into this thread to talk me out of it please dont.

But that said I'm afraid of pain. Terrified actually. Even when I dont want to live I still cant bring myself to so much as prick my skin because I know the pain will be ungodly. I have nothing in my house strong enough to hang myself from, nor do I have access to any pills or drugs that can kill me through overdose. With that all said, is it possible to just…will yourself to die? Gradually shut down your body through sheer force of will until your brain shuts off? I've heard it's apparently a real psychological phenomenon primarily observed in POWs, but at this rate I'm ready to experiment on myself. Any tips and tricks on how to accelerate the process? I've got the whole refusing to eat and get out of bed thing down, I can barricade my door in case some fool tries to "rescue" me, but people still might be able to get in through the windows before I can properly cease vital functions. Is there a specific meditation I can do to will myself to die faster?
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Why do you people keep doing this? WORTH is not a concept that applies to (regular) humans. It applies to animals and slaves as they are sold on the market.


we hate ourselves and want others to give us meaning he probably used women i use older men
you aren't going to fix us we are worthless


>want others to give us meaning he probably used women i use older men
Well don't ask what others can do you for. Ask what you can do for others


I know how bad it gets, trust me. I am glad I can treat you like a human and not a problem.

Speaking for myself, I can do nothing, I am mentally ill, a sexual deviant, untrustworth, a child abuse victim, poor and due to my education think of myself as above the average man. I am *worthless* to both the capitalistic class, and as a fellow comrade. I use older men to give me stability in my life to fill the need for a father. I am worthless and nothing you say here today will shake my conviction in the truth, but I do appreciate your kindness.


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Well, slight update. I'm ashamed to admit it but some weed and hanging out with family did for a time give me enough hopeium to keep the grip of depressing reality at bay, but that's all broken. Turns out I do in fact qualify for unemployment benefits…except none of that matters, as my parents are pocketing all of it as their price for not kicking me out onto the streets, complete with my father smugly telling me how he wouldn't know how this system works because obviously he's NEVER been in such a low position as to have to rely on unemployment benefits, he's had a job straight out of law school and kept it since as has my older brother. Any delusion that my family had hope for me or felt love for me is now gone again, I can feel the sheer undercurrent of contempt in their voices, their jobless black sheep child still clinging to life even though I'm basically just a dead man walking, a drain on everyone around me. With no job prospects in nearly a month despite sending in like 50 applications and nobody so much as even getting back to me (despite the fact that we supposedly have a GREAT ECONOMY with MANY JOBS thanks to Biden or something) I dont know what I'm supposed to do. At least they helped remind me of my abject failure. Sorry for the blogpost but I needed to give context to those who think I dont have a good reason to die.

With that all said, is it Sodium Nitrite? Or Nitride? Everyone just abbreviates it as SN so I'm not sure which one they're talking about, and I dont want to accidentally cripple myself for life based on faulty dosage and thus leave myself even more a burden. Or do they work the same?


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Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

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Who was the original banner of?


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Bill Maher. You can see it in the banner rotation from time to time


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Lenin wrote an entire book denouncing kautsky faggot thoughever


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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
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Alright, who's your most hateable character/characters in the series? I'll start: The Slaughterhouse Nine. Easily the most vile of the entire villains catalogue.


Trickster, what the fuck was he thinking?


He was arrogant and overestimated his own capabilities, and when his failures began to catch up with him and his deteriorating mental state, he became a follower rather than a leader.


Trickster wasn't hateable for me, annoying and stupid sure, but he has nothing on the utter vileness of the Slaughterhouse Nine. The fate of Mouse Defender is something that genuinely made my stomach turn, and I've seen a lot of vile shit in my life online and IRL.


Trickster was a charismatic antagonist, far more so than Jack Slash.


