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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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excavating tunnels, trenches, ditches, ramparts, moats, holes, any kind of defensive earthwork where industrial machinery isn't viable

you can get most stuff off of amazon or any hardware or milsurp store
Previous thread: >>1028
3 posts omitted.

>while your forts
You got the wrong thread, nobody is building a fort here.

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Me when artillery bombards your tanks and truckerinos because they have predictable movements allowing us to plan killzones for then

I don’t own land. I won’t be staying in one place longer than four years. I don’t have funding. No tunneling possible.

>infantry using self made fortifaction will die (even though those manholes were invented to succesfully defend against artillery) so let me pull up things that are completely useless when it comes to surviving artillery

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You need a shovels, big and small for dirt and sand, a pickaxe to remove the bigger rocks in the dirt which stop you from shoveling, axe or a separate very sharp shovel for cutting roots in the way but ideally you wouldnt dig near obvious giant tree roots, buckets and ropes and ladders and hardhats and pulleys for removing all the rocks and dirt, if youre throwing rocks out of the hole, call out first, If youre lifting rocks out of the hole with a pully get out of the hole first. Reinforce the walls and roof of the tunnels with something, make the tunnels a oval or circle shape to help it not cave in. Its going to get really cold down there so get some wooden or plastic chairs / beds that are up off the ground or it will suck the heat out of your body and kill you, rain flooding and drainage and pests are other considerations to think about, tape up your boots around your ankles or youll get sand in them all day. I had a ton of fun digging a 5 foot wide 15 foot hole deep in my buddies backyard in south California summer time and I swear to god I got so cold down there. They say its a constant 54 degrees F I think? Men love digging for some reason I'd totally do it all over again just for fun.

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Sticks replaced fists, spears replaced sticks, swords replaced spears, and guns replaced swords.
Modern drones have the potential to replace guns as the primary weapon employed in wars, but these weapons suffer from many issues. The most obvious of these issues is the time these things can remain airborne. Modern wars feature battles that remain continuous for weeks to months on end, but most military drones only can remain airborne for a few minutes. Stacking this issue on top of the vulnerability these weapons have to winds, storms, and explosives, and these weapons can quickly become entirely useless for long-term use.
Another major problem is range and size. Modern gun drones don’t have a lot of range if they’re not built big. However, that requirement of these weapons just leaves them increasingly exposed to getting shot down. It’s not just firepower either that makes these weapons vulnerable. Any positive changes in the flight duration, maximum altitude, speed, and the capabilities of any individual drone will see a subsequent increase in a drone’s size.
With enough investment, these weapons should be able to overcome most of these problems and be the thing that replaces the gun. However, these weapons currently are only useful for niche purposes in wars than a true successor to humanity’s primary weapon of choice.
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us apparently plans to drop its large uavs in order to replace them with… something???

Drones may work as a mortar replacement, but how would you imagine exchanging guns for drones? That's like giving every infantryman a mortar instead of a rifle.
You're right that guns replaced swords, because they both serve as a personal defence weapon, but drones are artillery.

Replace them with yet more retrofitted planes from like the 60s probably.

>anon drops insightful post
<OP drops one liner with completely wrong information
Why are all your threads like this? Artillery is still the king of the battlefield, only about 5% of the casualties are caused by small arms and another 5% by vehicles. Drones in comparison are a fart in the wind and FPV videos are only easy to find because of sadism.

Infantry and vehicles dont kill alot but they deny areas to the enemy and that in the longterm, think years, drones cant do any of that. Which means drones are a subset of marksmanship and are already falling into that niche. The fact that drone operators are tortured to death like snipers shows another line of parallels.

For ISR probably satellites, drone swarms and space planes, the reaper has proven outdated with how easily it can be targeted and destroyed.

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I will dump interesting or awesome cartel weapons photos.
the guy with the minigun is El Abuelo from los metros CDG
the other 2 are sicarios from "el Mini 10"
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I dunno the name of the gun with the holes in the cannon but I remember it being pretty powerful

M2 browning from WW2

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toston (anti-vehicle rifle), heavy artillery and grenade launcher by CJNG sicarios

CDN various operativas; la Coahuila and tropa del infierno

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despite being both from Sinaloa cartel, el grupo flechas\la mayiza (mayo zambada faction) was at war with Los Chapitos (el chapo's family). the fuerzas especiales raton was the faction of ovidio guzman

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I want something that shoots a very powerful round. It should make as gory a scene as possible.
Been looking into the smith & wesson 500 magnum and some 460 options


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Remington XP-100 Fireball. They say it is what sploded JFK's head.

