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>wake up
>eat commodity
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1. projection
2. all you can say about it is go back to leftypol, obviously you know somewhere deep inside i'm right and this thread is a weird as shit circlejerk for people who have lost all imagination, never played outside as kids, and want constant validation for their pessimism


Marxism was invented to depress people


>never played outside as kids,
The fuck are you on? I have fucking played outside as a kid, what does that have to do with anything? Are you really so fucking patronising that you think ppl on here are depressed cause they didnt have a dumb, mythical, petite-bourgeois picture-book childhood? Get fucking over yourself.
It must be fucking nice though, to delude yourself about the state we are actually in. When >>2258 said that there are no other things, no things outside of capitalism anymore, that is undoubtedly true.
What is there to do? You say 'do some hobbies' (wow what a fucking revelation, are you also the type that tells depressed ppl to be happier?). Like for example one could join a sports team. Sport teams, as we know them today, came up with fordism and the new demand for past-time activities . So it's a structure thats directly born out of capitalist development. But sports also reproduces capitalist ideology, seeing any field as a field of competition, with the winners eligible for big-money sponsorships and semi-prominency. If your arent able to fulfill the specific perfomance standarts, your are useless. Also, sports are being consumed as commodites (just like literally everything surrounding us) and thus also produced as commodities. Ones it gets proffesional, sports is no longer done for intrinsic value as sports, it is only a way to accumulate money, sport is only made to be sold.
Same is true for the next example I'm gonna look at: arts. No matter if you are drawing, making music or movies, it has all become commodities. If you draw, you are better ready to lower yourself to drawing pregnant furry commisions for small money. Forget doing something just for its own sake - the market for art is big and inflated, so you better lower your standarts. But at least the field of drawn art isnt as dominated by giant mega-businesses as movies or music are, squashing any creativity in favor of marketability. But what's even worse than them are their counterparts on the "indie" scene - pumping out one dull nightmare after another in desperate attemps to subvert the culture - sadly not understanding that they reify industry norms by doing so.
What other hobbies are there? Im sure there is a hole host of stuff Im not evenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Yeah I'm in prison, a prison called society


damn all that text just to say "i'll only see the reality i want to see"
good luck at living. I'm actually sorry that everything you do, you feel like you end up trying to make money off of or being forced to spend excessive money on, or that other people are trying to make money off it and that ruins it for you.

On what you said "hurr get over your childhood or something", it's nothing like "get over your childhood" or "you're sad because you didnt have a mythical perfect petite-bourg childhood", its literally the opposite in both cases.
I meant that you obviously have no idea of how to do things that don't involve buying or selling (except writing essays about your anger at everything on leftypol dot org) because you're leaving out the dimension of play - which imlies you never fucking did it, or else you'd understand that not everything is about buying shit and selling shit or formal organizations or any of that. But you refuse to see this. Idk how or why or if you've just been having a bad week or something or who knows what. But its ridiculous as shit.

And I mean I have to add, that I'm here because I have generally the same politics and views of society. What I don't share is the pessimism and small-mindedness about my own range of action. I do agree that much of what we do does unintentionally support or buy into capitalism. But I also think there's space for a neutral ground (which is trying to be impinged, and may need more and more courage of subversive attitude to carry out as anything not pro-empire is seen as criminal and anti-empire) of just meaningless and informal play, and there's also the space of subversion of capitalism, which is a whole set of activities and relations in itself which you could put your time towards. So I can't understand at all why there's all this vitriol to support the idea that there's nothing we can do that's not commodified. For example, why do you have to draw furry art if you draw? You can just draw. The point of a hobby is that you just do it, without making money. And you can do it without expending excessive money too, on specialty items or things that make you feel good and supplement your identity. Those things are an option, and an option which we can opt out of. Obviously it's super fucked up that so much is commodified, and I'm not saying we can opt out of society or aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


<Some weird version of Anarchy and Christianity by Jecques Ellul
>The anarchists’ attacks on God, the Church and religion are strictly correct, on condition that the God in question was the God remodeled by this very particular theology of Church-became-Power. and by the peculiar and capricious association of Church and social and political power following the sixteenth century. This theology to support this Church-State relationship is in no way an expression of biblical Christianity: indeed it is a contradiction. The roots are, rather, time after time in the theological heresy of a God conceived exclusively as the All-Powerful. The error of the anarchists and of Marx was to believe that they were face to face with Christianity itself, whereas they encountered merely its bourgeois metamorphosis. By adhering to this judgment they have overvalued those very features-be they in the early Church or during the Middle Ages-which confirm their point of view, instead of considering them only one among many other possibilities. For example, the death of Ananias and Sapphira are evidence that the apostles were terrible dictators. The Inquisition became the symbol for the medieval church. The construction of cathedrals was seen as the symbol for the enslavement of poor people crushed by the clergy.

