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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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<From focal +‎ -ism.


<focalism (uncountable)
<<(psychology) Synonym of anchoring
<<A revolutionary strategy which posited that military vanguardism could lead to general rebellion.


<(revolutionary strategy): foquism


more like cringe-ismo amirite fellas


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All other forms of war is gay when you have those two weapons, you don’t even have to move or deploy soldiers and equipment, just stand around and rain missiles and bullets on the target until troops move into seize the targets and you win.
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Then don't use a missile, shoot down the gunship with a laser.


you need infantry to establish proper direct power over the enemy/achieving the goal of the war. just have them defending the artillery from any infantry ambushes and use them as scouts to find the positions to target for the artillery. tanks are a little more obsolete infantry vehicle, but still are more powerfull than the infantry. a proper would have both parties using their best available equipment to destroy the best equipment of the enemy.


>Drones and artillery are the best weapons
>Ignoring importance of Air Defense
This article ought to tell you how valuable it is against even a giant like NATO.


At this point im wondering why places like Singapore are not just mass producing kamikaze drones to solve low population problem in armed conflicts.


Mines are also important as the failed counteroffensive of the Ukrainian military against the Russian frontline proves


This leftypol is intriguing. It seems some people ere being referred to my blogsite from here. I am looking for ways to beat the shadow ban and get some traffic.

My latest act of bloggery, related to warfare, is found at https://yaxls.wordpress.com/2022/08/19/get-ready-for-world-war-two-and-a-half/ I think we are about to have another world war, but it will be a pretty feeble one, as world wars go.

I have other topics, too.


What is this? I would visit but it's broken without enabling javascript apparently




shit. rip


>Page not found


Is there any organizational model that can withstand "totalitarianism" and/or martial law. Is it possible for a group to function and carry out low-level clandestine operations in a completely hostile environment? Have there been any examples of groups that were never penetrated by security in history? U've heard some anons suggest secret societies and cell- based movements. I would suggest a movement of singular individuals unknown to each other with a vague idea guiding them. But how do you spread such an idea? I'd like to hear other anon's thoughts.
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Some vague goal isn't good enough. What are you planning on doing?


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Anyone who knows of the secrets to such a thing would never reveal it on a mongolian basketweaving forum.


kinda sounds like how the more militant anarchists organize which is great for running a low level guerilla war against ur local police(see cop city or Athens) but won't really build a base or dual power outside of small areas


two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead

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>At roughly $127, the Cobra Arms Freedom . 380 was the least-expensive newly manufactured firearm in the US today. The pistol is wholly made and assembled in the USA (Utah), and each one comes with a lifetime warranty that follows the gun from owner to owner.
Why arent ameicans giving these to homeless people? You could drop off these and ammo on different spot for safety. Why are communists not arming the most desperate proletarians in america when its legal? Suburban kids wont do shit they never will but these people have nothing to lose.
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>stalin's revolution
Which one would that be lmao


clearly this is a fed post. sage.


Yes. Or plastic and about a million easy to aquire steel or aluminum solutions that would work better. Or high temperature, high strength plastics like PEEK I think might work for a decent barrel.


oh yeah I've used PEEK for some stuff and it seems strong enough to handle lower pressure cartridges. main problem is that it doesn't do high temperatures


>main problem is that it doesn't do high temperatures
Yeah. Could the interior be coated with a less heat sensitive material somehow? I guess in the end you would run into the same problems as with more traditional materials, with overheating of the barrel causing warp.
Not sure what the most accessible material for a decent barrel would be. Perhaps casting or using electrolysis to rifle a suitable piece of steel?

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Not much of a military fag but was the USSR not even a horde? You always see it portrait as such in the movies that the USSR was a horde of people while the nazis were elite and superior but outnumbered
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le leftypol infographic


Obviously it wasn't a horde. Worth noting though that that info graphic was made by an actual schizo who thinks that the Germans lost 4 million men in 1941 because Stalin said so in a speech lmao. Vid related is an actually competent debunking of the "Red Asiatic Horde" myth.


