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/dead/ - Post-Left

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theres no hope for the future of leftism. People have gravitated towards the right because they're retards and the left in general has been overtaken by neoliberals, sakaioids, and Maoist turd worldists. I've become apolitical at this point.


Congratz on reaching the same conclusion any other leftist has, now what? Will you roll over and wait for fascists to fuck you in the ass?


I'm pissin


Thanks for spilling the truth.

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See title
Leftypol sucks. Leftypol is a Leninist trap that wants to subvert Anarchists to ML and its variants.
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He created the term to give himself cover for his anticommunist bullshit


Arisuchan has been dead for like five years now…


Somebody tried to revive it around Christmas time but it ended up going down after a couple weeks.


What? Seph promised that I would get an email if it is ever resurrected… How did I miss this?


It wasn't Seph that brought it back. It was some anon on lainchan who probably had no connection to Seph, Kalyx etc. No idea why it went down either. It just went offline.


The world is going to shit and capitalism will destroy humanity. There is nothing that we can individually do, and I highly doubt that the normies masses will ever accept anti capitalism. Is suicide the solution?
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>The world is going to shit and capitalism will destroy humanity. There is nothing that we can individually do, and I highly doubt that the normies masses will ever accept anti capitalism.

You are correct. But I don't kill myself, because I want to witness the apocalypse. It's going to be a wild ride. We haven't seen anything yet. 😎


mass suicide is praxis


Just proves my point.
Fisher was an optimist. And now Land is a hopeless drug addict.


Try and give food for the poor. Is already a good start, like, actual meals instead of a dollar or something. Try idk, talking to them, be part of a volunteer group. You are doing something good for someone else, that is very nice. You can do more later, but first go on easy and small steps. Never be conformist, never lose hope. It is useless to think otherwise. If you are pessimist, every effort is meaningless. There are only two paths, the path of reactionarism, and the path of revolution. Both cannot co-exist, or socialism or barbarism.

Don't feel hopeless now, much, much harder times will come.

We need all the comrades we can get when the resources begin to run out. When the climate starts to change and scarcity becomes more present, where will you be? When the wars get more numerous, more violent one after another, where will you be? When the new iron curtain be pronounced and the capitalist countries all over the world begin the red scare again, where will you be? When WW3 breaks out, nuclear fallout across the land render life almost impossible to billions of people, while the rich get to live safely in bunkers, where will you be?

The awnser my friend
Is blowing in the wind
The awnser is blowing in the wind


kill urself

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Like who shits giv bout history who did what and trillions? Bitch please they be stealin shit from you all the time n lyin to get u to be shit stealin tool 3000 for some bitchass guy whos above u and u be aint shit cuz he be greedy from above and shit.

Who fuck was Stalling and Lean-in what they did done aint shit to me. they mad I aint licking theyz balls n shit.
Argumentin augmentin history n shit like
Ain't shit mean nothing to me bro.
OR da common motherfucking motherfuckery
>YESS he did do it loser, we be killin u u reactionary shitty shit
Bitchass fucks wants do me gay? Like what? Yo stfu I dont care all talk shit lol. Aint see u outside, don't give a fuckk YO!


Heres some music for all dead homies browising this shit


And inb4 some smartass goes
Bitchass u bowing down to shits u give. U be giving yourself fo shit. By givin shit u become dependent on the given shit. Ur god is shit. U worship shit and suffer I dont giv a fuck shit about what shits u give bitchass pope.


And cryin to peopel like
Lol, u get what u give, and give what u get. NEVER giv a shit n expect good shit back. or smth like just take stuff not shit
Take stuff don't take shit.


Cuz like shit aint nothin YO! All shit ain't nothin to me. Shit aint stuff u wanna take for nothing

Thas all 4 tonite


This thread is gold

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Sick of RW politics
>nooo you MUST become a puritan to protect the children!!!
>you MUST support dictatorships and corrupt regimes because they're "based"
>you MUST care all the time about culture war issues
But leftist politics is basically the same isn't it? You just trade tradlarp puritanism for LGBTQABC+123 puritanism, and you're still expected to support dictatorship. What do?
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If you see no difference between loyalists of a corrupt government that has been bombing its own citizens for a decade just for disagreeing with their policies and a people fighting against a colonial settler state that treats them like subhumans, then you are ignorant of what happened there besides the mainstream post-SMO Western narrative of the conflict. Look up some of the earlier articles on the events that led to the war like the Odessa tradehouse fire, then come back here when you are done.


