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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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As is known, the earliest example of guns, your matchlocks and percussion cap rifles were not really the most accurate things in the world, so aiming was seen as more "point in the general direction and hope for the best" more than a tool to increase accuracy. This would carry over into WW1, while the rifles were indeed much more accurate, to the point of aiming allowing soldiers to hit targets from great distances with great, well, accuracy, the military high commands of that era were sluggish to realize just how industrialization had changed warfare - it was not until the interwar period that there was serious experimentation on how to perfect the new mode of war, and to discard the old Napoleonic era of tactics in favor of what we generally recognize as modern warfare.

This stance in pic 1 being used is an old school sport shooting stance. It's actually a very accurate stance, as it puts the fulcrum of the rifle in line with the shooters center or mass. But, it's an impractical position for warfare, as it requires to be both standing upright as well as fully still. Though, at the time nations started to field snipers, the majority of them were trained by or just were hunters and sport shooters - many of the USSR's snipers were just country boys who enjoyed hunting turning their skills into tools to destroy fascism.

Another adaptation of the era was pistols - though they had existed prior, their mass utilization by infantry was entirely new, and there was very little standardization of shooting stances for accuracy. What ended up getting adopted by most nations was largely their "officer's stances", which was a position that was once used for holding aloft officer's swords, before pistols became the status symbol of the office. Pic 2 is the American army, pic 3 the Germans, and pic 4 the English. The only concern of this stance is getting the shot on target, it was popular with dueling and target shooting. If you've seen videos of people shooting like this, you'll know there's very little recoil control - making it impractical for warfare due to difficulty of follow up shots. You can see an example of these kinds of hold-over firing positions in this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP7J-JNSUu4
A lot of these old stances have no modern equivalents in warfare, but others are the ancestors to our modern forms.

>This would carry over into WW1
t. doesn't know about the invention and use of the rifle

very interesting thanks OP

>your matchlocks and percussion cap rifles were not really the most accurate things in the world, so aiming was seen as more "point in the general direction and hope for the best"

This isn't true. There were sorts of snipers in the 18th century and you would be expected to aim and hit a target from at least 100 metres away. People just didn't like actually killing each other.


What in this world will ever be as powerful as a good old fashioned cannon? ARRRRRRRRRD!

this is genius

a modern building made in the past 50 years would be completely and instantaneously rendered to dust the moment a cannon ball would hit it

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>Can't do military service or join a militia because I'm deaf from one ear.
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Lmao that didn't take long at all. I guess that description accurately describes many countries here.

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From one latamfag to another, camarada.

probably a good idea, could you get connections from it for work as well?

I would need to investigate more to know that, but honestly I'm only guessing here but probably not, I think for that I'd probably need a more extensive military career to get to that level.

During the vietnam war the US army had several battalions with lower qualifications from their standard, lower IQ requirements are the most infamous ones and the wikipedia article doesn't mention hearing difficulties but I bet they had some and that they also were part of the higher killed in action rate and the higher poverty and divorce rate veterans had.


A thread for the extremely versatile rifle, produced by Soviets/Russians (Tula/Izhevsk), Chinese (Norinco), Yugo/Serbs (Zastava) to this day and available as (relatively) cheap surplus pretty much anywhere.

Thinking of converting a Type 56 for hunting and range shooting.
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>bruh just regularly clean it
I have heard some cheap 7.62 is considerably corrosive and the steel jacket damages softer barrels.
>bruh just add straps and keep it slung
Still less heavy than desirable. And if you are going to war or even just hiking and hunting you want the cheapest equipment possible.

yeah, the older and military surplus ones should be more corrosive, and i wouldn't put it past norinco to put them in with the fresh retail ones just to meet supply, but again, you can just clean regularly. the barrel is strong, it should be fine

>cheapest equipment possible
>the barrel is strong, it should be fine
Yes, depends on the rifle, a chrome lined SKS would probably be fine.

Polymer is also more resistant to temperature and moisture changes than wood. It also does not require treating with oil and polish.

>not wanting to scare your enemy shitless and destroy his morale by emitting deafening gun fire sounds


how much of BUD/S is pointless masturbation?
how were spetsnaz chosen and trained?

most special forces shit is pointless masturbation as well as careerism


It's designed to be passable it's it's truly to hard were it pushes people to ultimate breaking point then no-one will pass enough to make it viable.

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Should this board be renamed to lowercase?
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I prefer the look of all caps myself

No I prefer it in capitals

I like it in caps. Gives it a certain impact.

i think every new board should be upper case for six months after its making to increase visibility

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I wanted to share this for a while, these are two articles from a magazine/newspaper local to medellín, the first article is a memoir from a FARC commander from the time they took down an army base and took down a plane with a high ranking officer and the second is how statelessness in urabá helped to bloom the paramilitaries in that area.
Now I really wish somebody could translate these
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The first of September, year 2000, three companies of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia attacked the military base of Montezuma hill in Pueblo Rico, over the mountainous area of Tatamá, between the departments of Chocó and Risaralda. The attack was executed by 180 guerrillas of the 9, 47, and Aurelio Rodriguez fronts, belonging to the then known as José María Córdoba Northwestern Bloc. Two commanders lead that attack, Rubín Morro, Martín Cruz Vega, of the Aurelio Rodríguez front, and Gadafi or Khadafi, Hernán Gutiérrez Villada, of the 47 front.

The guerrillas took half the base and held up with various ambushes the reinforcement of soldiers coming up the highway. The ghost plane crashed early in the morning against the Tatamá hill. In one of those ambushes the lieutenant colonel Jorge Eduardo Sánchez died, commander of the Battalion San Mateo en Pereira. That was one of the highest rank casualties that the Farc caused upon direct combat with military forces, six years before they had killed the major general Carlos Julio Gil Colorado, but his death didn't occur due to military operation, rather due to an assasination.

