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 No.966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

fellow zoomers get ITT. I'm making this thread for myself, since it's all I listen to these days. don't hesitate to recommend shit you like. it does not necessarily have to contain rap. anything in the area of trip hop, downtempo, lo-fi, chopped and screwed, gorillaz. you get the idea

some artists:
Knxwledge is a former soundcloud producer. he's the founder of the sound that YouTube calls "lo-fi hip hop" these days.
Mach Hommy, my current favorite rapper. possibly the greatest rapper of all time. just released a great album called Fete Des Morts.
MIKE. rapper and producer. makes a LOT of music which is mostly him rapping over his own beats.

some songs:
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Nice to see this thread is still up
Yes it was




flood detected


one more


Vibes anon's theme song. Post songs about vibes and vibrations.




what's the best posse cut in hip hop?

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What do y'all think of Rush?
I've been listening to quite a bit of their music lately and they're one of the best prog bands of all time, but I can't get past some of their lyrics.
If no one knows Rush is known for having very deep philosophical lyrics, but their philosophy comes from Ayn Rand lol. Obviously their stupid politics doesn't prevent me from enjoying their music but I wanna know what y'all think about artists who are like this for you.


Probably my least favorite prog band. I didn't even know they were libertarians, I just think their sound sucks.


I'm a huge fan of prog but Rush never gripped me for some reason. I probably haven't listened enough.


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I enjoy Rush, they were the first band that really gripped me as a kid, so I give them credit where it's due for getting me into music at a young age. I personally like their synth era the most, it's super divisive but I always found they hit that perfect balance of technicality and pop sensibility during that era, plus Neil's lyrics aren't as insufferable as compared to the Prog era. Heresy is probably their worst song lyrically, and unlike 2112 it doesn't have the music to carry it.


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>deeply philosophical
>philosophy comes from Ayn Rand


rush is the closest thing leftoids ever got to the glory of true prog, but in true lefty fashion they completely missed the point by making it political. they could have been almost as good as Yes or Asia if only the messages weren't garbage leftoid propaganda


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anything that Narcoleptic Fox uploads is a gem



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I wasn’t surprised that he was arrested for picking up his Grammies. But I’m disturbed that zoomers don’t know who he is.
They actually expected pop records to win in the hip hop category.
It’s over.
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This one is with Zack de la Rocha.

Don't be fooled that Run the Jewels is leftist in any way shape or form.
Just enjoy their left-ish music without looking into it.


> disturbed that zoomers don’t know who he is
I’m not.
They don’t care that Killer Mike has been around forever because they’re too young to remember that shit. Also Travis Scott lost so his fans are a bit pissy about it. His music is about as entertaining as wallpaper to me but it does have more mainstream appeal than Mike among younger demographics.


zoomers might know killer mike from run the jewels
also outkast has had a big resurgence of interest in the 2010s
i remember ms jackson was a meme when i was in high school


> zoomers dont know this guy

why are you guys so obsessed about having your generational tastes being immortalised?

Stop being entitled


It’s not really generational since a lot of the run the jewels stuff came out when zoomers were teenagers.

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Can one of you fags explain what the appeal of music is? Never understood why people find music enjoyable.
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when it comes to enjoying music, having a soul helps.


And the more souls you have the better it is, like how pulleys work.


Because you're legitimately autistic anon. Seriously, if no music appeals to you in any way or form, then you need to see if something in you is broken. Humanity created music as a way of entertaining but also imitating sounds, likely as hunting whistles, and drumming on logs and what-not is something even Great Apes do. So as human paleolithic groups evolved and developed, at some point music developed in different places simultaneously, and like early painting, slowly formed into an art form, with dedicated tools being created for the express purpose of music. We like music because of the patterns, rhythm, soul and melody and it appeals to us.



it's not just a beat tho
a song can have a perfectly quantized beat and still sound like shit


If you don't like it you don't like it, nobody can explain it to you.


Post your favorite Folk-Punk
I'll start
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leaat 12 year old egoist


Like lost children we live our unfinished adventures.





Hypothetically speaking, how would you feel if Israel won Eurovision this year?

What would it mean?




I wouldn't care.


Would that be more fucked up than when folk-rap neonazis got it in 2022?


I fucking love Blind Guardian, I've been neglecting all their albums other than the first 2 for the past 5 or so years, only recently did I begin to appreciate Tales from the Twilight World and Somewhere Far Beyond, they're such wonderful and epic albums
I regret not giving this song a listen years ago. This one, and Lost in the Twilight Hall.

So what's your favorite band? Favorite album?
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Did anyone listen to the new Sonata Arctica yet? It's supposed to be their return to power metal.


I generally don't like power metal, but I have a soft spot for middle era metal kamelot if that counts.

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