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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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How useful are handguns for war, revolution, personal protection, or in general? Why do soldiers in militaries even have handguns if they already have rifles which are better?
4 posts omitted.

They have almost no effective range, get a rifle or die like a palestinian

Switching to your handgun is easier and faster than reloading once your rifle is empty

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Can someone ID this handgun? It's tagged in the booru as "tec-9" but I just can't find any TEC-9 image that looks like this.

I guess if anyone is bored, could be fun to ID these untagged handguns.
Or for hard mode, the weapons tag.

I think that's the exact model, thanks comr8

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Which one is cooler?
Which one is more practical?
Which one is more reliable?
Which one do you like more?
The ak is iconic, especially to leftist movements.
Feel free to talk about akms as well

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The 74-U. I always liked that little tyke before I learned it was a status symbol for post-soviet drug lords. I remember some stupid guiness or whatever called it a child soldier AK or some stupid shit.

i like the bakelite mags…

the akm because the steel stamped receiver can be made with home tools. the only parts you have to buy are the barrel, the piston, and the spring (and maybe the iron sights)
actually, there has to be some ak variant where you can 3d print everything besides those key parts. why would you 3d print a gas operated gun? because recoil and blowback operation tend to fail when the user can't properly handle the recoil, and I want a twinks-only army

The 74 is better. It has the same limitations you describe, but the ammo is being currently manufactured and is pretty plentiful. imho depends on if you're planning to shoot at armored targets. In this case, AKM. otherwise, 74

74u's are so sexy but whenever i think about them i imagine an 80s mujahedeen going to southside la and being amazed at all the thugs with mini-dracos


Are sikh warriors\generals really the GOAT historical warriors that everyones forgets? or is that sikh propaganda itself? I think it's extremely pathetic they fought FOR -not against- the br*tish protestant soap-peddling, anti-Satti, anti-Aghori, anti-Sadhu nudity, anti-Sacrifice invaders. I KNOW they're not Vedic, but still extremely pathetic to side with (((westerners)))
Anyways; are stories or narratives of great battles, conquests, raids, small troop vs huge army fights, etc, about sikh warriors historically real? or is it religious basedslop?
>Gatka shows are pretty fun

>Are sikh warriors\generals really the GOAT historical warriors that everyones forgets?
Warrior-worship is reactionary-crap. All of the great "warrior" cultures are gone, defunct, dead. The Nepalese Gurkhas hire themselves out as foreign mercenaries because there's nothing else to fucking do in Nepal. The Sikhs are just another ethnicity these days with their own history and should be treated as such.

Sikhs are progressive relative to vedism due to their anti-casteism

warrior culture is lame although the beard and turban combo looks sick as fuck. was on the train the other day thinking about how cool this guy looked in it and how he should be in royal dress in a court somewhere instead of wearing business causal at 8 am

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Currently, the idea and concept of military's with officers, NCOs, and chains of command comes from the West. Many nations use localized terms taken from their own history but the origins obviously remain in Europe. Considering how popular anti-Western sentiment has been with many revolutionary governments, have any established nations or revolutionary groups ever tried to completely remove all European elements from their military institutions

Western military tradition is the most effective means of waging interstate conflict. Adopting an inferior standard would be suicidal for a nation state.

Tangentially related, but I think it would be interesting to see non-western forms of policing/criminal justice be adopted though. I suspect they could actually be viable in a modern world.

