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/anime/ - Anime

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General Thread discussing, analyzing and criticizing anime from the meta perspective of Capitalism, Media Culture (Industry) and Socio-Economics & Politics.
No shitflinging, drama, bad faith or baiting posts (e.g. "Trap is transphobic" or "Muh shounen trash" or "(all) Anime is misogynistic"). Keep it cool comrades.

Animation: Treatment of Animators Thread >>617
Leftist Anime Content: Communist Anime Thread >>1417 Communist Anime Girls Thread >>964 Miyazaki Thread >>469
Anime Hot Takes >>1993 so-bad-it's-good animu >>2551
Sources and Questions: Questions and Answers >>4229
E-celebs/Social Media: Ani-tube >>3128 V-tubers >>3388
Story Ideas: /WYOA/: write your own anime thread >>4263
Shounen complaint thread >>3200
Weeb-Otaku-/jp/ thread: /weaboo/ >>4715

Basic topics and questions:
>Is anime bad/stupid/boring or good/smart/interesting?
>Is anime inherently a reactionary/capitalist product or can it be a communist or pro-communist one?
>What Tropes and archetypes are good or bad?
>Will anime be produced under socialism? Could Japan have produced anime if it had become a Soviet State in the Cold War? How would anime look like or differ under socialism?
>Why are nearly all weebs and otaku right-wing or radlibs? Why are they so cringe and self-entitled?
196 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


t. westoid


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In what year have anime become completely commodified and generic?


I vote for the mid - late 2010s. There are still fun/good anime being made, but the jump in ease of CG means that trash gets mass-produced at exponentially higher rates than in the past.


> nothing happens, but you walk out of it actually learning a lot about its subject matter
Is this supposed to be a negative?


the dose makes the poison


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New tax evasion just dropped


I've noticed there's a tendency in a lot of anime to go for this underdog trope, it's a common story trope in general for a lot of protagonists, however in recent times a lot of anime has made a focus on characters that beat magic and the like through "physical power" and "training" and the like. A recent example being Mashle which sounds like someone watched Black Clover and decided to take the "magicless underdog" concept and make it even more hardcore by not even giving the main character something like an anti-magic sword/powers or the like.

Earlier shonen protagonists like Naruto or early DB/DBZ Goku or Luffy were technically underdogs but that had hidden potential or could train to become much stronger or used technique to overcome their weaknesses and even creative utilization of otherwise weak abilities to beat superior opponents. But this hardcore hobbling of many newer generation shonen protagonists forces the authors to make up convoluted story lines to keep them relevant at all, or resort to One Punch Man-tier "fuck it"s. Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard though.


Japan really likes underdogs and brave losers.


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It really do be that like that but sometimes it do.


>why is there only like one girl in the main party and four dudes?
Reverse harem, duh.

That is true, I guess, it's just kinda getting extreme.



WTF, is this Wrath from Fullmetal Alchemist??


No it's Stalin depicted by Ahriman in 80s anime style, his specialty. The particular image is a memed scene from a Russian film, where Stalin says that line.


Fun fact: Ahriman is the god of evil in Zoroastrianism.


>why is anything japanese so extremely sexual?
Mangakas are horny and the Japanese are less sexually repressed. That's it.


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>JQ is basically saying jews are like some 10000 IQ race of master ninja assasins that can just infiltrate and hijack every civilization and institution at whim. Even the Chinese are allegedly controlled through their Jewish Marxism jutsu. Disney-Marvel-Anime ideology.

Does anime autist obsession easily lend partly itself to reactionary and bigoted politics, such as stupid delusions about nefarious Judeobolsheviks', thousand year plots?

Lolicon fascists are dimes to the dozen


>dude weeaboos are all fascists! twitter told me so!
retards love pushing this talking point and exposing themselves as terminally online autists lol fuck off


>why can't they be normal
if youre gonna bring up muh normalcy you cant complain about sexualization rofl


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>Mangakas are horny and the Japanese are more sexually repressed IRL.

>Lolicon fascists are dimes to the dozen
Not untrue but there's just as many liberal weebs with autistic radlib ideology too, who support the same things in the anime "community" from a different side.
>Does anime autist obsession easily lend partly itself to reactionary and bigoted politics
Not really any more than anything else, it's just a result of hyper-consumerist communities primarily made up of burgers and the primary political beliefs of burgers are often similar to Japanese ones (thus people like Attack on Titan, in spite of its fascistic pro-imperial messages).

NTA but your argument is flawed, twitter is not anti-anime, if anything it is the home of many anime autists, as is reddit and 4/a/, primary communities of anime communities in the West.

>if youre gonna bring up muh normalcy you cant complain about sexualization
NTA but how does that make sense?


I know a guy who interviewed Tetsuo Hara at a restaurant and he hit on the waitress. not all manga authors are shut-in otaku.


>No demon could fall asleep in a village, drunk after a rape session, and expect to live until dawn, so they needed to sleep in places such as caves. The state became desperate to reverse the soldiers = repugnant scum perception
This reminds me of an excerpt from Musui's Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai by Katsu Kokichi (Author), Teruko Craig (Translator, Introduction) University of Arizona Press (July 1, 1991)
where he reflects on most of his colleagues being dead as a result of their marauding.