>Everything that was real regarding love and joy and Christian freedom the anarchists overlooked, joyfully. In other words, the anarchists-justly fighting against the Christian totalitarianism and authoritarianism of the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries-had a totally false view of the fundamental reality of Christianity and the God of Jesus Christ

Do you agree?

Picture not related.
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i'm sorry anon i'm just taking issue with invoking history as an authority à la "it didn't succeed so it's bad". it's the same type of thinking that makes you reduce religion to domination because the catholic church is still around while the revolutionary peasants aren't. as walter benjamin once said one has to brush history against the grain.


The revolutionary peasants were not anarchists either. They still wanted kings and shit.


>à la "it didn't succeed so it's bad"
it didn't happen so it didn't happen
I don't care about things might have happened, like religion aiding emancipation
also werent you invoking history as authority too?
>but if you actually knew any history you'd understand the role millenarian movements played in the middle ages


secular anarchist theory hasnt lead to shit, but secular statism has created the largest and most oppressive empire ever….. time to give up secular theory and organizations too fam :(


>secular anarchist theory hasnt lead to shit
this is /dead/, I know
still not an argument for spiritual theory

>but secular statism has created the largest and most oppressive empire ever

ISIS never happened
or taliban rule in afghanistan
or spanish inquisition or the saxony wars of charlamagne

>time to give up secular theory and organizations too fam

this is sooo dumb. just because secular theory didnt work doesnt mean that spiritual theory does. in fact, all social anarchisms, be that spiritual or secular are trash. get into post-left theory fam ;)

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I don't get the hype over Desert. I think it's an important read for people drunk on copium that think that "revolution" or succdem shit will save us, but a lot of the book seems like common sense presented in a pompous and medoicrely written way. Plus, it's all just a bunch of speculation—speculation that I mostly agree with, but speculation nonetheless. Also, the author keeps metioning the "ethics" of anarchism—pretty lame, Milhouse.

What does /dead/ think of Desert? Overhyped or hyped correctly?
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I had no idea it was hyped that much, I don't see it mentioned that often, but apparently it is by far the most popular book on the library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/stats/popular/1


Burger retard Invis Committee have been shiling ut offensively heavily since almost its release.


Honestly page 2 has all the better reads.


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>dude living a sheltered life in amerikkka is totally like getting interned and killed by the nazis


I sort of agree, it would have been better as a book about Holocaust resistance without forcing the ITS and "jouissance" shit into it.


Thread dedicated to the discussion, reading and shitposting surrounding this forgotten and deeply tragic figure of the early feminist movement in England, later turned Egoist, and in her own words, Archist rather than Anarchist.

Here I'll attach to the OP ,as well as further posts, secondary and tertiary sources, first as complementary to her work, second due to the limitations in filesize for Vichan.

For Primary sources, I'll give you some MEGA links with her collected Journals in which she was Editor/Contributor these will only work for 30 days.

The Freewoman(1911 — 1912):https://mega.nz/file/CbxglRjK#qP70f25AjqFPxcKrTc66GIkyG6uYftwWXv4MCbkMrrk
The New Freewoman(1913):https://mega.nz/file/XeRknbAB#drlmEd32Fv449wTtvGlLdCsxlIBwqS2jt724fbxweZs
The Egoist(1914 — 1919):https://mega.nz/file/6K50wZ7B#elVYbkMV0PMthD3xiTGDg4SDIc2stV-mf3MrK3ZttVE

In 1900 began teaching at Owens College, where she met Christabel Pankhurst and other suffragists. Dora joined and became a leader in the Women’s Social and Political Union (WPSU) by 1908. The following year she resigned as a teacher and became a full time agitator for the WSPU, graduating from suffragist to suffragette. She was sentenced to two months in prison for vandalism in 1909: she refused to wear prison clothes and served her time in the nude, even wriggling out of a straightjacket that had been forced on her. After a hunger strike she was released and continued to agitate. She disrupted political meetings (including a speech by a young Winston Churchill). The WSPU ‘promoted’ her to a clerical position to temper her agitation. Dora, meanwhile, had grown tired of the ‘skirt movement’ and sought a liberty beyond feminism.

In 1911, Dora founded The Freewoman (1911 – 1912), a periodical described by one forgotten nobody as “a disgusting publication… indecent, immoral and filthy.” Financial troubles led to a re-launch as The New Freewoman (1914). And an ever more keen search for liberty led to a re-launch as The Egoist (1914 – 1919).

