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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Ok, I'm going to make the dreaded question.
Could normal size mechas (like, 1.5 storey tall) be actually viable in warfare?
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like, what's the point of bait if you have to write this much


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>I doubt there is much wasted space on the inside of the armor.
<tanks are the same as BMPs!
If you're just going to argue bad-faith nonsense like this then you may as well just stop.
>To balance it on two legs and have armored limbs would by neccesity make the armor thinner.
No, that's not how weight distribution works, look at any bipedal robot currently doing fucking backflips and running like a human, while being even more top-heavy. Hell look at HUMANS our upper halves are equivalent-heavier than our legs.
>the same HP it takes to move a wheel barrow is much less than the HP it takes to physically carry it.
Shit analogy that doesn't actually make sense, but lets play ball for a moment. When that Wheelbarrow reaches a wall, are you rolling it over the wall? No. When that wheelbarrow needs to scale a mountain, can it? No. If you need to move on a narrow path with little room to move, are you going to roll the wheelbarrow through it comfortably? No. You're going to be carrying it over the wall, through the narrow area, or up the mountain.
>the material of the armor is irrelevant
No it is not. Armor is not all the same, neither over time nor over different vehicle types.
>Wheeled vehicles can climb steeper inclines than tracked vehicles
HAHAHAHAHAHA No. Tracks possess far greater ground contact area and so traction, than wheels, which is why they can climb inclines better.
>you have yet to show legs would offer any advantage
More burden of proof fallacy, and this coming from a guy posting a light buggy climbing sideways up a slope while almost falling. I don't have to demonstrate what is obvious fact, but to prove it anyway I will proceed to use "basic" Kinesiology with the concept of Center of Gravity. Walking motion requires moving the center of gravity up and down, which means on a level, uninterrupted surface wheels would be more advantageous (i.e. a road or flat plain) but if terrain is rough, (large rocks, variable ground softness (sandy/swampy terrain etc.) and/or steep, the upward motion of center of gravity is advantageous.
Additionally on a steep incline people change how they Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Honestly since you're just repeating the same shit over and over again I'm just going to ask a few simple questions with a Yes or No answer.
Can a tank, car or ANY rolling vehicle climb a roadless mountain? Y/N
Can a tank, car or ANY rolling vehicle drive over a meter thick, 2 meter-tall wall? Y/N
Can a tank, car or ANY rolling vehicle step/jump over/across a row of mines or barbed wire? Y/N
Can a tank, car or ANY non-amphibious rolling vehicle drive through a deep river without stopping and preparing tubes and other equipment? Y/N
Can a tank, car or ANY large rolling vehicle traverse jungle without having to crush and smash through dozens of trees at high pace? Y/N
Can a tank, car or ANY rolling vehicle turn on a 1-2 meter radius?
Can a tank, car or ANY rolling vehicle manipulate objects with fine control without a manipulator arm?
Can a tank, car or ANY rolling vehicles re-arm and refuel without any crew or logistics crew stepping/being outside the vehicle, in CBRN conditions?


Kalashnikov Concern demo'd a mecha walker in 2018 called Игорёк. It's for civilian use, with a multi-person cockpit, with manipulators resembling that of a Deep-Sea submersible and leg structure reminiscent of the ED-209 or Star Wars AT-ST.


>A Purely Practical Look at Mechs and Mech Combat
>Jason Wolfe

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Take a tin can, take an airbag inflator w/ sodium azide in it for the shock-sensitive primary explosive and either Guanidinium nitrate w/ an oxidizer (like copper nitrate) or Ammonium nitrate to surround it in to act as the secondary explosive (optionally you could instead use a mixture of potassium nitrate and silicon dioxide to send hot particles flying everywhere to make the reaction retain heat. Then just add a wooden dowel from a broom handle for the grip, and after that's all attached, drop it from a height and watch it explode as it lands on the bottom (you could add some kind of weight to it optionally). Also, I've experimented with the idea of using compressed helium or argon-helium mixtures for the explossive as opposed to a chemical explosive propellant that you can put in a gun. You could possibly wire a car's airbag alarm sensor as a detonator for a bomb as opposed to an impact-activated grenade and make it remotely detonated for you to activate it.

R8 my weapons.


>a shock sensitive explosive to set off a bomb
OP that's retarded
anyway here's my idea:
>put TCCA in a PET bottle
>insert a sealed test tube with HCl in the bottle
>add a spring loaded spike or whatever to break the test tube when desired
>when activated, Cl2 will build up in the bottle until it bursts
you now have something that'll cause concussion/hearing damage, throw plastic shrapnel around and also functions as a chemical weapon. hooray!


