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/dead/ - Post-Left

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rip king

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this board is looking like /stirner/ right now and not /dead/
what is this? haven't you read your novatore yet anon?
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idk Novatore's poems did not feel that rhythmic to me


Have you read him in la italiano?


this is some shit an art school student thinks is deep


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Do you do drugs?Do you have autism?Or sexual kinks?How has alienation from living in capitalism fucked you up?———I drink so often it can't be healthy anymore and frequently do some drugs, but am also very happy with my life so far (even when I'm sober).
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my comr8 I am literally still coming down from being high last night


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is the the bwh threat?


drugs but not in a doomer hoodie pepe kind of way but in a "Dude… druuuuuugss haha right on brother" kind of way


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I'm high RIGHT NOW

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feel that the extent of the glorification and martyrdom of Ted Kaczynski by left-anarchists, despite his glaring flaws and outright hostilites to the left as a whole, is primarily due to the deep yearning for action that has been absent since the 20th century. In truth, there is almost no Anarchist militant for the past 160 years that is less deserving of the current utter praise afforded to Kaczynski, who uses most of his now iconic manifesto to ruthlessly deride a twisted liberalized strawman of leftism, barely crawling out of his absurdly reactionary tirade to off-handedly proclaim himself an Anarchist in just 2 paragraphs.

With all the flaws of Kaczynski, I cannot bring myself to cast his figure out of left-anarchist martyrdom and distance him from the left-anarchist movement as a whole, nor can many others. Put simply, there is no alternative, there is no example of revolutionary violence or direct action by someone not long dead or utterly obscure, someone to look toward in awe in that most popular, most potent, most irresistible form of propaganda. In truth I, despite the dissonance of the statement when put against my devout leftism, respect Kaczynski, not for the minutiae of his political program but for the simple fact that he was an Anarchist, and he was violent.

The left is weak, but craves to be strong, and through the cooling ashes of Marxism a fire is growing which will ignite docility to action.
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> deep yearning for action that has been absent since the 20th century.
Kaczynski sending hate mail to largely random people counts as "action" but all the actual sabotage done by groups like the ELF and ALF is forgotten… I guess the appeal is that you can get into the news without leaving your room or talking to anyone, or maybe the posties like him because postie is slang for postal workers. But yeah, there's tons of action if you are willing to look behind the models the spectacular order presents to you.

His popularization among anarchists is usually blamed on CrimeThinc.: https://crimethinc.com/1997/09/11/the-unabomber


>all the actual sabotage done by groups like the ELF and ALF is forgotten
The actions of ELF/ALF, despite being unequivocally based, are entirely non-violent when compared to Kaczynski's 26 casualties.

How Anarchist are these groups btw? Is it just kind of assumed?


I get recommended tiktoks about anti-industrialism, plenty zoomers who like Ted also like the ELF. I haven't seen the same for the ALF, but that may be because veganism is cringe


I met a group of extremly camping europeans camping during the summer. Ofc I wanted to talk politics with one guy but luckily I realized it wasn't the time. Walking back to the tents after a drinking he took me aside
>zer is someone you should look into named Kaczynski


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ITT: we discuss the Anarchist Library, good texts found on it and ways we can help the library.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/For example, did you know that you can easily edit the texts on the site? It's the pencil icon in the infobox. While reading I take notes of the obvious scanning errors and correct the text when I am finished.
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theanarchistlibrary.org gives me a SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN error


Okay nevermind it's only when you use the en. subdomain


> At this time, Lorraine Perlman is preparing the second, unfinished volume of The Strait for publication.
hype hype hype hype hype hype


the fact that the post left started from black being buthhurt abt bookchin basically making the same critique that everyone makes of western anarchism tells you all you need to know


Cybernetic Mommy Milkers
> There is a theory that the cell phone acts as a substitute for breast milk in early childhood; a passively received flow.

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would you use it, or is /dead/ a sufficient space

>pic unrelated
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I'm guessing because they're "rebuilding the site from scratch"
Not really


Fredrick Brennan was the original founder of 8chan (he says he's sorry about it).
What does this mean for 420chan?


Brennan got digusted by what happend to 8chan, so the moderation of new 420chan could be stricter.


>coming soon…
I really enjoyed 420chan while it was around. Glad to see it's back



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Why do I keep seeing mainstream meadia talk about "direct action"? It's usually used for slightly illegal climate protests, and never for actual direct action. Did some NGO start calling their publicity stunts "direct action" or what happened?


>Did some NGO start calling their publicity stunts "direct action" or what happened?
….They've been doing that for the last 40 years anon what fucking rock have you been hiding under lmao?


I'm not from the Anglosphere so I only noticed it now.

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how do you cope with the fact that the revolution has died long before we came along and that there is utterly no hope for any kind of worker's paradise
[Spoiler]the answer is crime[/Spoiler]
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That's some really nice activities but I still don't see how do you "appropriate the world".


They aren't. If they were, however, engaged in similar activities as a collective, they might begin to.


That's prolly because you think of it as some grand, biblical event because of your social brain worm when in actuality it's pretty mundane, like most things in reality


That really sounds like lifestylism.


Wow, crazy insight anon!
What kind of board do you think your on? Post-leftism basically came into existence when Bookchin cried about "lifestylism" in the 90's.


Is it possible to be a Marxist and an anarchist at the same time?
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idk if you want a world without nuns then murdering nuns does not seem to be against the unity of means and ends


means and ends anarchists would argue that by killing nuns you are creating a anti-nun-hierarchy and therefore are unable to establish anarchy


>shadow-spawn from beyond the stars gfs
already have around 3 step up fedicucks


Of course, Anon.



I feel like the first and second criticisms would be:
- that is an inefficient way of stopping nuns from existing, since the church can just make more. Also nuns aren't even in a significant position of power so you aren't changing anything systemically.
- nuns are strapped with machine guns, swords, and of course nunchucks, so that's like choosing to do the challenge boss first.

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Give me some good shit to watch.
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Are there any actually good youtube channels to watch while at work?


depends on your interests




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> As technological advances in Artificial Intelligence are poised render the labour of millions obsolete, humans in industrialized nations must decide whether to succumb to existential despair or embrace their new robot overlords for their kitschy novelty.
> Meanwhile in Sudan, the regular army and the paramilitary forces known as the Rapid Support Forces or RSF have been waging a war for control of the country. As usual, many civilians have been caught in the crossfire. Sick of the constant warring and scarcity of resources, people have organized thousands of Resistance Committees to coordinate large-scale mutual aid networks growing into one of the most significant revolutionary movements in the world.
> Also tensions have flared in Bonanova, a posh neighbourhood in Barcelona, over the fate of 2 anarchist squats. Desokupa, a fascist goon squad who contract out their services to evict squatters, has vowed to take back the squats but anarchist resistance has been swift and fierce.


They are ending System Fail too? Why?

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