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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Concealment is always a good idea.
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted.

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This is only feasible for trash filled areas like dumps and outdoor ruins. Let's say you were inside, a neon stripclub or a bar. What ghillie camo is best for this spot? Do you cover you ghilli suit in glass bottles? Or maybe wrap your suit with neon wires so no one will recognize you without going blind.

lmao shouldn't have tried that on a woman with headscarf

surely hiding behind the low wall would be much better than being a weird out of place pile of trash in the open though

disguise as a stripper, have a derringer in your pussy/ass

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Do you fill put an application form or is it a job you make it to through connections? Is there a formula?

I have no money, no job and no purpose.

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you have to be ex-military so that's the first step

thats not fair

what about joining putin meat machine? will that work?

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For context, flamethrowers have been around for over a millennium. The weapons are necessary to destroy fortresses. Before flamethrowers, torches, slingshots, and other flammable devices were used to destroy things in war. Currently, incendiary missiles, thermobaric bombs, white phosphorus-based weapons, and other flammable explosives are much better at destroying fortresses than modern flame thrower. One has to wonder, is the future of war entirely projectile based?


They look cool though

Flinging poo into the face of OP

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If modern armies were faced with someone that had air superiority(its a hypotethical, dont answer ensure air superioty)
What evolution in doctrine,… would be needed to win anyway?
1 post omitted.

Large use of AA to make them using their air units too expensive, plus trying to capture their airbases

Missle spam

Missle spam is always the answer

basically DPRK ground forces doctine.

i think the dude killed the guest or his grandpa

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Steammaxxing. Boil water until it's a constant lightning storm, then no one can be in the air.


>lose half your territory + become a vassal state

>no hammer and sickle.
What's wrong with the author.

now draw them kissing

someone do this

Out-of-wedlock births in Finland are going up

lmao just saw this

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Did the Soviets actually expect much from the Poles, Hungarians and Czechoslovaks if war broke out for real? Like how the fuck did they expect these guys to be loyal and fighting alongside the USSR given the debacles with 1956, 1968, and everything pertaining to Poland's occupation postwar? What role would the WP armies outside of East Germany actually play in a conflict?

the warsaw pact's military logistics were all organized around a defensive posture, not an offensive one. if a land war had ever come it would have been western forces pushing eastward, and it's much easier to convince people to fight for their own homes than someone else's


"If I was allowed to carry my gun inside that bank when it was getting robbed I would've killed him!!!"
>Proceeds to blow a 9mil into your thigh when unholstering


what would be your standard squad equipment?

Makeshift anprim weaponry and snares until we get to loot the dead of their guns

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In most of the world you can hardly own a handgun.

Nice 02 sticker! But it would be better without the "ALONE" so you could see her pretty eyes.


excavating tunnels, trenches, ditches, ramparts, moats, holes, any kind of defensive earthwork where industrial machinery isn't viable

you can get most stuff off of amazon or any hardware or milsurp store
Previous thread: >>1028
3 posts omitted.

>while your forts
You got the wrong thread, nobody is building a fort here.

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Me when artillery bombards your tanks and truckerinos because they have predictable movements allowing us to plan killzones for then

I don’t own land. I won’t be staying in one place longer than four years. I don’t have funding. No tunneling possible.

>infantry using self made fortifaction will die (even though those manholes were invented to succesfully defend against artillery) so let me pull up things that are completely useless when it comes to surviving artillery

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You need a shovels, big and small for dirt and sand, a pickaxe to remove the bigger rocks in the dirt which stop you from shoveling, axe or a separate very sharp shovel for cutting roots in the way but ideally you wouldnt dig near obvious giant tree roots, buckets and ropes and ladders and hardhats and pulleys for removing all the rocks and dirt, if youre throwing rocks out of the hole, call out first, If youre lifting rocks out of the hole with a pully get out of the hole first. Reinforce the walls and roof of the tunnels with something, make the tunnels a oval or circle shape to help it not cave in. Its going to get really cold down there so get some wooden or plastic chairs / beds that are up off the ground or it will suck the heat out of your body and kill you, rain flooding and drainage and pests are other considerations to think about, tape up your boots around your ankles or youll get sand in them all day. I had a ton of fun digging a 5 foot wide 15 foot hole deep in my buddies backyard in south California summer time and I swear to god I got so cold down there. They say its a constant 54 degrees F I think? Men love digging for some reason I'd totally do it all over again just for fun.

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