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 No.524393[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


the FINAL animal election of 2024 will be on MAY 20!!!!!!
that's right MAY TWENTY!!!!!!!

these on the image are the OFFICIAL CANDIDATES!!!!!! let us know if u'r unhappy with ur candidate being eliminated

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: the preliminary election was probably STOLEN!!!!! but I must warn the cheaters that on the FINAL election there'll be NONE of this MONKEY BUSINESS!!!!! A STRICT measure will be put in place to ensure that the FINAL election will be 100% LEGIT
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So the current thread will hit the limit soon and I can't decide on the theme for the next one. In the spirit of this election year, I'm making a poll that runs from today to the 30th. Here are the options:
COVID nostalgia
Trump-JFK Jr. 2024
Vote here:
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shit his pants



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Xi Jinlore
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its no different from classic slapstick movies


Yeah yeah, that's what they all say


I must say, I was not excpecting the Lil John "WHAT" soundbite from an old chinese man's comedy tiktok



How would Salahuddin react to this?


Like how do you find political organisations, events, likeminded people? No idea where to look, no idea how to join, what could I bring to the table.
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Palestine stuff is a good start for making contacts


Shooting cops


Start praying to Allah (SWT), make friends with the bourgeois police/military apparatus, read the Quran and the Green Book, and hopefully coup your country.
Obvious /s

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What if I don't really want to be part of any movement? I know what fascists in conjunction with the bourgeois media can do to you if you are slightly left of centrist liberalism and it's scary. Sadly any kind of "left" ideology is heavily ostricized in the reactionary shithole I live in. And honestly, even without that, I'm just deeply anti-social. I will never have real comrades because I can't get on with people just because we have the same ideology or just any kind of common interest or activity. I have couple of petit-bourgeois friends whom I know very well and I don't think I want to get to know anyone else. I just want to become a petit-bourgeois like them or at least try. Become the normiest of normies. And then maybe start reading some weird books (communist or not) to pretend that I'm more than that. I've made my fair share of mistakes and I will need some effort to get my shit together, but I think that even just trying will be worthwhile.

It's entirely possible that the reason why I started larping as a communist online is precisely because I felt out of place among my peers (and I wasn't enough of a misanthrope to blame everything on the Jews and women), but what is it that I can do? It's not like we are on the brink of a revolution. The reality is that despite all the upheaval in the world, class struggle in the strict sense isn't on the rise. All we are seeing is that elite groups are trying to rearrange the relations of power between themselves, and in a way that seems to be much more equal and equitable than anything we have seen in the last couple of hundred years. Sometimes this lends itself to to an alliance between the left-wing of the bourgeoisie and certain popular forces because they both rely heavily on the state. At other times all we can see is further societal decay without any solution in sight. You may not like it but that's how things are. I know that I won't be the person who will turn things around and I don't see any people with the capability of doing that.


Focus on yourselves. I feel I'm no use to the movement until I'm at my best or anyone is at their best. It's ok to want to seek that petite bourgeois life. It's not gonna convince you capitalism works. For so long and till this day still a little I was afraid. I was afraid if I ended my poverty I'd end my association with proletariat class aims. Id become bourgeois in mindset that I'd betray what I loved. It's important to trust you heart that capital won't change it, once you have the capital to really live outside poverty. In the shackles of poverty you can do nothing but survive. I can't afford a sign to display, I can't afford a punching bag to learn to fight. In this state many class conscious comrade can become obsolete to the cause. Your not gonna carry your nation on your back to salvation. Every comrade should look at their participation as if they will NEVER be the Lenin. We are all, all things considered the nameless red army soldier that died without recognition. We all must accept this sacrifice without recognition. We all must accept that we won't see the promise land. We are all Moses dying before the milk and honey. May we all die knowing we did are part that it was in sight!


Easy, you aren't part of the proletariat, as communism is a necessity for them. I don't mean this as a moral attack, obviously.

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All this activism and political consciousness yet Americans simply can‘t but vote for the same two parties that fuck them over. I know VOOT is a meme but how hard is it to not vote for these ghouls? Are you fucking kidding me?
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I can tell they had the same type of democracy as the west given how the elected leaders just dissolved their country against the will of the people.


>I can tell they had the same type of democracy as the west given how the elected leaders just dissolved their country against the will of the people.

So you are in favor of direct democracy, the direct dominance of the proletariat?


