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/dead/ - Post-Left

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What the fuck is gender nihilism/abolitionism/etc.?
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So what you say is that enbies are the revolutionary subject?


Virgin Enby
>uses discord
>cat ears
>obsessed with anime
>more fem than masc
>always thinking about gender

Chad GNC Identityless Individual
>never refers to themselves in any way
>doesnt have any government documentation, because that would make facets of their being explicit
>doesnt know what discord is
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What's wrong with cat ears


there's nothing inherently wrong with cat ears.
But they're associated with a certain scene and first of all I just don't like the weebs n furries n sex obsessed nerds who generally are into cat ears, but also it's just too much of a meme now. Cat ears got too big. We live in post Big-Ear world. Big-Ear controls our society now, so as an anarchist I oppose cat ears, for ideological reasons


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The virgin imageboard user vs. the chad anon.

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hi /death, as a ancom i have just been getting into post left theory, and i would like to ask for reasons why i should be a post leftist rather then a regular one. so i would like problems with the left being addressed here and alternative positions being given to reconsider my own

>just read x book on the topic

i am busy with that right now and i have a whole reading list, i would also just like discourse in the meantime
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>Why do you care if they are egoists or not?
because i like to hear non moralfag justifications for the way things are


alternative: happiness is a choice an can be found anywhere, if youre willing to be a meditation slut


I don't get it. But if you have read Stirner, he wrote about how most people tend to approximate the egoist but feel guilty about it afterwards, he called them "involuntary egoists".


nice cope


they are egoists in the same wane as everyboy is an egoist, but they are usually still spooked.
owning capital comes with its own norms you have to adhere to to be talking seriously by others capitalists or that are simply the result of how accumulation works. Just because they are benefiting from class domination doesnt mean they are not integrated in the class structure and thus tend to live not as unique egos, but as capitalists and liberals.


We are living in an age of turbulence. The paradigm of our existence is shifting, the society is standing on the brink of something that would drastically change or destroy the existing world order. Destabilization, polarization (political and otherwise) and intrinsic danger surround us at every step. Europe is the core of our existence, and multiculturalism caused by mass foreign invasion, with all its consequences, is the danger.

Throughout our lands, crime rates are rising rapidly, economy is suffering due to wrongly distributed welfare benefits, culture and ethnicity are being subverted and led into degeneracy with a clearly visible intent; and throughout our lands, backlash is evident and harsh. Riots among indigenous population, protest growing into true resistance against the criminal, anti-European, anti-White regimes.

We have waited and waited; for three generations we have waited. We have asked ourselves: What can we do? How can any change be possible when the proclaimed democracy is a lie? How can any change at all be possible when everything has been decided for us; when our nations are degraded, when our blood has no social/biological value anymore?

All traditional higher values of our society, of or past, our culture, our history, have been subverted and overturned. The tradition is no longer there. The value of having European descent is no longer there.

And we are in a race against time to avoid cultural replacement through a new Islamic invasion; and our hands are tied by the legislation, and our mouths are tied by tolerance and political correctness, and our people’s minds are clouded by the lies from the ruling elites and the media they govern.

So what CAN we do, what can we do right now, to avert a total catastrophe, to revert the process of annihilation enforced upon the Western culture, upon the White race?

The world is changing rapidly; the age is shifting. And what we CAN do is accelerate the backlash. What we CAN do is unite the youngest generations of Europe under on flag of White European resistance, traditionalism, ethnic nationalism; what we CAN do is bring about the true civil war by counter-acting the current invasion and its supporters at the top of our states: The EU. This backlash, this answer by actions to the danger we are facing is necessary and inevitable to sweep away the ethnically foreign elements and to restore monoculture.

Further polarization of sociePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


you realize it takes a single click to search for any part of this text and see where you are copy-pasting it from?


your point?


>the society is standing on the brink of something that would drastically change or destroy the existing world order.
this would be great if it were true, sadly it isn't. but you probably don't mean systemic change anyways but rather 'oh nooooes, black ppl in vidya make me cry ;_;'

>the society is standing on the brink of something that would drastically change or destroy the existing world order.

