Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.
Logs: Moderation Thread:
>>>/leftypol_archive/557279Smooth move retarded jannies. Well to post what I was going to post before.
>>19104Shut up tard just stop being a faggot who needs to file a report every time he gets BTFO.
>>19103I only came to this thread because the tard asked me to and posted a link to his post. on another issue. I don't like how you guys did Ukrainian draw anon. I think you guys should at least publicly justify your ban.
I'm as team Z as the next guy but that's fucked up you won't even let him give his opinion. He's definitely way more interesting than King Lear and whatever other anarcho-natoist retards you let go unmolested.
>>19121Didn’t happen
>>19122>>19123It’s funny that you people literally cannot believe somebody doing normal things and having a normal life. Do you never get tired of being completely pathetic and telling lies ?
>>19125>>19127No evidence of your claims, when asked to provide a similar analysis of Ukrainian forces, none was given. I think it speaks volumes.
A lot of "imagine this, imagine that". I don't personally think we should suck Russia's cock, and we don't, but we've been getting these types of posts relentlessly since the beginning. Russia is "about to lose" since day 1. Their logistics is in shambles since day 1. Their soldiers were 3 days from starvation since day 1.
Maybe we can have a "russia critical" thread where all the glowposts and legitimate criticisms of Russia can go. Otherwise the Ukraine thread would be unusable.
>>19135It didn’t though.
I suggested a bunch of reforms to the system of modding are the time. Leftychan went in a completely different direction.
I never once spammed anything involving porn or gore. That is a smear.
Neither have I made a false flag in meta and I’m not even banned lmao.
I made a post about how if I made up lies about Putin I would catch a ban, but it is fine to do so about the shining path for some reason.
Again, you people just talk complete bullshit
>>19140To be clear, I made the exact same proposal to leftychan people as I did to .org people, which was literally just to create space for posters to be able to talk about the board, which wasn't destroyed by mods.
Its hardly opportunism, I just continued to say exactly what I have been saying for years.
Of course instead you all decided to simply have a giant hissy fit amongst each other, in the most flailing and pathetic manner possible, all the while putting fourth a deluge of lies and lies and smears, repeated here.
The fact remains, multiple long term posters have all criticised your policy, but because you are too childish to actually accept you might be wrong sometimes, you just resort to all of the above puerile bullshit.
>>19142a majority of mods were pro haz, a minority of mods were pro leftychan. The maths only cuts it one way. even if we are to remove the what 3/4 ? mods from the equation who were chan, that still leaves more pro haz .org mods in raw numbers.
Again, this is discussion that has been had over and over, and you retards still try to pull this cope.
The majority of mods, unsplit, at the time, were pro haz and contributed to the protection of Haz simping threads, and I and others were banned for "spam" and "wrecking"
and you still cannot admit I was right about who he was and what he stood.
From the same moderators who pull the whole "nobody is allowed to post anyting edgy because that is cloaking reaction in revolution" you bring us an unironic duginist and spam his lame pseud shit all over the board.
Coma may have been a big hazist i argued with him about it just like i argued with the rest of you about it. Who cares? We are talking about you. orgers, a majority of whom were pro haz, or else how did he get his own special threads etc? On the board you all control, by majority vote. Unless you are saying there is something that was fundamentally wrong with your voting system at the time, and in fact a majority of you were voting anti haz, but somehow those threads and bans happened anyway?
no? Shut the fuck up then, take the L. You pretend to be all noble and self righteous and such, you can't even admit what is a blatant fact to everybody else.
1) you were wrong about haz 2) I was right about haz.
These are the facts. Maybe it should make you reconsider some of the other things you believe about the board, as you were also so easily lead down the path by somebody who is actually mentally retarded
>>191431. You were right about haz
2. Comatoast, and mod over on leftychan, is still pro haz
>>19144So close bro. So close but you can't just bring yourself to say it.
1) You (as in, you, a majority of moderators) were wrong about Haz. 2) I was right about haz.
Come on big guy, you can do it, I know you know it.
Sure I'll even say: at the time Coma was pro Haz. As for right now? Idk. I stopped going on Matrix and went back once briefly recently and didn't talk to Coma.
You're a mod, you know as well as I do, I have spent countless hours arguing specifically with Coma. So I don't know why you think this is a gotcha.
>>19141So you admit you were an opportunist supporting the coup and got cucked lol.
>>19144> Comatoast, and mod over on leftychan, is still pro hazNo way. Nobody can be pro-haz at this point. The guy is off his marbles.
>>19134Again, not going to provide fucking deep analysis on Ukraine, because it wasn't important to the topic of Russia committing a warcrime, it's just distraction. I also DID cover in my initial post, that similar crimes have taken place under Western forces in Afghanistan in Iraq.
It's now pretty much 100% confirmed FACT that Russia did these killings, bodies have been there for weeks confirmed by footage and satellite imagery, as well as numerous refugee reports over the past couple weeks. I laid out the most likely scenario as to why this took place, not that Russia ordered mass killings, but troops themselves being stressed to the point of psychosis basically carrying out an atrocity. My theory, is based on similar events that occurred in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea with Western forces. My image was literally of AUSTRALIAN forces doing the EXACT SAME THING.
Here's a little event you might have heard of, that is most likely the exact same thing that happened in Bucha though, you FSB shills in the thread can't take literally any fucking criticisms of Russia because you're high af on Neocon bloodlust and for god knows what reason the Mods are being just as shitty as they were on 8ch/leftypol over fucking Rojava.
>>19155Scrolling overboard but
>mai laiThe american army encouraged massacres and terrorism like that. Look up operation phoenix. I don't see what Russia woudl have to gain from that.
>>191559/10 anti-russian posts are trolls, if not more. What's the point of bending over backwards to make sure the 1/10 that is legit is always saved from bans and deletions. If every anti-Russia post was left alone, the thread would be rendered unusuable.
If you want a thread where you can be more critical, start a new one. The Ukraine thread is not it.
>>19147>So you admit you were an opportunist supporting the coup and got cucked lol.Seeing as you didn't read any of that post, and haven't responded to a single part, I'll just link it again, and we can go in an endless loop doing that, if you like, you fucking retarded fuck. Quote the part of my post that is me admitting to any of that. Its here:
>>19141>>19148There was something around 14-16 mods or some shit, i can't remember exactly. So a majority vote would be like more than half of that, so like 7/8 votes. The three chan mods were coma, watermelon and zul, as far as I recall, so even them all being extremely pro haz would take that 7/8 down to 4/5, meaning there were still more pro Haz mods on .org, and thats only if all of these various votes only passed by 1 vote or something. But it was multiple issues, with multiple votes, about various things.
All various of you banned and saged threads etc, called me a spammer and wrecker for arguing against Haz bullshit. So don't downplay it.
Coma, by the way now I recall, actually apologised for his Haz shit, and for constantly banning me, after he realised how toxic all of you actually are. None of you mods have every apologised or admitted even the smallest bit of fault for any of the shit you have done, all of it retarded and toxic, particularly the Haz shit. You won't admit fault because then you would have to, so you double down, which is what is going on right here.
>>19149Factually incorrect again, I have never been a janny on any site. Fact.
>>19150I haven't told a single lie. Point me to the lie.
>>19152>>19153see this is the complete insanity of the jannoid. There is a whole thread still up of them harrassing GPSkitz for pro ukraine takes, when he is obviously not a glowie, hes been here ages, its just his (bad) opinion.
Its just a complete fiction that pro russia posters get banned more, there is zero truth to it. Its fucking nuts that you would say this.
>>19157> a leftychanner is spamming disinfo and astroturf in the ukrop thread to try and encourage bans. He also posted CP in siberia after the tor node was banned on proof, just as easily a polyp
>>19191>a nazi is no less human than youAnd I see that as a very grave insult.
Let me tell you another thing but don't expect to get feedback ever time for this.
There is such a thing as context. In a discussion of biology the quote would be acceptable. In a discussion of nazis doing nazi things it is not.
>>19193So you literally just banned me because you found the contents of my post offensive to your personal senses? Well whatever.
