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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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The guy from Nazareth died today.


Pretty chill EP I found by 53 Thieves. I esp like the last track, "heat".

Probably good for you stoners out there as well.

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>BTS set to move forward with plans to fulfill their mandatory military service in South Korea.
>The group will reconvene in 2025 once their service is over

I guess not exempting them from this is part of their way to promote this practice,
I find countries with mandatory service to be disgusting for some reason, maybe if it was under socialism I wouldn't mind it


if Elvis did it, so can BTS


did it do anything to the teens back then? did it make them anti-government


Elvis took it like a cuck, so no


Ryo Kawasaki - Juice - Sometime


Fuck delete the thread.





Guardian Angel - Spirit

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I often hear people mention Sioxie and the Banshees, yet I never hear people mention my favorite band, The Violent Femmes. How can this graph be so?


Did you like want your thread to inexorably slide towards the bottom of the catalog just off of how obnoxious the OP is? Here's a pity reply anyways


That was not my intention


one of my favorite memories was getting drunk and dancing to blister in the sun with my homies in our living room… good times


good times indeed

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just post shit to study and relax to 24/7
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bumping to post some stuff later


dilla doesn't get enough respect put on his name



Post 2000s or late 90s music
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forgotten britpop



anyone remember Roswell?



or Dawson's Creek?


Since there's no martial industrial thread, I will make this as a call to my anons-in-arms to workout for the impending all-out class war. Post all your martial industrial favorites here! I'm not sure what to post myself, I always recommend March of Heroes or Militia for MLs and anarchists alike, but I think this is a nice compilation. Some of it is straight power electronics but the two genres are related
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Don't mind the far right claiming this music as theirs or larping in the comment section, it's no different from them claiming anything else as their own




Where can I find more of this?

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