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I can't stop thinking about death. My own death, specifically. No, I'm not suicidal. Just that we have this short time on Earth and spend it suffering before getting blinked out of existence entirely.

And eventually, forgotten. Think of all the people who have lived, ever since caveman times. Most of them have been forgotten. Eventually even Caesar will be forgotten and he has a fucking month named after him.

Is life just a sick joke? Just some pointless temporary misery?
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>I can't stop thinking about death.
i can really relate OP, I had a phase where it was the exact same for. I would just lay awake night after night and think about non-existence and how my actions ultimately dont matter. It filled me with a kind of dread which is hard to describe, it was a very hollow feeling for sure.
Eventually I realised that being forgotten doesnt matter and that endlessly brooding over my end does nothing but worsen my time in the present. I still am terrified of the thought of being dead, I just learned to avoid thinking about it.


Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity.


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I think no thoughts
I have no beliefs
I have no regrets over the past
I have no hope for the future
I have no energy to stay awake
None of it has any meaning at all.




give me an example please

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>tankies are so tired of losing that they're actually coping by calling the talibans based now
shit will never not be hilarious


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but the taliban are based


Tankies are like cops, you kinda have to be below a certain level of stupidity to buy into it.


i'll bite, why do you think they are based?

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>rejected from every university I applied to
I understand how bourgois that statement is, but honestly, I don't even give a fuck anymore.
Every since I was a little kid, this was something I was looking forward to. It was honestly my identity.
I mean, it's not too bad. It could be worse. One school offered me an alternative program (environmental sciences stuff), but its a far departure from what I had originally wanted to do, engineering (yeah I'm a STEMfag, blow me).
I guess the part that scares me most is wondering if I'll be happy with my decision to accept the alternative offer. Of course I'm going to try to get into engineering again, but I'm scared with what I'll do if I like my current program. It would be abandoning my identity that I've had for most of my life. I'm not sure if it's something I can let go of so easily. Doesn't help how my dad reminds me that I'm not in engineering every time I bring up my acceptance into the alternate program.
Part of me knows that I'll enjoy this program, I've always been interested in the environmental sciences.
Working my shit-tier wage job only makes me feel like even more shit. I dream of a utopian post-revolution world where I'm free to live as I please and do whatever piques my interest.
I think I'm just scared of making decisions.


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abandon your stupid identity
and yes it is increibly bourgeois, not cuz you want to go to college, but because its your identity
also tell your dad to eat a dick stop being a cuck
and yeah you probably are scared to make decisions, most young people are cause you're literally your parents property and own nothing, can decide nothing for yourself, according to the state. Its something you have to untrain though, so stop being scared of decisions, have faith in yourself, and just look to the outcomes. Strip your identity back to your power. You are what you control. You mind, your skills, your body, and your property. As long as you have food, water, and shelter your body and mind is gonna be alive at least. Make good decisions e.g. exercise and eat well and you'll have an even more willing and able body and mind at your disposal. This is all that matters. You are not your "identity". You are not engineering or college or a stemfag.
Look back into your past, find your first memory and work forward in time until present. That's you. You're not your mind, of your body, or your identity or beliefs. You're your history.

Go forward and do as best as you can. If you like environmental stuff then do that…. your identity should just blow away in the wind, dont let it lead your life or make you feel things. Tell it to fuck off. See your life as opportunities. You have an opportunity to do environmental sciences, or to not do college, but not to do engineering right now unless you find a way into that (did you try applying to not universities, but just small colleges? is that an option for you? or community college?). Overall you're gonna be fine. If you're happy and get a career out of it, even better for you.
also this OP is /dead/ in a nutshell damn


apply to europe or asia.


Thanks, anon. I feel really good after reading that.


>[spoiler]also this OP is /dead/ in a nutshell damn[/spoiler]
Forgot to mention that it's nice hearing that too. I feel right at home here, lol.


>It would be abandoning my identity that I've had for most of my life.
Well, here is the good news: You wouldn't.
You wouldn't because you didnt have that identity for your whole life, IT had YOU.
You are a person, you can have several properties (young/old, smart/stupid, interested in this or that and so on). But the thing is: It's you who has the properties, they are part of you. You are their essence, they are part of you, not the other way around. And I understand that ppl view properties of themselves as so important, that they seem them as a necessary part of their being. "I have done X all my life, it wouldnt be the smae life, my life, if I had done Y instead". But this is wrong. It would still be your life, maybe it would be different, but definetly yours. But if we were to change the person not the thing he is doing, that would actually not make it your life anymore.
The reason ppl presuppose their properties as essence of their being is because it gives the illusion of control of your life. But isnt that detrimental to your freedom? You DONT have to align your life with this property of yours, you are a creative nothing. You can be anything if you just decide you want to create it out of yourself. Why would you be sad if you cant be an engineer OP, if you can be everything else. Even if youve seen this as your path for a long time, your path can be much different, much greater and much more fulfilling.