The Nazi ruling class were capitalist and anticommunist, the Soviet ruling class were communist and anti-capitalist. The "Western" ruling class is capitalist and anticommunist and sympathized much more with the Nazis than the Soviets, it even rescued and employed the Nazis after the war to help fight Communism. The west had a need to portray the nazis as stronger and superior but doing a naughty by invading Western Europe and all the heinous genocide and torture and shit that went public. This needed to portray the Soviet Union as having a twisted pipe dream that sounds seductive and maybe even some of you guys think what they're saying doesn't sound that bad but look what happened to the people when they trusted those commies, they had no weapons or technology or strategy, they just had to throw bodies at the naughty nazi ubermensch to defeat them because communists just treat their citizens like flesh sacks.
The western capitalists liked the nazis and fascists, they appreciated their work in putting down communists and worker's movements all across Europe. The people hated them because of how much pain and misery and death they caused, an entire generation of men or more wiped out in many countries. If the western people knew it was the Soviets that defeated the nazis almost single handedly that would cast communism in a much different light. Nor could the Western capitalists fawn over the nazis, for obvious reasons. So what ended up happening was that the achievements of the Soviet's was understated, their war effort twisted to make them look like savage barbarians and the nazis were cast as the sophisticated and powerful elite force of evil that was bad but also really strong and cool. The western capitalists used the actual barbarity of the nazis when it suited them and overshadowed it with shit like wehraboo fetishism in the media at other times. They also secretly supported and bankrolled underground neonazis and quietly installed the old nazis back into governments in West Germany, the EU, NATO, and several American Domestic agencies, even the intelligence agencies of Israel after the war, and this process applied to fascists all over Europe and Asia. Capital wants you to admire the Nazis and hate the Soviets but not know just how cozy they were.


Dumb question but good for you for having the balls to ask.
This too.


Good question newfriend
See >>>/edu/1841


As you (hopefully) know, a gun suppressor doesn’t completely eliminate the sound created by a firing gun. Instead, it suppresses the noise significantly by capturing and slowly releasing the rapidly expanding gases used to propel a bullet out of the gun barrel. When firing a gun, the gunpowder in the bullet casing ignites, creating an immense amount of pressure. This pressure propels the bullet down the barrel of the gun, pushing the round at incredible speeds. When the bullet exits the barrel, the pressure is released and an extremely loud noise is produced. What a suppressor does is provide a larger space for the pressure and hot gases to expand after exiting the barrel. The gases expand as they are heated when the gun fires, but the suppressor traps and slowly releases this gas, resulting in a much quieter shot. Other aspects of a suppressor that help to mute sound include the science of heat transfer and metallurgy.

But for the Soviet Union, the conventional form of suppressors bolted onto the gun was simply not enough. Some bright spark decided to reinvent the wheel. He looked at the usual barrel silencer and figured they're such crap because it doesn't make much sense to try to muffle the bang at the barrel's end, since it happens all the way back, as the compressed gunpowder explodes and the resulting gas violently expands. So he went and designed a fancy bullet case which trapped the gases inside itself, so it's actually more appropriate to say the technology is silent ammon rather than silent guns, the latter of which was designed after the former. They also were designed to minimize the secondary noise of that is the clang of moving parts, so it became inaudible beyond a few meters. Further, the third and last source of noise, case ejection, was wholly sidestepped by keeping the spent, gas-filled cases trapped in the gun itself, which further adds to the stealth. Add the complete lack of a muzzle flash, and it's as stealthy as it gets.

The downside is that it loses power and has lowered effective range, but with such a stealthy weapon, distance wasn't supposed to be a factor for the user. It's also, unsurprisingly, more expensive to manufacture than common ammo.

