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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I remember a few months back(probably a qhole year by now) I made a thread here with some autistic pepe img, asking why it's so hard to find a job and asked for your help.

Non of you retarded revolutionaries gave me anyworth while advice. can't really blame you tho, there's not much you can do besides keep applying.

After months of rejections, I've finally found some warehouse job, so please congratulate me.

I decided to listen to those old union songs again now with extra immersion, besides work is hard and those songs really motivate me and I can feel some pride for working half the day, don't worry tho, my revolutionary spirit is still strong. so now that I have become a true proletariat, how do I unionize and start my revolutionary actions without losing the job? I doubt I have any charisma to persuade my coworkers to unionize, we have a pretty epic union in town but is it wprth joining? Keep in mind, while I've not been diagnosed with anything I do believe that I am severely mentally ill.
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>how do I unionize and start my revolutionary actions without losing the job?
you don't
good for you, you have a job now. Now you can spend all your time and energy for porkie, but hey at least you can eat. Rock the boat at you're expense. Not saying don't try, but be careful and think about why. Do you personally have grievences yet? Have you tried to resolve them?
Personally, I havent found that anyone gives a shit enough to make thier job better, and mangagement knows they can be narcsisistic shits so they dont care about you. All you can do is try to be equally selfish and retarded.
Which is coincidentally the whole goal of pushing this individualized, liberal, gentrified mindset on us. So it's bad to beleive this… but also this is the truth. They want you to think you can't fight them or organize. But also you can't fight them or organize (successfully).

Have a good week waging. I hope you make good money compared to your rent, and don't waste it all on videogames and weed and soda (or anything unhealthy for you).

For real… good luck and stay in good heath anon comrade,and try and make some friends


from my experience, there are two types of people:
-the ones who really hate their work
-the ones who have convinced themselves they love their work because they think having a job you like is a condition of success and they wanna see themselves as successful

neither one of them is very easily persuaded into unionising. the first type wants nothing to do with his job, and unionising would usually mean spending extra time and energy on your job, so he doesnt like it. also, these people usually have already reignated any hope of improving their shitty job.
the second type would obviously oppose unionising because they wanna think they love their job, and improving the work situation would be the same as admitting that its not grat. they would probably infrom higher-ups too and try to frustrate your attemps.

gotta be honest: the leftist narrative of 'organise your workplace' is kinda unrealistic. in my country ate least there only exist those unions that have a history dating back to the 20th century. For example, the railroad workers have just started striking again, but their millieu is one that is typically associated with striking and unionising. People already percieve them that way and the railroad workers iudentify with it.
But other than that, there is basically no relevant union work going on. I think it's very hard to establish union culture in 21st century work spaces that just really arent associated with it.


Agreed 100% with this post.
Congrats anon. I hope you keep your job.


Henlo Anon. Congratulations on your position. I just wanted to add to the cynical perspecive regarding unionization. No matter what sorts of friendships you cultivate at your work place, your coworkers own up to the boss and their job first of all. I think it would be better praxis to agitate in the agora irl and online but it's best to form relationships, share a perspective, work towards small material goals. Self-organize for mutual aid.


>the first type wants nothing to do with his job, and unionising would usually mean spending extra time and energy on your job, so he doesnt like it. also, these people usually have already reignated any hope of improving their shitty job.
I'm that guy.

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First 0ch and now this. Someone really does not want us to waste our time online.


Good news friends! >>>/music/2863


When will it come back? I miss talking to someone intelligent.


never ever


What does /dead/ make of Agamben's new book? It is a collection of his recent articles written about the pandemic.
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Is supporting the Green Pass a post-left position?


idk, ask a post-leftist


>/dead/ - Post-Left


you think everybody here is required to hold a certain ideology to post?


Yes. I had to send the admin my certificate. I thought that was standard procedure.

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Why does civilization take so long to collapse?
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americans arent white


es ist gut, deutscher zu sein


Ist sehr premium


what does that have to do with anything?
ppl who were under roman rule ended up under langobard or frankish rule or whatever. in these new conditions their way of life changed and was no longer roman.