Hexamannitol nitrate is rather easy to make


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Fuel: Take an old beer bottle. Fill it up with gasoline, some paint thinner for good measure and a sprinkle of manganese.
It's less hassle to use a slow burning match or some equivalent, and a soaked rag has greater potential to spread the fire to unwanted places plus makes the bottle less aerodynamic and harder to aim.

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How many FAB bombs does Russia have?


Gonna start a thread on this since I just found something cool I want to share, will post it as a reply.
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This made me throw up lmao what is this you can get decent dual tubes for sub 10, and dual PVS-14s in a panobridge for sub 7k

Thats like only on the ""new"" army ENVGs


Never used a dovetail for monos thought they didn't wobble at all but my only experience with monos is J-arm and bayonet.


Review of Russia's current thermal sight for its army


Как спастись от американского тепловизора? ATN MARS 4 | How to fool a thermal scope

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Probably someone else.

At least a few others, some people have been lasering fighter jets and helicopters and UFOs and shit and posting it on 4chan. Some got arrested for it.


>At least a few others, some people have been lasering fighter jets and helicopters and UFOs and shit and posting it on 4chan. Some got arrested for it.
Yeah, looked it up and there's been quite a few of these retards.


Killdozer one is epic


I think Alaska is just different, trying to do a check up as a police officer in Alaska might just leave you full of holes from some schizo firing on your position from his attic with an M60.


>I think Alaska is just different, trying to do a check up as a police officer in Alaska might just leave you full of holes from some schizo firing on your position from his attic with an M60
Almost accurate, only its more likely to be a high-caliber hunting rifle.

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Recent Norinco rifle for the PLA replacing the QBZ-95/Type 95 bullpup. Has normal assault rifle, carbine and DMR variants, more info in the attached video.
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Are the variants just different barrel lengths?


Could they not just sell the same rifle but semi-auto only? If their competitors want to receive a Chinese rifle they can easily aquire one through other means surely, I mean there has got to be hundreds of millions of them in China.


they prolly just sell off the ones that didn't pass quality control lol


Sure, but thats not must what they do afaik


It's like they tried to combine the AK and AR together.

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How do you take it from a prepper LARP to a legitimate strategy and contingency plan? From what I understand, plenty of revolutionaries have had to do this through history to survive. It seems like a very important skill to have in the event that you need to evade fash or rapidly declining material conditions during the fall of capitalism.

Realistically, how do you accomplish this? Even in an extremely generous situation where you have your own land in the middle of nowhere, and have the money to buy supplies (clothing, repair equipment, tools) once in a while, it seems nigh-impossible in the modern era. Not only do you have to survive mother nature and construct and maintain reliable shetler and storage, you also have to somehow secure methods of maintaining gun supplies, food, clothing, information, etc. Most of this seems to demand either a lot of money or a lot of crime (which has its own issues with making the local proles hostile to you)

I'm interested in resources and methods of training survival skills (without getting myself killed like a retard).
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LARP preppers, which dominate SEO on the subject because their conception of prepping is largely based in consumption rather than sustainability, have main character syndrome and want to Minecraft Steve their way to survival while mowing down all the poors for any excuse they can get.

Real prepping would require a cooperative of some sort, and involve permaculture farming.


The way you take it from LARP to Contingency is writing it down with quantities.


Diesel Generator might be useful, milsurp is usually good.

I Bought a Military Surplus Diesel Generator to Power my House


Isn't renewable a lot better? You'll eventually run out of gas.


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Some of the comments are important or interesting to look at:
>Generator tech here, if possible you should avoid running your diesel generator under low loads for extended periods, this can lead to something called "wet stacking". A diesel engine needs to run under load in order to burn clean, under no load conditions you'll coke up the engine and shorten it's life. Simply put, you'll want to run your generator at a minumum 25% load whenever possible, and every so often you'll want to run it up to 100% for a few hours to burn off carbon and spooge buildup as well as verify function at rated capacity.
The MEP models had common issues with wet stacking. so run them around a 80% load for around 30mins-1hr at your yearly service date.
>Electrician here; pleased to see that you're adhering to code, and doing a neat, non-lashup job. Attention to detail saves MANY problems down the road. Next: Battery bank + Inverter. Two reasons: 1) initial switchover on power loss is marginally faster, especially if your generator is cold or the outage is a short one, and 2) (more important) You can load up your generator recharging the bank, and prevent carbon depositing in the cylinders - Need to periodically run a generator under heavy load to keep it clean. Downside of a bank + inverter is more cost and more maintenance. If you're NOT getting a bank, consider getting a dummy load that can artificially load up the generator.