That story never told before was written by Camilo Alzate in a war report two decades after the war. Alzate travelled to the region, climbed the mountain multiple times, and talked with retired military vets, seasoned journalists, and pobladores of the hill, with politicians and neighbors of Puerto Rico who, for different motives, had been left trapped in combat or knew of its circumstances. Someone from the guerrilla who participated in the attack told the journalist crucial details of the operation and chronicle -which is long and full of obstacles, bogged down, crossed with confused and confusing voices- it appeared in the 2017 May edition of Universo Centro with a title I perceive as excessively pretentious, alegorical, and biblical: "The burning bush".

In 2017 I met Gadafi in a guerrila camp. We talked every afternoon in his safehouse, while outside troops formed or broke ranks, argued or reconciled, threshed the mud or cleaned it, during what felt like an eternity without any shooting or anything interesting going on. Gadafi, afflicted by years of cardiac pain, passed those days reclined, ambushing with his pillows an annoying green light that infiltrated through the slits of his safehouse, which provoked drunk-like dizzyness. To his side he always had a walky talky and a black 9mm. It was inPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

There's the first one, I think it's a pretty good translation though at some points the wording will inevitably be a bit weird and confusing, mainly due to how Gadafi narrates the story. I don't know that's just how he tells it or if Colombians talk like this, because at times it's a bit confusing figuring out what he's talking about. Spanish is my native tongue but even then some parts were very difficult to translate in a way it's understandable due to this, but overall I think it's quite good.

I'll get around translating the rest eventuall, hopefully sooner than later. This board will only stay until the end of the month right? If I haven't finished the rest by then check the Latinamerica general, probably the best place to post this so I'll do it there if I don't finish by December.

Los colombianos hablan así

please read

thank you based translation anon

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I'm remaking this from 8/leftyb/. Post Communist/Soviet military tech art like pic related. No anime posts unless it's a high-quality drawing.
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>unless it's Wallpaper material

Horikou has good military art
A T-64, BTR-70 and BMP-2 here

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Missed the bloody BMP-2

Also some other stuff

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Here are my beautiful pieces

Thanks anon, kinda resembles pic 2 in >>3442


Most people interested in military history tend to be shallow, sensationalist, and/or implicitly or explicitly fascist or otherwise imperialist in nature. We can do better than that, right?

What does applying Marxist histography to war look like beyond Lenin's Imperialism and what can we learn from it?
Which wars /battles do you think deserve more attention or education?
Is there a particular leader or theorist who's impressed you with their military acumen?
What armed conflicts do you anticipate in the 2020s and 2030s?
What do you think is the future of war in an increasingly technologically advanced, post-nuclear world?
Ask questions. Share resources, pictures, or whatever's on your mind. Everything goes so long as it's on topic. +1 social credit for talking about something besides the world wars.
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What is now called "economic sanctions" is warfare against civilian populations, with the explicitly stated goal of starving them.
I don't know if that really existed as a potent weapon in the past because most people were doing subsistence farming. But i guess it bears resemblance to besieging a fort in the dark age.

I don't know why or how sanctions actually work, the official mechanisms for enforcing it do not seem very effective. It should be easy to go around sanctions. So i would be grateful if anybody could enlighten me why sanctions aren't being undermined more ?

>Which wars /battles do you think deserve more attention or education?
I know Chinaboos might be getting annoying, but Chinese military history because there's so much and some of those battles like the crossing of the Yangtze are truly epic and that happened in the 1940s. It was the second largest theatre of World War II, began earlier than the invasion of Poland, and then continued in the form of the civil war which ended in 1949 and the impact on world history from a long-term perspective is enormous. And the history of it is very obscure to most people in the west.

I'd also add the Indian wars in the Americas. I bought a book yesterday that a friend recommended called the 'Conquest of Texas: Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land' which pits its approach against the official whitewashed version of Texas history. Texas was in a state of low-level warfare for 50 years and it ended with the annihilation and expulsion of the native tribes such as the Comanches. And it goes into the political economy of why this happened and the privatization and fencing-off of practically all land in the state, which is something you'll notice if you ever visit Texas. There's very few public lands unless you go to way out into the western region where the border looks like a pointy tip connecting to a stubby elbow-looking thing bordering Mexico.

>Is there a particular leader or theorist who's impressed you with their military acumen?

Seconded or thirded Mao. Harry "Pombo" Villegas, the commander of Cuban forces in Angola who fought alongside Che in various campaigns. Mikhail Frunze. Americans: John Boyd, William Odom; and Little Turtle, war chief of the Miami people.

>What armed conflicts do you anticipate in the 2020s and 2030s?

Dunno but I'm going to draw a big "danger" sign over Saudi Arabia. A brutal and stupid feudal system that has artificially reproduced itself long past its expiration date thanks to oil wealth which the world is trying to transition away from? The reason the country (if we can call it one) hasn't had a civil war already is probably because the Saud family exports their extremists to other countries (to go fight the infidels "over there" instead of fighting "us") while keeping the boot down on their Shia population which happens to live in tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Boris Yulin, military historian, communist:


Klim Zhukov, historian with military interests, communist:


Get on Russian communist youtube, its good for your health.

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I like Boris' model IFV in a glass case on his shelf. That's a war nerd. I like this guy

Admiral Yi Sun Sin
comprehended both tactics and strategy very well and fought off not only the japanese but the bureaucracy of his own government

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