Its not biology but a simple fact that all humans are equally capable of being nazies. While yes, actually genetic inborn subhumans like Direlwanger existed and still exist, the wast, WAST majority of nazies, or any sort of other murderous groups, are made up of mostly normal people. A lot of people who support them are just completely ignorant relatives or people propagandized by them. The dehumanization of the enemy will only lead you to making same sort of horrible warcrimes against them, like when Poland and USSR genocided and settlered the East Prussian Germans. And before you cry foul about me being anti-Soviet, yes, I still would have supported USSR no matter this event.
Also keep in mind that members of my family were literally murdered by the real-deal Nazies. What right do you have to be offended?
>>19203>So you literally just No, it's because you are literally defending nazis, point me to any rule and I can easily argue how this falls under it. The reason I am not doing it is because it's immediately obvious to any normal person an so wholly unnecessary.
>>19203>What right do you have I am not gonna talk about my background here. It's enough to say I know more than you, in general.
>>19235I highly doubt that. If you had personal issues with me or were being peer pressured you would do it in a heartbeat. That's just human nature.
In my dream I wasn't even that suprised when it happened. I'm almost certain you guys have my name, address and a detailed description of my posting style saved somewhere. I think about that possibility a lot.
>>19343Pretty hilarious that even the fetish threads you are allowed to have on the board have to be to the mods particular fetish taste lmao.
Definitely objective and rational moderation
Can the older threads like
>>>/anime/1417 have their formatting fixed in the older posts, the site transition fucked it all up to hell so its all greentext mashed
>>19420mods will literally leave up a /pol/ thread but ban me for a week for gracing it with gay porn
>>19426what’s a “drama fuelled flamewar”? shut your silly dilly ass up
>>>/AKM/865 ahve Kalashnikov general added to it? "Ak" is not a very useful search term for a Gun-focused board.
>>19520As a side note, there's been a literal spam bot sending virus links across all boards (for example
Can >>>/anime/9094 and
>>>/anime/14307 be moved into
>>>/anime/3903 (add VN thread to 3903's OP pls) They're all VN threads, and if they're split into every single VN there is, it becomes a waste of board space, since the threads just sink to the bottom faster.
>inb4 "muh generalz" whining>>19555Just so you know who i am, I think that im the only guy on this website that uses the word "commies". Just look at my post on /edu/ for example: one on /theology/.
I suppose you banned me for saying that russia is a democracy, or implying that the concept of utopian democracy(after ive answered, by asking questions, to people that said that in capitalism there cannot be any democracy: cfr. >>926776 and >>926793) is retarded and that democracy can exist in a socdem country like russia.
Or that i started proving that on russian television people dont say anything "fascist" and those who want to get silenced.
Or other reasons, that im not aware of.
As you may be aware of by now, i dont post idpol. In fact, i consider it retarded to post idpol. That's why i dont get the 5-week ban. Does saying that democracy can be something real in a capitalistic world is such a taboo? Honestly, i dont even think that shit is pol, because polacks hate democracy, and praising a country for that is a no go for them.
Or you only like discussions on abstract notions? And anything real is a taboo for you? Like "democracy is good, capitalism is bad, then capitalism is the contrary of democracy"? Is it not retarded? Idk janny. Tell me whats the reason for this ban, because i dont get it. I dont accept pol as a reason.
>>19563why the fuck are you adding commie to a prefix to everything lmao
thats like the easiest way to out yourself as /pol/ possible
>>19569>why the fuck are you adding commie to a prefix to everything lmaoBecause writing "communism" is tedious, and I dont wanna be considered one.
Plus, it's useful when you need to appeal a ban: i can prove that i didnt say anything idpol, offensive or that didnt lead to argumentations (rule 7). Unless some polfag will steal my idea, it is useful to differentiate, especially when i say things that a commie wouldn't say.
>thats like the easiest way to out yourself as /pol/ possibleYou are insulting me, anon. Being pol means being a commie that hates themself. I am not a commie, nor some retarded polyp. I am not a commie, therefore i post on commiepol to enforce and improve my anticommieist worldview. How can you define yourself commie when you never learned the ways of the porkiemonger, or the normie? I refuse to go to websites where i can circlejerk my ideology.
Also, you cannot ban me for acting "pol" because i studied their ways and habits, in order to transcend polporkieism and create my own ideology, that is not, as i said, polporkieism (aka self-harming commieism), but neither is paleoporkieism nor filthy normieism.
>inb4 anon is nutsim joking by using these terms, of course, but the reasoning is correct: im not a polack nor a commie, and i want to post as a "im no commie", but i dont post pol-tier posts, so idk why the fuck they banned me saying i said something /pol/ >>19584Anon, i will explain you very easily this concept: let's say,
hypothetically, that you consider yourself a christian. You go to the church, you pray a lot etc.
Then one day you meet an atheist, that starts asking questions that you never asked yourself; for example: if Jesus is such a pacifist, why did he beat the shit out of jewish merchants near the Temple? Or: if Jesus said that you shouldnt plan ahead, why do you plan ahead?
&c. &c.
Maybe you will stop being a christian after that! That means that you have never been a christian, and instead you believed in something that wasnt actually christian.
So, in order to avoid such problems, if you think you can define yourself as part of a group of believers (commies, christians, porkies, glowies, LDS, buddhists, etc.) you need to divide your life into two activities: learning from the sources (read the capital for example, instead of some reinterpretation from latter commies) and then interact with people that consider themselves of ideologies opposite of yours (lolbertarianism, if you are a commie, because nazism is too retarded).
This way you can call yourself a commie, because staying around commies all day will make you much dumber than challenging your own views.
Also, they unban me because i challenge YOUR views (even if you dont want to), so you can call yourself a true comrade.
They will ban me if i go full retard by insulting everyone, derailing threads and disrupting the discussion. Something i will never do, because i want discussions and arguments and if jannies dont delete my posts, that's what i aim to get (i. E. Discussions and arguments).
>>19586>tsundereConsoomism is what prevents you from having a revolution.
>>19603>they would kick him out.Disgusting behaviour, i say. That's why i dont go to church. Sectarianism is what i really despise in this day and age. Everyone is fighting for freedom of expression, while at the same time mimicking the three wise monkeys.
I ask you: are you a wise monkey, commieanon?
I'm not. And by the way. I dont usually post on leftypol anyway. Jannies keep deleting my posts. I use /edu/. Also, while I'm at it: post on /edu/ pls. It's a smart version of /b/.
>>19646>fake oh my god the mods are in the cult!
stop hogging pictures of his hog to yourself!
>>19116Not sure where else to post this but I have gender dysphoria from ether HSTS or AGP I am not sure which one as I don't know if I am a true bisexual or a pseudo bisexual.
When ever I make a trans related post on leftypol in particular about HSTS or AGP mods delete it.
Why can't we discuss trans science.
My post that got deleted most recently was me literally saying a lot of /pol/ is trans.
>>19650I am pretty sure you're trolling, but no amount of science will make you overcome your identity issues and self hatred.
Discussions about trans people in themselves are not allowed because retards can't help but engage in deranged idpol and reactionary shit.
>>19651I am not trolling I recently read a pdf by Blanchard PHD and was reading tweets by his research friend/coworker.
If I am a true bisexual I would be considered a homosexual transexual (I am in the closet and still a man btw) if I was a fake/psudo bisexual I would be an autogynephilic transexual.
>>19653You don't know the half of it. From this address we receive near every day a slew of absurd lies. All to post about idpol and e-celebs.
the recent OP here started with:
>I am a sexologistIf you spot a thread starting like this: idpol. eceleb nonsense, clearly made up (even if it is in /siberia/ as this isn't contained to /leftypol/ unlike most persistent spam)
report it even if it may look innocuous, this is a conscious effort to flood the site with repetitive trash.
>>19650Week troll. You faggot went to /lgbt/ and saw that they meme the agp and hsts meme.
You faggot didnt even spend some time reading anything from blanchard to understand wtf he was talking about.
Blanchard is either hobby or edu, and you know it.
>>19652You faggot dont even understand wtf is agp, go kill yourself. Or even better, go to lgbt and search for the HRT general.
>>19653Nah, it's pretty complex as a theory.
I dont wanna give material to this polack to bully transhumanists, but it has some interesting conclusion on the relationship between parents and the trans kid.
t. Spent the majority of time debating transhumanists because they were smarter that the average polack
Also, commiemods, on the topic of idpol: if someone creates a topic on laws in communist societies, and the topic leads to rappresentation/criminalization/emancipation/legalization/etc. of sexual, religious, political, racial etc. minorities… is it still idpol if i use legal argumentations (for example analogy, ratio, vetustas, auctoritas, public morality, etc.) or is it not?
