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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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I feel like most of the world has forgotten about the 1st and 2nd Chechen wars and I honestly see similarities in Ukraine, especially with Chechens fighting on either side and some fighting out of a pure hatred for Russia.

I'm curious to hear some lefty stances on them.
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This guy Yevgeny Rodionov was executed by Chechens and was canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church. There is also an icon of him in a Ukrainian church in Kharkov, but I imagine it's been removed by now

>people forgot about Chechnya
Ngga are you retarded no one is that fucking young to have that and the shit that went on in Bosnia, Tigray, Libya, etc not still deeply burned into their memory. It’s just that shitloads of wars have been going on since then that it’s hard to pay attention to how much death has been occurring

Good lesson in urban insurgency and COIN

They had a good strategy with their guerilla units.
Similar to the Soviet innovation of maximizing number of designated marksmen and mgs in each squad
3 man teams.
Each team:
1 Sniper
1 MG
1 Anti tank specialist
Honestly probably a perfect cell design. Lean and low profile as possible. Peak efficiency. Every soldier fulfills a designated role, equipped for a specific deisgnated threat. 3 guys means cover and bounded withdrawl etc. It also means easy infil and exfil and it's the smallest possible number to make special missions viable such as evac and scouting and relating information to other units.
Low investment, low material cost, easy to organize and plan orders for, able to act autonomously and modularly with neighboring units.



What do people think the consequences of the FGC-9 and the advent of 3D printed guns and weapons more broadly will be?

How will this affect revolutionary as well as reactionary violence? Will be see a rise in paramilitary organisations on the left capable of enforcing political demands, or is this just a going to lead to more fascist lone wolf attacks.

link to a documentary below
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The point is you’re gonna have to learn how to make casings,magazines and possibly bullets as well. Like >>2467 said it’s not just the gun you’re making, you have to take into account the ammunition and accessories. Milling and machinery is just more practical and covers more ground. I’m also not contesting the use of plastic, but like those videos demonstrated, a LOT more could be produced at a faster rate with an injection molding machine. One thing that’s also important to note, is that polymer can be prone to warping and chipping if consistently put in rough conditions. Their handling also pales in comparison to wood and even metal framed guns, so their advantage lies more so in the amount that could be produced quickly. All that aside I love AUGs and think it would be a good model for mass production

AUGpill me

Its another tool to mix and match with. Cheaply machine big basic parts, 3d print small weirdly shaped parts. Rivet or weld together what you need to. If something is cheap and available, buy that part and take it home to work with.

injection moulding yo

Extruded plastics can be stronger than injection moulding and a 3d printer is a lot cheaper. Look into PEEK.

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Say you want to make an incendiary thermite round shooting gun? Mine would resemble the tear gas pistol in picrel. But I want the ammo to look like second picrel. It's from Russia's 9M22S grad rocket (thermite held inside a magnesium cup). How could I get this to shoot? Also, I was thinking of making what I'd lije to call "smart bullets" to come along with it that has some sort of altimeter fuze so that when shot in the air, it'll detonate and scatter all the thermite in the air and make it rain fire. Would this work? If not, what part should be adjusted to get it to work?

Also, 3rd pic is where I got the idea from.


what is this?


Is it possible to actually completely eliminate illegal guns and ammo in private ownership?
How many firearms are secretly owned in places with extreme gun control and penalties like China and Singapore? And most importantly, is there a fool-proof way of hiding them from the state? Today with metal detectors and sniffer dogs it seems almost impossible if they search your house.

Don't get your house searched, if you have a secret stash you shouldn't be keeping them there anyway

>Is it possible to actually completely eliminate illegal guns and ammo in private ownership?
>How many firearms are secretly owned in places with extreme gun control and penalties like China and Singapore?
Probably less than countries where it is easy and legal to own one
>Today with metal detectors and sniffer dogs it seems almost impossible if they search your house.
Guns can be printed in high temperature filament as strong as aluminum that will not show up with a metal detector and/or embedded in a solid mass with the same density. Dogs to my knowledge sniff mainly gunpowder and explosives ingredients of these. I don't think they can smell the actual firearm itself but they may be able to be trained to smell lubricant used for the firearm. You can avoid all of these threats I think. The cops will strip down everything in pursuit of the contraband if they think it is there but you can avoid that to to varying degrees based on threat model. There is this old rule of thumb for hiding drug stashes about like 15 minutes of hiding for 1 hour of searching ro something. Anyways figure out how hard the cops will go to find such contraband and prepare your model accordingly.
This. Bury underground in some preservative in some remote location on a property you own or somewhere else no one will dig through incidentally. Don't be caught travelling through such an area. Ammunition and small items can be buried in small waterproof plastic containers etc. There is even a lot of designs online for easily accesible buried waterproof containers. The prepper community etc has tons of good tutorials online. Don't just scoff at good ideas. Learn.

they will put them in a drum of oil and bury it in a location only they know until it's time to use it
this guy basically gets it

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where can I find how to make one of these old club sword things at home? asking for a friend

Even the paddle itself is good by itself
You can brain someone with it
Start by carving one


