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The popularity of city pop has made it so an entire generation of young people growing up on the internet don’t use “funk” or “soul” or “boogie” or “disco” or “jazz fusion” or “quiet storm” to describe music.


I want to believe in your point, but I really don’t understand what you’re getting at. City pop uses syncopation and 7ths and 9ths and longer chord progressions to sound more “funky” and “jazzy” than something like Madonna or Kino. Like, those things are built into the music. I don’t understand how using those terms to describe the music has anything to do with a hauntological analysis.


What is city pop?


Japanese pop music from the eighties, like Plastic Love that was a big meme a while back.

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ITT instruments or equipment you want but will never be able to affordanarcho-communismAnarcho-Communism
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Elektron prices way too high for what I assume are just a membrane pad and SoC board and LCD display and in/out ports in a plastic case
Same with Teenage Engineering
Swedish assholes
Their factories are probably in China anyways


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I gotta start saving up for this combo


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I almost bought it when I was in high school like 14 years ago and decided not to. I regret that decision to this day.


Had Gorillaz on the mind, what have y'all thought about the "revival era"?
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I like the newer stuff, but on reflection Humanz was a disaster and Now Now was way too safe. Took until Song Machine for things to really start clicking with me.


"this new gorillaz album is what happens when you ask those 15 year old white kids who listen to those “gorillaz (no rap)” edits on YouTube what they want out of a gorillaz album"


One of the best songs ever written imo


Well, it is called Cracker Island


New album is kinda whack I thought. Damn shame. Love basically every blur album and the first few gorillaz. Recent couple of gorrilaz has been whack generally.

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What is does it mean?

I thought it was common knowledge among microtonalist and xenharmonists, but I could only find this:



is jazz bourgeois
is old classical bourgeois
is modern classical bourgeois
is noise music bourgeois
are hyper obscure, super sophisticated sub-genres of otherwise popular types of music (hiphop, rock, metal) bourgeois
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All media is proletarian if you get it 4 free


I went to see Wagner and it was epic, I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it, but the crowd was funny because there were actual haute bourgeoisie there, half of them looked like Mr. Burns and were just about to keel over dead. Just all the evil rich Republican people in this city were there in their Sunday best, not the "populists" with no class, but the shadowy creeps who own industries and pull the strings behind the curtain. Like actual old money.

But it was a great opera. I don't see what's so bourgeois about the art form itself. Lunacharsky, the Soviet minister of culture in the 20s-30s, was a big Wagner geek. He was gay for Wagner and they performed his operas there. After the concert, the opera singers did a smaller Q&A with some of the people who stayed behind (actual opera fans), and this one guy who just travels around the world attending operas got up and went on a long spiel about how to make opera more appealing to the masses, and he had some suggestion about making it easier for fans to interact with the singers backstage, but one of the performers who played Alberich, who was also a redneck dude from one of those redneck small towns in the state, made a point that nobody up there gives a fuck what you wear to the opera.

Like you can wear pajamas, they don't care. They just like the art form. They seemed like really cool people. I think that reputation of it being a hoity-toity thing is really because of these rich people who, as much as they appreciate it with their money, go in part to show off to their friends. The people who actually stuck around afterwards for the Q&A with these people were not dressed as fancily.

He also made a quick point that they don't mind people coming up to them after the show, or hanging out backstage, but they do have security for a reason, because of something like "opera houses are not actually safe, you don't know how bad something can go until it happens." He didn't elaborate, but I imagine some lunatic opera fanatic stalking some performer or a LaRouche cult member going ballistic because they didn't do it with Verdi tuning.


Wait are LaRouchites actually responsible for the 432 Hz meme lol
They're behind so much crackpot stuff it's unbelievable


At most petit-bourgeoisie. Actual bourgeoisie dont give a shit.


no art form is inherently bourgeois, or remains such for time immemorial. things may start boug, but can become co-opted. realistically art in general are just frames through which any number of ideas or feelings can be portrayed. i'd refer you to that classic zizek bit on Ode to Joy.

anyway it cant be boug because i like jazz and calling something boug is bad, but jazz is good and i like it, ergo not bourgeois


ITT: Songs that sum up how you are feeling right now.

I'll start with this cuz I've been living on borrowed time for a while
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Give me back my broken night
My mirrored room, my secret life
It's lonely here
There's no one left to torture
Give me absolute control
Over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby
That's an order!

Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
And stuff it up the hole
In your culture
Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St. Paul
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Song for thirtysomething anti-capitalist burnouts.


The caution tape that you’ve wrapped around my brain
Has continued to stay as I’m waiting for a break
Constantly connecting dots
Trying my best, consuming facts
All I’ve learned what’s done is done
And you can not change the past
Helping or hurting?
I am numb
I haven’t felt anything in days
Confusion is key as I am locked inside
Or am I just really gone?



Orishas are a Cuban hip hop group from Havana, Cuba, founded in 1999. The group was first called "Amenaza", "threat" or "menace" in Spanish, and appealed to the Cuban youth. The choice of this name for the hip hop group is a way of creating a direct link between this band and the African diaspora. The group is based in France where they made a deal with a record company, although they visit Cuba frequently. In 1999 Fidel Castro threw a party for them and had a meeting with all the musicians. It was the first time the Cuban government showed support for hip hop music. The group was and still is popular in Europe (especially France, Italy, Spain and Portugal) and Latin America.

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Denpa(電波) is a Japanese subculture characterized by bizarre and eerie themes. It originally began as a derogative term for mentally deranged behavior, but over the 1990s was adapted by otaku into their culture. In part, through artistic expression within manga, anime and visual novels, and also separately as a genre of cute and quirky music.

More information:

Denpa blogs:

Music downloads:
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damn this shit is good


Song about a literal war between otaku circles and defending the "princess" (slang for the sole girl in a group of otaku) from revolution.


nice song


Y'know, this is exactly what I was talking about from the onset,
But now's not the time to worry about catching my breath and all that.
We're beyond the level of unreasonable requests and tossing random crap at me,
You're a hater who wants to wreck my voice and force me to retire, aren't you?
Even if I do manage to pull this off, you won't give a single damn about me.
And then you're saying you wanna "pamper me like a XX"??
Aaugh, I can't do this anymore! It's too much!!
Now stop giving me these stupid requests!!!



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>Rock is 0 or 1
>Metal is 2 or 3
>Punk is 4 or 5
>Cow-Punk is 6 or 7
>Hip-Hop is 8 or 9
2nd to last digit determines genre
1st to last digit determines album
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rollin rollin rollin


keep those doggies rollin
want oil





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Check this 1.

>Pulse Demon
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not exactly noise but i think nihilist spasm band deserves a mention


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