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> be me
> be an anti zionist communist in israel
> bored since it's summer break
> want to piss off some people
> decide to post an anti-idf slideshow on tiktok, just a couple pictures of text describing some of the idf's most famous horrible cases, nothing graphic in the tiktok itself
> it gets 5k views in less than a couple hours
> get a bunch of hate comments, only 3 people actually agreed with me in the comments
> my irl friend see the post since they follow me on tiktok, they're liberal
> they say the video is inappropriate on whatsapp
> i respond with "there are children dying in gaza and this is your problem with the post?"
> they respond "they're defending you and this is YOUR thanks to them??"
> i respond with the "the wehrmact also defended germany, what's your point"
> they say it's an inappropriate comparison
> i say that its appropriate
> they use the "you know they want to kill you and all jews right?????" *they're not talking about hamas, but the palestinian people as a whole*
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Honestly I would be careful. Like, your friends might snitch on you, and you'd get a visit by Shin Bet or Mossad or just the police in general. Reminds me of that teacher who was like "pray for Gaza" and was arrested for weeks, released and now is regularly harassed by students


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"Waow! Fascist pussy!!"


I doubt my friends will they've known my political views since i know them but my teachers will snitch in some way or another


Alright good night comrades i will go to sleep with my bashar al assad plush now thank you


I was referring to Bohemian pussy and in the end it depends on the head connected to that pussy if it's fascist or not. I hope I've been clear this time.

Good night to you.


 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Letzter Pfaden wurde dank der /Pol/acken vom Brett gepusht. Deshalb ein neues Deutschland General.
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piss is sterile


doesn't matter. it contains plenty of heavy metals and significant residues of medication like antibiotics.


imagine getting this derailed


BSW jetzt zweitstärkste Kraft in Brandenburg, vor der CDU


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Ist man auf dem Dorf intelligenter als in der Stadt?


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Guns are fun and necessary for the revolution.

Why not have a gun?
Reactionaries are armed to the teeth, why should leftist remain unarmed? Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it. If you have kids at home keep the bullets locked up (or even at another address) and the gun unloaded.

At least buy a pellet gun and learn to shoot straight, handle the gun so familiarity can wash away the liberal anti-gun propaganda.

The more left leaning people with guns who learn couple things or two about guns the better. Objective fact!
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that anon has no idea what they're talking about. there's oodles of surplus bolt-action rifles around, many sporterized and used for hunting big game by millions of people who value their reliability


oh and I forgot to say, I have an old 6.5x55 rifle from the late '30s that works perfectly fine and shoots straight. should it come down to it then it'll do the job



>Directly: Kill landlords, cops, corrupt union bossed, mafia elements, suits etc
Do you just come to this board whenever you want to throw a tantrum or something?


some questions are to be answered while touching grass with people who aren't feds. to discuss your questions online is pointless. the point of this thread is to touch guns



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Holy faggots of /siberia/, I have come to your exile to implore you to use your psychic powers to evaluate whether the new leader of France is straight. I am in dire need of a reading. As a mere mortal and straight man I don't possess the psychic gift colloquially known as 'gaydar'.
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>white male autism aesthetics

Not even once


yep i could fix him


Asbergers are usually stiff as fuc. Not prancing and sashaying.


Ummm, youd be surprised


Absolute majority of homophobes are straight males


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Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
166 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Who cares? Literally, who cares? This SODOMayor "justice" is so frightened about coups and political assassination now being basically legal domestically? Well, for fuck's sake, they have been effectively legal if carried out abroad since time immemorial… And btw, plenty of political assassination have been ordered and carried out by presidential order domestically anyway… Just another veil of fiction being ripped off, and that's all fine and dandy.


I would have expected something interesting happening, but no. Disappointed.


at least now they admit the president is above the law


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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

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Lmfao and not only that but there's other thread of literal fucking racists arguing how brown and black refugees in Europe is capitalism or something and nazis wanting to use live bullets against them and kicking their out is "based" and communist.

At this point y'all feel like home at 4chan's regular /pol/, most of you are the same fucking bigoted reactionary garbage


Use the report button please. Or at least link the post in question.


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Be honest, can you actually refute Boehm-Bawerk's theoretical refutations of Marxism? I've attached an image of the relevant text from Sesardic's book, Marxian Utopia, which explains more succinctly Bawerk's objection. I for one subscribe to this refutation of the LTV, wondering if anyone can think of good counter-arguments.
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holy shit gommies are so retarded they will post a memeshit image even though I did not use any stupid "mud pie" argument to counter the LTV.

