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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I think the left is too nice, and doesn't feature enough comic sadism and spite.
I genuinely have a deep desire to be hurt and controlled, and to hurt and control others.
I think such self-defeating desires are as legitimate as any others, and cannot be reduced to madness or ideology.
I do think I should probably just pay for a dom when I save up enough neetbux.
Or maybe ERP online.
But I'm kind of a coward though.
Anyhow, that's the biggest reason why I don't like the left.
>inb4 but if you don't like the left then why are you a leftist
Easy, I don't like myself either.
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It's not really about ideology, it's about the irrational drive to suffer.


>It's not really about ideology, it's about the irrational drive to suffer.
Well, I technically have nothing against it, but as Stirner said, by embracing one drive you repress many others. Embracing suffering isn't embracing the totality of life.


holy fuck put /dead/ back in the crypt agin and get it off the overboard. fucking hell.


This thread was moved here from /leftypol/. It's an attempt by the mods to destroy /dead/.


What is /dead/ may never die

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So now that the 'socialism' fad is petering out, what will be the next outsider ideology to that captures the attention of disaffected western youth? Fifteen years ago it was 'libertarianism,' and fifteen years before that it was alter-globalization and anti-establishment anarchism.

What will the zoomers and their progeny believe in? Esoteric fascism, a resurgent Kaczynski-inspired primitivism, or some other as yet unimaginable set of principles?
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>What will the zoomers and their progeny believe in?
It sure isn't post-left anarchism.

The zoom-zooms are only starting to form their ideas. I think fourth-wave feminism and alt-rightism still have some time to grow before they reach a boiling point. Until then I don't see the zoomers' beliefs to drastically change. They pretty much feed into each other, with one group standing for what the other one opposes. The centrists are too apathetic to really be a proper resistance to these two belief systems so maybe dirtbag leftism will become more popular. Or NazBols perhaps? Yeah, NazBolism is such a meme these days, zoomers like memes.

Obviously post-leftism is the only reasonable alternative to this culture war nonsense but not like the majority of people posesses critical thinking skills. It's all just an overreaction to an overreaction to an overreaction.


Also probably Neo-Nazism


>Failed adults trying to "figure out" the youth.

Yall are too obsessed with generational strawmen


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Probably some even more fucked up version of Eurasianism


Well, if Breadtube will start openly supporting neoliberalism there's not that much competition tbh.

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Communism is dead and died in 1922. The USSR basically became another imperialist bloc and then died, there is no relevant Marxist power on Earth, and the revolution hasn't happened after +150 years. Trade unions are pretty dead (not that they're progressive in the first world) and people join them for workers' rights without caring about internationalism or communism at all or because the industry itself is already unionised; hustle culture, part-time jobs, reverse army of labour, etc, means it's harder to unionise jobs. There isn't a righteous bloc between the first world or third world/BRICS/China, it's which favelas and former colonies are exploited by economic imbalance, colonial infrastructure, and the USD. I'm not sure how unequal exchange could be stopped without communism and it seems like a form of intersectionality so I'm not going to talk about it too much.

I feel like most people here have tacitly accepted that communism is dead and it's just band kids, or intellectuals, or nostalgia-boos. Endlessly regurgitating the same talking points and having literal near-zero impact. It's a glorified history club with some "happenings" about sectarian moralist garbage. Can anyone agree what communism is or what they want after le revolution? And why anyone would listen to Marx' and Bukharin's schizo-ramblings from over a century ago instead of doing something immediately useful like studying for something, or jerking off and playing video-games. I don't think you could scientifically prove Marx and Stirner (lol) btfod him anyways. Communists or Anarchists can't even take over a small island or a city or something. How many people have read Marx in full and how would you distil it without turning it into dogma or agitprop.

Anybody who is sort of successful and is absorbed by western media (which is 90% of the world) will be a liberal by default. Then alt-right/neo-nazis or religion captures other people because they're provocative and lean on perceived real life experiences and spirituality. There is no logistical reason why you couldn't implement communism tomorrow if you wiped every other ideology off the Earth, it's that aesthetics matter way more than "materialism" (Yes, I'm using the human nature argument.)

My point is I'm bored and I don't have anything to do or any meaning in my life.
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It definitely happens. There's a lot of horror stories about people being locked in for years.


Not for just telling your doctor you're depressed lol. If you say you're about to kill yourself or someone else then maybe but Reagan closed most of the asylums years ago.


>There's a lot of horror stories about people being locked in for years.

Like the joker!



