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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I have nothing to live for but I don't have the willpower to kill myself.
wat do?
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God is anything else fucking posted here?


Step one fall out of bed instead
This will force you to get up if only to get back into bed
Practice makes perfect give yourself a good shove and fall off that mattress there's a good lad


But then why liv eif I'm not getting anything form it?


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what are you trying to get? we all die eventually


>I don't want to be 60 years old when I finally have the free time and money to get my own place, a gf and make a living off my hobbies.
don't get me wrong, Im not a proponent of some libertarian sigma grindset or whatever. if you are able to get what you want through illegal or underhanded tactics thats just as fine. lazyness is great, but it doesnt mean you have to give up on life.

>im too mentally ill to even get out my bed and im supposed to go out there and take things for myself?
what I would suggest is using that as your advantage. you are mentally ill and there is a giant market of well-off middle class wokes who love nothing more than to give money to the opress and marginaliszed. you could totally use your handicap to e-beg on twitter with several accounts straight out of your bed. you just need to appeal to people's sympathy. be like: oh im really sorry to bother you oomfies, but Im behind on rent and my poor cat needs food can anyone spare a few bucks here is my paypal I really appreciate it!
I made like 350 dollars by prentending to be a ukranian refugee on twitter and facebook over the last few weeks. you just gotta use what you have and even if you are to ill to get out of bed you can still be an amazing force of self-realisation. I believe in you, anon.


Why anarchists don't have a coherent body of theory like Marxists do?
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Some will say you "reject" Marx if you don't think he was 100% correct. Maybe that's where it comes from.


>individualist anarchism predates the 90s by a long time and would have been uncomfortably close to "social anarchism"
well, as you said yourself, perlmans ans serges anarchism wasn't that different from social anarchism, they were very close to it. even though they wrote with a individualist character, the real devide between social and individualist anarchism only happened in the scenario I described - in the 90's. its really retarded how you bring them up while ate the same time conceding that they did NOT develop beyond the scope of social anarchism. I mean sure, you definetly win 100 internetz argument points by showing that, akshually, there already were indiviualist anarchists before. buuuut, as you said yourself, they still moved within the paradigm of traditional, social anarchism. the actual break from those dead, 19th century theories, burdened by their systemic hegelian nature, only took place afterwards. so your point is really asinine - to your own admition btw.

>your dumb urban tribe rivalry has nothing to do with the actual course of history of anarchism

ohh yeah, the ACTUAL course of anarchism. by actual you, of course, you mean to describe the course which you determin to be the essential feature of change unlike it's sinful, not ACTUAL ones. or with other words, you are the sepertaing its essential features from its concrete existence. I dont care about your spooked concept btw. social anarchism parted from individualist tendencies in the 90's, because all that existed before were social anarchists with individual tendiencies, as you yourself pointed out (uncomfortably close to "social anarchism"). just because you try to wave away this devide doesnt make it any less substantial.


phew, that's a lot of psychoanalysis and rationalization


i am not coherent


bitch where?

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Both my driver's license and passport are expired. I'd like for my new cards to not be helpful as far as facial recognition software goes. What are some ways I can alter my face aside going in full drag? I've heard slicking back my hair and being clean-shaven are good examples. Should I wear glasses or not? Should I pluck my brow and if so what part of it? Thanks
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would wearing the glasses I wear the least often help?

the face putty stuff might be a bit too pro for me, is there anything a bit more subtle you can recommend?


Makes you more sus to try to elude the systems. Just go with the flow.

That said, say you're a female Muslim and wear a Hijab with a lot of makeup to distort your features.


>Just go with the flow. Give your fingerprints to Disney and your retinal scans to Raytheon.

this reply glows


Maybe give yourself a unibrow


ok schizo try stay offing the grid by triggering all the alarms

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anyone else want to create alternative spaces outside of the established left but too lazy so they harm themselves with what's already there?
i really need my own initiative
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Obviously it can only be a union of egoists if the egoists are able to realise their desires, like my desire for you to fuck off.