read Bukharin

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I constantly see people saying, unconditionally, that oh liberals are a lost cause, neo-Nazis are a lost cause, police are a lost cause, soldiers are a lost cause. And often, yes, it's not worth the effort to engage them and doubly so if you're a single regular unskilled outsider.
However, those assumptions are factually false. There are many well-known examples of people from all those groups becoming antifascists, communists and anarchists. It's obviously a transition which can happen. The question becomes, can it be done reliably enough that it becomes worthwhile to target these groups? That will inevitably depend on current conditions, there's no abstract ultimate answer.
OP made it clear that the military are one of the high-value groups. Every military member we convert is a skilled insider (an espionage dream come true) who won't try to kill our comrades later, one more asset detracting from the imperial machine, and one more who won't get picked up by neo-fascists who want to harass us. The armies are filled with people economically oppressed by the state, only joining for mediocre benefits. I believe if there is an effective way to radicalize military members to socialism, it's a very worthwhile endeavour. Of course, that's a very big 'if'!
>>434 mentioned Eyes Left which is useful for understanding this question. They openly share the perspective of anti-capitalist ex-military personnel, interview people to discover their paths away from the military and towards radicalization, what help they received on their journey (civilian therapists are a noteworthy theme) and other great information. Plus, they're in-network, they can talk to other veterans with sympathy. Other 'unpopular wars' should be a useful case study, like understanding how soldiers in the Vietnam War were able to foster such discontent in the military (e.g. circulating zines, radio).

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or even eugenics, you could just as well be killing the strongest people as the weakest.

6 posts omitted.

BTW related has been proven to have had links with the "maniac murder cult"\ NLM (no lives matter) on Discord.
>tfw no satanist omnicidal emo gf

Clearly the nazis just needed more mass shootings to create a master race of who could dodge bullets like the matrix.

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sooner or later, unironically, the homoamericanus will evolve bullet proof skin. - Darwin

I think if the columbine shooters could see this shit they would be angry beyond imagination. Some retarded whore dressing like them, thinking she's the same.
The only non-posers were columbine and seung hui cho (also anyone before the 2000s)

They would be elated that a girl likes them.

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Let's talk about state armies, the people employed in them, and how they can relate to the socialist movement.

State armies are particularly interesting:
>they are inherently a powerful force
>their members are employed to serve the state, whether performing imperialist invasion or suppressing internal threats beyond the scope of the police
>their members are often well-trained in skills useful for militant and revolutionary activities
>their members may have unique experiences and expertise in both military tactics and understanding of countering enemy tactics, which may apply equally to local enemies of the people
>they are highly-abused, with high rates of traumatic experience, guilt, disability, economic neglect and suicide
>regardless of drafting and compulsory service not existing in many Western states, large proportions of recruits join purely for economic reasons, rather than any specific desire to join

Considering these starting points, let's ask:
- Which modern military personnel (from support staff to technicians to grunts) would have skills most useful to the socialist movement?
- Are there any reasons military personnel would be inherently incompatible with the socialist movement? Are comrades right or wrong to ostracize them based on their job?
- How did movements like Nazism/Fascism recruit ex-military members so effectively? How about counter-examples like the 43 Group? Is this the same dynamic we see with US 'Patriot' militia movements today? What place do ex-military members currently hold among the socialist movement?
- How should military be considered differently to police and other state law enforcement agencies?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Which modern military personnel (from support staff to technicians to grunts) would have skills most useful to the socialist movement?
All are useful, frontline personnel are of course the most valuable, but even the support staff are needed because "the tip of the spear don't fight for free."
>Are there any reasons military personnel would be inherently incompatible with the socialist movement? Are comrades right or wrong to ostracize them based on their job?
Absolutely not, any comrade may hate them the imperial enforcer for what they've done and how they have contributed to upholding the empire, but on a pragmatic level, anyone who knows how to fight and is willing to do so MUST be allowed to, and must be allowed to teach and train. The Bolsheviks would never have won if substantial portions of the White officers had not gone over to them.
>How did movements like Nazism/Fascism recruit ex-military members so effectively? How about counter-examples like the 43 Group? Is this the same dynamic we see with US 'Patriot' militia movements today? What place do ex-military members currently hold among the socialist movement?
The military as a institution and an occupation is inherently conservative and will almost always trend conservative for the simple reason of being so strictly hierarchial.
>How should military be considered differently to police and other state law enforcement agencies?
To quote a certain Battlestar Admiral
<There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.
>Do any particular state armies have a different dynamic? For example, do the PLA (China), KPA (North Korea) or PAVN (Vietnam) have a different relationship to Western armies?
Military doctrine (how a military do the thing?) can be looked at as a sum of the country's historical experiences (with war especially), national culture, economic need and geopolitical position.
Take Germany for example, up until the second half of the 20th Century, Germany had always been a resource-poor, not very industPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

