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Why did you tag Me?


I think it's newfags mostly. I still highly respect McQuinn and Landstreicher. BTW, Landstreicher also wrote this to deal with these kinds of guys: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/apio-ludd-burn-all-bibles





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Are you scared of death?

I'm not afraid of it since its inevitable, I'm more just sad that it happens. Lots of people in my life have misinterpreted this as being suicidial, when that's not the case, I don't want to die but It's not something I worry about. But I do find it difficult to understand risks and I've been in hospital 11 times in the last decade from doing dangerous stuff like climbing up cliffs with no climbing experience (resulting in a broken ankle and hairline skull crack) and going mountain biking up the hill near where I used to live with my mum's road bike because mountain biking looked cool on Youtube (resulting in me being knocked out for hours and then walking down the hill like nothing had happened, only getting an ambulance sent when I found some people to ask where my town was since I was heavily concussed and they saw how messed up my face was). I only realised that doing this shit over and over again wasn't normal when I talked to other people about it. And I am very sad about death, I think its awful but its inevitable, you could live trillions of years so you would seem immortal to us today, but as we understand the universe they will die eventually so even if you aim for a longer life it's still something that will come and therefore its like being scared of day turning into night. I'm much more afraid of failing to do anything with my life. I don't necessarily care about succeeding but I need to try, otherwise there's not really any reason for me to live.
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> Sposter is a rather private individual after all


Theres a difference between privacy and pride. Sposter is clearly proud of using wet wipes instead of toilet paper. Bidets are superior but bidets combined with tp is best i think.


This pride is misplaced though.
Most wetwipes are laced with irritants and make regular toiletpaper unusable in the long term. They are literally made to be addictive.
A proper diet and posture also avoids the need to wipe most of the time. Hentai with anal sex rarely shows enemas, not only because they break up the action, but also because a naturally clean anus isn't rare outside the west.


Speaking of that moment, hey S poster, can you give us a tutorial on how you wipe?
Also, I'm a visual learner, so if you can record it that would help alot.


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S poster girlfriend (male?)


what are you reading right now?
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I bookmarked it. I'm thinking of getting the audio book version of Theory of Everything so I know I'll actually get to it, unlike the couple hundred unread books I'll never get to because I spend my free time veging out or playing stupid shit like bloodborne.


I read An apology for idlers, thinking that it would be some good anti-work text, but instead it just made me realize how much better off everyone around me would be without me. I already understood the objective, material benefits that my relatives would enjoy if I ended my life, but now I am convinced that, at least in the long term, their subjective and psychological state would drastically improve too.


So what? Who cares about them? You should be focused on consuming them for your interests instead of worrying how you taste to them.


>relatives would enjoy if I ended my life
I can tell from experience that this is probably the traumatic thing you can do to your relatives.


Just finished reading The Age of Surveillance Capitalism and next on the reading list is Atomic Habits.

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i like the way delluze and early land write in that they write in ways that are intriguing to read i guess idk

dark deluze is what im always reccomended for people new to deluze
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>Bakunin argued that on the contrary it is the lumpen, the least advanced and most miserable segment that would actually go through with it.

But going through with it would make them the most advanced. The black panthers also thought lumpens were revolutionary, and with Mao it was the peasants. Which one is revolutionary is not a matter of opinion its decided by the material conditions of a given situation. Most advanced means class conscious and class conscious means understanding the necessity of revolution to solve the contradiction between the working and owning classes. Its been scientifically proven through the experiment of revolution that all of them are wrong or right in different cases. Thats the essence of materialist dialectics, which Bakunin and other Anarcho-Communists also agree with.

>Bakunin is talking about expertise.

no he is talking about the difference between voluntary authority and absolute authority imposed by legislation of a state

ok then what do you call parent/child teacher/student doctor/patient? why do pirates elect captains in battle and why did anarchist Spain elect officers during the war? i think you are using a different definition of hierarchy that requires coercion. a voluntary hierarchy based on competence is still a hierarchy, like in team sports where players have different positions based on ability and decided by consensus. Its not a bad word the problem is with coercion by unjustified authority.

1) Deleuze is not an anarchist
2) Anarchists are not against voluntary authority
3) Anarchists are not against vanguards - they are against vanguards seeking state power
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Their relation to the class struggle makes them bourgeoi. Just like the police they act in the bourgeoisies class interests as long as they are part of a bourgeoi state.
also the proletariat is a spook


stop using spook wrong you dumb faggot it makes you look like an idiot.

