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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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I fucking love it even if people think it looks bad.
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Maybe he plays airsoft or something?


Ebay, aliexpress, etc why don't you consult a web search.


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Everywhere. I will wear it at home, in bed, on the toilet, at the shower, all day & night and go out in public with the helmet / cap included.


Those are ass to order from in Europe (particularly Eastern Europe because of customs). Are there no retailers within Europe?


All the more difficult considering that under Article 10 - It is forbidden to buy, sell, rent, lease or distribute military uniforms without permission.
The use of military uniforms and standard clothing once equipped by the Chinese People's Liberation Army to conduct business activities is prohibited. So it might not go through customs.

Am I supposed to contact the Chinese embassy for permission lmfao?

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Does this actually work or did leafanon have a giggle?


Does anyone do fencing, HEMA, kendo, or some other sword inspired combat sport?


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hmmm today… i will post my favorite cat
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RF-4E tactical reconnaissance aircrafts
first pic captures the lunch of 3 sam-2 aa missiles


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If you're going to bump, bump with an actual image or post uygha.

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RETVRN (to tank-based glider platforms)

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does /akm/ have its own do/k/ument? I'd like to get my greasy hands on it. post links with information on anything related to building weapons, we'll compile it
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Why do we need our own do/k/ument when the do/k/ument already exists? Do you think guns work differently based on the ideology of the wielder?


Yeah, I think if we made one ourselves it should be based on theirs with some additions. No need to start from scratch


Why do they need to specialize so much in the first place? Isn't this just another form of micromanagement? Make everyone just do one job so they can have a base level of expectation that people can do their job, no matter how shitty or how much it costs?


does anyone have an archive of the-eye.eu/public before it went down? I am specifically looking for the murdercube.com archives


quarterly bump


So, after I rerurn ro the ranch for the summer, i'm getting to work building a flashbang grenade. It will be pretty similar to IRL US and British flashbangs. It will essentially be a flashbang charge attached to a fuze assembly from a yugoslav M 84 grenade (those i will get from a friend that works in EOD) without the detonator of course. It should be able to be screwed into a pipe with endcaps that will have holes over it's body so the gases can ventilate during the bang pard. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to fit a front hole so it will probably launch itself a bit due to gasses being forced through one side. It should work on the exact same principle as a factory built one and have the same effect. When I get ro doing it I will post the results.

Here, have the worst schematic ever.

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So fascists are becoming reckless in my city and although I'm now terminally online enough to not get in those stupid fights anymore they since recently keep doing those retarded flash attacks on places leftists have. My old father sometimes does the dude at the counter ready to receive anyone in an anarchist library which was attacked like two days ago and there's no way I'm letting him keep doing that without any protection so I'm getting him weapons, but legal and non lethal. Since the fucks attacking come in between 5 and 20 people I want to get him a big ass pepper spray but the legal limit is 100ml here.

So is it sufficient to push away a cowardly rightist gang probably drunk? Are there any tricks to deter relatively big groups of retarded people without hurting anyone too much for a smart average joe using non lethal and legal weapon?

Also thread to discuss those weapons I guess.
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OP what did you wind up doing?


you are full of shit or delusional. stop looking for a fight you freak.


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bold of you to assume the moment you threat with non lethal violence they won't resort to lethal violence and then make a day with a case of how it was a "patriot exercising self defense against those antifa terrorists"

What you want is a "handheld struggle ender"
or like we like to call it down here a "farm knife" but what we're thinking is "cuchillo saca tripas" (gutting knife)

heard you can get a couple used ones on ebay and shit.
if you know how to hit a gut shot fight's over before anyone knows because what you're doing is quite literally hooking someone's innards inside out.

heard you can get one at mexican "hood" stores
but if you can't find one cus they are a bit difficult to come by (which is why i'm forging mine)
you can just go for the "csgo kiddie" version the karambit which i'm convinced you can get quite literally anywhere.
not even half as devastating but you can get a couple good cuts to come out on top anyway.


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NaNO3 is sometimes easier to get than KNO3 and you can turn the former into the latter using metathesis with KCl from low sodium salt
https://www.pyrogarage.pl/ sells KNO3 in Europe
t. /chem/ on >>>/edu/
also may I suggest picrel but with a not too sharp wooden tip

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I'm thinking about getting a mossberg 88 which is only about $300 and seems to have really good reviews. I'm wondering what other kind of guns are under $600 but still worth picking up?
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Just get some ar 15 on sale. You can even find some well reviewed ones for under your 600 price tag. Be careful with the rules with the "pistol" ones.


Why ever suggest a handgun to anyone for any purpose? We have hundreds of years of war data showing handguns cause 0.00001% casualties (except for suicides) because they are hard to shoot accurately.


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Well in domestic society they cause 80% of firearm casulalties.


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I only got hit by 5 9mms to the chest and then one to the skull when I fell to the ground. Nothing but a scratch. No stopping power that one.


Handguns look cool, are easy to hide, and are great for 90% of situations you'd find yourself in. I can't imagine why you wouldn't have one?

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Hey /AKM/, what do you think of my new neck knife?
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I was considering learning martial arts since guns for self defence are illegal in my cunt but I reckon a knife would do the trick, thoughts?




Can I suck your dick?


dfkgjdflkgdfkgdf holy shit pls top me


I have a dagger-like one with a T- shape. A lot smaller but equally as stabby and probably easier to use. Can't show it as I gave it to my sister for rape prevention.
Fun fact: I procured a similar one for a british gang member that I met in an institution. In minecraft, of course.

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