><There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.
>>Do any particular state armies have a different dynamic? For example, do the PLA (China), KPA (North Korea) or PAVN (Vietnam) have a different relationship to Western armies?
<America today is not much different from the America of the early colonists, who had to contend with British soldiers who were allowed to “enter private homes, confiscate what they found, and often keep the bounty for themselves.” This practice is echoed today through SWAT team raids and the execution of so-called asset forfeiture laws, “which allow police to seize and keep for their departments cash, cars, luxury goods and even homes, often under only the thinnest allegation of criminality.”

China does in fact have a militarized police unit, its called the PAP, People's Armed Police, And they are VERY heavily armed even compared to other gendarmerie/militarized police units, straight up having heavy mech units (though not with tanks). They mostly do the same thing that other gendarmerie do, internal policing, riot suppression, counter-terrorism that sort of heavy duty thing that regular police don't do.

Their special units are supposedly involved in a lot of cross-border counter-drug smuggling in the indochina region, though that stuff isn't well reported on.

Uncertain on how PAVN and KPA do, find the /SEA/ general and ring up NLFanon, he can probs tell you more.

check out "eyes left" podcast on spotify. It's run by a former green beret comrade. highly raccomanded.

He wasn't SF, but he's a combat vet.

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it's why most of Europe has a manlet issue aside from the Netherlands and some Scandis. Being a manlet means you're a smaller target which means you're less likely to get hit.

The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty. The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty. The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty. The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty. The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.

retarded thread. average height in europe was lower before ww1

Height rose during WW1

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I want to become dastardly cunning counter-manipulator like smart KGB agents in Hollywood moobies i want to have a sleepercell and stop mycover from burning by hiding documents between my nuts. I want to call my old friends damaged goods and have 87 hours to discover the kazakh mule within the network

Forgot the subject: how do i glowiemaxx?

post has Azov-Chan variant, I approve

me thanks but my question still stand azov chan lover

>how do i glowiemaxx
start by selling crack

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>I kinda miss it when the military was portrayed as a hyper badass cool boys club, where there was beer and hot chicks everywhere, constantly.
>Why can't we go back to that?
>I wanna play a new call of duty, starting off as some kind of special operations unit
>And in the tutorial, when you do basic tasks an NPC says some shit like
>"Good we have you on the side of the US ARMY, we could really use a soldier like you"
>I wanna watch a movie, and it somehow ties into the US millitary and they film with real military vehicles doing cool shit like in the old transformers movies
>For fucks sake, can't I just have a ton of games that "totally weren't" sponsored by the millitary while subtly nudging you to join
>Like you just spawn in with a brand new sig spear and the character mumbles some shit like "only the best for the army"
>I wanna go and play a new game set in Ukraine or some shit, and the game portrays Russians as mustache twirling supervillains who clearly want to destroy America and everyone in it in the name of being evil

Now we get shit like "I have 2 moms" or some quirky E girl doing stupid shit.

What the hell is Psyops doing?

I remember when the us army made a game from, unreal engine called America's army I think it was called?

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What the hell is Psyops doing?
Evolving, they need the fresh meat recruits from the young generation so they appeal to what's currently popular. It's sort of like following your prey wherever it goes. If the deer goes in the snow or heat. You follow him or starve. It used to be appealing to boomeroids christian crusading fanfics or to destroying the enemies of the free world. But by the 2000s less kids attended bible studies or watched burgerstani propagand about communists on tv with the family. Too focused on epic p13 action movies and games. Gotta follow your prey where it goes. So they meddled in action games totally for kids and adult teens by showing off how could you could be too when you join the US army. Gotta follow your prey where it goes. Then it became anime and egirls for depressed teens. Gotta follow your prey. There's also the rise of progressvist ideas in the US. Hence the two moms ad. The US army saw that wave becoming more mainstream than ever. Gotta follow your prey..

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