In other words, are the legal aspects of idpol considered idpol?
I'm just asking.
>>19658Usually if the conversation is adjacent to idpol, it is also considered idpol. Easy example, the struggle related to sexual harassment of women in the workplace is not idpol, but it might attract "well they shouldn't use lipstick to work" comments, which could easily derail the conversation in that direction, and then it has turned into a liberal, individualist, sexist discussion of issues of women in society, rather than a leftist and emancipatory one.
>are the legal aspects of idpol considered idpolDepends. Law as it exists now is very liberal. You're not giving too many details, but from the way you frame your question, I will say, yes, it is idpol.
>>19660No policies. If you want to start a thread discussing the issue, feel free.
>>19697It's an hour ban you baby
Also the ban appeal box is too fucking small, you can fit like a sentence into it
>>19663>Not at all. Any ideas on how this would look, or how it can be achieved?Come on now. If you're in a position to know that there's no analysis of site data happening, you're probably aware of what analysis should be happening. Whatever analysis is necessary to protect users of the site from raids, influence ops……some information on traffic and posting stats would be good to correlate traffic with other events.
Wouldn't it be best practice to provide all this data to users considering the gpt3 news?
There was an interesting thread on lain about different types of bots. Bots that are obviously, clearly artificial, whose purpose is to give people the illusion that they can easily identify bots, are used as decoys to ease the passage of better coded , less obvious bots.
Kinda feels like the concept of an online forum is threatened. Maybe less so here, as most posts are more thoughtful and less mechanistic.
>>19734This addressed to
>>19728 ?
>>19736standard procedure to contain all us politics to usapol (barring exceptional circumstances) lest it overrun everything and attract endless /pol/ kiddies
apparently it had some half-decent posts tho, if I knew that I would've merged rather than deleted
Three comments one right after another basically equating Russians with Nazis in the German thread, saying that joining any dubious group in the fight against the Russians would be just like Chinese Communists and non-Communists joining forces to fight the Japanese invaders… samefagging troll?
>>19761 (me)
I was about to reply to myself and say that we should ban:
Guys with lifted trucks
Fat guys who have big beards but small sunglasses
They’re gonna wreck shit too. They’re not much different than the dyed hair idiots. They always bring up their idiotic IdPol.
>>19763>>19761You are talking about appearance and claiming they are doing an idpol
It's nothing but bizarre
>>197771) So are we to resign talk of Pinochet being CIA backed to this board then?
2) its literally explicitly not conspiratorial. From the description of the board:
- /spoox/ is a board for discussing the paranormal, horror and occult, as well as its philosophy and influence of leftist ideologies.
- This is not the place to dump or spam right wing facebook-tier conspiracy theories or /pol/ schizo ramblings, those may be subject to deletion.
- General rules of the site apply, see :– This includes spoilering images reasonably considered to be disturbing"
>>19786You've narrowed it down to like 1000s of possible candidates.
Maybe look for an @ like @junkoenoshima or something chinlet
>>19788Maybe because you're directing attention toward someone for no reason, I would argue this is tangential to raiding.
Also, why would the jannies know what junko's tiktok account is?
>>19806My running theory (this time) is we have some shitters from who are tired of getting banned from both 4chan and their own site, so they come here and try to blend in.
These are the types of shitters who really believes that memes can alter reality, so if they meme enough entry level alt right talking points, leftypol will slowly move in that direction.
Really, I think they're mad that people can read and have coherent arguments. It's their way of "raging against the machine"
>>19780Still no answer to this then bitches?
Are we allowed to talk about Iran contra or is that occult talk?
>>19824no I agree
>>19825not doing a very good job of showing it
Please merge
>>>/hobby/8914 and
>>>/hobby/6500. They're both decent threads but the topics are too close and they sank to the bottom of catalog due to a flood of shitty spam months ago. anon requested we move this thread to the hentai general
and the animeta thread.
My own thoughts on the matter is that I believe the first one would be better off left as it's own thread since it is specific, there is only one other hentai thread on the anime board and anime is already a fairly narrow topic of discussion compared to like /hobby/. For the second one I am more ambivalent about it as my intuition is telling me it would make sense to leave it as it's own thread since not every thread has to be about a specific anime or genre or trope etc. Again considering that /anime/ has a narrow range of focus on a board with many threads. What do you guys think though?
>>19916and btw here is a post that quoted fully what I got banned for along with the log picture from the other post:
>>>/leftypol/958165 which is archived at
>>958159>junko gets all their posts deleted again>no banm00dy - this level of simping would embarrass any normal person
>>19914Okay. So. First I've made an /antiwar/ thread. And it wasn't… that… good in terms of description. Thought that it was removed so I created a new one, /classwar/, with a better description. Then I asked to delete the old one but I got the new one merged with the old one instead.
Yeah, it's My the first time creating threads and I've already managed to fuck up everything, uh-oh.
>>19909>>19911>the weeaboo generalfag Fucking who? The fact is these are not all the same person despite your boogieman conception. Not wanting the board to get cluttered up by a bunch of pointless threads is a logical idea. You're the retard using /b/ logic, You've been disproven on this point repeatedly.
>move every thread that doesnt cater to his arbitrary whims Uhhh no, there's literally a dozen fairly new threads that aren't touched or reported by anybody because they're NEW, only threads that are either redundant on a small, slow board are addressed and many are no-effort OPs. As addressed before a thread that has many posts is more likely to get new posts and discussion than a new thread that sinks to the bottom of the catalog and stays there as clutter for the rest of time until it eventually gets bumped off years later. this is literally the problem that 8ch had and made a ton of leftypols alt boards unusable or boring
>you obey him 99% of the time Because they only report things that actually have a reason to be reported, duh. Just fess up that you're assblasted that your samefag spam gets deleted for being the shit it is, and stop blaming it on a boogieman.
>the /a/ curse that anime boards must attract autistsI mean you're here aren't you? Anyhow the other sideboards don't have retards that post half-a-dozen identical threads all the time to no purpose, and the new thread are actually - shocker I know - NEW topics! Using basic catalog functions is amazing isn't it?
>>19892Report anon here. Just to address the retards bitching about "generals".
I'm not a mod, nor do I seek to be one, I send reports and leave it up to them. Hell I mostly report spammers and /pol/shitposters if at all.
The 2 threads involved are esoteric. They had their 10 or so responses and then are going to sink to page 10 in a month or so and stay there for several months or more. The first thread is just full of shitposting. The OP image has no relevance to the topic, the topic is just a step off of /siberia's/ "Fascinating porn" thread and the thread has just been shitposting and squabbling. The hentai thread is not very active so it'd be a boon to just have some friendly shitposting and argumentation in that thread instead of it and this new thread sinking pointlessly.
The second thread also has a random OP image, but the topic is actually of interest, BUT there are 2 different active threads (and literally 4 inactive/saged ones) discussing the topic of capitalism, japan and anime, including a /jp/ Otaku thread and the Animeta thread.
>>>/anime/4715 >>>/anime/10489 >>19954It's a very low quality post.
1. No sources.
2. Thread is about
2.1 a celebrity
2.2 his alleged statements
2.3 alleged "larping as working class"
3. Crypto idpol thread about trans issues (or straight up idpol, if you want.
4. Spectacle culture war shit.
In general, your post reeks of /pol/-brained.
>>19979Which do you want deleted?
What exactly do you want?
>>19989look at all the retarded posts youve made
>Unique,lmao its like im back in 2016
>>20015This barely ever happens, you can take My word
I won't apologize that's just absurd
>>20011unfortunately rightoids mostly just cycle IPs and use new ones when posting, at best they have to switch IPs a few times so a rangeban can be made. they are always engaging in bad faith and should be reported on sight.
>>20043likewise, serial ban evaders
Please reply to me
>>20143 as if a retarded namefag didn't chime in right afterwards
>>20143it got derailed by two retards
normally I'd just ban + delete but both of the retards were on the TOR node, so I just saged the thread and waited for their retardation to die out
>>20150If you are on matrix post the message into the congress chat
>>20259Why should that matter?
Anyway, my guess is that some /pol/ack has come to raid on an IP range, ban evaded and gave the range a bad rep, and a mod banned it.