This does look pretty badass, is there a more modern alternative?

Thompson Center Encore 308 Handgun - w/ Kerry Mackey (Man Up Outdoors)

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Setting aside his remarkable military career: is dale comstock a grifter\snake oil salesman?
>publishes photo from his mercenary work in Yemen on fucking public FB.
>Shills stem cell treatment, I think he sells a way to get it or something
>active, as an homeopathy "doctor"
>mail order\trophy, thai wife
>constantly remarks how strong he looks "at his age"- really seems insecure about being a boomer

sounds like the dayron arias of /k/ommando cultures

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i wanna buy something from the links here, you can guess what, i've seen other wikis that post the same links, but i don't find them trustworthy one bit, due to the fact that TorStore powered returns no actual address and in the FAQ they want you to post this on the clearweb in order to get clicks and purchases and that makes me doubt their integrity.

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Biden has proposed measures to restrict home built firearms. I personally find this concerning, as the ability to produce firearms would be a boon to any communist militia or similar group. Yes, I know there are other ways to produce firearms and with enough people and money, an organized militia could do it legally even if such a ban passes by getting a license to manufacture firearms, or by forging receivers themselves.

All that being said, the ban seems like a nothingburger: the proposed restrictions, as far as I know, would only ban "build and shoot" kits that come with all the parts needed. Pawn shops and gun stores would also be required to serialize unserialized guns that are sold to them. So basically there is not going to be an outright ban on 80% receivers, you would just have to buy the parts separately. Thoughts?
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I don't even watch him or follow anything about him so fuck off with your non arguments.

you too


I don't know what they think this will accomplish, CNC machining has already made it easy to mill out lower receivers, the technology only becomes more available as time goes on.

>Please do not produce something that we can't even know exist

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Just a plain ass bolt action for the absolute annoyance that was the nazi army. It’s fucking sobering to think about too. All that obnoxious propaganda, all those mandatory speeches, all that money wasted on stupid designs and constantly breaking firearms, and this ends up being the greatest thing these morons ever made. The strongest weapon to ever grace the hordes of fascistic scum is the most bland, mediocre, and uninspired rifle imaginable. The list of failures fascists have in their history is truly endless…
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>Le land lease
>Something that happened after Stalingrad and amounted to 2% of Soviet production was le true killing blow against nazis
US bracket fanfiction being spread here now ?

LMAO bf109 was soooo great that it was destroyed by outdated Hurricanes over and over during the Battle of Britain. All these nazi fighter aces with 1000 kills only got that number by farming biplanes, when they faced fighters they were shot down like dogs. The average Soviet (and British and American) pilot was both far more skilled and much braver than a nazi dog.

>and British and American
nah they got their asses kicked in korea and vietnam

That weapon isn't even nazi and in their autistic Kraut space magic, the nazis have made absolute banger weapons. Rockets, jet engine the type XXI, the first assault rifle, the best machine gun ever…

The tanks were a great example of everything right and wrong for every side.
Krauts went autistic and tailored one million halftrack models and overengineered fuel drinkers, capitalists had more industries than reasonably needed and made tanks like carriers: good but produced not to win the war but because the friend who own the factory said the economic crisis would evaporate if we just give him more money, while Stalin said quantity have a quality on its own, half the T34 broke on their way to the front, half of the remainings were destroyed and the other quarter made a parade in Berlin.

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excavating tunnels, trenches, ditches, ramparts, moats, holes, any kind of defensive earthwork where industrial machinery isn't viable

you can get most stuff off of amazon or any hardware or milsurp store
57 posts and 11 image replies omitted.

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Revive this thread

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Newest Tunneler shenanigans in New York


>I am an orc and I'm digging a hole
>Diggy diggy hole
>Hohol piggy hole

Rip the greatest thread that was ever been has
I want to grab a shovel and start digging a hole and make a tunnel home

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So now that Trump is president-elect and the chvddies will feel emboldened once again, how many noguns anons on here are finally going to get armed?

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