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It's not stopping anytime soon, never mind GATE, the JSDF is trying to bait furry hikkis into enlisting with a femboy kemono mascot now.


idk why people are so insistent that shows they like are "subversions" of a genre except that they're self-conscious about liking genre fiction, and are trying to intellectually justify liking it. it's in the same vein as Whedonesque "did i just shoot fireballs?" dialogue


>Furries and Weebs uniting for the military industrial complex
Wait until you hear about the aeromorph conspiracy


>In 2022 the Japanese government produced an isekai anime movie to promote their territorial claim to the Southern Kuril Islands
>In it, a little girl gets hit by a car and wakes up in 1945, experiencing the Soviet invasion of the islands
>Russian soldiers get portrayed as violent thugs, robbing Japanese residents and in one scene the local girls get their hair cut short and dress like boys in hope of avoiding rape
>Literally TheLiberators.png
>The short is 24 minutes long and is part of many produced materials to promote Japanese territorial claims on the Russian islands
Japan can posture all it likes, but this is like Crimea except even stupider, they can't do jack shit without starting a war between the States and Russia, and it would immediately pull in China and North Korea due to proximity. Funny thing about this is the plot is like a politically driven shadman loli-rape comic. It's pure projection on part of Japan considering all the atrocities they committed during WWII. The part about girls dressing as boys to avoid rape was actually done by Filipino women during the Imperial occupation of the islands and not by Japanese people on the Kurils. More importantly, Japan explicitly renounced its claims over the Kuril Islands in the Treaty of San Francisco and that the modern dispute revolves around nearby islands Japan claims to not be part of the Kuril and thus exempt from the treaty.



Why must "doing something new" always be "subversive", Zambot 3 is as much in dialogue with Mazinger as Gundam, and Mazinger is as much in dialogue with Tetsujin, its almost like being self conscious about other genre fiction is a part of genre fiction


Meant for >>21770


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Akari likes toast, the tears are because she's late from the first day of school!


Why do weebs treat literal who VAs, sound designers, and whatever directors like they're literal superstar celebrities?


this isnt remotely inherent to otaku culture lol


Well the VAs are the closest thing to their waifu being real


Because those who don't like Sumipe are mentally ill fascists.


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> Funny how adult otaku who grew up when Gyaru fashion was big have turned the whole aesthetic into a subgenre of girlfriend fantasy years after it fell out of vogue. It's like if YA writers who were teens during the Bush administration made all their female leads into mall goths.

I like when assholes who earn money doing fucking "anime journalism" make dumb uninformed takes on twitter and get schooled by people who actually know their shit. This ANN shithead is conflating ganguro with all gyaru, thinks gyaru aren't a thing anymore, and thinks nerds don't have the overall fantasy of the popular girl being into their hobbies.


>anime journalism
I would rather my child commit suicide


How can you become an "anime journalist" when you don't know shit about Japan in the first place? I know the standards are incredibly low, but if someone were passionate about anime and Japan, they'd do their own research instead of spouting bullshit like this. It's not 2003 anymore.


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To be fair Ganguro is a subset of Gyaru, but yeah this is a retarded take, I don't even know what the fuck this mall goth analogy was supposed to mean.
Also Gyaru thread >>639


this person is on anime twitter and has somehow missed all the recent fanart and illustrations of anime girls as mall goths out there?


Is that how transracials look like?


literally just a tan and makeup


This is what a race basically is THOUGH. Just a phenotype.


>Media Culture (Industry)
The powerful animation-art generative capability of the current AI/ML tech potentially could ease greatly the burden of tedious work, that's been almost since the beginnings of "modern anime" chronic the issue, in the production of anime if implemented well, and open up the opportunity to create works to normal people who don't have the big funds from sponsors. Have there been any cases of use in the industry yet of such generative technologies at significant level in automation-work and workflows that people might know of? This doesn't seem to be much of the over-expectation from the what the current models are capable of, since the work on the key elements would still likely be done manually while the work that is repetitive would be done by the new, improved computer aided tools.


>Have there been any cases of use in the industry yet of such generative technologies at significant level in automation-work and workflows that people might know of
Not yet, but AI animation work is developing rapidly, and computer programs today permit for a lot of semi-automatic animation for (relative) simplistic stuff like walk animations.


Perhaps Filthy Frank did spit the truth about the problems of weeaboos.


Needs a Dakimura edited under his arm

I gotta say that screenshot made me laugh. In the 90s and early 2000s those kinds of race jokes (and vice versa for white people) were pretty common, and people didn't get offended over it because it was just casual humor. But I digress. But yeah fuck 90% of moeshit.


that second image reminded me of the time MHA triggered a bunch of weaboos because one of their one of the black characters, now i'm laughing to myself.


Lookism was always a thing. IMO moeshit is overblamed.


>le moeshit
Implying that old anime wasn't pretty to look at is absolutely ridiculous to me.


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I think the point is that moeshit took the "cute, kawaii!!!" aesthetic so far, that it became an almost universal style. Almost every anime today has the female characters have almost the same exact faces. Sure the 90s, 80s and 2000s had some similar aesthetics, but characters, series and OVAs still had distinct faces and designs, you could never confuse Bleach with Naruto or One Piece or Dragon Ball and vice versa. In Miyazaki's and Anno's works the characters have similar aesthetics and similar faces to an extent as part of their artistic stylization, but I wouldn't mix up Rei with Asuka or Misato or Nadia, despite similarities. Now people can edit 'moe' anime girls from different series into a single show and nobody would be able to tell the difference. It's not as problematic with male characters but still exists for them too.

TL;DR: Modern anime through the proliferation of the 'Moe' aesthetic has made many characters and anime series too samefaced.
Seriously as a random comparison. The girls in K-On, SAO, Konosuba, Love-Live and I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years all have similar-faced girls. Literally just swap clothes and hair colors.


this is just because theres more anime today than back then

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