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> Dora Marsden - "The Stirner of Feminism"?
> Did Dora Marsden "transcend" Stirner?
tl;dr: no


I think she goes too hard on the shit about war and public opinion… at least I see it totally different. This is based on what i read from that one essay you posted in another thread btw I havent read all of these. But her idea that victory is what influences people to accept somethins is really cynical and imo glosses over all the huge effort that gets put into propaganda, in order to stem public discontent with victors who are shitty. And while I like her rhetoric (which is very to the point and poetic at times) about the mutual struggle of all against all to inhabit space and consume in order to live, I think she runs too far with it at times. At least in the sense of taking literal overt struggle and pure domination as the most important thing.

But I don't know if her ideas get more refined ever. No matter what, I think she's brilliant and a great rebuttal to anarchists, but ultimately not a stopping point. More like a good starting point, to ask more questions from.


I read that, too and a couple of other essays by other people appearing in The Egoist and I just don't see how any of them add anything to Nietzsche/Stirner. I have that problem with a lot of egoist, insurrectionary and post-left theory. So I guess what I'm asking is what makes her special and worth reading, according to you, OP?


stirner at least doesnt go so hard on the conflict parts as marsden does. Lots of people read stirner and stay in that "clerico-libertarian" anarchism because what they get from him is "chillax and just do what you want"
And dora is like "what i want to do is enslave you all >:)"
I mean not really at all. But the point is that she takes it further and more explicet with the depiction of the necessity of conflict where someone wins and someone loses, and how this can't be reconciled with a philosophy that disavows domination of all kinds or at least is uncomfortable with openly acknowledging it's role in their lives

if anything it's as simple as she wasnt just against leftists, but against anarchists too

(but i'm not OP, and i dont think you should read all of her stuff cause it's probably not that important)


Our epoch is an epoch of decadence. Bourgeois-christian-plebeian civilization arrived at the dead end of its evolution a long time ago.

Democracy has arrived!

But under the false splendor of democratic civilization, higher spiritual values have fallen, shattered.

Willful strength, barbarous individuality, free art, heroism, genius, poetry have been scorned, mocked, slandered.

And not in the name of “I”, but of the “collective”. Not in the name of “the unique one”, but of society.

Thus christianity — condemning the primitive and wild force of the virgin instinct — killed the vigorously pagan “concept” of the joy of the earth. Democracy — its offspring — glorified itself making the justification for this crime and reveling in its grim and vulgar enormity.

Already we knew it!

Christianity had brutally planted the poisoned blade in the healthy, quivering flesh of all humanity; it had goaded a cold wave of darkness with mystically brutal fury to dim the serene and festive exultation of the dionysian spirit of our pagan ancestors.
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I don't know what the heck you are talking about but I will bump this thread anyways


oh shit nice font here in this here reply box, nomsayin?




Same. Don't get me wrong, it was an entertaining read and still has me thinking and dreaming of striving for the "sublime", but one can tell he's not the best writer. Will read more of him, though.

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Okay, I'm gonna read it. What's the best English translation? Alternatively, is the original text hard to read? My German is shitty but/and I could certainly use some training.

Should I ask on /edu/ instead?
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wolfis translation is the best one, although I would still really suggest you give it a try in german if you can
even the wolfi translation really struggles to get stirners wording wrong (sometimes i even feel hes writing more of his interpretation into it than needed)


I was told this one I think


Are you just fucking around or does he actually call spooks phantasms, that's absolutely hilarious, I'm gonna start calling spooks this way now.



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>"The unrestrained I—and this we originally are, and always remain in our secret inner self—is the never-ending criminal in the state…You do not know that a self-owning I cannot desist from being a criminal, that crime is his life"

To be a true egoist, does that mean embracing illegalist gang? What does /dead/ think?
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>To be a true egoist, does that mean embracing illegalist gang?
A 'true' egoist does what he desires. If he desires to break the law and do illegal things, he does it. But if he doesnt, it wouldnt make him 'less' of an egoist. In fact, doing crime just because you think it's what 'real" egoists do is super spooked, because you put the notion of being an egoist before yourself.
What Stirner is talking about in that quote is that doing anything solely for your own good is always a crime against the state because the state only recognises you as human if your actions are carried out with the state's well-being in mind.

that being said illegalism is really dank, it's just not a prerequisite for egoism


marx himself liked to fuck shit up in the streets when drunk, illegalism is pretty leftist in general if you ask me fam


I am no longer interested.


get owned contrarian child


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I can't stop thinking about death. My own death, specifically. No, I'm not suicidal. Just that we have this short time on Earth and spend it suffering before getting blinked out of existence entirely.

And eventually, forgotten. Think of all the people who have lived, ever since caveman times. Most of them have been forgotten. Eventually even Caesar will be forgotten and he has a fucking month named after him.