See here, the actual goals of tankies in their own words

These people deserve to die


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>Obviously it can only be a union of egoists if the egoists are able to realise their desires, like my desire for you to fuck off.


no context for that screenshot, so who knows what this is about ? But you said the tankie-slur so it's porbably done in bad faith.


i don't think it has much context in the first place, seems like some /pol/ half-convert rambling out of nowhere


Well /dead/, are you a seething Tiqqunist who isn't down with the optimistic globohomo left vision of the Multitude, or are you a tender human piece of intelligence?


bout tree fiddy


I did not read enough modern literature to comprehend Tiqqun.

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when's /dead/chan?


It will take a week are you in the matrix?


The longest week in the history of /dead/.


did I miss something?

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why do commies always act like cops, when its them whose most invested in totally overturning society and overthrowing the government? wtf??
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Unfree we be


I don't really see the point of blanket statements like this. Leftypol is diverse and while you do have many posters who haven't killed the cop in their head, or that try to push for their own agenda of controlling others behavior, I feel like most people are above this. Many times criminal activity is even explicitly promoted, as long as you don't get caught of course.

I for one never comment on "lumpen" or PMC hate threads. Or "should we ban X under communism" or sex work or just sex threads in general. They are filled with people who didn't understand shit about anything they read (or didn't even read), but feel extremely fit to post their stupid shit opinions. I just avoid those threads and have a better time..

That's the nature of imageboards. You have to be good at separating the wheat from the chaff.


>Leftypol is diverse
maybe in 2016 it was. the range of acceptable positions starts with leninism and ends with maoism.
>I don't really see the point of blanket statements like this.
The point is to establish a dividing line between Them and Us.


>That's the nature of imageboards. You have to be good at separating the wheat from the chaff
My problem is i end up just lurking and skipping to the recent posts to save time. Active threads are just retards saying the same shit they have a hundred times before. Or worse it's just namefags arguing over geopolitics as a result of differing ideology. Where really leftypol shines is when people talk about the conditions of everyday lives.

This, anyone who's been around for all the split boards and site changes should know better. Terminally online leftists are more often than not mentally ill larpers


a lot of "communists" just hope to become politicans and bureaucrats in the bourgeois state, especially ones of the leninist persuasion. their entire ideology is carefully constructed useful rhetoric to win sympathy towards themselves and provide a "base"

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what does /dead/ think about ted kaczynski
I found his theory of self propagating systems and oversocialization interesting, but i wanted to know what this place thinks of his theory
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His writings are highly recommended, not only because he is often right in what he writes but also because he is wrong just as often. "Industrial Society and Its Future is good training material for critical reading exercises.
I also noticed that for an anarchist he has relatively little knowledge of anarchist theory. As far as I know, he never mentions Bakunin, Rocker, Stirner or any other big name anywhere, but he knows a lot about Marxist and Bourgeois revolutions.


He was big into Jacques ellul


What he describes as surrogate activities and various other ills is just alienation which Marxism seeks to overcome. He was strikingly right, but he lacked dialectical thinking.


nice bait


Stirner is a better critic of "oversocialization". The Unique and Its Property is basically a manifesto against schooling

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alive but barely


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alive only out of habit


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alive but at what cost?

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slowly dawning on me that p much every modern day leftist does not like marx, let alone has read him
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You know very well that that is not true. Why do you feel like you have to lie to us on an anonymous imageboard?


Marx was an important element of leftist history and a basis for many to work on.

Doesn't mean you need to read him to further the cause better than someone who has. Most important physisists don't read Newton or Einstein nor biologists read Darwin: subsequent works expand upon their ideas in relation to discoveries made since and social changes. Marx wrote before anyone any communist ruling parties existed!


It's the idea that anarchy is when you don't organize or plan anything, or worse, the belief that you genuinely need some tyrant barking orders for anything to ever get done.


holy shit i've been picked apart
fuck off


All physicists learn about newtonian and einsteinian physics. All biologists learn about theories of evolution. Your comaprison is bunk because you're implying leftists are learning marxism just not through marx, and that isn't true. Marx is still the best resource as introductory marxism beyond the basics.

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