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Is there a spanish translation of Desert? If not, I could make one.
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climate change


sounds boring
so its like a stem reasearch paper? what does that have to do with anarchism?


why are you being like this


just wanna know what it is about


It is about how climate change makes the "traditional" anarchist goals impossible and what could be done instead.


Just got this in the mail, what am I in for, lads?
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a bunch of cool shit
but seriously though, dont take the historical ontology in the first or second chapter too seriously and also keep in mind that Stirner is doing a bit of trolling throughout the book.


wasn't that published by nazis


hey it was published by nazi-adjacent creeps, not necessarily nazis
but also who cares it's black and there was hardcover available unlike this version afaik?
Basically it's cool and you're not
>but seriously though, dont take the historical ontology in the first or second chapter too seriously and also keep in mind that Stirner is doing a bit of trolling throughout the book.
i.e. just read the intro by wolfi


I'm not OP, I got the pirate version because I'm not dumb


I prefer paper, dickhead

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/r9k/ is death but now we have a new meme board


Hello No 3


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I liek this animu


not even a pleasant go fuck yourself from them i got

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When did you grow out of your Marxist phase? 24 for me. I can't believe I fell for such blantant ideological spooks propped up material dialetics. Imagine being an idealist in 2021, LMAO.
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>Bothering with Stirner in the year the lord 2021
God, why

If Marx was alive today, he'd probably get called a kike by people here.


Hard sciences don't profess themselves to be truth, though.


i started getting into post-leftism last year, so i was 23
I dont totally dislike marx, but reading nihilist communism I got disillusioned with the notion of class counsciousness and workerism in general. like proletarian revolution is a neat idea but it never happened and will never happen



>Imagine being an idealist
pure retard

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I'm a 28 year old living in Corpus Christi, a very nice town in Texas, but it is plagued with homeless people. As a form of direct action, I have taken matters into my own hands to help the city.
Last week I found a hobo walking through the grocery store parking lot in the morning, I strike up a conversation with him and befriend him. Then I offer $200 if he helps me move furniture out of my house in Austin. He agrees, so we go to Austin, like a 4 hour drive. I pull up near a gas station in some random uygha ghetto and offer a chance to use the bathroom.
I leave him and drive back to Corpus. Is relocating the homeless to shit cities the answer we've been looking for? I think next weekend I'm gonna pick up 3 hobos and leave them in Dallas.


Why did you anchor my thread with no explanation, bitch?



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Is Stirnirite egoism and Marxism incompatible? What if I agree with both Marx's critique of capitalism and Stirner's egoism? What does that make me?
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Marx was wrong because he predicted a proletarian mass movement to arise from highly developed capitalist relations, but this never happened, In fact, there has never been a proletarian revolution in all of history. The bolsheviks got into power through a coup and the masses were mobilised by the second world war going badly and not by capitalist relations they had whished to be destroyed. In China, Vietnam, Korea and Cuba we see mostly national liberation struggles being the cause of a regime change, it just so happened that the forces winning out in the end were the communist parties. Lastly, there are countries like the GDR that did not only not have a proletarian revolution, they didnt have any revolution but simply lost a war against socialist forces and was declared socialist afterwards. So in no instance did socialist rule establish itself through a mass movement that had the goal of dismantling capitalism.
The reason for this is that class counsciosness doesnt exist or at least doesnt exist in a historically or politcially relevant manner. Marx predicted that class counsciosness would arise in those situations were capitalism is developed the strongest and the internal contradictions of capitalism create the highest pressure upon the working class, instead we have only seen socialist attemps in places were capitalism was poorly developed and the centers of capitalist production even seem to be the most stable.
Other points worthy of critique in marxism are it's conception of history (communism is is no historical destination), his disregard of the states own reproduction of hierarchy and his own petite-bourgeois prejudices against the lumpenproletariat, but even I don't fully reject marx. I think his theory of value and exploitation is spot on and alot of his sociological observations are REALLY good, but there just wont ever be a class counscious mass movement fighting to emancipate themselves from capitalism. That's just a pipedream.


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Is egoism inherently compatible with any political ideology you honestly desire to be realized?


yes, because egoism is not a political philosophy


Novatore is such a larper lmaoooo


you mean like a pseudo-intellectual?
idk, i always got the vibe of him being pretty clear on not being philosophy in the traditional sense.

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Uh oh.


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shit i tried to post the uh oh stinky meme
just imagine that instead

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