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Give me the most horrendous, violent and disgusting music you have. I'll start.
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Really got into Brainbombs this summer. The lyrics are some of the edgiest shit imaginable, but it scratches an itch like nothing else.




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>be me
>hang around R. J. Dio's circle in the late '60s
>tell him "Hey, Ronnie, you should form a different kind of band called Elf, this doo-wop thing is done"
>he forms the hard rock band Elf

>be me again later, in 1975

>"Hey Ronnie, this Elf thing is limiting you, you should join our mutual friend Ritchie Blackmore's band Rainbow I think he has some really cool ideas"
>Ronnie James Dio joins seminal '70s metal band Rainbow, producing such classic albums as Rising and Long Live Rock & Roll

>Be me, 1979

>"Hey RJ, a little band called Black Sabbath is looking for a new vocalist, I think you might be up to the task!"
>Ronne James Dio joins Black Sabbath, rejuvenating his career and launching him into heavy metal superstardom

>Be me

>hang around R. J. Dio's circle in the early '80s
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Who are you, how did you know Dio personally?!


Dio can you hear me, I am lost and so alone


I'm askin' for your guidance. Would you come down from your throne?


I miss Dio so much bros.


Do you listen to anything that makes you keep your head up in hopes of a better tomorrow? Things have been turbulent in Brazil this year, and it'll only get even worse from here, regardless of the outcome of the election. I've been listening to communists songs lately, more specifically the Internationale, that gives me hope to keep fighting liberal and reactionary hegemony in the country.
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Post what you're currently listening to
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Back in the 90s and Bush years rappers loved conspiracy theories, the Nation of Islam, liberally using "faggot" and "uygha", indulged in virulent misogyny, etc. Even in the early Obama years Killer Mike was rapping:

"Step and fetch funky ass, flunky ass uyghas
Dick in the booty for your Massa' ass uyghas
I don't fear no man
Not Bush not Clinton not Osama"

During the Bush years Immortal Technique had lyrics like this:

"But you know what the fuck I think is just pathetic and gay?
When uyghas speculate what the fuck 'Pac would say
You don't know shit about a dead man's perspective
And talkin' shit'll get your neck bone disconnected
uyghas don't show no love
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There absolutely is, wokeness is garbage. It strips people from having any sort of creativity or edginess or fun, now you have to walk on eggshells to make any joke that's somewhat non-milquetoast. I am a supporter of social justice but I am also a supporter of creativity and fun


"I'm like ᴉuᴉlossnW, I rule with a iron fist
I stab you in the bladder with a dagger and watch you die in piss
Cut inside your wrist, drink the bloodmoney
And your face is the perfect place for a slug, money
You ain't a thug money, you all maggots
You like to chill and hold hands with faggots
You like to conduct yourself like a savage
You like the smell of males on your mattress"


Vinnie Paz my white italian homophobic devout muslim wigger conspiritard infowars king


its a daily thing some new rapper is being shit on for being transphobic or something


Reminds me of A Tribe Called Quest complaining about date rapes in 90's. My instincts yelled idpol about the song tens of years ago (not that I support rape I just wondered why they had such feminist themes in their rap).


Anybody here play an instrument or have musical talent of some kind?
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Instructional LP by Pete Seeger for 6-string acoustic guitars. Another one for 12-string guitars: https://piped.kavin.rocks/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_muRjBxnMHsRI2SV8hJheGSjfvUNQbLJbc




ML Folk Music


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post conservative and rightoid music of any genre.
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I'm pretty sure Nickelback endorsed former conservative Canadian PM Stephen Harper. So nickelback is "right wing".


NGL this is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.




Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Throw them some pesos, and they work so hard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
Illegals in my yard
I don't even ask if they got green card

They're gonna pave up my driveway this Christmas
They're gonna clean all my cars this Christmas
They're gonna shovel all the snow this Christmas
Those illegals in my yard
They're gonna dig me a pool this Christmas
They're gonna landscape my lawn this Christmas
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Post chill house, dnb, and other electronic mood music.
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Britney Spears - Toxic (DJibouti Dub) (Official Audio)


Communist elevator music…



This one elevates you no matter what



Can someone who is a fan or something explain what this guy's fucking deal is? Why is he releasing albums on major labels while prancing around with Wolfsangels and other pseudo-swastikas?
People say it's all full of double meanings, but his music is so unpleasant to listen to, it's such a celebration of anti-intellectualism and being braindead that I end up too disgusted to even listen to it.
Before you immediately assume I'm not "in on it" I'm a big fan of Genocide Organ, who have a similar approach of using reactionary symbols as a weapon against reactionary ideology. When it comes to this guy, I mean, he's hanging out with Tom Metzger and Bob Heick. Stewart Home, who seems like a pretty cool guy, directly accused him of being a Nazi, in an article that is here but I have yet to read it
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I should clarify that I am also a Crisis enjoyer of course.



Check Boyd's IG. He's super, super pro-Israel now.



I liked this article from some years ago about navel-gazing "apoliteic music" and how that ties into post-war fascism. Like "oh boo hoo, woe is us, Evropa is lost, but maybe one day the phoenix will rise again…"

>Although fascism is an enfant terrible of the twentieth century, its socio-political lifespan is not bounded by ᴉuᴉlossnW’s and Hitler’s regimes. After the joint forces of the Soviet Union and the western liberal democracies had crushed fascism’s war machine, it was forced to evolve or, rather, mutate into three distinct forms. The groups that still wanted to participate in the political process had to dampen their revolutionary ardour rather dramatically and translate it ‘as far as possible into the language of liberal democracy’. This strategy gave birth to new radical right-wing parties that have become electorally successful in several countries over the last twenty-five years. Revolutionary ultra-nationalists, on the other hand, retreated to the margins of socio-political life and took the form of small groupuscules that kept alive ‘the illusory prospect of having a revolutionary impact on society’. The third form of post-war fascism was conceptualized in the teachings of two fascist philosophers, Armin Mohler and Julius Evola. In Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918-1932, published in 1950, Mohler argued that, since fascist revolution was indefinitely postponed due to the political domination of liberal democracy, true ‘conservative revolutionaries’ found themselves in an ‘interregnum’ that would, however, spontaneously give way to the spiritual grandeur of national reawakening. This theme of right-wing ‘inner emigration’ was echoed by Evola in his Cavalcare la tigre (Ride the Tiger), published in 1961. Evola acknowledged that, while ‘the true State, the hierarchical and organic State’, lay in ruins, there was ‘no one party or movement with which one can unreservedly agree and for which one can fight with absolute devotion, in defence of some higher idea’. Thus, l’uomo differenziato should practise ‘disinterest, detachment from everything that today constitutes “politics”‘, and this was exactly the principle that Evola called ‘apoliteia’. While apoliteia does not necessarily imply abstention from socio-political activities, an apoliteic individual, an ‘aristocrat of the soul’ (to cite the subtitle of the English translation of Cavalcare la tigre), should always embody his ‘irrevocable intern
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