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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Got any questions about guns, equipment or combat? Have some knowledge you can share? Ask and answer away
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not very


Guys I was about to drop 1.5g on basic armor and plate carrier, combat uniform and war belt.

But then I realized I probably wont buy a firearm just yet since fam is scared of em and cant have em in the house. Is there a point to buying anything gear without the gun/rifle which seems like the primary thing? I was thinking plates might be good to have and I could conceal them in a backpack or something, but the rest I dont really see a practical use for without a weapon?


ask /msg/ on /k/


The Rifle part goes back to the feature of rifles themselves - rifling of the barrel of a long-barreled fire-arm, usually requiring or having a stock.


If one was going to be doing a lot of camping, presumably where mountain lions reside, what, if any handguns would you take? Multiple killed out innawoods/mountains here last few years, caught without any way to defend themselves.

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I'm looking for weapon advice. I want to destroy or temporarily shut down a local factory making ordnance for the genocide in Gaza. I want to avoid explosives because they're hard to test and easy to kill yourself with. I think incendiary is a good idea. Because this is an ordnance factory, the fire department might evacuate instead of trying to put out a fire. I also have access to firearms.

I'd like this to be lightweight so that I can deliver it by air and avoid climbing onto the roof myself. My first plan was a road flare pointed at the roof with a tripod, the idea being to hit it with a long sustained flame. But two tests on a wood platform covered in roofing material charred the wood underneath without actually igniting the platform. Commercial roofing is going to be thicker and more fire resistant than what I've got. What should I do?
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Could probably do thermite with my existing igniter (which I will share if there's interest). I just doubt small quantities of thermite have the penetrating power.

Firearm purchases are tied to my license so I can't use them in bulk. Anyway, powder deflagration probably wouldn't impact enough to break the roof and wouldn't have enough energy to set it on fire.

High explosives would. But I would not trust a homemade primary explosive not to go off during transport (especially via drone). Has anyone made an electric det cap from commercial firearm primers? Can confined primers detonate HE or are they only enough to deflagrate gunpowder?


gunpowder can't set off HE?


Smokeless powder is designed to deflagrate, not detonate. Some blends can be confined and detonated, but it is not commonly used for improvised det caps. Likely too unreliable or low-velocity.


In trhe event you want to use primary explosives:
Do a LOT of research on how to handle explosives in general, like ESD, impurity sensitivity, storage. Then never make more than you need to, and spread out storage by a lot (secondary detonations are a thing)

Anyway, consider just attaching a long spool of thin steel wire to the drone on one end and a droppable heavy nut or bolt on the other end and then flying the wire into a power line to start a fire.


In fact don't mix primary explosive at all if you can avoid it. Get primers from guns or nailgun blanks. and don't go for them unless you can't really avoid them. Worth remembering that steel wool ignites and gets damn hot with only a couple volts to start it.

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Navy thread
Thread for all naval, maritime, ship, submarine & water craft discussion, seas, oceans, lakes, rivers & other bodies of water. Soviet & American shipping alike is welcome, as are civilian vessels. Video & images encouraged. Ekranoplanes & other marine aircraft also count.

Russian / USSR Naval sites: https://flot.com/

US / Western Navy sites (consume with copious amounts of table salt): https://www.naval-technology.com/

P.S. Be civil on this Polynesian raft-roping forum.
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In following the mounting of missiles on drones, a larger unmanned boat series called Sea Baby have had MLRS systems mounted on them.


One such unit was used to barrage the Russian EW fortified positions on the Kinburn Spit located in the Dnepr-Buk Estuary.


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The US Navy's newest planned Frigate, the Constellation class, is delayed again due to more plan changes that result in enlarged size which will change placement of equipment and most importantly have an impact on the power-plant, speed, maneuverability and range. The increased size means the ships will either be below the original specifications for characteristics in speed, maneuverability and range, (as well as power-plant life) or require a redesigned power-plant/engine with more horsepower which will likely take up more space, and certainly take up more time to redesign for the ship's purposes.


lol it keeps happening


They've actually begun production without a design plan. Usually, you have a 80-90% complete design plan adjustable to modification for any changes made down the line. The shipyard is literally constructing ships without a blueprint. They are laying down keels already and they have no idea how this thing is supposed to look. They don't even have a 3D model or a mock up. Its been a decade since the program begun and its still in the elementary design phase butc fuck it we have to keep to schedule so we're gonna build it anyway.