Truer words have never been spoken



>not wanting to kill people is cope


>nooo you MUST become a puritan to protect the children!!!
aka stop being a pedo
>you MUST support dictatorships and corrupt regimes because they're "based"
aka stop supporting american imperialism
>you MUST care all the time about culture war issues
aka gays and blacks are humans

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Leftism (including Marxism) has been the B team of bourgeoisie since the day 1.

And this is now hilarious on such a gigantic scale that it has become very difficult indeed to differentiate between left and the ruling class of today. There is going to be no revolution ever, so all the idealist lefties can do themselves a great favor if they stop doing these mental gymnastics about theory on internet.

Academia specially is the biggest fraud institution of bourgeoisie which is apparent to all but the marxists and leftsits. Why does that happens? are these marxists and leftists so naive? The answer is that it happens because they are the lapdogs of bourgeoisie.
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OP is a schizotard


I thought this was common knowledge among posties, why is everyone acting like OP is wrong?


this thread was moved from /leftypol/ originally to here


literally idealism "oooooooh the mode of production will end when everyone changes their mind at once oooooooooooh"


>Leftism or Pan-Leftism, otherwise known as Baizuo is the hegemonic ideology of American unipolarity, based in an artificial network of institutions, NGOs, and activist groups which manage and police the flow of information within Western countries. Leftism abstracts left-wing politics from its concrete history, and aspires toward their total assimilation, regardless of context, into a single ideology.

>By attempting to assimilate all 'left-wing' orientations into a single ideology, fundamental differences based on historical context and theoretical quality become lost. Leftism can be regarded as having been single most effective response by imperialism to the effectiveness of Marxism-Leninism.

>Whereas Marxism-Leninism represents the synthesis and total integration of the entire history of civilizations, Leftism 'integrates' together only an abstracted representation of change, attempting to synthesize tendencies as disparate as anarchists, Fabians, liberals, 'progressives,' Marxists, social-democrats and even Marxist-Leninists (see Red Liberals) into a single ideology, distilling from them only the most abstract 'principles' and 'change.'

>Leftism is thus far from synonymous with Left-Wing politics, which is, rather than a single ideology, an orientation based on a specific and concrete historical, national, and political context.

>While adopting the aesthetic of historical left-wing politics, in practice it defends and preserves the status quo of modern liberalism and sanitizing any political expression into a safe, compatible form.

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is it possible to go balls off the walls and just quit?

leave everything behind, not care anymore, and just travel around in one's own truths till they rot. This feels possible and I feel like I am uncaring for where I go, but it is a better journey along with life than this. I want to carry my banner even through my chest into hell and back

In my time in existence, I prefer chaos to knowing if I will eat or not than living such as this to ways which kill children, I can not escape, take me to hell and back, I'm going to quit and give up on this life for something better, I don't care where I go, but I'll always love you all and this world. I just want to live in love of this life with sitting right next to the fire with you all eventually in a grand dance of rejoice, it's alright to feel alive and be alive. Being subjugated to this society is something I never asked for, and as I further grow older, the more I grow into my nomadic ways, I am human, I am not a people-eater, at least more than most of the rightoids eating on the flesh of children, I seek peace, not war, ur war is ur war, and ur life is war, what a terrible way to live, in the end I feel bad for you, but I will seek my own peace. I love you all, and thank this society for giving me somethings, but I am quitting. Defecting, running away, and well, don't try to find me, I'd prefer it never happening at all.

The only way out of this world is to let our old ways die and create new, otherwise we are not even living, we have no idea where to even pull around, we can not allow greed, violence, and to live in peace throughout this world. I am sick all the time, I struggle all the time with just existing, and well, it's not fully societal my issues, but, i feel like i would be ok with letting myself die next to somewhere if my hands were wiped of blood this life time even if I am eaten by some type of wolf brutally. I would not allow this to happen and protect myself, but I think I should escape badly this world. If I don't, well I'm unsure. I'm possibly schizophrenic and believe in previous life times I have had blood on my hands already, this one, I would want a more dignified life than repeat the last one of spilling others blood in anger, hatred, and fury. There is a difference between brutality and war, what is happening is in fact brutality, war can be respectable, but this war is not at all, none of these wars have been respectable for hundreds of years. If I couldPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Literally no better.
Does it need to be better?


no friends at all, that's fucking sad




It is indeed very good but I doubt you would like it now with a flag like that.