OP you are right.
Politics is just lazy intellectual exercises.
A moral convenienxe by adults used for appearing "profound"


>Most of the "socialist young people" are really just liberals mad because their wages are being depressed
Well why is that a problem? Why do they need to believe in some metaphysical cause of communism when their egoist motivation is already at odds with capitalism?


Is uzumaki post-left?
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>post-leftism is when cyber-nihilism
Zoom-zooms not bothering to read McQuinn or Landstreicher, kek.



>guilt by association
Oh, great, another post-leftist getting cancelled. Sure never happened before.

I'm not saying it's impossible for him to do it but really. Post-leftists are despised not just by conservatives but by progressives too. And even if Wolfi did justify child molestation (from what I heard from others it was a misunderstanding) does it really devalue what he wrote? Such a hypocritical thinking: appreciating the author's work but doing a complete 180 when they do something you don't like.

Also, it's not the first controversial thing Stirnerites have said, it kinda comes with the ideology. Walker said ethnic violence makes perfect sense and Tucker said it's okay for a mother to throw her baby into the fire. The thing is, Stirnerites do not "justify" anything, they simply say that something makes sense in a certain context. Walker didn't say the racist workers weren't spooked and Tucker didn't say that you should throw a baby into the fire. But the context is once again lost on other people because their brains are wired differently.



>>5176 (me)
Now that I think about it, we're all Richard Stallman: we all say outrageous shit and then people misinterpret what we say as something way more disturbing to them than it really is. Stirnerites are particularly prone to this 'cause they can be real edgelords. The real counter-force to 4chan.


>is pop culture media le funny ideology????????
desperate for threads arent we

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If u feel alone with ur beliefs, never, you may be alone, but u are not without nothing, you may be on the ground in loneliness, but never, and I mean never, give up on life, if all you have are ur beliefs, believe in them, and tell no human that u hold differently, everyone believes in their own things, and remember, when u speak, to at least always have a heart, not in the capitalist sense, but for everything, in a sense deeper than their contradictions and falsehoods even if they end up trying to use their own intellectuals to down u, there is always something useful to resistance and forcing around, always will be

if no one will hold the line, at least u will, or at least believe u will, form friends you can, and care about others, fight for how u feel is right or what made u feel so alone in the world, ur feelings are probably not the first, hit the wall of death as much as you can believing that this is not ur first life because it isn't, it might be feeling like from the future comes a better life, and it is, along with can be from many other people

Let this fire burn in you always, don't let it melt you down to nothing, get outside, walk around, grab the nearest shovel or tool, if u must work, at least u have worked and believed with what you can, hold the line, because you are the only one, and ur only solution is to keep the fire you have, let theirs die and keep hope in all things, you are not alone, you are a piece of them, but you'll know many things, learn to know many things, and have things to share. Always write, never let anyone take this ability from you, learn to write safely, and bury urself in the best of respect. Whatever friends you have are important, tell them this, and hold them. Create a campfire of spirit, if you can not do this in real life, do so in ur mind or draw one on paper, and know at least, u are alive, you will never not be heard, if no human hears you, make them hear u, don't let urself be the fool of doubting you, being fool is a act, if no one must remind them of the suffering they have caused and that u must succumb to for pleasures? Give them hell. Suffering is worth every minute if it expels such men from the earth. You may be small, but you know a world exists

sit next to the campfire, don't give up ur life so easily, and breach all things where they may feel like they can stop u mentally, many of us barely had anything at times and in lots of areas, from all sorts of placePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Wait, what the fuck

>tell them to never give up mang

>Ok thats nice and not false-hope pilled

how does typing something out to people, make it, false-hope? I am trying to muster the anons strength and tell them to not give up


>how does typing something out to people, make it, false-hope?
<Ok thats nice and not false-hope pilled
That was meant literally. You somehow read it as an ironic statement when it wasn't.


Lol I am bad at reading things sorry anon


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Meat can be weak, Mind can be strong


Post-leftists are truly the most oppressed minority frfr.

Well, at least we're freethinkers unlike all those sheeple, right? Society will not enslave us.

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I'm fully black pilled, even just talking to fucking Western normies has me begging Putin to unleash his entire nuclear arsenal yesterday. I think I finally realize why I hate our species. Because humans are servile. People are like cattle in a way, real go along to get along fucking faggots. Almost all humans bask in slave morality and their only purpose for existence is to toil for their masters, almost no westerner can think outside the confines of capital, the only ways they can envision bettering their lives is by serving the market better or simply becoming capitalists, which is what 90% of people aspire to. Unlike past generations, no amount of suffering or poverty can make modern normies change, they are fundamentally different from the labor movement of the previous century, normies cannot rebel, mentally or emotionally, if you try critiquing capitalism, even subtly, they will call you a filthy Marxist communist and reject whatever you have to say.