Quite frankly, banning for 'ban evasion' on a post that just says 'disgusting' seems like a pretty flimsy ban for an anonymous imageboard.
>>20270>(wish there was a way to report several posts at once)Check the box next to the name field of several posts and use the
Reason field and
Report button at the bottom of the page. >>20281generally just don't be a /v/tard, that kind of internet poisoned retard that nobody really likes.
>>20284>don't be someone completely undefinable and nebulousSorry, that's not a coherent rule. Come up with something concrete so people know what they're not allowed to post. If you cannot do so, then you must admit that you're providing justification for flagrant self-serving mod abuse.
I'd just like to point out for the record that I'm one of the most prolific posters on /games/, I have tried very hard to foster serious video game discussion since its creation, and in fact I was one of the principle advocates for the board's creation from the very beginning. Please don't disappoint me, I'm really tired of being forced to seek new video game discussion fora because of shoddy moderation.
>>20285>>20281Oh, it seems I didn't even realize it but it was more than just deleting all my posts in the thread. It seems I was actually
banned by a power-tripping retard inventing new rules to justify removal of arguments they disagreed with. Well that changes my complaint in here a bit. This person plainly doesn't have the mental disposition to be moderating and should be removed.
>>20371Your defense is literally all ad hominem and buzzwords. Is this the level of intellectual rigor we should expect from a mod justifying their actions?
What if I said that
you are acting like a slimy 4chan mod?
>>20374why do you think everyone who doesnt like your posts is a mod
>>20373yeah sure im just here to say the other guy's posts were all dogshit
>After all shitposting is the breadn'butter of chans.holy epic i love "chans" and "shitposting" too
>>20376>holy epic i love "chans" and "shitposting" Oh bugger off.
>im just here to say the other guy's posts were all dogshit I didn't see their posts so I can't judg but I'll take your word on it.
>>20385Just for point of reference
>>>/anime/15120 is, an unconventional OP but clearly has effort put into it and clearly isn't just some lazy crap.
>>19116Australia becoming socialist was pinned but another mod saged it.
Can at minimum the post be unsaged and rebumped by mods and ideally can you pin it again.
>>20474thanks also can you ban discussion of china in other threads unless its relevant
THese anti dengists, and pro dengists have been fucking up threads with their nonsense even when alot of them arent about china.
>>20479>While there is a large volume of China related discussion yes but heres the thing that large volume of china discussion is a repetition of the same topic if china is socialist or not, reusing the same points and discussed by the same posters that refuse to relent each other. Its honestly gotten to the point thats its annoying, since they keep repeating the same thing and wont change their minds
i mean if you consider a derail to be a derail so be it but its just repetitive
>>19116A ban and post deletion I dispute is this.
The video in question was was pointing out that transphobia is mainstream.
Part of Marxism is idpol. Not standing with trans people is like not standing with black people 50 + years ago.
You are supposed to win over and help the oppressed and idpol is a factor in that look at black panthers.
Idpol really shouldn't be delete able unless it is rightoid idpol
>>20483>Part of Marxism is idpolNo, no it is not. Marx expressly rejects idpol. He talks about it, but as something that distracts from the real root issue.
>standing with trans Burger mentality and burger slogan. Jokes are fucking jokes, not to mention people are talking shit about the Netflix show, utterly ignoring the actual context of it. /pol/ is going to hang on to anything they think supports their POV, but that means nothing.
>You are supposed to win over and help the oppressedIdpol is not the method of doing that.
>black panthersThey started off organically through study of communist theory and seeing communism in action and sought to make an impact in th african-american population, not based on race defending but on fighting PORKY oppressors like the cops and trying to educate African-Americans that racism is just a symptom of a greater problem.
>Idpol really shouldn't be delete able unless it is rightoid idpol No, idpol is cancer and brings nothing to the table, there is no communist idpol, that is contradictory.
you made a mistake in the last "Allow: /" line because A) it overrides all your preceding disallow rules, and B) is redundant/unnecessary, since anything not disallowed is already allowed by default
read>>20483Mate, your OP is about a celeb. Who fucking cares. And about /pol/, two irrelevant things. In one terrible OP, and worse still, it was bait about culture war shit, comedy (comedians should be banned from planet Earth) and the existense of trans people.
>Idpol really shouldn't be delete able unless it is rightoid idpolYours was. Not because of the trans issue. But because it is peak liberal spectacle.
>>20491Same shit as above. I wasn't even the same person that banned you.
Are "the gays" really attacking you… That's pretty funny to imagine. Anwyays, don't answer that question. I don't care.
Poor formatting is unfortunately not a bannable offense but looking at your post makes me question whether it should.
>>20492God damn it. Thanks for checking. I'll fix it soon.
>>20520 is the thread
literally no reason for it to be saged, if so go and sage/ban every single thread pertaining to the US outside of US general
>>20539You said you waited a week for your ban to expire. What one was that?
>>20534Where is the year long ban? I don't see it in the modlog. Could you please tell us approximately what date you were banned on or make an appeal from that IP?
>>20543Fell asleep
Previously I had a month long ban for evasion I had, funny enough, not committed, but choose to just wait it out instead of making things worse
Then I more or less randomly got a several month ban for "evasion" I again wasn't even doing from this mod "m00dy" who seems to be the one tossing out arbitrary long bans
The ban wasn't on this IP since the several month long ban was on all boards of course so I couldn't even have a shot at arguing my case against an entirely arbitrary ban
>>20543I already made an appeal from that IP but haven't bothered looking to see if it went through because the last time I argued i was never doing any evading the mod that issued the ban just rejected my appeal
I waited a literal month for a nonsense unfair ban to lift, this isn't fair
Pretty sure I got attacked for the most bullshit reason too, literally for posting a PRC and dengist thread outside of the big PRC general even though America isn't held to that standard
>>20547just to be clear this is the IP that "has not had issues"?
>>20520I think there has been a lot of issues.
Remember quantitiy has a quality all its own.
>>20546This thread?
>>>/leftypol/989819This thread was created only 2 days ago, and looking back in the ban log it says you only got a 3-day ban for posting a general-relevant thread as its own thread. It was filed at 13:38, appealed, and the appeal was accepted at 14:07 and the ban lifted. Then, a day later, you were banned as you continued a conversation you got banned for under another IP as the IP in question.
In short, the two bans are unrelated, and the procedure of administrating these bans follows the general procedures laid out by the moderation team.
>>20547"No major issues" lmao on that IP alone you have been banned 24 times for various things under a number of different names you posted under, and by basically every single mod at one point or another.
>>20549There really hasn't been issues, no
I've made plenty of posts people have asked to be put in Multitude, I post a lot so obviously some are shitty
And at any rate, this is literally an imageboard, not a fucking political party, why do you people treat leftypol like srs bznz?>>20550
What other conversation, I'm so fucking confused
>>20550>>20551What other conversation?
>>20550And at any rate mods here are extremely ban happy and also extremely dishonest, I've been banned "24 times" over the course of literally
2 years for usually about an hour or a day, so that would be, what, causing a problem 24 times over the course of nearly 700 days with ban happy mods? And that's a serious issue? Nonsense
>>20553but they did
lying won't get you anywhere
I've seen enough, thanks for your non-cooperation
>>20552I don't know offhand, but its not the first ban on that IP for ban evading (in fact its like the 3rd) so I'm willing to take the other mod's word on it. And thats before counting the rest of the IPs you like to get banned on, as well.
>>20553Not sure what you are huffing, I banned junko just 2 or 3 days ago for Zionism. Generally they just have the wherewithal to keep their dick in their pants so they don't invite much need for action to be taken upon them.
>>20556Like I said before, I have gotten other bans for ban evasion, which was bullshit then and is bullshit now
Considering I have an actual
job and don't spend every hour of the day posting on leftypol I more or less use my ipad and my phone out of necessity, a lot of the time if I do get a ban I don't know because I don't spend my entire day in my house
How tf is "you've had a relatively small number of bans from an easily triggered mod team over the course of 2 years" even an argument?
You people have dished out bans for being criticized sometimes, I've seen it, it is incredibly easy to get a petty ban on this site
There's another guy in this specific board who has a constantly cycling ban he can't do anything about
How tf does "ban evasion" even make sense when I have just 2 IPs (why would I ban evade on known IPs?) and you still won't tell me what the "continued conversation" even was?
