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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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No more guns for Canadiens. Pretty big news isn't it?

>All rifles are now illegal and will be bought back

>Ownership of handguns still legal but sale illegal, probably will be made illegal shortly.
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registration equals confiscation
also look up cnc mills, you can produce shitty ones with a 3d printer and basic materials and they may suffice for making an upper reciever and you can the rest in 3d printed plastic with like a wood or polymer (handmade or injection molded) stock


If they didn't ban any new ones recently then there is a ton of good ones available still although registration for all sales is baaaaaaad news


ok so this way they can ban basically all rifles without having to admit they're banning all rifles. clever


all semi-auto anyways

but in the future i guess they could ban the rest of the guns. they could say bolt actions of high calibre are dangerous, they could say shotguns are dangerous. ban anything of high calibre period. and in the end we'll be left with single shot .22lr lever actions only. and then they can ban those easily too. since everyone will have to get the gun registered it will be easy to force laws that make people hand over their guns or face punishment and confiscation anyways.


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>canadians continue to be limpdick liberals
Can't spell CanUCK without CUCK


I'm in Ohio, and I'm going to pride with my family. I'm worried about shit like idaho happening where I'm going. shitheads pictured

former military, but it's been a bit since I've shot. do plan on shooting again and familiarizing myself again.

Ohio allows concealed pistols now with no license

what should I buy?

money is not a major concern, was thinking about shit like ruger 9mm ofc. may also go with an ar15 as it's easy to find.

The problem with an AR tho is that it'll freak out the normies carrying it openly.
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and freak ppl out



Yea was thinking about just going ar. the whole point of this is to be armed for pride in my backwater shithole so getting an ar just to lock it up for pride is dumb.

So was just thinking about getting a smaller handgun, which I had as a side arm when I was in. so I should be good, just want something smaller then I had when I was in.

I'll just go with a compact 9mm and conceal I think.


probably a good idea


Don't, you'd only shoot yourself with that


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Bring this.
Open carry.

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Check out the new Rheinmetall tank, it has the new 130mm L51 cannon https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/vb9awg/new_rheinmetall_kf51_tank_equipped_with_130mm/


LMAO they've been talking about that 130mm canon for years on end, yet another demo gun on a "next gen tank" that isn't going to reach production anytime soon because it is BEYOND cost-prohibitive, it's unfeasible in the current economic climate.


I should've clarified, this isn't actually a "new" tank; the only thing that is new is the turret and the cannon, but it's mounted on a Leo2A4 chassis. The new tank will eventually have a new chassis.


the good: down in weight, up in speed, more armor and defense gadgets, auto-loader, it looks fierce
the bad: meme gun , even bigger turret (soon it'll be as big as the lower half)

The bigger gun means less ammo, and it means overhauling logistics, this is design for profit, not design for combat. It makes all the old stuff incompatible and that causes more military contracts down the line. To justify a huge tube you have to make it do artillery trajectories as well. IMHO the real scifi move is to pack more energy into a smaller projectile.

It's also a software defined tank, so this could mean it's super flexible, or proprietary software hell that makes soldiers download a software-crack so that they can enable all the features of the tank. When circumventing DRM means life.

It's got drone stuff too i don't really have much of an opinion on that, the reconnaissance stuff makes sense, drone weapons however are long range and they could just be loaded into a normal truck, long range stuff doesn't need armor or a tracked vehicle.


Looks kinda goofy


So best small-arms ==> Russian
Best aircraft ==> American
Best tanks ==> ? (we can discuss this itt since it's probably the most controversial and divisive topic)
And for others;
Best drones?
Best missiles? (tactical or otherwise)
Best electronic warfare?
Feel free to add any other category of military technology to discuss which country has the best of it


Most categories will just be toss-ups between the USA and Russia since they both have the institutional knowledge to produce all modern weapons. The exception is tanks and tracked howitzers since Germany does both pretty good.

If you want to have more contenders, you need to go more niche. Best corvette, frigate, attack and transport helicopter can be contested by Europe. Best light anti-tank rocket and anti-tank guided missiles can also be contested by multiple countries as can best APC (tracked or wheeled) and best IFV


Feel free to make some extra larpy fluff while in it.

Yes, i shamelessly stole this idea from a /k/ thread i saw once. Sue me.
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You mean the embed?


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Is it time to stock up and have a series of boating accidents?


It is always time for that. Just don't forget ammo, probably more important.

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These seem like the way to go for cheap, widely available personal rifles.

Share advice on models, ammo, magazines etc.
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hamsics and ancom flag???
anyways they’re rocking PCCs


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If you possess Superior Floridian Genes then you're required to get a KelTec PCC. If not then I guess get whatever you want.


Some states ban particular weapons. In my jurisdiction the AR-15 is banned so your only way to get your hands on a 5.56 carbine is buying a Mini-14


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Most PCCs are overpriced range toys or aimed toward police departments that don't trust their pigs with real submachineguns or AR-15s. The exceptions are the Hi-Point carbines and the Kel-Tech Sub2000 which are worth consideration. You can get the former for like $270 and the latter for around $500. They occupy a niche in that are an economical substitute for an AR-15 for rifle problems and home defense/ fighting inside buildings like a pistol or shotgun. The higher end ones are pointless.