> civilisation and mode of production arent the same thing.
Doesn't even matter, after the collapse of Rome their "productive forces" were left to rot. The only continuity is through the Church and that's dogshit.

They stopped living under Roman rule, and they liked it. This is not the first time this happened. Civilizations used to collapse all the time and the people living under their rule usually rejoiced. When "barbarians" invaded their civilizations, they welcomed them. That people living under someone's rule should like and defend their rulers was an innovation of the European liberals and nationalists centuries later.


Can you be an anarchist and a buiness owner?

Or am i approching Anarchism the wrong way but asking about what dosen't make an anarchist? I haven't done that much theory reading, but i've run into anarchist who disregard theory all together.
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Sorry it is written in the big book
> Ass is all perfect! Because, in each moment, ass is all it can be, and never need to be more.


Sewerage systems how build?


Tankies don't understand this because their small pseudointellectual brains can't comprehend recursion in a social solution:
throw it next door.


quoting the meme line thats always taken out of context by ego-liberals


tf is a ego-liberal?
and from what perspective is this written, ego-conservative?

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I thought endchan was going to be shut down.


end/dead/ BO here, you can create boards by making an account and making a board. Simple process really.


>5 posters
thats actually a lot considering that most of the users there are from lefty/dead/ and have really done nothing but rarely posting


another anarchist success story


in comparrison to /leftypol/ it clearly is.
not existing means not being shit.

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What does /dead/ think about this article by an anarchist?

Are we approaching a new state of consciousness? or is it just bullshit?
I think the writer doesnt really understand the book that well, since they seem to not get that the idea of non-conscious volition is thought to be itself a form of authoritarian repetition of outside will, which is basically what they say we're turning into with technology and modern epistemological fears.


It does not make much sense to me. The original thesis sounds doesn't sound really convincing, and applying it to our present situation does not seem to help us at all. I much prefer this article: https://www.e-flux.com/architecture/superhumanity/66877/engineering-self/


IIRC Jaynes seems to frame "consciousness" as being a bit too foundational to our psychology. What he discusses seems more along the lines of a theory of self, something contained within your language or your "software." Different modes of consicousness make more sense as a tool for interpreting the more fundamental drives and biological states we have. Moving into some new mode of consciousness or theory of self does make sense in theory if the mode of production is transforming.

I see where the article is going and sure it makes some important points about where people's heads are at right now, but I think that the change we're seeing now is a different one. The bicameralism-to-consciousness change is a change in theory of self, but the current breakdown is in our relationship not to ourselves but to the reality around us. We mostly have a sense of who we are, but the heuristic failure being described indicates a breakdown in our ability to trust information about the world. Many alternative interpretations of reality are competing for our acceptance, so perhaps the change to happen here would be in our ability to imagine a "multiverse" of different interpretations that different people believe in, and someone with the new mindset would be more adept at "traversing" across different "alternate realities" by internalizing and understanding different beliefs about the way the world is, without necessarily accepting those beliefs themselves.

The capacity to do this sort of thing is already apparent when it comes to fiction. People love to get engrossed in fictional realities and to develop an understanding of some comic book universe and so on. The same kind of obsession with "lore" can be applied to the real world (as we see with people like history nerds), but also to the different political and social theories that compete with each other. Maybe in a similar way to the fiction Jaynes was using as a reference point to explore a change in psychology, contemporary fiction can tell us something about where people's minds are going. The multiverse concept has become pretty popular in recent years in fairly mainstream movies and TV.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvUzdJSK4x8
Something to consider. I was watching this and they mention the bicameral mind at around 7:30. It is mentioned as a theory that posits that humanity needed a long historical development to reach consciousness. They claim the opposite, that (pre)history is best understood if we disregard the usual trope of the "stupid savage" living in blissful ignorance and assume that people in the past were aware of themselves and knew what they were doing.