Yeah yeah 'under no pretext', how important is the right for civilian firearm ownership or possession? Should the right to bear arms be a demand of the workers movement in countries where it doesn't exist? What about under socialism/communism, would there still be firearm ownership? How do we differentiate between US-style reactionary paranoid 'gun culture' and fetishization of individualism versus a collective right to bear arms?
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You sound one step away from unironically saying "the founding fathers were talking about muskets"

typical anarkiddies, always having their priorities straight

>this a thing that happens when people substitute belief in the masses or organizing within the masses for their small group, and they compensate for the lack of effectiveness by ramping up the radical aesthetics and "militant" posture
this is everyone in leftypol who cant shut up about muh guns

Its better than nothing
I suppose some would prefer if we were all castrated liberals engaging in the public discourse, but we dont have a place there, because we are threats

>every burger in leftypol


Watching the latest NY shooter video got me thinking, how if at all possible could one survive a mass shooting? The first lady after he got out was doomed. The others seemed to be stuck with normalcy bias for a few seconds.

Is it better to run or to play dead, take cover?
Is normalcy bias bad, better to make a fool out of yourself overreacting to a nothingburger than to stand there in an actual shooting
Should one always walk behind some kind of cover in burgerstan? Seems like it is so common might as well
Daily body armor? Concealed carry without a permit?
Physical fitness is key, you should 100% be able to sprint fucking fast
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Looks like they're all back, rejoice

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cant wait until wearing ballistic helmets in public becomes normalized

Short bros… it's not over?

Could build yourself a pillbox with steel and bricks if it's in your home. Or something funnier like this one guy who had renovated his house with a reinforced door so he could lock himself upstairs and shoot trough holes in the floor.

>Watching the latest NY shooter video got me thinking, how if at all possible could one survive a mass shooting?

Just pull out your gun and shoot back at them. If you have nothing, then charge them. Running is for pussies. You'll only be shot in the back. Hiding is for pussies. You'll only be doubletapped.


Zardoz speaks to you, his chosen ones. You have been raised up from brutality, to kill the brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your god gave you the gift of the gun. The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, to poison the earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the gun shoots death, and purifies the earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill!

This tbh

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>Keith Thomas Kinnunen - 2 dead (shooter was fatally shot by a parishioner) (2019)
>Jonathan Sapirman - 3 dead, 2 wounded (fatally shot by an armed civilian after popping off over 20 rounds) (2022)
>Aaron Howard - 1 wounded (harassed a father and son after confronting them in their own driveway in a dispute over him putting mattresses in their dumpster (which he claimed was an alley) and was stupid enough to bring a baseball bat to a gunfight and got killed for it - two shots from a handgun that hit him in the chest, another two shots from a pump-action shotgun that mangled his head, with the father being lightly injured after being hit with a baaeball bat that Howard threw at him). (2018)

Now if only more mass shootings were like this and the dumbass gunman decides to fuck with some armed guards, then they might fuck up somewhere else. But this isn't the case because the US government stages shit like this. The only place where a mass shooter can succeed is in a gun-free zone. But instead you hear of nothing but these coward blacklists.

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>people actually believe that B-29 was reverse engineered into Tu-4 even though it's obvious that someone from Boeing just sold the blueprints to the USSR
whether they wanted to avoid another world war or to make money is unknown though

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This is nonsense.

the Tu-4; It is obviously based on the B-29, that is not denied by anyone, however there are major differences in their construction.

Soviet engineers were tasked with reverse-engineering the several B-29s the USSR had in it’s possession; impounded USAF bombers (under the terms of the 1941 Soviet-Japanese Neutrality treaty) which were forced to land in Soviet territory after flying bombing missions against Japan.
The B-29’s fuselage was made of an 1/16 inch thick plates, or 1.5875 mm. The Soviets used a metric system, so there was no way or logic to produce/use such plates, only 1.5 or 1.6mm. This meant that it could not be applied directly to the original B-29 plans because of mass, length and rigidity changes in the air-frame. So Tu-4 air-frame was redesigned, (increasing and redefining size and dimensions) with the plating being made of 1.8 and 0.8mm plates.
Other differences also existed. The Tu 4 used 20mm guns in its defensive mounts, and later mounted 23mm guns, (both of which were far more effective at defense, having a longer range, able to contend in distance with the 30 and 25 millimeter guns of fighters of the time), and with a heavy enough hit to seriously damage attackers with explosive force, rather than the cleanly punched holes the .50 M2 left. Or the engines; the Tu-4’s ASh-73 radial engines were not copies of the B-29’s Wright R-3350 “Duplex Cyclone” radial engines as is often (falsely) claimed. The two engines were in fact separately developed from the same “grandparent”: the R-3350 was an evolutionary development of the Wright R-1820 Cyclone engine, whereas the ASh-73TK was an evolutionary development of the Shvetsov M-25 which was a licensed copy of that same engine. This common ancestry meant that many parts were similar or even interchangeable between the two engines, but the only component of the Duplex Cyclone engine which the Soviets actually copied was the turbo-supercharger unit. The Tu-4s engines did not include the R-3350’s lightweight magnesium-alloy crankcase, which increased weight but also eliminated the Duplex Cyclone’s infamous tendency towards engine fires so catastrophically hot that they could melt the wing spars in literal seconds. The differences are seen in capability as well. The Tu-4 was about 750kg heavier, 10 mph slower (big difference that is) and carried only 6000kg (Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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