Vote Stein Mother Fuckers
Vote Stein No Matter What


I guess, anarchists have a point with revocable mandates even though it can lead to inefficiencies, I also find the organic centralism concept of Bordiga intriguing although I'm not sure safeguards or checks and balances could work very well. The problem with how to organize the dictatorship of the proletariat is that it's mostly uncharted territory, it really needs to be tested and experimented on a large scale to see what works. It's sad that the USSR stopped social and political experiments to settle on imitating bourgeois democracy if you want my opinion.


that is fair

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 No.484014[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT, we post our favorite Youtube clickbait thumbnails
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making cringe/drama videos of fetish people is cheating


there's also "educational" videos demonstrating what happens to thin white shirts when they get wet. and there was some lady in florida who got arrested for oiling herself up and breastfeeding her child (among other things; don't read the rest of the article if you don't wanna know)
>A Florida woman who has already spent nearly three years in jail for posting racy breastfeeding videos on YouTube was acquitted on 33 out of 34 charges earlier this week. A Tallahassee jury of six found Leigh Felten, 34, guilty of one count of lewd lascivious performance, a second-degree felony defined as “intentional sexual performance in the presence of a child younger than 16.” In the 10 videos presented as evidence, Felton was seen breast-feeding her then-18-month-old son.


what the fuck. shout out to the soccer mom who got this woman's kid taken away because she was mad at her husband watching fetish videos


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if you want it to be


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im afraid to die
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how do i overcome the fear while i'm still alive



Then kill carry on, carry on, carryalion


I'm afraid of never getting to live.


Death isn't scary at all decades of suffering and misery without any self actualization that's terrifying. I love mortality with all I have I just don't want to waste the time I have. Probably is we get stuck in cycles of poverty and hopelessness. We get cornered with no way out and before we know it the clock comes to our ends and that's all we know.


I wonder how different my life would have been if I never came across imageboards.
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Yeah, same.
I was initially a big supporter of Ukraine and now I realize how completely incomprehensible that position is.


i wish i'd gone to tumblr. i understand imageboards too well. i see plainly that there is nothing here for me, but i'm too habituated. i can't use a site that i have to register for, i can't hold a conversation when i'm lumbered with an identity that i can't extinguish at will. i'm stuck with imageboards, but i can predict the disappointment that almost any imageboard conversation will bring before i hit post. i've trapped myself in the most boring world possible, locked myself in a slowly decaying house where i must spend every day confronting its failure to live up to its potential. i want it to fall down and crush me.


I think imageboards can be quite fun, and they sure used to be, however it is true that in recent years they've become quite boring for reasons I'm not quite sure of.


>>529758 (me)
Actually, not just imageboards, but the entire internet has become quite boring, there's not very much fun to be had anymore.


>manifestation of reason

Most of ur politicians are on drugs and medications to stay rational but most of the time th3y just do fucked up stuff, the drugs just make them not care and keep the system going

Bureaucrats are zombies, literally

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 No.490337[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

VR edition: by invitation of Cat Alunya
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Where does the Monarch have knowledge to govern the State?
There is Aristotle's food argument that discredits the idea of a wise man or philosopher king to rule the State. Stating that albeit one wise man could outwit particular members of an assembly, the assembly altogether brings more food to the table. So the City needs democracy for all the estates to bring food to civil policy.
This is the reason why Monarchists like Bodin & Hobbes & Filmer side with Plato, that there is no difference between the economical estate and political estate: if you know how to govern yourself and your own household, then you're well on your way to knowing how to govern all the estates altogether.
This is better to justify Monarchy.
Hitler writes in Mein Kampf in his criticism of parliamentarianism:
>Does anybody honestly believe that human progress originates in the composite brain of the majority and not in the brain of the individual personality?
Jean Bodin wrote related to this topic:
>But Plato had another argument for an Aristocratical estate, saying, That it was very hard to find any one man so wise and virtuous, as was requisite for the government of an an estate, and by that means a Monarchy were not sure. But this argument is captious, and may be used against himself: for if it be hard to find any one prince so wise as he desires, how shall they find out so great a number as is needful in a Seigneurie?
And for Aristotle's water argument Bodin talks about salt (virtuous men) tossed and dissolved in water.
>for as well in all Aristocratical and Popular estates, as in all corporations and colleges, the greatest part does still over-rule the sounder and the better: and the more men there be, the less effects are there of virtue and wisdom (even as a little salt cast into a great lake, loses his force:) so as the good men shall be always vanquished in number by the vicious and ambitious: and for one tyrant there shall be a hundred which will cross the resolution of the lesser but of the sounder part
Hitler in Mein Kampf also describes his own disillusionment with parliamentary democracy. Many other people have been raised with a profound belief in the wisdom of statesmen: they are the experts:
>Yet all these, and many others, were defects which could not Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Thomas Hobbes in De Cive:
>But perhaps for this very reason some will say, That a Popular State is much to be preferr'd before a Monarchicall; because that, where all men have a hand in publique businesses, there all have an opportunity to shew their wisedome, knowledge, and eloquence, in deliberating matters of the greatest difficulty and moment; which by reason of that desire of praise which is bred in humane nature, is to them who excell in such like faculties, and seeme to themselves to exceed others, the most delightfull of all things.