So 9mm is the best caliber for the PCC and the best kinda ammo is 9mm NATO, 124gr ~1250 fps. Hi-Point makes .380, 9mm, .40, .45 and 10mm carbines. Only the 9mm and 10mm are worth consideration because everything else has awful ballistics and fails to do the niche thing PCCs can do like quick accurate shots out to 100-150 yards. 10mm that's actually loaded beyond the energy of .40 S&W is like $1.40/rd and always out of stock. There is an ideal of a 10mm Carbine with like 1500 fps with a 180gr round and doing 1000+ ft/lbs energy from the barrel deadly 20-30-50 stendo round assault clips. You can modify any .45 hi-point mag to feed 10mm by pinching it's feed lips closer then it will hold capacity +10%. 44 Round 10mm drum mags.That's all cool but let's consider 9mm carbines to be the only real choice because the main draw of a Hi-Point carbine is being cheap and 9mm is the cheapest.

So for 9mm options, Kel-Tech takes 32rd Glock magazines is extremely lightweight and folds in half. Hi-point takes single-stack magazines of dubious quality ranging from 10 to 20. It's perfectly adequate. It's not a combat weapon unless you have to. Then donkey-dick 9mm stendo assault-clips, almost do it.

Most pistol calibers reach max velocity at about 12". There's no real reason to get a barrel longer than 16".


hi-point 995 seems like a great economical urban carbine for when you can’t get an AR or whatever

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The design of guns isn’t what matters but the idea of long distance combat with the potential to kill an enemy soldier in a matter of a single to few hits in the right areas.

This revolution of war to be centered around staying as far away as possible from enemy troops made large scale battles pretty much obsolete in most wars today as being seen can often come with worse consequences than simply being executed with the potential for entire squads and bases to become doxed, along with the fact that more troops and weapons != to more success in combat especially when both or more armed groups in modern wars possess weapons that pretty much instakill with dozens to hundreds of these weapons like armour piercing bullets available per troop.

Coupled with the introduction of the radar briefly during the pacific battles against imperial Japan really began to amplify the importance of staying away from conflict in order to spare the lives of soldiers, equipment and weapons and to this day most of the real combat in wars is done via trying to collect as much information on what a states security threats have and are planning.
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>Drones are the next big leap
only against opponents that lack air power, pretty much any air-force would be able to shredder drones in masses.

This is only tangentially related , but crossbows might make a comeback with advanced materials. Not actually as a bow, but as a rifle with a spring in it. Material-science advances suggest that two or three orders of magnitude in spring tension is possible. That's enough for a low power rifle suitable for wildlife protection and hobby shooting. The spring made from speculative future-science-material is compressed with manual labor input and released by a heavy trigger. And the result will be a powder-less rifle that makes a loud clicking and clanking noise but no exploding powder bang, that will be safer to operate.


>pretty much any air-force would be able to shredder drones in masses.
How's anti-drone technology/strategy/doctrine being developed? Genuinely curious as drones seem (to me) as the be-all and end-all of modern asymmetric warfare, specially after Nagorno-Karabakh.

Hell, i remember hearing that even advanced countries such as China and Russia had trouble problems with it.


It’s hard to build anti drone tech because
They’re made from reflective material that can’t be detected with most radars
They’re small as shit intentionally to be hard to hit
They’re fast as fuck and hit their targets with absolute precision

These factors make trying to battle against drone an uphill conflict


>This revolution of war to be centered around staying as far away as possible from enemy troops made large scale battles pretty much obsolete

Lol just look at Stalingrad and compare the losses on the eastern front to the total size of Napoleon's army.



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Can soldiers shoot cops of the enemy? Is this mentioned in the Geneva Conventions?
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Journalists should be considered combatants and legitimate targets in war.


For the purposes of the Geneva Convention police count as noncombatants as long as they're not, you know, being combatants.

Journalists should be shot on sight, war or not.


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No, that's another meme. This one is called the soyjak.


Under international law, any combatant can be engaged as an enemy. If police fight in a war, they can be shot. However you can't just go around massacring cops if they aren't fighting.
That's not true. Police in most countries are legally civilians. In common law states, the power of arrest comes from the ancient right to bring an accused criminal before a court. In the US, cops are basically just a privileged class of civilians who get access to cool guns and the ability to get away with murder.

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Why are they so afraid of a smol twisted paperclip?
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reminds them of the coat hanger that scraped their little glowy feeties in the womb


3D printed DIAS is infinitely more reliable than coat hanger.

t. coat hanger sear bent out of shape after less than sixty rounds in minecraft


>t. coat hanger sear bent out of shape after less than sixty rounds in minecraft
Good thing you can pck up more from mobs in minecraft


this thread is making me feel dumb


>coat hanger bends out of shape after two magazines
>still have five left
>your gun misfires every other shot at best
just print a yankee boogle
yes the name is dumb, just swallow your pride and do it
or drill a third hole but fuck that noise I'm not a gunsmith

in all cases please make sure to buy an H3 buffer and adjust your gas so that your full auto is nice and smooth and doesn't result in ejection problems from going too fast

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