Eh don't read too much into the flag.


can someone explain this to me?
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Welcome to /dead/.


someone asked me once what comes after post-left and I gave the shitposty response that it'd be "meta-left" and this dumb image was made that still gets reposted in the year of our lady of sorrows 2016+8


Jokes on you
I'm pre-left and meta-dialectical
Get on my level or go home


Ok jreg fanboy


>Nihilist accelerationism
Lol this seems like a joke thrown at Ray Brassier

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How to not get demoralized and tired as an Anarchist when you constantly have to deal with Marxists? I have this horrible feeling whenever I look at Neo-Nazi imageboards and online spaces and see actual useful (for them of course) and constructive discussion based on what should be done to actually further their movement. Compared to, for example, leftypol where Anarchists are constantly weighed down by Marxists seemingly obsessive desire to pull down the Socialist movement at every opportunity, to alienate it from the general public and argue about useless semantics and "dialectics" instead of anything that actually matters IRL. A movement isnt attractive if you have to constantly argue the validity of your given sect of the "movement" at all times from your supposed comrades.

"A house divided cannot do shit" or whatever Lincoln said, it is just better for us to just separate, for both parties. I would create an Anarchist-only imageboard if it werent for me being retarded when it comes to technology.
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Alright, now, can I sleep in an Albanian bunker because I'm homeless since yesterday and all this shit is abandonned?
Yes, if I enjoy getting bitten by snakes.
It's all small ass shit that is barely enough to fit two soldiers together anyway, I would rather pay a rent in exchange of my labour power.
And Stalin still is dead and won't kill the fucking landlords, so I virtually spit on his grave. U mad???





You guys know that your posts are visible outside /dead/ now, right?


lol is this image supposed to present anarchists as not also retarded


What is the actual point of being a leftist in 2024? Basically everyone on this forum is a LARPer and has no irl effect on anything apart from evangelising on the internet — even trade unionists are fairly irrelevant in the modern day and are just social imperialism and/or making concessions to capitalism.

Mass-movement and organising is absolutely dead in the 21st century and liberalism has hegemony basically everywhere. Normal people aren’t going to read or have the time for 400hrs of Marx, then 400hrs of Hegel, then 400hrs of Kant, then 400hrs of Althusser, Sartre, and Foucault just to understand theory that has no immediate practical use and is very dry, analytical, and several decades or centuries old. A vanguard, which is meant to help nullify that, will probably still fall into either revisionism or dogmatism. Something like Christianity and Islam which is bigger and more unified still has these issues and relies on dogma more instead of being a “science”. There is literally +20 versions of tiny sects of communists and anarchists still arguing about sh*t from the 20th century (i.e. Trotskyites).

I’m not trying to disprove the law of value or historical materialism — I’m saying they are pretty irrelevant to the subjective human experience although absolute truths can still exist and is still relevant in economics and political science. Most things people do are done with irrational — a priori reasoning, and instinct. The “end goal” of Marx is an egalitarian society where humans don’t toil and unleash their infinite creativity so they can work on things they find meaningful. But even existing itself is toil and profound boredom and discontent (not like pain from the homeless and paycheck-to-paycheck though). Even billionaires and sports players just get lifestyle creep instead so the problem is genetic and how people are predisposed to their environment

The only way to truly and permanently cure suffering is either suicide or some form of experience machine, wireheading, progressive hedonistic reward system which sets a minimum base line for human suffering, etc.

Also, sidenote but people on this board talk about l*li or something like that and the “Marxist solution” to it which is just funny. Like /pol/acks arguing for the white man’s video game or music or x y z. I think people tend to substitute actual hobbies with politics a lot of the time.
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I hate how leftism hasn't gotten weed legalized yet.
Absolute logistical failiure.


m8 people's minds have been turned to paste by the capitalist system, and those that are smart enough to see through it are still caught by the balls. The system has made the potential cost of even minor resistance so thoroughly crippling that given the atomized conditions they live in, they're going to keep their head down and dream of the day they can say no. Everyone else is ready to deepthroat fascist retardation. The people that currently exist have been rendered useless.


>but ppl aren’t le rational



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