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Arctic monkeys is cringe and gay
Even if you like them, you have to admit it
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this is good also


I heard of them on NPR when the first album was out. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

I saw them for free on The Jimmy Kimmel show back in 2007.

But yeah you're right they are very British. I think I wanted to live in Britain back then. Glad I never I never moved there.


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>I saw them for free on The Jimmy Kimmel show back in 2007.
>that was 15 years ago.


>I think I wanted to live in Britain back then. Glad I never I never moved there.
I was just thinking wanting to move to Britain/Sheffield because of being an Arctic Monkeys fan is like all the Euro Wu Tang fans that want to live in Long Island lol. I didn't actually want to move there because of them but still.

I was into a couple brit artists back then.
Dizee Rascal

Was into dubstep before Skrillex-step became a thing(I met Skrillex one time at the Glendale Galleria). Was into Jungle like Conquering Lion.

These days the only Brit band I'm into is Average White Band. Sage you need to return to your Scottish roots and make some Blue Eyed Soul.


What's an arctic monkey

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Does anyone else not here the bass in most songs that are supposed to contain bass? Am I retarded or something?
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You can't hear the bass that much because it's mixed pretty low and it's just doubling up the lead guitar.


To add, that's why more sophisticated music uses techniques like counterpoint and etc.


Notice how the different rhythmic elements only line up sometimes on the bass notes. The bass also occasionally plays different improvisations and melodies in the empty spaces.


I can hear it pretty clearly, but it doesn't really stand out in the mix unless you listen for it since it's just doubling the root note of the guitar chords. To an average listener it probably just sounds like guitar.


Ok, OP here, I now know why. When I heard what I think is the "Guitar" its actually the sound of the Guitar and Bass combined. They basically act as one instrument.

An examples is the song Bitchin' Camaro, they just play the first string for major barre chords, the second string for minor barre chords, on the same fret as the chord.
>Bass https://youtu.be/ibd9dRX9KBk?t=125
>Guitar https://youtu.be/ufxXRdUT_UY?t=2


I won't stop shilling Aurora


Post 'em
Whatever gets you through the day
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The merry brown hares came a-leaping
Over the crest of the hill
Where the clover and corn lay a-sleeping
Under the moonlight so still
Leaping so late and so early
'Till under their bite and their tread
The swedes and the wheat and the barley
Lay cankered and trampled and dead

A poacher's poor widow sat sighing
On the side of the moss-patterned bank
Where under the gloom of the fir-woods
One acre of ground laying rank
She watched over barely grown clover
Where rabbit or hare never ran
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While in the merry month of May, from me home I started
Left the girls of Tuam so sad and broken hearted
Saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother
Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother

Then off to reap the corn, leave where I was born
Cut a stout black thorn to banish ghosts and goblins
Bought a pair of brogues rattling o'er the bogs
And fright'ning all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin

One, two, three, four, five,
Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
All the way to Dublin, whack follol de rah

In Mullingar that night I rested limbs so weary
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Ты лети с дороги, птица,
Зверь, с дороги уходи!
Видишь, облако клубится,
Кони мчатся впереди!
И с налета, с поворота,
По цепи врагов густой
Застрочит из пулемета
Пулеметчик молодой.

Эх, тачанка-ростовчанка,
Наша гордость и краса,
Конармейская тачанка,
Все четыре колеса!
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It ain't what it used too let me tell you
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this is a 90s cover of a 30s song. the lyrics are about a chick going out against her mom's wishes and having a wild ass night with dancing and good SÉX


Why? Why did you have to ruin it?? Now I can't listen to it again!



normal fags ruin everything


SÉX with polkajak

The sound of a polka drifted from my neighbor's
And set my feet a-tapping oh!
Ieva's mother had her eye on her daughter but
Ieva she managed to fool her, you know.
'Cause who's going to listen to mother saying no
When we're all busy dancing to and fro!

Ieva was smiling, the fiddle it was wailing
As people crowded round to wish her luck.
Everyone was hot but it didn't seem to bother
The handsome young man, the dashing buck.
'Cause who's going to mind a drop of sweat
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Thread for anything Marg Bar Amerika related.





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lil pump has graced us once again with another mediocre track



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documental delos redskinhead españa 90s


redskinhead ducky boy raperos vs neonazis y hooligans de extrema derecha paris


>Soviet Pif synth: a cute analog synthesizer for children (+ FREE Sample Library)


I want a polivox so bad


nxc is canon gay culture.

feel free to dump remixed pop and trance trax.


Nightcore as a music genre feels incredibly soulless to me like vaporwave. Both are similar in that they create a very distinct sound, atmosphere and aesthetic. From my experience vaporwave is sedative and nighcore acts slightly excitatory.
I used to listen to nightcore in high-school when finishing essays overnight and it kept me alert while not being hard to listen to. Most of it was post 2000 pop remixes. I think the strength of nightcore lies in making contemporary pop less annoying to listen to while preserving its positives.



Not everything has to be great and meaningful
Nightcores simplicity makes it great



A classic.

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