I will pose the same question to you: if you think that the "simple labour-time" of the training is what adds to value of "complex" labour, how do you account for the fact that this labour too must have been trained and thus would be worth more? How would you calculate anyone's "simple" labour, considering everyone must be trained at some point to learn a skill?


interesting point! however, I would disagree that something as important as circularity of reasoning should be diminished to a "not so important problem". It cannot be that the labour ratio is made to equal the price ratio through fudgery: the whole purpose of this theory is to determine price ratios via labour ratios. The irreducibility of the two kinds of labour indicates there must be some other thing, other than labour, which is an equally important determining factor. To explain, we can consider Mill's hedonism argument. It goes something like this:

As a theory of well-being, we will assume that pleasure is all that matters for someone's wellbeing. In other words, well-being is only a function of pleasure, nothing else. This is known as a hedonistic theory of well-being. The common counter-argument is this: if pleasure is all that matters for a good life, then surely someone must be content living, say, 1,000,000 as a pig as opposed to 30 years as a human, because the total amount of pleasure accrued by a pig in 1,000,000 years must surely be greater than a human in 30. Mill counters by saying that we can preserve the hedonistic theory by introduce qualitatively different pleasures, i.e, higher and lower pleasures. Pigs can never experience higher pleasures while humans can, thus in the 30 years we experience these higher pleasures whereas in the 1,000,000 years a pig never can.

Of course, we must remember the original claim: all well-being is a function of pleasure. If we are now distinguishing between different kinds of pleasure, it seems we concede that there must be something other than pleasure which must be making the difference. Alternatively, if higher pleasures are simply equivalent to some ratio of lower pleasures, there must be some number of years where living as a pig would supercede living as a human are we are again forced to choose to live in an immortal pig's body and brain rather than carry out a human existance. Thus, by introducing two qualitatively different kinds of our base unit (pleasure) our theory falls apart: either they are qualitatively different due to some other third thing, or they are actually just multiples of the other.

Of course, it seems Marx chose to go with the "they are just multiples of eachother" path: if we know this cannot be allowed due to circular reasoning, then we arPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


How is what he said disproving what I said?
If educational labour time adds to simple labour time to produce complex labour, then it doesn't matter if people have no formal education or haven't developed refined skills to teach. Their labour-time is still adding to simple labour. Their primitive nature is essentially irrelevant.

Also, no, he did not do simple calculations to prove me wrong. Please explain how anything that the spreadsheet showed challenged any of my arguments.

And (finally), let's examine this statement: both tailoring and weaving are products of labour and fulfil nutritional and psychological needs. Ok, that's great - doesn't have anything to do with the labour theory of value though. The critical question is: how do we determine which is worth more than the other? I concede that my original statement, "incomparable a priori", is too strong: what I should've said was that they cannot be appraised a priori without a market and subjective valuation. In other words, we cannot say which is worth more to society than the other. And, again, nothing about them both being products of labour or fulfiling psychological needs or being things the same person can do disprove that notion.


This is why marx appeals to "subsistence" in the reproduction of simple labour. "Necessary" goods fulfil the needs of his being, which is the minimum price of goods in comparison to wages.
Youre right that you cant "price" a good from the bottom-up based on the labour imported, but the (re)production of goods still pertain to the (re)production of society itself, in the worker.
This is why labour-power is the primal commodity of the capital process; its what everything else hinges on - so what is the price of labour-power? The cost of necessity.


Yes, but its dialectical within the logic of the commodity also, where Value is always indirectly attained by consumption (where capitalist consumption always implies overproduction). Where exchange-value is esteemed, use-value is sacrificed (just think of capitalist waste), and where use-value is promoted, exchange-value suffers (look at the poverty of the soviet union).
But these aspects of production also necessitate each other by the class relation in commodity production.
Proletarian consumption (C-M-C)
Capitalist production (M-C-M)
proletarians are only productive where they *consume* "productive capital" - the means of production


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SpaceX has been awarded a contract to help NASA take the ISS down from orbit. China's space station, the Tiangong, will become the only space station in orbit.


>throw the chinese out of the space station
>they do their own
>westoids greedy cunts close theirs coz they gotta give those tax monnies to porkies rather than research


End of colonialism.