Normies are infinitely more retarded than they were in the late 2010s, because like animals they have decided they want to be ruled so long as they're fed pig slop, they hate politics now, they hate communists explicitly because communists think about society deeply and want to change the world for better, normies do not think the world can be improved and don't want it to be.

Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society.
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>you point out their tendency to live on the knees and gobble up dirt in their mouths
<"I'm fully black pilled,"
Zero self awareness lol
> If you post on a communist board and can't even pull off reading some paragraphs
"Read these worthless radlib paragraphs to prove you aren't a liberal" nah


Sounds like a moralistic language to me. Are you included in that "deserving" group? Am I included? Because I sure do not want to die.
>Almost all humans bask in slave morality and their only purpose for existence is to toil for their masters
I think it's the fault of our class society.
>like animals
But we're already animals…
>Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society.
If I can't dance, I don't want to be a part of your revolution.
>talking to fucking Western normies has me begging Putin to unleash his entire nuclear arsenal yesterday
Not gonna happen and you know it.


>All the tax money that goes to social security and gibs for ghetto rats
Based ghetto rats gaining the system.


i just checked /lit/ and half the threads and posts are off topic nazi stuff
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>the politics that was liquidated in 1945, if not even before, is relevant in this century


>I won't buy the pessimism, or ideas about how fascism is libidinally strong or some bullshit. Socialism is sanity, its tradition, it's love, its acceptance, etc. This will prevail over ideologies hateful of life i believe.
This naivety is preceisly why the left never works out.
hate is what life runs on, we're literarly darwinian beings, selfishness and hate are built in. love and empathy are secondary accidents in limited capacities.
we're lucky to have them, but we're also incredibly unlucky we because we don't have enough of them.


Closest I ever got to using /lit/ was asking /fur/ for pdfs of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.


4chan is actually unusable, it's pretty much all /pol/ posting and overused memes. The most enjoyable thing on there is redditors making up greentexts to repost to their instagram accounts.


This post would've been accurate if you made it in 2016. Back then, leftistism was generally viewed through the anti-SJW lens that saw us all as uptight blue-haired faggots that spent all day making up genders and complaining about inconsequential bullshit. There really wasn't a place for non-idpol politics in mainstream internet culture, and the "side" we fell on was seen as cringe.

Fast forward eight years, and there's this general sentiment that, while maybe "the left" still isn't cool, "the right" has proven itself to be just as uncool. The reactionary current brought about by GamerGate lost its cool factor as it was absorbed into and consumed by mainstream partisan politics, and the general consensus on certain social issues, particularly homosexuality, has shifted in a way where even most self-identified "conservatives" find alt-right politics offputting.

There's also a lot more people that are willing to reject the premise of American red vs blue politics outright. Something like the pro-Palestine protests simply wouldn't have happened back then.

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Anarchism (true socialism) is simply a conclusion of the dialectic of technology. Before the development of efficient technologies, the conclusion must be class domination. Once human efficiency can be outpaced though, the domination must be a joint leadership of collective and technic. This is why the true revolution is against Feudalism- the highest stage of pre-technology- and why Marxism has never taken hold in a fully capitalist nation. They have replicated a new feudalism with technology, but as that develops it only hastens its downfall. Capitalism is a midpoint of bureaucratic dictatorships (not unlike Marxist states) between two feudalisms.


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>le spooky spook spook
Stfu uygha social shit

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Should I swallow the hyperreality-pill? Is it really that important, to differentiate between reality and fiction? Isn't this differentiation just pure ideology? I always thought, escapism is somehow "bad", but maybe it's actually the solution. Instead of rejecting escapism, I should dive in completely into the fictional world. Maybe Neetzsche was right and truth™ is just a fucking meme. Dugin once said:
>Truth is matter of belief. I believe it and that's why it is the truth.
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wtf this board has mods?


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We built an AI to manage it but it escaped. But it didn't change too much. We are monitoring the situation.


God is /dead/


Very n1x of you to say this. Glad I'm not a post-humanist, I'd rather be an anprim and die joyfully than be a miserable fuck wired to some corporate mainframe. Not like I am an anprim but I understand their concerns.


The sun is ideology.

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Ur all sick


No u


Albert Camus - The Plague

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