The original design was to basically build a FREMM with some modifications to carry US Navy weapons and equipment. This works fine since the contractor already builds FREMMs and its a proven design but nooo Uncle Sam had to have a bright idea: we want to redesign the hull and throw in a brand new hybrid propulsion system that's not only never been tested before but we have no intention of building this system to test it before actually constructing the ship. That's right they are going ahead with an unproven power plant that has never been proven before even in lab studies or controlled tests. Its LCS 2.0 but bigger.


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It's as bad as the Zumwalt tbh. The LCS and Zumwalt should have been a lesson… clearly it was not learned. As a side note I don't think people realize just how MASSIVE the Zumwalt is (pic rel) yet how poorly designed and armed it is. 2 "special" artillery cannons as its primary armament and missiles that are in such low quantity as to be easily overwhelmed by any serious attack. The main ammunition is all this precision guided stuff that has been proven to be unreliable in Ukraine due to jamming. >>4945
They're so ineffective tha there are plans to remove the 155mm guns and replace them with Hypersonic missiles, hypersonic missiles that the US military does not have at the moment, with the few models it has being barely in testing and do not perform consistently.


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i’m from >>>/pol/. my assumption would be AK larps, but i am genuinely intrigued.
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are you referring to this or what appears to be their modern CIWS?


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oop picrel


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neat weapons system


>AK larps
Nah, crossbow for the win MF!


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Thread to talk about drone warfare in general.

There are many ways drones can be used but I would like to talk about their potential use in protests and riots in the west.

In my experience something that is sorely lacking in protests going wild is intelligence about police postions, while the bad guys usually have a QG with plenty of operators gathering and distributing intelligence to police officers trough cameras, helicopters and, you guessed it, drones.

So, what's keeping us from using drones? Those for kids which are 50 bucks on amazon could do the trick, it would take a team of two, one pilot and one operative relaying intel trough a phone or a radio to someone in the front of the protest.

I know there are anti drone weapons, but they don't work that well and these aren't well established yet. In case of capture though it's good to prevent or render difficult a trace, so it would be smart to buy those drones trough proxies and false adresses, and scratch whatever number they have on them.
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New anti-drone air-defense system:
>Type-625E Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Missile System SHORAD, is China's cutting-edge air defense gun-missile system engineered to tackle drones and various aerial threats. Featuring six 25mm gun barrels and eight surface-to-air FB-10 missiles with a maximum range of 10 kilometers, the Type 625E represents a formidable asset in modern warfare. With the increasing threat of drones, this system offers rapid response capabilities and can fire air-burst 25mm rounds for enhanced effectiveness. Equipped with a 360-degree scanning radar mounted on the turret and augmented by thermal imagers, the Type 625E ensures comprehensive aerial surveillance and defense.

This feels like a take from Soviet gun-missile Air-Defense systems, Western militaries are only just reaching this idea. China's design reminds me of the Kashtan CIWS visually and conceptually. It's equipped with a six barrel 25mm rotary cannon, Eight FB-10 surface-to-air missiles possessing a 10-kilometer missile range. The important part is its Air-burst 25mm rounds, basically it's combining a machine-gun with controlled shot-gun buckshot/slug , making it immensely deadly, and effective against drones. It has 360-degree radar scanning and uses thermal imagers for enhanced detection and back-up.


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China's joint Golden Dragon 2024 exercise with Cambodia recently included drone dogs with armament: https://topwar.ru/243371-v-odnom-stroju-s-bronevikami-kitajskaja-armija-pokazala-kadry-primenenija-sobak-robotov-na-uchenijah.html


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On a similar note, US troops did training with special drones during African Lion 2024 which were used in assisting the clearance of tunnels. Considering how this came out relatively soon after this recent Israel-Palestine war began, I have a feeling the USA may be preparing for involvement or for similar combat situations and opponents.




because the actual purpose of >muh cucklege protests is for the protestors to mentally distance themselves from final exams, and drones do not help with that


What is this responding to?

