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This shit's crazy. Post good ones.
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>all the deleted videos




>Kiss The Rails, Girls, I'm Going Home - Katyusha (Girls und Panzer) - AI Cover


video file

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Music Sauce Thread
Thread for locating sources on music, musicians, composers and other content.
If you can, use Use Shazam or MusicID to locate music by audio.
Also https://www.aha-music.com/identify-songs-music-recognition-online/
Use https://songsear.ch/ for lyrics
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looking for a rap-song, that was popular in anime communities, it had this chill beat and had the lyrics
>"grab a seat" "are you ready, are you ready"
or something alone those lines



>looking for a rap-song, that was popular in anime communities
For future reference use the Q and A threads


that wasn't it


I remember this too. Not sure what it is though

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is this the teenage girl version of giving elon musk an extra 8 bucks


Post any genre good metal songs.
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you "guys" post some of the most gayest fucking metal on here
listen to this you stupid piece of shit





wow very cool


Can't stop listening to this song


Is there more of a phenomenon of people listening to all/every genre or at least a ton of them? 20-30 years ago shit was a lot cliquish with punks, metalheads, hip hop fans, etc. having their own subcultures and people thought old music was cheesy. Now I notice zoomer listen to all genres and a ton even listen to old/boomer music without any reservations.


idk isn't it just whatever song is popular on TikTok at the moment? I don't think it's any different from people in olden times just listening to whatever was on the radio.


No, there have always been people who listen to everything but the “cliques” are the loudest.
Gen Z isn’t special

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Hi all
Saw this in one of the WebM threads. I love this song and I'm very curious the origin of it, artist, but I have no information other than the video itself.


Use this thread: >>3091
0 – 66:
Title: Laulu mätänevän kapitalismin ideologisesta ylärakenteesta
External IDs: {"isrc":"FIUM71200369"}

Gone from youtube


>e: Laulu mätänevän kapitalismin ideologisesta ylärakenteesta
Thanks. Very difficult to find information on this even though it's a remarkable song that started me on a journey through the history of anti- idealism


Laulu mätänevän kapitalismin ideologisesta ylärakenteesta


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What's the difference between "jazz" and "blues"? I refuse to read Wikipedia


blues is for alcohol, jazz is for heroin


blues = sad jazz


Jazz = complex harmonics and improv
Blues = form of jazz with typically 12-bar progression


Blues were a type of folk song that originates from black Americans. Basically the Blues are venting or struggle music from America - These developed in relation to Black Spirituals which were handed down to the ancestors of black slaves.

When it came time for record labels to exploit a certain class, they found that blues hit much more with white audiences than spirituals and decided to record blues' songs to fill vinyl's to print off during the era of recording.

Blues is characterized by its repeating structure and it's passionate improv along a repeating structure - notably the 12 bar blues.

Jazz was born out of this improving technique over blues structures, but was combined with the bigger bands in new orleans, and dropped the "struggle" aspect of blues. over time Jazz deviates from Blues by focusing more on the improv aspects of the music, and adding more intricate chording over time as opposed to blues.


does this song that sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler is a parody of promote a toxic view of romance


wut? wut r u askin lolz.


>>12147 Yes it does, the singer spends the entire song singing about wanting to be raped and abused


this trash song becoming the template for an even more annoying meme song that is only alluded to ironically is the fate it deserved


get in loser we're circlejerking about one of the most niche subgenres in existence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQXhOctGad4
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Just getting into this, because literally all other music is boring to me now. Thanks for the thread op




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00 RAP
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Chamillionaire - Ridin' ft. Krayzie Bone



The Drake-Kendrick feud is the only thing getting rap out of this slump.


I just listened to the diss tracks after someone posted the Todd video earlier, IDK they didn't even sound that good to me. I guess everyone hates Drake so they're acting like they're the best thing ever, IMO addressing your diss track to the other guy's kids is just gross yet people are acting like he's somehow standing up for them.

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