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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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This thread is dedicated to discus and post stories about paranormal encounters of soldiers,marines, sailors, airmen etc. Stories about "military urban legends" like Kandahar giant and mothman, soloman island giants etc. are welcome.

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Welfare queens invading developing countries to make others rich, then complaining about their PTSD they got from a job they chose to do. Maybe in the distant, distant past when people didn't know any better but now?

It’s actually great that poor proletarians are in the military instead of rich aristocrats

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We had a chance to liberate Europe in the 60's and 70's, when we had military parity with americans

body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn shortbody too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short body too god damn short


The soviet union had this lol. poland is returning to its warsaw pact past

All children should receive firearms training. The basic laws of firearm safety and use at the very least, though IMO marksmanship training is good too - it gives actual hands on use of the weapons and teaches kids to respect them. At my summer camp (church run, 1970's-early 80's) we learned how to shoot, starting with BB guns, going up to 22's and M1-carbines. My grandfather taught me around that time on 38 special revolvers (and some .357 mag), Milsurp 1911's and M1 Garands. We also had a gun club in school (5th graders-8th graders) and high school.

they are doing this to prepare for war
most central european countries are reinstating drafts

Didn’t Lenin write something about it being important for capitalist societies NOT to enforce drafts?

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>On December 9th, 2024, Yinpiao Zhou, a 39-year-old Chinese national and permanent U.S. resident, was apprehended for allegedly operating a drone over Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) in California and capturing aerial photographs of the installation. This incident has raised significant concerns regarding national security and the potential for espionage activities targeting critical U.S. military infrastructure.

Space Force security, is it literally that easy to breach your defenses? How lazy are the Air Force security forces elements?


seems a bit racist to report that he was chinese for no reason whatsoever
they're just trying to get pogroms going

But fox said there were Iranian space ships

based droner
I demand more drones in US air space

CEO Killahs know what to do

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Navy thread
Thread for all naval, maritime, ship, submarine & water craft discussion, seas, oceans, lakes, rivers & other bodies of water. Soviet & American shipping alike is welcome, as are civilian vessels. Video & images encouraged. Ekranoplanes & other marine aircraft also count.

Russian / USSR Naval sites: https://flot.com/

US / Western Navy sites (consume with copious amounts of table salt): https://www.naval-technology.com/

P.S. Be civil on this Polynesian raft-roping forum.
168 posts and 88 image replies omitted.

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As posts >>5147 >>5132 >>5103 >>1969 demonstrate, the US Navy ship-building for the future is disorganized, the only ships I can think of being constructed properly in these past few years was the recent Gerald R. Ford Class Nuclear Aircraft Carriers. Everything else has been a mess. Russia has had a similar problem, but that was primarily due to the dissolution of the USSR fucking up its industry and other socio-economic aspects in general. The depiction of e.g. "rusting Soviet-era hulks", has some basis in fact, but conceals as much as it reveals. Russia's famously "old" submarine fleet, for example, isn't older than the US submarine fleet and ships in general have expected service lifespans of 35-40 years, with many US Naval ships easily being older than some of Russia's. The real problem for the Russian Navy has not just been the retention and poor-maintenance to date of late-Soviet-era ships, but the low rate of production of new vessels to replace them, with the largest warships produced since the USSR being the 6,600t Ivan Gren landing ship and the 5,400t Gorshkov class frigates. And that's an entirely different discussion.

The USN is just an example of Capitalism in decay: - The USS Bonhomme Richard was scuttled because repairing it after the fire damage in San Diego would have cost a little over 3 billion dollars and take 3 years. Meanwhile, the cost of replacing the ship outright in 2020 (when it was decided to be decommissioned) was 4 billion, so rather than repair a damaged but seaworthy ship that exists, the Navy is opting to replace it in the future for an extra 1 billion dollars, even as costs go up, with the cost of a replacement for the Wasp-Class light carrier rising to over 4.1 billion dollars as of 2023. Considering that constructing a new ship of the class takes 3-4 years, it the Navy's decision was idiotic, but in part due to a lack of repair facilities.
- The larger USS John C. Stennis and George Washington have had their RCOH delayed heavily, with the two carriers only expected to come back into service at the end of 2026 and 2027 respectively.
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Ukrainians launched a salvage dive on one of their patrol boats sunk in 2022 at Snake Island. Honestly I don't think people understand how heavy the fighting there was in the brief time that it was relevant.