>Anarchists are not against voluntary authority
I'm not sure this is universally true. There are definitely insurrectionary anarchists like the Firey Nuclei that at least say they are against all forms of authority and control. Historically it's only really anarchists that engaged in direct warfare e.g Makhno, Durruti, maybe certain syndicalists in LatAm as well, that will justify 'voluntary authority' because they view it as a necessary, temporary action.
>Anarchists are not against vanguards - they are against vanguards seeking state power
Again, not a given. The only anarchist I can think of that historically has justified vanguardism is Bonnano. If you could point me to a text by an actual anarchist (not this negation bullshit) post-20th century where someone argues in favor of a vanguard please do.
>The difference between Marxists and Anarchists is in what happens after the revolution - whether or not there is a state under the dictatorship of the proletariat

No one says this. The reason used by Marxists is false consciousness, which Deleuze elaborates on and demonstrates that desire can be subverted against one's material interests.
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The correct usage of spook is a spook


This is much more lucid than what I expected from Dolce and Gabbana, honestly.

Anyway, if I'm reading into this correctly the "argument" is something along these lines.
>class society exists because of surplus
>surplus value is necessary to have a "ruling" apparatus
>a person is born into a class society
>unconsciously they pick up on economic class relations
>they form their subconsciousness and make into unconscious acts of reproducing class society
>those who realize this become class conscious and these are always fewer in number than those unconscious
>when history permits a breaking point up to the breaking point everything seems "rational"
>this breaking point isn't even obvious btw
>when the breaking point happens "everything" can happen, not just what was "necessary"
>the clearly determined relations are also prone to breaking
>the vanguard becomes the new apparatus inasmuch it becomes the Will of revolutionary subject which is then objectified in a single person?

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What are some contemporary anarchist literature that's actually worth reading?
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Is bell hooks even anarchist? I tried reading one of her books once but I really disliked it because it was full of religious nonsense.


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It is not
Here have an anarchist book
They get a book you get a book
Everybody gets a book


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>I feel like anarchist theory has kind of stagnated,
You look under your chair and find a book

You get a book
You get a book
Everybody gets a book


Does David graeber count? He was pretty based.


Any more critiques of class consciousness specificly?

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Can we talk about how transhumanism is basically trash?
Like fam, why you wanna improve everything's capabilities? Sounds like market logic to me. Things and especially ppl are fine not being more than they are.
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Glasses, pace-makers, hearing implants , artificial limb replacements and so on are working out pretty well.
Pick the good aspects but avoid the cyborg distopia.


Free cyborg bodies for everybody


transhumanism in a collectivist or anarchist sense seems pretty neat but it inevitably gets corrupted by profiteering.
also medicine and drugs in general are already transhumanist, transhumanism isnt just cool robot arms and brains in jars. :^)


>also medicine and drugs in general are already transhumanist, transhumanism isnt just cool robot arms and brains in jars. :^)
Medicine is, in fact, not transhumanist, because the goal of apllying medicine isn't the improvement of a human towards a goal of something more than human, transcending humanity, but only to improve the condition of a single, sick human towards the goal of a single, healthy human.
Drugs are also not really transhumanist as far as recreation goes, to trip is to be human. However, taking drugs to increase performance in general or in a certain field is transhumanist - and again shows why transhumanism is bourgeoi dreck! Cause the improvement functions only as an improvement in productivity!
It's impossible for transhumanism to imagine improving a persons artistry, because art does not follow capitalist logic. You might add 300 arms to a painter so that they might paint 100 works in the amount of time it usually takes him to create 1, or develop specific painting extremities that are able to wield a brush at a significantly more precise level - that's not gonna improve the art. What makes art good is not quantifiable, it's the artist revealing themselves in their work - and all transhumanism does is quantifying productivity.
The only class that would benefit from a transhumanist catalysation of humans abilities is the bourgeoisie - cause it would mean more workers can make more commodities in a smaller amount of time - and those "improvements" that werent related strictly to performance enhancement, would only be available to the rich anyways.
In a classless society in turn transhumanism would be utterly useless. Without the pressure of class hierarchy there is no sense in increasing ones productive capabilities, since you dont need a certain level of (economic) performance to ensure your survival. The means of survival would already be available to you. Why would anyone strive to become a machiene when they are able to freely develop themselves by unfolding whats already inside?
fuck transhumanism


Transhumanism can never be given to you

It can only be made by the self for the self

Youre going to trust botnetted implants?

Its gotta be FOSS software and hardware

Get soldering

Transhumanism is already here, trust me, you just don't want it.

