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Since it's the sixth anniversary of his death I thought this would be a good time to talk about him.

X was a troubled kid from Miami who blew up on SoundCloud in early 2017. He created a huge cult following around him and his music was beloved by millions of kids. However, he was dealing with charges of domestic abuse brought on by his ex-girlfriend and the music industry didn't want to touch him. However, his popularity was so big on streaming that the mainstream music industry was forced to accept him. Then, at the peak of his fame in 2018 he was gunned down during a robbery gone wrong outside of a motorcycle shop. There are still many questions concerning his murder but all four men involved were convicted. After his assassination, X's music exploded more than ever and X became revered as a Christ figure among the youth. Kids were literally claiming he was the messiah who came to earth to bring wisdom and knowledge to the masses (I'm not kidding).

So with all of that said, what is a Marxist take on XXXTentacion, his rise to fame, the messianic cult he created, and everything that happened in the aftermath of his passing?
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Gekyume is going to have a major identity crisis given that the only thing anyone sees him as is a replacement for his father.


>>He slapped her and broke her iPhone 6S, because she had complimented a male friend on his new jewelry. (XXXTentacion later repaired the phone.) Later that day, XXXTentacion left the room and returned with two grilling implements—a “barbecue pitchfork” and a “barbecue cleaner,” she said—and told her to pick between them, because he was going to put one of them in her vagina. She chose the fork. He told her to undress. He was lightly dragging the tool against her inner thigh when she passed out. He did not penetrate her with it.
>About a week and a half into their stint in Orlando, the woman and XXXTentacion were on their way to a show together. They listened to one of XXXTentacion’s songs in the car and she sang along with his verse. Then she hummed along with a verse from a featured artist on the track. After that, XXXTentacion fell silent and left her in the car outside the venue. Inside, they got into a fight. When they arrived home after the show, he took her into the bathroom. “And he was asking me why I was singing his friend’s part of the song, if I like him, why do I like him, like do I ever look at his Twitter,” she said.
>Then, XXXTentacion head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her, and put her in the bathtub, where he continued hitting and kicking her. “He also wanted to cut out my tongue because I was singing the song,” she said. She tried to run away down the street. He tackled her, causing her head to hit the pavement. She suffered black eyes, a lump on the back of her head, scratch marks, and bruises, including a large bruise on her ankle where he stomped her.



You can’t cancel rappers. Kanye and Eminem have both said a lot of fuck shit and neither one was ever canceled for it.


Interestingly enough, both of them are autistic.


The next clout martyr.
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Now do the other NED-sponsored glow rappers in Cuba


Or the rappers in Hong Kong.


When is he scheduled to be executed?


His death sentence was just overturned.


His death sentence was just overturned.


Post drift phonk.

I like when it's mixed with techno. It's like Belgian techno mixed with schranz and rap samples.
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Skeler - N i g h t D r i v e スケラー


Skeler - N i g h t D r i v e スケラー PART II


Skeler - N i g h t D r i v e スケラー PART III (Phonk/Wave)


really good cyberpunk themed mix


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It’s been a long time



Post Indie rock/pop and other "Hipster" shit from the 2000s and 2010s (mostly early 2010s).
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Raveonettes - Aly Walk With Me


Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Gold Lion


Frou Frou - Let Go


The Shins - Sleeping Lessons


How did NO ONE post this one?

This was THE hipster song when I was 22.

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As an avid listener of metal, something that frustrates me is the prevalence of chuds and reactionaries in metal (especially black metal). The visibility of guys like Varg and Famine of Peste Noire infamy has colored the public perception of extreme metal as being the domain of edgelord fascists. What are some metal groups that could be said to be socialist, anarchist, or leftist in some manner?

To start things off, I'd highly recommend the Panopticon album "Kentucky," which is a BM album about the state's history with labor organizing among coal miners, as well as the coal industry's destruction of the state's natural beauty. It's not a perfect album by any means but the way it mixes BM with bluegrass is cool, plus it has an incredibly redpilled message.

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Gråt Strigoi
Antifascist Black Metal


Are Skyclad leftist?



New Sorgsvart!!


is any of this music scaruffi approved?

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Post experimental, progressive, avant-garde etc. metal music. The more experimental and out-there the better.
Kicking the thread off with Igorrr. Baroque-influenced tracks that combine various musical styles like breakcore, industrial, death metal and even polka, as well as often featuring screaming vocals by Öxxö Xööx.
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The drumming isn't jazz in the slightest. It's kind of metal/breakbeat fusion, probably some name for this -core. The vocals are just regular Black Metal shit.


Actually I think I meant death metal. The timbre of the screaming is too low to be black metal.


I don't really know if it is avant-garde, but it is so fucking good, literally cosmic horror in sound form.

Their ambient stuff is also pretty good if you're into that.


Try vitrified entity too, it's a duo with some guy that plays a fretless bass with crazy tones, it's pretty cool.

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Hip hop of any genre
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𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼




My boy RAP Ferreira got re-proletarianized


>it's the music of insecure middle-class schoolboys and upper-middle class frat guys that go to shitty music festivals to date rape girls
thats """EDM""" at least post 2005


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listen to semantics


This pic was actually made as bait by DJ Sammy P. He didn't actually dislike anime + breakcore, it was made to make fun of the ppl who constantly complain about such things. I think it's funny whenever I see ppl post it unironically. RIP Sammy


Breakcore never had the same core audience as dnb and jungle


Does anyone know how ReizokoCJ is doing? Has he been drafted? Killed?


Indeed, there is an overlap between Jazz, Breakcore and Noise. I think these genres are part of one family. I mean, Akira Sakata had a collab with Hijokaidan. Merzbow with other jazz artists. From there, it is only a small step to Kusoikore, lolicore etc.


Post 'em
Classic music videos


this is early-youtube-core


The only vaguely lefty vid I remember has this footage but with a meme song instead


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