The prototype was named SP-1. That and SP-2 saw use only in Bond-style specialty guns, like the infamous cigarette case, the TKB-506 and TKB-506A. Later on, some different group ceated the PZ/PZA/PZAM round line, much bigger because they were intended to be usePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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> This new one will use special, new ammo using the SP technique, but with a preposterous .50 caliber round, with an effective range of 700m. That's some serious shit.
They made silent 50 cal ?
whoa that's serious shit indeed


It'll probbly be a subsonic round and if it's Russian, 12.7mm, so slightly bigger than .50 cal


how big in caliber you reckon can they go with this ?


Given that there are artillery sound suppressors, you can theoretically go as high as you'd like but functionally 12.7mm is the limit, maybe 14.5mm if they need an sniper rifle that doubles as an anti-material rifle against APCs and tank optics.


I don't see why there would be such a small limit on suppressors. I mean the soviet's made suppressed 40mm grenade launchers for example, and the Russians have a 12.7mm suppressed sniper rifle, as you mention. I wonder if silent rockets, rocket propelled grenades would be possible goven their relatively low speed…

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I feel like most of the world has forgotten about the 1st and 2nd Chechen wars and I honestly see similarities in Ukraine, especially with Chechens fighting on either side and some fighting out of a pure hatred for Russia.

I'm curious to hear some lefty stances on them.
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This guy Yevgeny Rodionov was executed by Chechens and was canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church. There is also an icon of him in a Ukrainian church in Kharkov, but I imagine it's been removed by now


>people forgot about Chechnya
Ngga are you retarded no one is that fucking young to have that and the shit that went on in Bosnia, Tigray, Libya, etc not still deeply burned into their memory. It’s just that shitloads of wars have been going on since then that it’s hard to pay attention to how much death has been occurring


Good lesson in urban insurgency and COIN


They had a good strategy with their guerilla units.
Similar to the Soviet innovation of maximizing number of designated marksmen and mgs in each squad
3 man teams.
Each team:
1 Sniper
1 MG
1 Anti tank specialist
Honestly probably a perfect cell design. Lean and low profile as possible. Peak efficiency. Every soldier fulfills a designated role, equipped for a specific deisgnated threat. 3 guys means cover and bounded withdrawl etc. It also means easy infil and exfil and it's the smallest possible number to make special missions viable such as evac and scouting and relating information to other units.
Low investment, low material cost, easy to organize and plan orders for, able to act autonomously and modularly with neighboring units.




What do people think the consequences of the FGC-9 and the advent of 3D printed guns and weapons more broadly will be?

How will this affect revolutionary as well as reactionary violence? Will be see a rise in paramilitary organisations on the left capable of enforcing political demands, or is this just a going to lead to more fascist lone wolf attacks.

link to a documentary below
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The point is you’re gonna have to learn how to make casings,magazines and possibly bullets as well. Like >>2467 said it’s not just the gun you’re making, you have to take into account the ammunition and accessories. Milling and machinery is just more practical and covers more ground. I’m also not contesting the use of plastic, but like those videos demonstrated, a LOT more could be produced at a faster rate with an injection molding machine. One thing that’s also important to note, is that polymer can be prone to warping and chipping if consistently put in rough conditions. Their handling also pales in comparison to wood and even metal framed guns, so their advantage lies more so in the amount that could be produced quickly. All that aside I love AUGs and think it would be a good model for mass production


AUGpill me


Its another tool to mix and match with. Cheaply machine big basic parts, 3d print small weirdly shaped parts. Rivet or weld together what you need to. If something is cheap and available, buy that part and take it home to work with.


injection moulding yo


Extruded plastics can be stronger than injection moulding and a 3d printer is a lot cheaper. Look into PEEK.

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Say you want to make an incendiary thermite round shooting gun? Mine would resemble the tear gas pistol in picrel. But I want the ammo to look like second picrel. It's from Russia's 9M22S grad rocket (thermite held inside a magnesium cup). How could I get this to shoot? Also, I was thinking of making what I'd lije to call "smart bullets" to come along with it that has some sort of altimeter fuze so that when shot in the air, it'll detonate and scatter all the thermite in the air and make it rain fire. Would this work? If not, what part should be adjusted to get it to work?

Also, 3rd pic is where I got the idea from.




what is this?

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