Is life just a sick joke? Just some pointless temporary misery?
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>I can't stop thinking about death.
i can really relate OP, I had a phase where it was the exact same for. I would just lay awake night after night and think about non-existence and how my actions ultimately dont matter. It filled me with a kind of dread which is hard to describe, it was a very hollow feeling for sure.
Eventually I realised that being forgotten doesnt matter and that endlessly brooding over my end does nothing but worsen my time in the present. I still am terrified of the thought of being dead, I just learned to avoid thinking about it.


Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity.


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I think no thoughts
I have no beliefs
I have no regrets over the past
I have no hope for the future
I have no energy to stay awake
None of it has any meaning at all.




give me an example please

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>tankies are so tired of losing that they're actually coping by calling the talibans based now
shit will never not be hilarious


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but the taliban are based


Tankies are like cops, you kinda have to be below a certain level of stupidity to buy into it.


i'll bite, why do you think they are based?

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>rejected from every university I applied to
I understand how bourgois that statement is, but honestly, I don't even give a fuck anymore.
Every since I was a little kid, this was something I was looking forward to. It was honestly my identity.
I mean, it's not too bad. It could be worse. One school offered me an alternative program (environmental sciences stuff), but its a far departure from what I had originally wanted to do, engineering (yeah I'm a STEMfag, blow me).
I guess the part that scares me most is wondering if I'll be happy with my decision to accept the alternative offer. Of course I'm going to try to get into engineering again, but I'm scared with what I'll do if I like my current program. It would be abandoning my identity that I've had for most of my life. I'm not sure if it's something I can let go of so easily. Doesn't help how my dad reminds me that I'm not in engineering every time I bring up my acceptance into the alternate program.
Part of me knows that I'll enjoy this program, I've always been interested in the environmental sciences.
Working my shit-tier wage job only makes me feel like even more shit. I dream of a utopian post-revolution world where I'm free to live as I please and do whatever piques my interest.
I think I'm just scared of making decisions.


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abandon your stupid identity
and yes it is increibly bourgeois, not cuz you want to go to college, but because its your identity
also tell your dad to eat a dick stop being a cuck
and yeah you probably are scared to make decisions, most young people are cause you're literally your parents property and own nothing, can decide nothing for yourself, according to the state. Its something you have to untrain though, so stop being scared of decisions, have faith in yourself, and just look to the outcomes. Strip your identity back to your power. You are what you control. You mind, your skills, your body, and your property. As long as you have food, water, and shelter your body and mind is gonna be alive at least. Make good decisions e.g. exercise and eat well and you'll have an even more willing and able body and mind at your disposal. This is all that matters. You are not your "identity". You are not engineering or college or a stemfag.
Look back into your past, find your first memory and work forward in time until present. That's you. You're not your mind, of your body, or your identity or beliefs. You're your history.

Go forward and do as best as you can. If you like environmental stuff then do that…. your identity should just blow away in the wind, dont let it lead your life or make you feel things. Tell it to fuck off. See your life as opportunities. You have an opportunity to do environmental sciences, or to not do college, but not to do engineering right now unless you find a way into that (did you try applying to not universities, but just small colleges? is that an option for you? or community college?). Overall you're gonna be fine. If you're happy and get a career out of it, even better for you.
also this OP is /dead/ in a nutshell damn


apply to europe or asia.


Thanks, anon. I feel really good after reading that.


>[spoiler]also this OP is /dead/ in a nutshell damn[/spoiler]
Forgot to mention that it's nice hearing that too. I feel right at home here, lol.


>It would be abandoning my identity that I've had for most of my life.
Well, here is the good news: You wouldn't.
You wouldn't because you didnt have that identity for your whole life, IT had YOU.
You are a person, you can have several properties (young/old, smart/stupid, interested in this or that and so on). But the thing is: It's you who has the properties, they are part of you. You are their essence, they are part of you, not the other way around. And I understand that ppl view properties of themselves as so important, that they seem them as a necessary part of their being. "I have done X all my life, it wouldnt be the smae life, my life, if I had done Y instead". But this is wrong. It would still be your life, maybe it would be different, but definetly yours. But if we were to change the person not the thing he is doing, that would actually not make it your life anymore.
The reason ppl presuppose their properties as essence of their being is because it gives the illusion of control of your life. But isnt that detrimental to your freedom? You DONT have to align your life with this property of yours, you are a creative nothing. You can be anything if you just decide you want to create it out of yourself. Why would you be sad if you cant be an engineer OP, if you can be everything else. Even if youve seen this as your path for a long time, your path can be much different, much greater and much more fulfilling.

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