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>SpaceX has been awarded a contract to help NASA take the ISS down from orbit.
Watch yet another totally-legit win by SpaceX be yet another modified Starship that is overbudget and delayed for years as they choose the most complex and complicated way to deorbit ISS. By the time it flies, the ISS will have fallen to Earth. However, the USDV will have accomplished its true mission, being Elon Musk's money-laundering machine.


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What it says on the tin - I've seen a couple threads about preparing for a Guerrilla war or whatever, but not much about defending yourself and others at a demonstration or during a riot, which is obviously a much more common situation to find yourself in. I specifically had defending from riot police in mind, but anything would be interesting/useful.
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This one is apropos
Mods spoiler plox


The picture was of one of those plastic cock and ball torture condom or whatever the perverts call it things I think

I don't actually know what they look like, but that looked like it.


Rioting from kenya live, watch and learn

The Kenyans do it better than you do.


thanks anon


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I think the only technology with any real-world practicality that’s also popular in science fiction is power armour; more specifically, the exodus they are built on top of. The necessity of those suits in warfare would likely be for transporting riflemen around hard-to-navigate terrain. Even then, it’s likely that such a technology would be used sparingly for small patrol missions than in actual combat. Why am I bringing up exo suits in a thread with such a specific quote? Because it’s often overlooked by writers how unbelievably broken some of their in game weapons are.
If Xeelee Sequence, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, EVE Online and Gothic Fleet Armada got anything correct about sci fi, it’s that the best tactic in any war of attrition is to spam your opponent with only the most broken weapons available to you in your kit. There’s absolutely no reason to use any other technology, if any faction can just blast someone else with endless space lasers, auto cannons, and large bombs until they inevitably win a battle. Especially if the technologies available are cheap to make and mass produce. If this wasn’t true, NATO wouldn’t still be relying on shitty and possibly rusty m4 carbines, Leopard 1s, and Apache-64s to fight in every fucking battle they’ll ever participate in regardless of context. Similarly, there wouldn’t be so many countries using Ak-74us, and armoured single-machine-gunned trucks to supply their armies.
In fiction this brainless approach to mechanized combat is even more apparent in the galactic empire’s (the Star Wars one to prevent confusion) over usage of the death star and their star destroyers whenever they start losing basically any fight, the interim coalition’s tendency to favour its space navy during its alien-genocide campaigns, or the Necron’s haha funny star- and planet- destroying super weapons. Literally the only time a cool sci fi faction decides to use a technology that isn’t brain dead simple and cheap is if that faction is complete shit. Examples of this relationship between technologies usage and a faction is apparent in the Terran federation, the UNSC, the Imperium of man, Gundam’s Earth federation, Supreme Commander’s Earth federation, every house in Dune, and more—no I don’t care that all of those factions consist exclusively of humans.
Looking back at all of this, any sci fi fan has to wonder. Are all fictional—and by extent real—wars doomed to always fall into being series of brief battles detPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Power armor is goofy. In a real world military you don't want to invest that much expensive tech into an individual soldier. For a whole tank crew (and accompanying footsoldiers) it's conditionally worth it (but usually not these days). With higher tech weapons and armor, the trend has been towards being more long range and remote. Elite soldiers wearing bulky power armor is pretty fundamentally at odds with how modern militaries work; it's basically just trying to modernize the (mythical) knight in shining armor.


>I think the only technology with any real-world practicality that’s also popular in science fiction is power armour
The thing with power armour is that if you have the technology for it, you might as well just build a robot or proper cyborg instead since you're removing the weak point.

I'm not really sure about the point you're trying to make with the rest of the post. Like yes having better weapons and more weapons would help you a lot to win a war. You'd only use useful weapons as well. But in real life (and lots of fiction like Gundam, Star Wars etc. because they need to sell models) there are tons of variations of every single weapon. Real life militaries have a trillion versions of everything each specialised for a single task. Think about how many different kinds of missiles there are for similar purposes. It's only due to budget limitations in sci-fi TV shows that they all use the same spaceship and weapons.


Yeah, the modification potential of superior technologies make them the most likely weapons to become overused in science fiction and in real life. That aspect of any good technology doesn’t suddenly make other technologies stand out. Instead, that aspect does the opposite. What I want to find is a sci fi game or franchise that can utilize all kinds of combat technology in a practical matter. Currently, it’s reasonable to question if such an IP even can exist.



>this is what liberals actually believe

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