A while back the Ukrainians hit a DE submarine and a Landing ship that were in dry dock, using the Storm Shadow missiles. The Ukrainian side and naysayers in the West and Russia claimed the submarine was a total loss. I knew differently, and the result is that the submarine is repaired, out of Dry Dock and completing its refit. Pic related was the damage inflicted and subsequently repaired


Why the U.S. Can’t Build Icebreaking Ships

>Because polar bodies of water are often covered in ice, accessing these regions by ship requires specially designed ships which can break up the ice and create a path for other ships to follow. The need for icebreaking vessels will remain even as climate change reduces the extent of sea ice: paradoxically, as new polar routes become accessible and sea ice becomes more mobile, the demand for icebreakers is likely to increase. Russia has an aging fleet of more than 40 icebreakers, with several under construction. China has somewhere between 5 and 7 icebreakers (depending on exactly how you define “icebreaker”), with more under construction.1

>The U.S., on the other hand, has allowed its icebreaking capabilities to wither. The Coast Guard has handled all U.S. icebreaking since 1966, and estimates that it needs 8-9 polar icebreakers (4-5 heavy and 4-5 medium) to fulfill its needs. But it currently has only two: the heavy icebreaker Polar Star, and the medium icebreaker Healy. The U.S. hasn’t built a heavy icebreaker since 1976. In fact, no existing U.S. shipyard has built a heavy polar icebreaker since before 1970. A 2017 National Academies report stated that “The nation is ill-equipped to protect its interests and maintain leadership in these regions and has fallen behind other Arctic nations, which have mobilized to expand their access to ice-covered regions.”

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Do you stand up, applaud, and take off your hat to them? Do you praise your country's army every morning in school?

What are your thoughts on your country's military?

I don't care about it at all. But keep killing Russians.

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This thread is for discussing sabotage, its theory, its history, tactics and stories.

It's good to know a range of techniques, especially low risk ones which are easier to get others to do, like go-slow, work-to-rule (malicious compliance) and feigned incompetence.

Low-risk activities are great to know because they can be used in a mass movement filled with people who are (understandably) timid and scared. And once there are enough people on board, then there's the safety in numbers that are needed to build confidence for more extreme actions.

Want to stop builders from making anti homeless concrete spikes? sugar ruins cement. Pour it into cement bags and the mortar will be useless, even little amounts of sugar is destructive.

Thanks, Senpai!

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So I already have an ar15 and some 9mm pistols. So shtf/prepping is already covered. What I'm wondering is about getting an "Intimidation" setup. Which is basically as loud as possible and using really heavy bullets. The idea is that people would get freaked out and stay away from your area. I'm thinking an ar10 and a 10mm glock 20 would do this well. Maybe even throw in a 460 revolvers. I'm only interested in things a normal guy can buy in the US. So no super heavy weapons or explosives.

Is this a stupid plan? Feel like it's decent idea but also very retarded at the same time. What do you guys think?

I've never fired anything above 10mm so forgive me if I have a stupid idea of how larger calibers sound and function

>le doomsday fantasy
peak american brain rot, have this book. there is no going back to le wholesome small farmer utopia - does that frustrate you?

Ah yes, a hummer with a protective punisher decal (red so it makes the vehicle faster) and some prefab guns and loudener attachments. Can totally tank a space laser.

>in a disaster situation it's gonna be hecking mad max
>I need to fearmaxx!
why are burgers like this? just talk to your neighbors. it's not hard

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Thread for hating on the F-35 "Lightning II" stealth turkey a.k.a the most expensive military project in history to date.

The USAF declared it ready for service in 2016
As of that date the following problems I can list just off the top of my head
- Vulnerable to lightning; it's practically a lightning rod https://archive.is/QSIii
- 0 redundancies in the cyber or mechanical aggregates; any malfunction
- RADAR glitches means it literally ahs to be turned off and on again https://archive.ph/EEd9y
- Ejection seat is banned for anyone 136 pounds or below and anyone not above 150 pounds has significant injury risk, it literally can break your neck.
- F-35 helmets glow too brightly for air-to-air refueling https://archive.is/pKE0Y
- F-35 helmets are so heavy at nearly 5 kilograms so that maneuvers cause them to bang their heads on the inside of the cockpit https://archive.ph/WsRxA https://archive.ph/dE1gP
(keep in mind these helmets are 400,000 dollars each).
- The oxygen system is unreliable (something that the F-22 shares) https://archive.ph/kGGKq

The Plane was supposed to be ready by 2010-12 having been projected in the early 2000s
the list of problems in its past and that are remaining in various levels of urgency number over 800.
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146 posts and 62 image replies omitted.

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>nooo you dumb boer wtf are you doing plz stop

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Such a dead thread, but it's worse.

The Americans fucked up concurrency, when the Russians and Chinese do it, they finish the base model before trying variations, whereas the Americans tried to develop 3 different variations at the same time where none of then do their jobs correctly.

The F-35B and C (STOVL, carrier) variants can't go above Mach 1.3 without damaging their tailfins. The F-35A isn't maneuverable enough.

It's pretty much a totally cocked up project, except that the F-35s are still stealthy and capable strike aircraft.

They're just completely inferior as air-to-air platforms against the same generation of aircraft, provided the opponent doesn't cut tlk many corners on stealth and sensors.

why are all the old images gone?

Server fuck up a couple months ago

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