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ITT we talk about anything related to punk, hardcore, and any subgenres of punk and hardcore.
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>conservatism is the new punk
Meanwhile, conservative punk:


>>12249 (me)
Man, if modern punk rockers are too scared to offend others and incelcore artists are Christian conservatives who hate gay people then punk is so over. So, so over… 😢


>want to go to my first ever punk show (and music event in general)
>it's a house show
>address isn't on the advertisement, have to already know it or maybe ask
>message 2 of the bands playing
>no response
>doors open in an hour
fuck me


Ironically better than most punk music right now


After some research you may actually be correct, Negative XP's paleocon views aren't the norm and there are some queers and women too, though I haven't seen any socialist artists. Plus Negative XP's views are already controversial within the scene. His music is still funny though, death of the artist is in full force here.

This song sux tho, it's the corniest song he's ever written. Why is he Christian if he wants to be an edgelord anyway? Christianity is a hippie religion, never understood why edgy conservatards believe in it, Christian edgelordism is a contradiction (and so is KKK's "positive" Christianity for that measure).

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post jah chune n dat fam
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Delroy Wilson - Living In The Footsteps


In Crowd – Born In Ethiopia! & Ethiopia


Leroy Horsemouth Wallace - Herb Vendor

Fuck this song goes hard. Makes me want to become a weed dealer.


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Neasden Connection - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1

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A thread for my favorite kind of music. Chill RnB, Soft Rock, Jazz.

You are now entering the chill zone. Spacey sounds, slow BPMs, beautiful voices and harmonies will bless you.
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Al B. Sure! - Nite and Day


Jermaine Jackson - Don't Take It Personal


Jermaine Jackson - You're In Good Hands


A Taste Of Honey - You're In Good Hands


Kool And The Gang - Oasis

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post reggae music


Morgan Heritage - Hail Up The Lion (uncomfortable)



Vocaloid, UTAU, clever use of Text-To-Speech or Sentence Mixing, ect…

AI stuff has it's own thread tho >>>/music/8397
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most songs have fucked up lyrics, look it up, you may be surprised if you don't know japanese
English Lyrics:
At the bottom of my futon in the pitch dark
I'm sinking further and further into this dreamy nightmare.
On the other side of a familiar screen
Is someone's malicious siege.

What fills the walls
between the gaps in the broken curtains?
Is it tirade? A rant? I don't really know.

Euthanasia is an easy and carefree way to die.
I don't want to commit suicide, that'd be too painful.
I'd rather die a safe and comfortable death.
In the dark of night, a dizzy mort d'amour.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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ITT: I poast bolly music I just heard
You can also post if you want

I'll help anybody to understand it or share the resources to

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I love this with the meme man




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Is the metal scene left wing or right wing?
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hell yeah


picrel is easily my favorite black metal album


I like Autumn Eternal better, Kentucky feels… too gimmicky?


Classic/power other than Black Sabbath is either apolitical or right-wing because of the monarchist LARP, black and slam can be reactionary (racism and misogyny) or apolitical (typical edgy Satanism and snuff/guro lyrics), (melo)death is also mostly Satanist edge and gore, thrash, crossover and traditional metalcore are more likely to be left-wing but that's not a given. Melodic metalcore (both Shai Hulud-core and Gothencore) is either positive messages, emotional angst or finding Jesus so apolitical. Brutal death can be surprisingly lolbertarian (see Dying Fetus).

In conclusion, listen to thrash/crossover/metalcore. Anything with a strong hardcore punk influence is a safe bet.
>hardcore and noise rock
Not metal, doesn't count.


In that case economic liberalism is the most proletarian ideology, isekais are the most proletarian anime, soap operas are the most proletarian TV series and AAA games are the most proletarian video games.

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I bought a new Kramer Baretta Special for 180 bucks to try to get back into guitar playing. It's been fun, but I'm running out of songs I want to learn. I like to be spontaneous by just picking up random songs that I might not have listened to on my own. Tell which song to learn please, it's your pick. I'm advanced enough I play pop,metal, rock, some jazz, but please don't say Polyphia or something that's going to blister the fuck outta me fingers.
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John Cage's 4'33''


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fine, beat on the brat


American Idiot would be amazing for you to cover if your still playing (I know this was posted three years ago, but hopefully you still lurk here) Comrade, ✊😜! I am probably going to start playing guitar soon, though it will probably take me a few months to start covering some Green Day songs, but once I’m able too I might post some audio here if I’m in the mood for it, 🎸✊😜!


>or something that's going to blister the fuck outta me fingers
And I wanted to suggest flamenco a.k.a the best acoustic guitar music. But oh, well.

Play Highway to Hell or Crossroads ig.


this thread old as fuck and im not reading it all but if OP somehow hasn't learned any songs on guitar and also this hasn't already been recommended, you should learn "Come as you are" by nirvana. its really easy.

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What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
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they flew to kill the other then suffered the consequences at the hand of local resistance groups like hamas from shit they do to this day like colonial settlering, no tears for consequences of their actions.


Drill disses are so much better.


Not true. Most Jews who came to Israel had zero choice.


>Most Jews who came to Israel had zero choice.
Did they have a choice about displacing Palestinians there?


My Marxist take is: Kendrick Lamar's music funni, me like Kendrick Lamar.


>Come gather 'round people
>Wherever you roam
>And admit that the waters
>Around you have grown
>And accept it that soon
>You'll be drenched to the bone.
>If your time to you
>Is worth savin'
>Then you better start swimmin'
>Or you'll sink like a stone
>For the times they are a-changin'.


Hard to say whether Desire or Blonde on Blonde is my favorite album but as far as single songs go, Ballad of a Thin Man takes the cake easily


Isn't he a giant Zionist?

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