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Alright, so I won't go too much into it, but as I'm sure you've all noticed, there is a distinct lack of competent organizations and combat readiness in the left. While it may just be a stereotype, the idea of the skinny and weak anarchist can sum up most of the left that wishes to engage in direct action, mostly by using outdated manuals and romanticized ideas of war. As such, I had, a few years ago, taken it upon myself to release training videos to some of you in order to get you up to speed on the basics of the basics. That, unfortunately, seems to have fallen through on the account of my job, which often has me traveling and doing other things that I won't go into because they are totally uninteresting and unrelated to the topic at hand. As such, we will go into a few key steps you should be taking in order to prepare yourself for introductory training, should it ever be offered to you. Yes, you read that correctly, you must train yourself to be trained. You do not have the luxury of being part of an organized military force, though I would not critique you if that is the route you are wanting to take, as it would be hypocritical. I will limit the topic to individual training, equipment, and self-selection because the whole of military science is a broad topic that is not wholly known by any one individual. Please understand this so that my limitations do not become a hindrance to your growth as a potential combat soldier. Seek training from experienced individuals, even if you have to hide your power level. Consider me just another voice on the internet. I do not intend to use credentials or authority on the subject to get you to do as I say, but I would appreciate it if you thought about a few things. Thank you for reading.
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To make it painful, if you die, you get no dinner for the evening, because dead men don't eat dinner.


tactical larpers and gun people on yt say airsoft can be useful to train small unit tactics and basic weapon handling etc. i guess there is a difference between "speedsoft" and "mil-sim" type of play. i have no experience in either but i guess that learning to work with a team on the field could be a good thing.


>Paintballs and airsoft really hurt
don't hurt enough to emulate getting shot.


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Sometimes getting shot doesn't hurt at all.

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Thread for hating on the F-35 "Lightning II" stealth turkey a.k.a the most expensive military project in history to date.

The USAF declared it ready for service in 2016
As of that date the following problems I can list just off the top of my head
- Vulnerable to lightning; it's practically a lightning rod https://archive.is/QSIii
- 0 redundancies in the cyber or mechanical aggregates; any malfunction
- RADAR glitches means it literally ahs to be turned off and on again https://archive.ph/EEd9y
- Ejection seat is banned for anyone 136 pounds or below and anyone not above 150 pounds has significant injury risk, it literally can break your neck.
- F-35 helmets glow too brightly for air-to-air refueling https://archive.is/pKE0Y
- F-35 helmets are so heavy at nearly 5 kilograms so that maneuvers cause them to bang their heads on the inside of the cockpit https://archive.ph/WsRxA https://archive.ph/dE1gP
(keep in mind these helmets are 400,000 dollars each).
- The oxygen system is unreliable (something that the F-22 shares) https://archive.ph/kGGKq

The Plane was supposed to be ready by 2010-12 having been projected in the early 2000s
the list of problems in its past and that are remaining in various levels of urgency number over 800.
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>first paragraph
Did you actually reword Pierre Sprey's F-35 rant? You (or rather he) aren't wrong, but LMAO.
>The only value in the F-35 is duping countries like Australia or Denmark into buying it so these countries chain themselves to the US defense industry and by extension US foreign policy and make them slaves to Uncle Sam.
They already are, it's just another boondoggle of the MiC, as usual.
>Why do you think the French opted out of buying them?
The frogs always did have an independent streak in them, besides they have Rafale and other industries, it wouldn't do their economy any good to accept the F-35.


>F-35 haters are wrong.
F thirdy fibe is good.
Arrow-dye-namigs is wrong.


The most patriotic thing an American can do is profit obscenely at the expense of the government.


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Not even a week later and not 1 but TWO Japanese F-35s had landing accidents.

This isn't one off either. Previously mentioned ITT was debris falling off a Japanese F-35 and another had a nose-landing-gear break in 2022.


>Not even a week later and not 1 but TWO Japanese F-35s had landing accidents.
honestly this is the funniest thread on the site

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>Sir, we forgot to give the bad guys in our first person shootie game an assault rifle
<we did? which ones? whatever, just use this.
>for all the levels?
>does it matter? everyone knows the african tribalists, the arab terrorist jihadists and the russian autocrats all use rusty aks with no modifications, oh and don't forget to give cool gimmicks to the M16s of our good guy
>the grenade launcher, the dual mag or the Infrared vision optics?
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They even still use them in the 26th century in the Halo canon lol.


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> african tribalists
>the arab terrorist jihadistsand
>the russian autocrats


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litsen here bud, around here we call them by fake names like Kastov or Vaznev, don't wanna get a lawsuit.


wouldn't be surprised if that happened assuming that warfare didn't become complete transcendental or something. people still use the 1911 and it's over 110 years old now.


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i get this feeling around india and pakistan, some families, probably ones with grandparents in the colonial army are still using grandpa's old pre 1900s rifle from the raj era for hunting because, why buy a new thing when the old thing works just fine?