>>20558Cool so now you're going to say some other poster is me also nice
>>20560>There's another guy in this specific board who has a constantly cycling ban he can't do anything aboutfirst off what is that even supposed to mean
you can't just say things
>>20561You don't know because mods hardly even check out this board
And I know you like playing anonymous in the general boards but can you people at least have your specific mod tag here so actual users don't have to play "guess who"?
Again, I'm asking what "banned conversation" I continued having and how that isn't extremely nonsensical reasoning as well
An example of the infinite wisdom of the mods here>>20562Wtf does cycling an IP even mean? I've literally never gotten a range ban on my phone are you just making things up now?
>>20563you will believe anything
if it suits you I suppose
it should be obvious that something like that isn't possible (and what would be the point, like think man)
Ok I am out for real now
>>20565Range banning is possible. It is possible your and their IP is caught in an abusive IP range that gets reapplied.
It is hard to track down bans, we need a lot of info, unless you post with the IP.
>>20565Could you tell me all the details you know about your ban, I will look for it after work. Because I also have a
>>20566I think I legitimately got the 3-day ban
I'm confused about the 13-week ban because the mod hasn't even told me what conversations he thinks I was ban-evading to participate in
At least for me the course of events is
>3-day ban>Successfully appeal it>Talk a bit in Ukraine general yesterday morning>Talk a bit in Internet general I think>Talk in some thread about why Russia and NATO hate each other while I'm at work>Come home to see I somehow got a 13-week ban right tf out of nowhere and assume it's because I got my previous ban appealed>Try to discuss the issue here only to be told by some mod that because I got banned in the past clearly I deserve this one (?) with no further explanation or investigation needed (which is this morning) >>20567In all honesty I don't actually know why I got the 13-week ban
If you look here I came in assuming it's because my 3-day ban was successfully appealed and the other mod didn't know that
Idk if it's the same or some other mod but they told me it's due to participating in a banned conversation later on but they aren't linking the conversation and I haven't used the board extensively since appealing the 3-day ban
Just now I explained everything I did on this ip and the banned ip in the last day and a half
And to make matters stranger I had literally no reason to be "ban evading" when I wasn't banned on either my iPad or phone when I got this message
It's why I am so fucking confused
And i don't think "you've been banned before so we don't need to investigate or even explain this current one" makes any sense
>>205741. I'm at work
2. I got banned on my normal IP
>>20575At this point I legit can't comprehend why I'm even banned, like, apparently I got this new ban for participating in a discussion I don't even remember that the mod never linked and I was also evading…somehow and I don't deserve a reasonable explanation or consideration because I got banned in the past
>>20576Could you tell me your banned ip whenever you can?
Use this tool to encrypt your IP: this public key:
Legit none of this makes sense for me, still nobody tells me the specific comment chain I was supposedly banned over, the justification is unironically "You've been banned before", I was probably "evading" by my ban having expired, and my appeal was denied. If I actually was ban evading, why would I even bother prostrating before a mod team that's usually not reasonable or open to dialogue anyway?
It's not like I post on leftypol to troll, and given how mercurial mods here can be I've been banned for contracting certain narratives in the Ukraine thread before
>>20579I see now.
Well, I'm already late for bed, so I'll have to handle this tomorrow. You'll have to wait.
>It's not like I post on leftypol to troll😒 no further comment.
>>20581>>20579Look mate, I am morally conflicted because I've banned you before for promoting highly objectionable narratives, which for your benefit, I will not go into. And other mods have banned you on multiple occasions for other reasons. You have an extensive ban history.
I personally think you suffer from confident arrogance, severe burger brain (no offense to american comrades), and in general, lack intimacy with philosophy.
If you were banned due to ban evasion, I have to give the mod the benefit of the doubt that you were either ban evading or arguing in the same line as the banned person.
I will put out my neck for you and unban you.
But I ask in return that you engage with people in good faith, fraternal respect, and I ask you to engage with leftist philosophy earnestly. Don't let me down.
Philosophy is not something you read and recite like magic spells or scripture. Read authors like Marx assuming he is absolutely wrong, and try to dismantle his argument. If you read something and can't come up with an objection, think harder until you do.
To put it simply, you're a very bad poster. Please try to improve the quality of your engagements. Don't get banned again.
>>20597uh so no response was it because my thread was low effort, and would it be acceptable if i put in more effort
or is it because the mods thought i was the nazi poster when im not?
>>20600mods regularly delete threads because they’re deemed “low effort” (???) and because their IP addresses don’t have the right post history
i think i’m starting to realize why /leftypol/ feels so dead and shitty
>>20642you were trying and failed miserably is what you are claiming
I'm not seeing anyone trying
Not sure if I am allowed post this here or if this counts as "ban evasion" but I got banned for 5 weeks. I saw a soyjak post, and I stated something along the lines of "I don't care if .party gets the GET, they have good gems, anyway." I have never seen the video attached before making that post. I was a massive fucking retard for making that post, and I deeply regret it. Later, I would find out that I've been banned for being "/pol/." The fact that I have been banned for being something I am not is heartbreaking, especially since I have never sided with /pol/, nor have I ever lurked there. I've been lurking on /leftypol/ since the 8chan days, I even made some memes and banners (pics related). I hope I can still be able to in the future. I promise to be more careful about what I post here. I sent an appeal, but I couldn't fit my case on here, so I decided to post my full story here.
Sorry if this didn't sound coherent. I'm not good at typing my thoughts out. TL;DR I decided to be a complete faggot and type something which made me seem like /pol/, even though I have never associated with them.
>>20659>Not my fault if someone is relentlessly arguing in bad faithFrightfully terrible argument. I don't care who's who. We are applying kindergarten rules. If they jump off a bridge head first, splitting open their noggin, do you do the same?
>>20661What the hell am I reading
anyway you are posting just fine, no harm no foul
>>20669They are spam in the most narrow definition.
>>20729>>20730You have been spamming the lowest internet trash outside containment for months now, among other things.
Do you think you are effecting anything? Or is this the purest resentment that would spur you to invest this amount of energy into being a mild annoyance?
I don't expect an answer of course
but how is it possible to be this drawn to repetition?
>>20732A whole host of things, counting them all up would be waste of time
>EffectingI don't know what the goal could be, which is why I ask
I can only assume, since this is an expression of purest resentment, it is to make the place worse.
>>20734it is quite obvious to see
one last question, you ever been to a psychologist or similar?
>>20755It is, the poster posted it, it gets deleted, so they post it again, it’s not like they post it multiple times when it’s up, which would be spam.
I literally just don’t understand what makes people so furious. It’s on /b/ anyway, between the dog hate threads and the inflation porn it’s pretty tame by comparison
>>20756>It is, the poster posted it, it gets deleted, so they post it againto put it neutrally:
highly, highly implausible
>>20742'tis true
tho again thinking of the causality it might not say good thing things about this place
Or is it too much of a good thing (overuse through hours upon hours daily)?
>>20738That would be backwards causality. A symptom does not explain the underlying condition.
>>20784are you talking about the spam in hobby?
yeah but i think they fucked up a little
my posts were gone away too, i was talking about thanos in leftyco and it's deleted now ;/
>>20785I fucked up and hit you by accident in the clean up and basically did a full IP nuke.
Judging by the type of IP, I'm guessing your older posts are still alive but recent ones will be gone. Are we looking at hours or days of posts lost? I can try and figure out how to pull some from a backup or something if there was something/toomany you can't reproduce.
>>20786ah doesn't matter
nothing lasts forever
>>20865 (me)
So I am very disinclined to repeal your ban.
>>20866Either way the current ban is for something that shouldn't even be a bannable offense let alone a 5 week ban.
wvobblyhidden is a lib redditor who thinks this is his personal subreddit.
>>20865>banned twice by different mod My previous ban was completely justified because I was engaging in edgy /pol/ faggotry. If I recall I was only banned for 1 week for that (it should have been more). My apologies for that edgelord posting.
However, I'm still disputing the most recent 5 week ban which in my opinion is unjustified. It should be a 1 week ban at most.
>A note on your IP says "whole history is b8"Can you elaborate? I only recall being banned twice.