>Besides, there are many reasons why deliberations are lesse successefull in great Assemblies, than in lesser Councells; whereof one is, that to advise rightly of all things conducing to the preservation of a Commonwealth, we must not only understand matters at home, but Forraign Affaires too: at Home, by what goods the Country is nourished, and defended, and whence they are fetched; what places are fit to make Garrisons of; by what means Souldiers are best to be raised, and maintained; what manner of affections the Subjects bear toward their Prince, or Governours of their Country, and many the like: Abroad, what the power of each neighbouring Country is, and wherein it consists; what advantage, or disadvantage we may receive from them; what their dispositions are both to us−ward, and how affected to each other among themselves, and what Counsell daily passeth among them. Now, because very few in a great Assembly of men understand these things, being for the most part unskilfull (that I say not incapable) of them, what can that same number of advisers with their impertinent Opinions contribute to good Counsells, other than meer letts and impediments?

>Another reason why a great Assembly is not so fit for consultation is, because every one who delivers his opinion holds it necessary to make a long continued Speech, and to gain the more esteem from his Auditours, he polishes, and adornes it with the best, and smoothest language. Now the nature of Eloquence is to make Good and Evill, Profitable and Unprofitable, Honest and Dishonest, appear to be more or lesse than indeed they are, and to make that seem just, which is unjust, according as it shall best suit with his end that speaketh. For this is to perswade; and though they reason, yet take they not their rise from true Principles, but from vulgar received opinions, wh
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Like I was saying earlier, look at all the rooms of any estate, then you'll easily know all the buildings of any city.

Household / Economic:
A room like a library for the master's children to be educated with teachers
A kitchen for the cooks to provide food
A room for laundry
A room for books.

The City / Political:
It has schools / universities for people to be educated
It has a restaurant for people to eat and be served by food workers.
It has laundromats for people to clean their clothes
It has libraries for their public books.
Public services where the people can be masters with public servants

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I believe Monarchy can persist into the modern world.
Some might say, that the institutions backing royalty, like the Church, have lost confidence in their wisdom.
Yet even if we have monarchy without Christian crowns, and return to this Caesarism, re-introduced in the Fascist and DPRK Leader principle, or in secularized dictatorships as one-man rule and hereditary dynasties, Monarchy can persist the monarchical form of one person in States well into Modernity with these political ideologies and totalitarianism instead of theocracy. Even if people believe in the Dr. Fauci and the Science now. Yet there are still traditionalist regimes with monarchy well into the current year as well and other examples of modern regimes.
And I'm not saying the age-old Victorian ideal of constitutional monarchy, but the pre-eminent ideals of Monarchy – may persist into Modernity.

>what about feudalism and landholding elite – isn't Monarchy tied to this?

I wouldn't say so, because while the doctrine of the lord of all goods and distribution of lands was associated with feudalism, and replaced with industrialism, the sovereign power also accounts for the distribution of money which is responsible for the transfer of commodities and capital. It is true that monarchies with great power also tend to be those with great wealth (like Saudi Arabia or Thailand or the little monarchies). Those with wealth have power to provide and gain obedience of people and retaining monarchical power. Although Hobbes says the public shouldn't be dieted in a monarchy to only his own assets and estates, but tax and rely on the distribution of funds from the entire land and people, a monarchy having a lot of wealth helps and can even be done without being a staple lordly monarchy, but even with public institutions and assemblies in other royal monarchies. The palace economies do persist into the modern day.

>what about socialism?

In socialism, isn't masterly power usurped rather than abolished? In North Korea, for example, they say the people are masters. –Masters, still. The ordering of the State under democratic centralism still resembles that relationship of sovereign power in the State – the bourgeois corporate State is hijacked and replaced with a proletarian kind, retaining the functions of the previous State in many ways, retaining the State / Republic, which can account Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Political Parties
The houses in a city were projected unto the realm as a whole in the estates-general or parliamentary institutions, the notion of the estates were replaced with political parties.
The party structure is like an estate or household itself: bringing people under one party is like bringing them under one house or one church. Multi-party democracy reflected Aristotle's City and its emphasis on the plurality of estates, but one-party states were like Plato's Republic with its emphasis on unity and bringing all members to act like one corporation (like Hobbes Leviathan).
That's my take on the history of political thought with modern times and the advent of political parties.

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