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/dead/ - Post-Left

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What are some writings similar to "blessed is the flame"? Stuff that posits that, no matter how hard the repression, resistance is remains possibke?


I did not like Blessed is the Flame, I wish it had more about actual resistence and less of ITS or whatever those losers are called.


>Stuff that posits that, no matter how hard the repression, resistance is remains possible?
Fanged Noumena

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I don't get it, they all seem to insist that once the ego is destroyed you are enlightened or one with divinity or whatever.
What is the historical reason for this and has anyone actually experienced ego death or achieved nirvana ? What's it like?
There has to be a reason why ego death is so valued amongst these traditions


I'm not going to address actual ego death experiences, which can be transformative in a positive way, but the reason why esoteric cults (including political ones) are so on about 'ego death' is because they want to change your personality to make you fit the cult & its goals better. It's that simple. The 'ego death' they mean is shedding your old personality and building a new one.

an aside: both positive ego death [whatever that means] and a cult controlled process of the death of your old personality are based on our capacity for structural dissociation. Most people have some kind of trauma and so ego death experiences are able to have a therapeutic effect, to get outside of your current self-concept and see things more clearly, or to integrate parts of the personality. Both rely on the same system.


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>Why religious cults so obsessed with ego death?
Because they like to use lotsa drugs to keep their followers believing and some drugs make ego death experiences

See the psychonautics wiki:

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Lets say you start an anarchist commune, and the neighboring capitalist society would attack you with tanks and soldiers, how would you defend your commune?
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i'm a femboy, now all I need is for someone to give me std's


>The well being of the anarchist commune isn't my well being.
It is if you live there you anti-social booger.


so far drones seem to be doing pretty good damage


use the forbidden vietnam no jutsu and turn the entire surroundings of the place a massive death trap


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oil isn't dead dinosaurs/animals or whatever, it's buried plankton/algae blooms. You can actually make oil out of algae (like turning sugar into alcohol), but the process is more costly than pumping it up from the ground, pre-aged.


Like some non-organic science thing. If it was only made of bacteria that would be better than made of trees but I think the ideal would be no living matter being killed at all. Of course our bodies kill billions of bacteria every day anyway so I don't know.


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You fuckin nerds busy making corrections on how oil is made that still line up with the point he was making. Y'all must be absolutely intolerable to be around irl.


we have autism


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I've lost it. I have nowhere to go anymore, noone to talk to. It seems like many modern post-leftists are just leftists with a fancier vocabulary. Communism ("But it's in my self-interest")? Check. Gender essentialism? Check. Ideological orthodoxy? Heck, most post-leftists I see think exactly the same, all the same ideas of anti-civ/anti-work/anti-whatever. And all of them still cling to this utopian project of a better future. Not to mention that some post-leftists are trying to reconstruct morality using a different vocab ("You shouldn't violate others 'cause that's an insult to their uniqueness" or gibberish like that).

The label of "post-leftism" is kinda useless. It pretty much denotes any non-leftist anarchist, it's vague as fuck. Like, what do we really have in common? Absolutely nothing, it's "left unity" for black-flag anarchists.

I'm done, I can't take it anymore. You can call me whatever you want, I don't care. You don't recognize a postie in me? Fine, this is not what I started reading Stirner and post-left literature anyway, it was always about me sitting in solitude and reading political and philosophical literature to understand the nature of the Universe and everything. I guess I'm destined to die alone without a company of like-minded people. Then so be it.

P.S.: Your constant suicide threads are boring af, really makes me want to kill myself.
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Isn't post-left more about post-structuralism?


That's post-anarchism of Saul Newman you're talking about.


keep larping, retard, I bet you've never even held a gun in your life, let alone actually engaged in any sort of active political organization beyond a book club. Bookchin was a collaborator, and so are you and I, but at least I don't pretend to be some revolutionary. I'm satisfied, are you?



I'll show you, or at least i'll try, there is hope for a better future, whether you like it or not. There will always be hope comrade.

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I wish I could stop being a socialist and just be apolitical. I wish I could just be a mindless wagie going through my life unaware and then dying.
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had a family; this did not happen to me at all. The cost of having a child, let alone raising them to adulthood, is insanely radicalizing.


The wagies are miserable too though, they just don't understand why


Give your self a lobotomy.


>most poor working people, while not all explicitly socialist, have at least some level of "fuck the rich" populist politics
<That's a nice argument, senator. Why won't you back it up with the source?
>My source is that I made it the fuck up.
>I wish I could stop being a socialist and just be apolitical
Then be apolitical. Whatever. Marxism isn't socialism anyway, it's just a way of analyzing the world around us. You can just be an ultra and sit in an armchair if you're tired. You don't own anyone anything.


>My source is that I made it the fuck up.
You don't know any working people do you?

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If we will look at the world history we will find that as the proletariat class kept on increasing in numbers and become the majority, world started to become less and less revolutionary with chance of revolution becoming less and less likely. And this was often repeated by western bourgeois think tanks that with "development" the insurgency will go down, which happened. One can deny that if one is dishonest but honestly look at the world the violent blowback that capitalism received in 20th century and continues to receive in 21st century is all from places which are not advance capitalist countries.

Now the question rises, why so? This question is not too tough to answer and lies in the character of the proletarian when compared to all the other subject classes in the history. And that is the characteristic of "uncertainty" for the proletariat. All the subject classes in past had some degree of certainty which ensured their existence and the work they were supposed to do was defined. One may argue (as leftist idealists often do) that the conditions were grim and tough but regardless of that there was a degree of certainty about life. Look at the condition of proletariat, I mean they don't even have the certainty to be the proletariat ( a thing which we don't find in historic subject classes).

Does it matters? Yes it does matter as in case of past subject classes there was the certainty of existence and they were focused on their struggle against the ruling class. What did a slave had as a goal? To overthrow slavery! Same for peasants they had their existence defined and more or less they had to do a defined thing so that gave them the opening for revolution. But with proletariat they have the sole goal in life of survival, they can't think much beyond survival.

Picture: It is of Hindalco Union leader Ramdev Singh. He died a pauper.
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and those land reforms of 1861 turned Russia from feudal to capitalist? lol with retards like you it feels too much tiresome


Most of these were just piecemeal reforms that failed to effectively deal with Russia's stagnat mode of productions


well I don't think that he is going to get it, its of no use.


The Russian revolution was driven by the industrial proletariat.


I looooove idealism / fascism threads spammed on leftypol :D

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>tfw humanity‘s greatest and last chance to have socialism was in the 20th century and died with the Soviet Union and now only a process into fascism followed by collapse is left
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I don't care.


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stop dooming. TAKE THE CPC PILL


t. never read marx


If youre going to be sad about something, be sad about something worthwhile like Rev. Catalonia, not the fucking USSR lmao


You're a doofus.

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>ctrl+f music
&lt0 results.
ITT We post music.

Old Trees - Violent Resistance
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>using the word "morale" unironically
You tell Me.


Unspooked Blade Wolf.


wtf is this lol





This shit is grim as fuck. It left me with a great sadness. I wonder what the second book would have been like if Fredy lived long enough to finish it.


>cracker's mary sue fanfic about being a noble savage amerindian


Obviously the main characters were written to demonstrate anti-civ attitudes but they are far from perfect and it's pretty clearly not wish fulfilment unless Fredy was suicidal.


> At this time, Lorraine Perlman is preparing the second, unfinished volume of The Strait for publication.

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