Why are the people on leftypol such utter porkified faggots? All these people literally think in the confines set by capitalists, they all suffer from capitalist realism, I think the reason so many worship the USSR is largely because it wasn’t that far from regular porky society
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I understood that you are making fun of reddit, that's why you should go back there.


the ussr existed for a few use after that though and ever moved any closer to their goal


how about you get the fuck off this board you authoritarian stalinoid bootlicking looser?
if you wanna sniff the farts of long dwad dictators go back to /leftypol/


Perceptive post.

A distraction from the matter at hand. The matter for discussion here isn't really the relative merits of the USSR, or of Marxism-Leninism versus Anarchism, or so on, it's about the pathology of latching onto these things, making them an identity, and then engaging in little ingroup-outgroup battles using them as a prop.

It's helpful to map this sort of thing onto sports. Yes, the Slurforindians have beaten the Slurforblacks in the world series and that's great, that's an objective sign they played the game better, etc. But you feel yourself part of a little group here - you see your team's victory as your own and it makes your own boring life feel more interesting, more exciting. You laugh in the faces of the other team, the losers, oh how they're hurting. But the thing is: you and them, you're the same. You didn't play the game, you didn't win anything, you're an observer rather than a participant in these events. But deep down inside the part of the monkey brain that once recognized your monkey gang had beaten the other monkey gang sees the ingroup fighting the outgroup and kicks into action.

People often warn that there's a skeleton inside you, but feed him milk and he will serve you well. The monkey inside you on the other hand is an eternal liability, he is a cheeky monkey, he wishes only to get up to monkey business and get you into trouble.


This is such a gay and dishonest strawman. No fucking shit they couldn't "just do" communism. What they could have done was opened up their productive forces to the Democratic will of the prolotarates. But you faggots have a power fetish so. >Muh heckin

Go back to Reddit fag.

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Why is reading anarchist texts so much more enjoyable than leftist texts? Leftist theory is such a snoozefest while anarchist writers—Stirner, Novatorre, Goldman, for example—are actually enjoyable to read. It carries over to the modern age as well; leftist bloggers are complete autists arguing in their ivory toweries about obscure theory with zero IRL applications while anarchist writers write stuff that actually has some relevancy. For example, Desert, with all its faults, has lessons that are applicable to IRL All leftism has to offer are autistic bloggers like Jehu who argue the semantics of what Marx said ad nauseum.
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I never thought marx as bombastic but you know go ahead and pretend like I wasnt talking about the greek fags and their counterparts who are totally not upper middle class people


Don't disrespect the CCF like that, they are following the age-old proletarian tradition of only writing while in prison. Maybe if you said CrimethInc I would have said OK, but this is just plain dumb.


>they are following the age-old proletarian tradition of only writing while in prison.
They were weiting sometimes lengthy communiques after actions tho.


>Why is reading anarchist texts so much more enjoyable than leftist texts?
because you like to read things you already agree with and thus feel validated in your believes


Marxist are incredibly dry writers except for Trotsky.
To Marx’s credit, he is possibly the least dry economist of his time.
Also, Stirner’s writings are almost purposefully flamboyant and use a lot of literary devices to drive a point.
Marx was a much more systematic and you can see this clash of styles in his flat interpretation of Stirner.


Short zine about how cops use livestream footage and why is it okay to smash the smartphones of live streamers.


I kind of feel like this is a no-brainer. Obviously any recording made during action will be sighted and used by the government. The only problem is that I think mist people doing that shit don't give a fuck.
Like, to be in the head space to start streaming riots or protests you already have to have the sole goal of using the footage for vitrue signaling. It's like: look at me, I'm so revolutionary and woke, I am in the middle of the riot!
ANd since they don't care about achieving any real goals anyways and only entered the protest out of adventurism they also don't care if other people get fucked because of them.


Most of them seem to consider themselves brave indie journos and are larping as such. If they had any tact at all they'd be streaming footage to a server with no viewers (in case the pigs destroy the device) to edit later and submit as actual professional media.



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