>Even the IP used to make this plead is also banned by another mod 2 weeks ago.That's because I'm using a VPN to make this appeal. The ban two weeks ago is buy another person using the same VPN client. This is the first time I've posted with a VPN
>>20910at this point? continued ban evasion. we can see when you see your ban messages, sage
originally? continuing asinine meta-drama in /itg/, specifically the accusations of mods supporting haz
>>20914That is not when I was banned though. I was banned when the anon called me a thought leader and have been banned for ban evading ever since.
I haven’t talked about you guys stanning haz since after the ban and none of the ban messages have mentioned this.
Not to mention, that is a widely held belief that is true, however much you it’s not. You can days it’s leftychan all you want, it’s not the point, the point is, it was mods and the system of moderation has not changed, unless you are saying the system is secondary to the people who execute the system, deeming yourselves philosopher kings or some such nonesense.
I then talked about meta shit literally in an outreach thread which was itself meta. So I’m currently banned because somebody complimented me, and because I said there aren’t theory threads anymore, which I didn’t even blame on you guys, then one of you called me a Karen to which I responded. All the responses left up, apparently they don’t count as meta drama.
All BS and you know it
>>20915You were banned cause that post about haz was sent to the report log. Just cause it wasn't instantly noticed by us or reported by someone doesn't mean it just be allowed to slide. The guy calling you a "thought leader" was banned for much the same reason in the exact same conversation - its just a funny coincidence he also simps for you.
>I haven’t talked about you guys stanning haz since after the ban and none of the ban messages have mentioned this. Yeah, you are banned now for ban evading, lol. Wait out your ban like a fucking normal person or make a half-sensible appeal to it.
>>20917No ban message said anything at all about Haz so that is clearly bullshit. This is just something you’ve made up after the fact.
>you are banned for evading You freaks are what people call kafkaesque
Appeal as something reasonable? Yes, my appeal to that claim I have just seen is that I never broke a single rule. Which rule was broken? Name it
>you shouldn’t be surprised No I am never surprised by how endlessly retarded you people are
>>20923>>20925Been called a thought recently ;) it’s why I’m banned
Doesn’t break a rule does it stupid salty mod
>>20927That doesn't sound very sincere now does it? But okay, I'll unban you cause I'm such a nice guy, don't be cringe again.
t. caballo
Might I ask why my once again ridiculous ban isn't on the moderation log? Don't wory, I know ot was filed by Pasquale because no one else can make such funny powertrippy ban reasons like they can.
>fascist dog
>no post specified
>3 days
Lol. Lmao even.
Obviously because of my "bad actor" reputation this will get zero replies from the mods, but hey, still funny, had to blogpost.
Oooh, all boards ban as well, wow, really stepped on the guys toes this time. I imagine there is a 50% this post will get me a week long ban for evading, but fuck it, no loss for me, and I do opperate in the assumption that this board is free for all manner of ban complaints.
>>21122for the record it was for your apologism for lithuanian fascists, which was honestly a very funny post in its own way.
were you consciously or unconsciously trying to draw a parallel between modern Russia and the USSR by trying to make the case that they both erroneously labeled people as fascist?
was apologizing for WW2-era nazis an extension to your apologism for Ukrainian nazis to draw a continuity of Russia as a grand-arching historical enemy to "civilization" or as a weird-ass cope to try and say "well Russia always calls everyone nazis, you can't take them at their word!" my gut insticts say the former as some kind of ambiently absorbed nationalist propaganda, but its a very open question.
>>21136Why do you turn to strawmen half way through? I have a strong feeling you read my posts just to get mad and construct some sort of imagined evil baltoid nazi in your head.
>were you consciously or unconsciously trying to draw a parallel between modern Russia and the USSR by trying to make the case that they both erroneously labeled people as fascist? No, it wasn't concious at all and I didn't say anything about USSR doing it. I am not even sure they did it, actually I even wanted to update the post after the fact mentioning that Soviets even made films that portrayed the forrest brothers in an almost compassionate and humanist light, unlike actual nazies a la Come and See. To my knowladge the "Baltic fascists" line is purely a reaction from Russian nationalists to whine about the Baltics leaving USSR and by extension Russian sphere (because undeniably USSRs legacy was coopted by Russian nationalism, but that's a seperate point).
>was apologizing for WW2-era nazisStop making shit up. Where did I do it? By pointing out that majority of Forrest Brothers weren't collabs? By saying that there were indeed disgusting piece of shit Nazies? By saying that people unkonwingly worshiping nazies aren't nazies themselves? Or was that the other post where I joked about the fact that mysteriously long-time German areas suddenly became majority Polish and Russian? Because if its the last one, then I'll die on this hill. No matter what your state does, it doesn't excuse ethnically cleansing its citizens.
>apologism for Ukrainian nazisAgain, stop making shit up. I already made my position on Ukraine war, but I'll reiterate it as simply as possible. I am a moral utilitarian, and to me a 1000 civilians getting bombed annually in Donbas is far more preferable and even desirable if the alternative is millions getting displaced, tens of thousands globally getting pushed to food insecurity and thousands getting killed while cities get leveled over the course of just a few months in a war that doesn't show signs of stopping.
I guess you could bring up my take that I don't think Azov is nazi, but that is more of a battle of definitions, as to me nazism is a very specific thing that only applies to specific reactionary movements in leading imperial powers, not the actions of groups that fit far better to be labeled as ultranationalist extremists. If you think this is apologism, I'd remind you that I don't consider Wagber group, Grey Wolves or each individual Balkan nationalist terror group a la Chetniks or modern Ustashe larpers as nazies either.
>Enemy of civilizationStrawman. To me Russia is no better or worse than the Second Reich, and I wouldn't call the Kaiser as enemy of civilization either.
>Russia always calls everyone naziWasn't making that point, but yeah, sure. I do think there is a lot of truth to that, just like how America calls everyone terrorists, quite similar is with Russia and nazies.
>>21153You were banned for shilling Le Pen in an extremely obvious way /pol/.
>>21156> "his opposition (Le Pen) is worth supporting"direct quote from you tard
lying is pathological to such an extent for you "people"
why even try
>>21190I don't know what a Cors is
was it that one copypasta thread cause then I might have sniped it, we have been having some amount of trouble with those
I dunno
>>21191You have a single argument? Because to me it feels your entire calculus is "he is baltic and he violates the boards unofficial orthodox views ergo nazi".
Or perhaps you want to talk about LTV? TfRoPtF? Commodity fetishism? Unproductive labour? Or do you just want to stick your head in the sand and label Rosa Luxembourg a panslavist Polish whore for not supporting Mitteleuropa?
Also I remind you that Zizek is like a 100 times more bloodthirsty than me, so all your arguments kind of collapse unless you want to cross that river too and label him as an Ustashist. Non-sectarian board my fucking ass.
Anyway I am once again throwing out the offer for a chat-to-chat conversation with you jannies. But guessing by the fact that this
>>21133 got nowhere, I can only assume the answer is a no, and the latest powertrippy schizoid ban was just a big fat shit in place of an answer.
>>21205just hop
in on the matrix
>>21195I copied and pasted an article by a socialist group in ohio about roe v wade. The group is called CORS. their website is . It'd be cool if you could put it back up. I've posted them before without an issue from mods.
>>21231You know that the evangelicals would love to ban that too if they could.
Anyways, this ban has been overturned.
>>21230 >>21242you must have done something wrong if you get D+'d
and no it's not about americunt parties, I can guarantee that
>>21243Fuck off janny why are you always doing retarded shit and lying about it. Those were the only posts deleted because they were the only posts on the IP. You can clearly see in the thread that there are no other deleted posts that aren't already accounted for in the logs.
inb4 stop using a VPN
>>21284stop posting fucking soyjacks
>>21285sorry, its a measure meant to prevent a persistent CP spammer that lurks on the TOR node.
>>21271Lol, what an absolute load of dogshit. Let me clarify something with you furry fuckers: I have NEVER been banned, not for a legitimate reason anyways. I’ve been hit with random bans on all boards that are impossible to appeal for no real reason, and why? Because I speak out against liberalism? Because I dare defend the dignity of the Russian and Chinese people? Because I’m a principled anti-Zionist? Because I correctly recognize that anarchism is not and never will be compatible with socialism? Which is it, which position do I hold that offends you so dearly you have to make up false reasons to stealth ban me, yet let tripfags and pedophiles go free?
If you cannot answer this question in an honest way without another secret ban, then it simply proves this website is not socialist and that socialism is entirely dead in the anglosphere. Imagine being so cowardly that when confronted with alternative points of view that threaten your hedonism your first response is mass repression. Pathetic
>>21297The thread has been deleted.