>this is your bain on /pol/
geez, no wonder all of you faggots shoot up schools. you live with self-inflicted paranoia.

>Europe is the core of our existence


>and multiculturalism caused by mass foreign invasion, with all its consequences, is the danger.


>Throughout our lands, crime rates are rising rapidly,

Again, would be cool. A rise in illegal activity might be enough to get rid of the legal framework os state authority. But the opposite is true mate.
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What's the hot new torture from post-late stage capitalism?


VR nightmare simulators. Analyse a persons brain to figure out the worst possible experience for them, then simulate that.


Being alive.


Sometimes, if I spend too much time around positivists, I get this creeping fear that they'll actually discover immortality.A life of perpetual fear and labor, without even the release of death–that is Hell–and there are people fantasizing about how they will make it happen. Apparently well-meaning people, who are all the more terrible and dangerous because of this psychotic break from reality that makes them believe things will get better under capitalism.Of course, there is also the obvious torture use of such a thing. Keep someone alive and imprisoned for centuries, until they go so crazy they start to believe that other people and the outside world were just products of their imagination.


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&gt&gt67"Life cannot simply be something to cling to. This thought skims through everyone at least once. We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death."


yeah but if there was a cosmetic that effectively stopped u from aging wouldnt you take it? like retinol x 1000

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Do any of you guys feel like you are just going through the motions of life because it's all you know how to do?


I don't, but I guess that's more due to me not going through any motions at all. All I do is rott in my flat or buy groceries every 5 days.


I'm rotting too, this fucking sucks. My job has such a small amount of staff that at least I'm safe from the 'rona, but fuck this.


yeah basically, and honestly its the worst feeling there is for me, like just treading water. It instantly makes life meaningless when you're just living to live, but sometimes thats all ur circumstances allow for. Fucking sucks.
how i deal with it, friend: random acts of stupid willfulness basically. Get some hobby and make yourself work towards gitting good at it whenever you can. Get impaired at work. Get the supplies to camp/nomad and go on a lil trip. I think the only way to keep your soul is to remind yourself that the world hasnt totally broken you yet and give yourself "muscle memory" for things other than routine or what you're supposed to do. The thing that solidified my anarchism when i was younger was running away from home, but just because of how willful of an act it was. It reminded my soul that i still could choose for myself and change my own life


doin praxis like im doin your mom


bernie sanders is lib-tier my mane, get this out of my face!

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can catboys be post-left :3 ?
i mean wouldn't post-structuralists argue that terms like boy are abstract and have no real meaning?


I'll use my authority to allow them


>truely the most supreme leader

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How does it feel to know retards like stupidpol or Angela Nagle stole the term "Post-left" from you?






literally who?



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I'm not going back to work. What are some good illegalist books?
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join my shitty riot chat and talk about lockpicking with me
its time to be able to let yourself into wherever you want (results may vary)


share more please


How useful is lockpicking really? Also somebody write a decent guide on carding please


Been here for a while. I think you mean the Tor links?

http:// darkfailllnkf4vf.onion/ - Verified onion links, recommend setting this as your home page
http:// dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion - Check the carding/fraud subdreads (/d/carding)
http:// torigonsn3d63cldhr76mkfdzo3tndnl2tftiek55i2vilscufer6ryd.onion/index.php - Hacking
http:// cryptbb2gezhohku.onion/ - Hacking
Sadly none of them are as big as Torum was
http:// rutorzzmfflzllk5.onion/ - For Russian speakers

Do what I did anon


cant remember if this guy is kinda retarded or pretty good
i think iirc i read some stupid jolly roger hacker or opsec text file thing that this site linked to and it was like… just bad. But thats a diff author so… i think this guy is cool if i remember right, but take it all with some salt

also to add to links, i love this place

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I open up my wallet…
and it's full of blood…


shouldnta used the money for ya cunny…


I hear donating plasma is a big business in the USA.

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