>the 400 hertz are for radar systems, namely the SQS-36 Firefinder and ANTPQ-64 Sentinel. Those 10K generators have Yanmar engines and we would run them 24/7 and only shut them down for every 200 hours for oil changes. We had 2 per radar and would switch gens every 200 hours. Each generator would have 4000+ hours on them at the end of a deployment and they would go directly to Toby Hanna Army depot to get rebuilt or what we called a reset. I know those systems like the back of my hand and would by a surplus one in a heart beat.The internal tank is only good for about 8 hours of run time but you can run a line for an external tank.

>The water separator fuel filter you changed at 13 minutes, well, it's a good idea to leave that water drain on there. Especially when filling with jerry cans. If you don't regularly ble
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>A shotgun (also known as a scattergun, or historically as a fowling piece) is a long-barreled firearm designed to shoot a straight-walled cartridge known as a shotshell, which usually discharges numerous small pellet-like spherical sub-projectiles called shot, or sometimes a single solid projectile called a slug. Shotguns are most commonly smoothbore firearms, meaning that their gun barrels have no rifling on the inner wall, but rifled barrels for shooting slugs (slug barrels) are also available.

The shotgun is thought of as being an extremely basic firearm but it is also very versatile and powerful. It can shoot loads that allow you to hunt small game, large game, from birdshot to buckshot, to even rifled slugs that basically turn your shotgun into a rifle, also works good for home defense and even military applications (think WW1 trench guns).

People have a misleading sense of how much spread shotguns have especially in video games where they magically become ineffective after 10 feet meanwhile in real life hunters regularly kill animals with buckshot at far greater distances.
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what's the deal with burgers and muh home defense?


Come find out.


what the hell does that mean? that doesn't answer my question


It's a joke, the implication is that if you "come" and enter their home, they will shoot you.


Refilling a shell
>The video does not show the exact parameters and names of the components. This is not a tutorial for making shotgun shells, it is a reconstruction of a museum rarity.

Video is by Drobashevich a Russian Shotgun channel


-Personal Armour
-Vehicle Armour
-Structural armour

Instructions, specifications, theory.
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See >>2099
But since I know (You) won't listen - How To Make AMAZING Body Armor For $30?! on youtube. Guy uses fiberglass resin to create a fairly durable Level III plate.

sage for potential glowies


Anyone have these old 'future' military stuff? I remember there being a site for it, but it's gone or something.



The Russian special forces titanium helmet, yes.


A DIY Mirror Ghillie that is surprisingly effective


Today, the United States is among a number of nations working to develop and field advanced directed energy weapons, or lasers, for a number of military applications.

Near the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union began experimenting with the idea of fielding a laser-equipped tank that could blind the targeting systems of inbound ballistic missiles or vehicles. Ultimately, two prototypes of the laser-armed 1К17 Сжатие, translated to “Compression,” were built, though they weren’t complete until the Soviet Union fell and was replaced by the new government of the Russian Federation.

Today, the United States is among a number of nations working to develop and field advanced directed energy weapons, or lasers, for a number of military applications. The U.S. Air Force recently announced its intentions to begin fielding lasers on their fighter platforms as soon as 2025, and the U.S. Navy began testing its latest laser, the MK 2 MOD 0, aboard the USS Portland in May of this year. But decades before these programs came to light, the Soviet Union was already exploring the idea of using lasers as a means of missile defense.

The Soviet strategy wasn’t to use these lasers to destroy incoming missiles like the applications in development today intend to. Instead, the Soviet laser tank aimed to blind or burn out the electro-optical sensors missiles used to find their targets. Once blinded or damaged, a missile would miss its intended target, whether that was the 1K17 or other nearby assets. Other planned applications included using the laser apparatus to blind heavy vehicles like tanks, making it impossible for them to aim and fire accurately.
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Soviet LASER pistol for astronauts. It's only powerful enough to overload cameras but it looks cool. It actually has single use battery cartridges like bullets in the magazine. The idea was for the astronauts on space stations to shoot this out the window at approaching ships.


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There was a laser revolver version of this too. It reminds me of the laser pistol from the original Alien (1979) film.




The laser pistol actually looks cool. The revolver has to be the ugliest looking firearm I've ever seen.



Laser deforestation demonstrated in Russia
>Specialists from the Troitsk Institute of Innovation and Thermonuclear Research tested a mobile laser complex produced by Rosatom. The laser was used to cut down forests and speed up the laying of power lines. Using a laser complex, it was possible to cut a tree trunk 200 mm thick in six minutes; by simulating a laser beam, this time can be halved. The laser installation has no analogues in Russia and is capable of cutting even metal structures whose thickness reaches 260 mm, at a distance of no more than 300 meters. Previously, a sunken ship located 50 meters from the shore was cut with a laser on Sakhalin. There are no technical details released yet; the laser complex can be installed on an all-terrain vehicle of median size or larger.
An interesting use of a laser. Perhaps its not so fantastical in the future to have laser cannons.

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