This seems like a bad ban but it's quite minor.
>>21297>permabanThey are not a thing, they've never been a thing. It's purely reserved for illegal content and VPNs we one billion percent know are bad.
>>21356nah, that's what my grandparents did to yours lel
the eternally seething kraut never fails to deliver ;)
So to the janny that banned me, first for "idpol" in /leftypol/ only because of pic related, and then for idpol again from all boards for my statement on the native american guy that freaked out on that white woman, why did you feel the need to ban me? Pic related should only trigger you if you're a redditoid, or somehow think posting it to mock ukraine supporters is "idpol".
The second ban is even more bizarre, because it was from /siberia/, in a non-serious discussion about some schizo going insane for what we're all assuming was a minor incident. Why would you ban from all boards for my statement? Is it because I said "nativoid"? Did that trigger you, perhaps? Because you banned me for idpol, when all I did was mock someone who is literally an idpolfag. Or maybe if it had been a white woman malding to a native american, then it would've been fine for me to call her a whiteoid and I wouldn't have been banned? So then it would be that mocking some kinds of idpols is allowed, but mocking others is not? Or maybe you can't separate an ironic statement like "pragmatic alliance with the white woman over the radlib nativoid"? I'm just trying to figure out what about this obvious joke of a post, in /siberia/, of all boards, warranted me getting banned. If making fun, or insulting idpol radlib wokescolds is a bannable offense now I'd suggest updating the rules.
>>21607most identityfags are extremely obnoxious and he's not
so good on him
>>21678you don't get "immediately banned for being racist against huwhites"
it never happened
>shitting up USApol for 8+ hoursthat's a problem
>>21681I literally copped a 5 hour ban for "idpol" for posting the body of this article in USApol within
< Nazi(s) (the same fucking one who is always here to do stupid ass AMA's) can freely shit up a thread with far worse (and less funny, unless you somehow believe in reverse racism lmao) bullshit for hours after having been reported by myself and multiple other posters
>>21683fuck white people but I am sure it was some sort of misunderstanding
I already agree that's a problem (he has been banned hundreds of times or possibly more but absolutely I can see that shitshow)
>>19116Can someone please explain to me why we allow fascist threads like this thread to exist? anyone who isn't a crypto-fascist read it and somehow concluded from a communist perspective that it's reasonable to discuss topics like "How do we solve the (((autist))) and (((schizophrenic))) problem if not through detecting them in the womb and aborting them all?"
Am I being overly sensitive since I am one of the targeted types of people (autistic)? Because as far as I'm concerned that entire thread is fucking bullshit.
>>21701 (me)
Oddly it doesn't have a post attached to it or a coherent ban reason either.
>>21697>Am I being overly sensitive I wouldn't say you are overly sensitive and I wouldn't say there's a right answer here.
I think saying "it's an imageboard and you are gonna see some shit as sure as the sun rises in the east" is a shortened analysis, however it's what my immediate reaction is here. Fundamentally we are lenient on what in other contexts would be unacceptable, I'd say.
I am not gonna comment on the content itself (I did cut some of it) but I don't think the topic itself is unreasonable to discuss like fascism wouldn't be.
>>21697it's an extremely bad thread despite resulting in a few good posts and you're right to be disturbed by it
(not a mod btw just wanted to let you know there are other anons who agree with you the thread is cringe)
>>21715Well, the thread is bad.
Should we therefore cut it? Two different questions.
>>21716actually no, but i think threads that tend to produce rly bad discourse should be moderated more closely and/or have their OPs reframed
but i'm not the emperor of leftypol and i know the mods get shit on basically every time they get involved with anything except like deleting cp so i understand
>>21721There is still no way to ascertain majority for any position on an anonymous imageboard.
I would say even if there was somehow it'd matter very little. The Truth stays the Truth, after all.
When I post the following it gets deleted can you please explain why it is getting deleted?
"Acording to science
Keaten Mansfield and Jason Unruhe are transexuals. Caleb Maupin and Infrared Haz are Homosexuals.
Keaten Mansfield likes trans women and this scientifically means there is about a 50% chance he is trans source. top of this scientific data based on his attraction to transexuals he also has a massive cope trying to be a straight male energy.
Jason Unruhe claims to be bisexual but seems to prefer women. All bisexual men are gay and prefer men according to science. A "bisexual" who prefers women is a psudo bisexual and actually AGP which means they are attracted to the idea of being a woman. Mr Mansfield may also fall into this category all but confirming Mansfield is trans. Maupin and Haz are feminine males (manlets etc) and according to science all feminine males are gay or in the closet and lying about being gay."
>>21736That thread got wrecked, some technical failure or something, I don't fucking know.
Anyway, you should be executed for using the word din din but I can't because it's illegal :(
>>21742>similar to the one /leftcel/ has?surely something so cringe does not actually exist
if it is anything incel it will be ruthlessly deleted but otherwise go ahead
>>21743>surely something so cringe does not actually exist/leftcel/ mostly agree with the blackpill, but there's still some decent debate around it.
>if it is anything incel it will be ruthlessly deleted but otherwise go aheadok kewl…
and if some schizo incel starts ranting in the thread, please just punish him individually rather than killing my whole thread. that would be nice.
>>21755I will remove your ban but I don't wanna see that shit.
>>21759I too enjoy absurd loaded questions. Considering there's a thread exactly about Lenin as a person right now, makes one think, don't it?
>>21723Who cares about the majority position. Ban all posters who support eliminating certain types of people via eugenic abortion. It is fascism
This discourse seems to be spreading across leftypol, I'm so sick of people saying I should have been aborted just because I'm autistic.
>>21757>sportsballNico nico neck yourself, normie
Can you merge these two threads please? The fashion thread already discusses sewing (and tailoring and all that stuff).
>>>/hobby/27004 >>>/hobby/25977
>>21800First off, don't reply where's your discipline?
That cute ^^ doesn't make it better, now does it?
Second, me personally, I couldn't give a singular fuck, if you don't spam or intentionally just fuck with the place, derail and what have you.
Third, I had a look and these people are utter clowns, Hellsing appreciation society is what they are.
But yeah if no one normal cares about that thread, it'll probably be canned at some point.
>>21802>>21801>>21800It began as an "investigate 09a thread" but was always sus, seems to have been the ruse all along to then gradually turn it into a recruitment thread, which is by the way basically the 09a's MO which they state clearly in their literature.
Also worth noting is that a while back somebody was posting on here about wanting to do an insight roll where they create a militant leftist group. More than likely the same guy/guys.
We have already a dedicated thread for documenting and ridiculing satanic nazis, the so jerk off thread is not necessary.
Initially i thought it might be someones elaborate comedy larp, but now I don't think it is.
>>21840Alright, it looks like it was just moved. Use the shadow thread feature.
Honestly, stop fucking moving and merging without making a post announcing it first so that people in the thread don't think it just got deleted. Don't you get sick of having to post 'it got merged not deleted' here every week?
One single schyzo is derailing this thread into his personnal transhumanist hate thread for hours now, 3/4 of the posts are by him not the first time this guy spammed /b/ and leftypol with his shit, it's like hes trying to turn the site into yet another 4chan
>>21850> it's like hes trying to turn the site into yet another 4chanSee the carrot post
>>20739 about those who push bigotry, as well as those who defend it as "
simple banter".
>>21859objection, your honor, loaded question.
>>21841>Don't you get sick of having to post 'it got merged not deleted' here every week?Imma be honest, I do not think about that at all.
>>21956>>21957Oh boy, alright, thanks mods
So just want the subject to be
“Why does it seem like every decade ends with a status quo-shaking event?” >>21964brah what
>because they're tired old basic arguments that already got utterly destroyed on 2014 to 2015 era /leftypol/ and just clog the place up with those same old boring low energy argumentsI agree with this part
endless repetition, fundamentally /pol/ and americans more generally are just utterly boring "people"
>>21962This is the original software : there our version : can check if anything of that sort was removed.
>>22042It read like a nazi/race realist thread. Your implication was that people like what is similar to them, which means they like white people more (no idea why you implied everyone was white). This is analogous to the right wing idea that (white) people are more comfortable with their own folk. Worst yet is that you implied that non-white people are non-human.