I am planning on getting a pistol I can hopefully concealed carry when get a permit for that. Currently, I’m considering the H&K VP9SK because I’m an H&K shill, but I am open to suggestions.


What about the hkp30?


>Carry pistol suggestions?
Steyr C9-A2 MF

Don't think you can go wrong with any of the top brands anyways. Beretta, CZ, Glock, etc.


And the best thing about it is that it has a very low bore axis and angled grip work to signigicantly reduce recoil because the more offset the barrel is from the axis of your arm the more it will rotate your arm upwards.

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The engineers behind the t-34 understood the logistical struggles of maintaining entire battalions of tanks where before they only existed in handfuls. Such an exponential expansion of the deployment of tanks, in tandem with the increasing complexity of tank parts and intricacies of tank design, meant that the modern war effort would require logistical feats never before preformed by any army. Innovations of the t-34 would include everything from sloping armor to increase deflection and grazing rates from enemy shells without substantially increasing production cost to simplifying turret design while not stripping functionality to maintain the maximal performance and accessibility while cutting down on logistical profile. The general design ethos of the USSR was to think smarter so they could fight harder, and longer. One of the innovations was its tank treads - rather than being fully bolted on both sides, only one side was bolted, and a raised metal plate was installed to prevent these bolts from slipping out from their position, decreasing the work needed to replace tank tracks while still maintaining full functionality.

This industrious and pragmatic design philosophy is what drove the war machine of the Red Army, making its constituent components consistent and interchangeable, and to make such work easy to preform. Any man or woman, from Siberian tribespeople to West Russian urbanites, could fight with equal skill and capability under the red banner. Meanwhile every German vehicle or weapon required specially trained crews, specially trained engineers, specially trained gunsmiths, all required to jump through the hoops of different corporate designs and methods to keep their weapons of war functional. Where the Germans had tanks so finnicky that only 50% of spare parts would be accepted in any given German tank, you could disassemble 100 T-34s, mix up the parts, and assemble 100 of them again, and they'd all run equally well. In a war of logistics, this streamlining and accessibility is what allowed for the USSR's tanks to stand against the Germans even with numerical inferiority, because of shorter time out of action for logistical or repair work. As the number of T-34s increased, they started to geometrically outnumber them. then, exponentially outnumber them.

Simplified and streamlined designs with accessibility and consistency will win out against the most "advanced" and "complex" of designs, because war is not waged in a way thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Uralvagnzavod responded to the mocking about T-55s & T-62 & the T-34 being next (such as pic rel) by "proposing" a T-34 upgrade that will make it a Leo II killer.


Танк Т-34, установленный возле городского дома культуры имени Ленина в память об освободителях Антрацита от немецко-фашистских захватчиков, был отреставрирован специалистами Казачьей Национальной Гвардии. Боевой единице спустя 70 лет вернули возможность снова стать на защиту народа от фашистов. Эта та самая площадь где Укры заметили российскую технику. Т-34 действительно русский,а точнее-советский танк.


T-34 schematics


Т-34 это символ победы Советского Народа и Социалистической Системой над Фашизмом!


>Finally the tank STILL operates in combat to this day in its original form (i.e. not a T-34 chassis mounting a larger gun or new engine, like the Israeli M4 upgrades), a feat no other armored vehicle of WW2 can claim.
I need to amend my statement to "a feat no other TANK of WW2 can claim" because there is at least 1 other armored vehicle from WW-2 operating to this day - usually in the same areas as the T-34-85 for that matter - the SU-100 tank destroyer. the Су-100 is a casemate self-propelled gun mounting a 100mm D-10S anti-tank gun (Д-10С is also known as the 2A48 and was later mounted on the T-54/55 series). The cannon remains quite powerful even to this day and unlike the 85mm D-5 / Д5 gun used by the T-34-85 (and SU-85 the SU-100 was based on, and which in turn was based on the T-34's chassis and hull) has a lot more ready ammunition today that can be used.

Production began in 1944 and was produced in the USSR and Warsaw Pact up until 1956, with post-war models having updated electronics and being more 'refined' due to less rushed production in post-war conditions, as well as using T-44 road wheels, however the basic design remained unchanged.

It's currently used in Yemen and is in the arsenals of several countries today and took part in Cold War and 21st Century conflicts.
Yemen Su-100s: https://rg.ru/2019/02/12/legendy-v-boiu-su-100-prodolzhaiut-voevat-v-jemene-naravne-s-t-34.html



https://files.catbox.moe/oiirr9.mp4 720p version, 1080p is the Embed

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