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i wish we'd move on from bakunin already


I wish people would actually move on to Bakunin, it seems that people only read God and the State if anything, everything else they know about him is from Marxist slander.


Continuing with my occult Marxism series, the occult Marxist has return
My new take is this, settlement, agriculture, and urbanization are all reactionary. Agriculture caused famine and war and patriarchy, animal husbandry caused zoonotic diseases, urbanization caused plagues, they are satanic

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I guess you could argue that agriculture, and resultantly civilization, are a response to hostile climate and natural alienation (Mesopatamia). I don't know if that makes it necessarily 'reactionary'. Urbanization is just a natural development of increased resource concentration.
just read Perlman lol this is that


Even /dead/ doesn't deserve to be the dumping ground for every mildly incoherent post


Everything I don't like is reactionary. Because… it just is, bro, okay?


It's /leftypol/'s vengeance.


Anti-civ is reactionary.

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16. There are still harmless self-observers who believe that there are "immediate certainties"; for instance, "I think," or as the superstition of Schopenhauer puts it, "I will"; as though cognition here got hold of its object purely and simply as "the thing in itself," without any falsification taking place either on the part of the subject or the object. I would repeat it, however, a hundred times, that "immediate certainty," as well as "absolute knowledge" and the "thing in itself," involve a CONTRADICTIO IN ADJECTO; we really ought to free ourselves from the misleading significance of words! The people on their part may think that cognition is knowing all about things, but the philosopher must say to himself: "When I analyze the process that is expressed in the sentence, 'I think,' I find a whole series of daring assertions, the argumentative proof of which would be difficult, perhaps impossible: for instance, that it is I who think, that there must necessarily be something that thinks, that thinking is an activity and operation on the part of a being who is thought of as a cause, that there is an 'ego,' and finally, that it is already determined what is to be designated by thinking—that I KNOW what thinking is. For if I had not already decided within myself what it is, by what standard could I determine whether that which is just happening is not perhaps 'willing' or 'feeling'? In short, the assertion 'I think,' assumes that I COMPARE my state at the present moment with other states of myself which I know, in order to determine what it is; on account of this retrospective connection with further 'knowledge,' it has, at any rate, no immediate certainty for me."—In place of the "immediate certainty" in which the people may believe in the special case, the philosopher thus finds a series of metaphysical questions presented to him, veritable conscience questions of the intellect, to wit: "Whence did I get the notion of 'thinking'? Why do I believe in cause and effect? What gives me the right to speak of an 'ego,' and even of an 'ego' as cause, and finally of an 'ego' as cause of thought?" He who ventures to answer these metaphysical questions at once by an appeal to a sort of INTUITIVE perception, like the person who says, "I think, and know that this, at least, is true, actual, and certain"—will encounter a smile and two notes of interrogation in a philosopher nowadays. "Sir," the philosopher will perhaps give him to understand, "it is improbable that yoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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just look up a guide on how to buy drugs online, im not going to feed it too you; getting drugs via the post is safe, they vaccuum seal the packages and put decoys so it

1) doesnt smell
2) doesnt feel like drugs
3) when opened looks like something else

domestic mail doesnt get searched unless someone rats you out.


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I mean how do you think this guy got away for so long, think about how much mail goes through the system on a single day, they dont care about your $50 worth of weed


>I mean how do you think this guy got away for so long
Well, he didn't send mailboxes to his house now did he?


do you think the feds tear open every single piece of mail or something, how do you think they operate when it comes to mail?

The literal only way they will ever catch you is if you draw attention to yourself, ordering smelless drugs in the mail with no visible profile or way to clock them from the outside, with personal amounts that would give you a small petty fine is not worth there time.


>how can I live in an illusionary form where there are landlords!?! It's way too cruel!
Would you feel better if the landlord instition was permanent? The instability of existence is indeed a nightmare to the established order as they try to replicate their mode of being infinately. They curse the outside realms, the clashing of forces, becuase it beats upon their stable forms that they cling to until they are eventually washed away. The human subject must learn to change or else they torn apart.

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I don't know and it's killing me. When I want to know I dig, and the only thing I find is corpses, cadavers, ossuaries.
I am surrounded by commodities, and when I investigate I only find dead labour. The living one is better left far away.
I want to know, I claw at any knowledge, I grip whatever life can give to me… bad, good, I don't care; If it's something, I can study it, and I can learn, but in the end I still don't fucking know, and it's fucking killing me, and I will go on a stretch and say it's killing all of us.


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I like to learn about things in my free time, it's fun!

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