Here's your opening sentence:
>Basically my theory is that the human preference for mammals over non-mammaliform animals is directly tied to our preference for humans over non-humans and is tied even more directly to White Supremacism; The post is an open invitation to all race essentialists.
Nigha I literally am non-white
>>22101>Why leftypol needs volunteers?coverage
>So is it thereYou can certainly try, but there is a dedicated thread on /leftypol/.
>>22102Can you please stop fucking your mom?
>>22107I got banned again, but from the entire site for the image again (only for it being posted here as an example) by the same mod. Reign in wvobbly's faggotry, especially since they're a blatant hypocrite about it.
here is the pic again and I'd like a mod to actually attempt to argue the reason it's pedoshit, pornography and loli given that it doesn't fit any of these terms and I reposted it from an SFW booru to begin with. Moreover a rule of all boorus produced on is regardless if it is NSFW or not, bans and deletes all loli pr0n content, so if and image is posted on there it isn't in those criteria and so does not fit the porn and CP rules of leftypol and the site in general, you fucking tools.
>>22118>>22119 >"You have been banned from all boards for the following reason: pedo shit is banned in general… read the rules"Y'kno if you're going to play fast and loose with rules let me remind you the rules you wrote to begin with and claim to use as a justification:
>Rule 1: No Cheese PizzaThis rule is specifically in regards to real photographs as I remember from the rule discussions happening during the re-doing of the rules. But even assuming it refers to illustrated pornography it still isn't being violated: The picture does not include nudity, sexually suggestive or other content, it's a fairly overly-moeized rough pic of an amorphous animu figure holding up a FSB badge. This is not pornography
>Rule 5: No extreme pornography See the above, it isn't even pornography at all, let alone extreme
Board Rules excluding /siberia/
>Rule 10: Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason, and any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option I'll admit a lack of an initial spoiler, but again given that it isn't porn, I didn't see the reason to spoiler it
/META/ Rules
None of the /meta/ specific rules include a specific part about pornography or CP. I have violated NONE of the rules on any of the boards in posting this image, and your blatant ban is clearly mod bias, the strangest being that I have no idea what it could be except a generic hatred for "loli" and that doesn't even make sense given that other animu-shit that includes "loli" characters are not included. Stop banning me based on opinions
Finally NONE of the rules specifically addresses loli and even if it did, loli is the pornographic (hentai) name for underage appearing characters in porn, not every little animu-girl that exists.
>>22118fwiw I've advised people to try to stop fucking with you but it hasn't been going so hot
you're straddling the line pretty hard with a lot of your posts
>>22125I'll get around to process this but I'm mucho occupado rn
>>22126>straddling the line pretty hard with a lot of your postsWhich ones. I don't mince words, but outside of /siberia/ I keep a hold of shitposting to appropriate levels as per the rules. I don't really shitpost outside of /siberia/ at all TBH except for the occasional laugh in the Ukraine thread. I don't care about the bans IF the mods can actually explain them. I don't see how a completely unsexual image gets banned 2 times for being "pedoshit". And my only other posts in recent time are content relating to the Ukraine topic focused on the pseudo-leftist /pol/ moles that are trying to infest the site and spread theorylet contrarian ideas - screaming that everyone disagreeing is a nazi, and only revealing themselves finally after they had a tangent about "the transhumanistee OldBO" that is /pol/s usual shitpost here.
The closest I can think of is a post in the Chinese thread but that post had been spoilered and had direct relevance to the topic and people just laughed, since it'd been Ben Garrison levels of caricature.
>>22140>>22151HAHA mods wrecking users and having fun at their expense
ULTRA BASED>>22137>>22153you walked into the wrong neighbourhood buddy, this is Janny Town, population 43
>>22153>>22125Let it be known I removed this guy's ban. Even tho to me he is merely a substandard western chauvinist
Can any explanation be given to the jannies behavior in the Ukraine thread just now? The insane chimpout deletion of any posts relating to that Russian one about the separatist republics being Russian puppets? Seeing how I got a ban just for replying (and then taking note of these deletions and content of the posts deleted), with the ambiguous reason of "derailing", to me this seems incredibly fishy behavior. So I got three guesses:
1) Janny has a vendetta against the Russian poster and wants to scrub any evidance of his existance from the planet. I have heard about the mythical anti-Putin Russian that ban evades before, and I guess this might have been him. However literally nothing he said was even that much hostile to pro-Russian posters and seemed only to "Just ask questions" about sepratist republics being puppets. Even if the poster should have been banned for evading, the discussion it self was very much on-topic and its surprising to see this purge in response.
2) Janny is so emotionally invested in LDR/DPR that any smearing of their name shall not be tolerated!
3) Janny is a Russian asset with a list of very specific set of things that have to be deleted - first among them any and all statements about LDR/DPR being puppets of the Kremlin
Anyways, all three to me seem like powetripping. And you can be sure that after my ban expires, I will be posting in that thread specifically about the topic of LDR/DPR being puppets of the Kremlin.
Also here is the translated content of the initial deleted post that started this mess. Good thing I kept it in Google Translate:
<Damn, red putinist, I can’t talk to you normally because the local urine is bombing and it rubs my posts. So I will write to you in Russian and you answer in Russian, otherwise the urine will again pour out into the brain.
<Firstly, how do you combine the idea that the so-called republics are like a bone in the middle of the throat for the Kremlin, when the leadership of these entities ALWAYS took all the Kremlin's instructions under the hood?
Secondly, do you have any arguments why we should reject Girkin's testimony about the connections of the movement's leadership with the Kremlin? What about the connections between Pushilin and Khodakovsky?
Thirdly, how do you reconcile the idea of "radical" when all the radical, and indeed unauthorized elements in general, have been disposed of in these eight years?
<For me, the picture looms quite clear - a group of incomprehensible dicks from the National Party with some kind of connection with the Kremlin was thrown into the Donbass, where fools like Mozgovoy, Motorola and Givi ran with them and took all this garbage with Huessosia at face value. When they outlived their usefulness after Minsk, they were simply quietly removed.
<You don’t want to tell me that the current leadership of the pseudo-republics is pursuing an independent policy?
I'd include a screenshot of the thread, but ban message forced a reload so all the deleted shit is gone now.
>>22236do not worry comrade spammer
we will be there to delete your posts when you inevitably break the rules again once your ban expires
>>22301Is that still in effect? I thought those bans stopped a year ago.
Either way, add it to the fucking rules if its a rule.
>>22320I am referring to Dugin apologists that support that right winger simply because he is against NATO.
They are allowed to praise a borderline fascist while I get banned for making a mildly supportive argument of a (dubiously) scandalous left winger? That is far-fetched. There was nothing in my post that warrants a ban.
>>22321>Dugin apologists that support that right winger simply because he is against NATO.Exactly my point, you're just parroting generic propaganda about "muh rightwing Dugin" and making false claims that, if you are not some Dugin-hating schizo and sympathize over the loss of his daughter, you are automatically an uncritical supporter of his ideology.
>They are allowed to praise a borderline fascist He is neither fascist, nor is he praised in any thread, you're making shit up
>I get banned for making a mildly supportive argument of a (dubiously) scandalous left wingerI find it interesting that you omit the name, I have doubts that is the reason you got banned
>>22342How? When did I do this?
I was very specific by referring to the fourth political theory.
>>22346>Sage's arguments trigger meWhat arguments? Schizophrenic /pol/shit about Zionism? Or the blatantly out of context quotes that got BTFO?
>I can't counter them He got countered, hard, and kept shitting the thread up
>le schizo<uses 'le' and then says go back to reddit using a pic that literally has 'le' in itLMFAO you're a retard, and Sage IS a schizo, going on reddit-spaced insane rants
>cry to jannies to "B-ban He!"Cry harder Sage, your tears and projection are hilarious. The mods banned you on their initiative.
>>22355there was /pol/ spam, and frankly I figured nobody really cared with how few replies it got
if you care that much I'll unsage it tho
>>22356I do care. I made the thread because I wanted that discussion. It shouldn't matter if I care or not.
A thread shouldn't be saged if some idiots derailed it. The thread isn't the problem and it sends a very ambiguous message to the board, a chilling effect even.
>>22358barely anyone cares one way or the other
that's a fact.
Okay pretty funny word filter I’ll give you.
>>22394I believe that in principle but the mods don’t.