>>11007Exactly, Cornelius Castoriadis and the Situationists basically. Castoriadis was a huge influence on Guy Debord's political thought, along with György Lukács and Henri Lefebvre.
Laetitia Sadier was asked once:
>If you were going on a cross country road trip and could bring a long any three people in the world, who would they be and why?and answered:
>I would bring Cornelius Castoriadis because we could talk about politics, economics, philosophy, psychology, planet earth, the universe, Greek poetry, languages amongst any other subject we could tackle together, and think of ways of placing them into our everyday reality. Buckminster Fuller, and how we could think of revolutionary ways to bring about wellbeing for every one living on our planet. And my friend Marie for spontaneous laughs on the way.Castoriadis had many takes that would make virtually all /leftypol/ users seethe very hard, I have in mind one article making fun of Khrushchev so much it would make an anti-revisionist blush, he could be extremely critical of Marxism (and psychoanalysis), but he was a good reader of Marx and I think he was right to passionately defend the idea of direct democracy as it existed in Ancient Greece.
A very singular thinker, who perhaps was wrong about a few things — notably saying the tendency of the rate of profit to fall was disproven, might have seemed that way during the post-WWII boom, but in 2024, capitalism isn't the same and it seems like Marx was right in the end — but certainly worth studying, was knowledgeable about many subjects and had a good sense of humor.
>>10941On the top of my head, look at the lyrics of Ping Pong (boom and bust cycles), Slow Fast Hazel (historical materialism) or French Disko (they don't say "french disco" during the chorus but something else).
Here is an often overlooked collaboration between Stereolab and Brigitte Fontaine, who was also a big inspiration for Laetitia Sadier. They made a B-side dedicated to her called "Brigitte" a few years prior, and finally got to collaborate in 1999 during the Cobra era. If you can understand French, the lyrics are pretty funny.
Stereolab is one of my favorite 90s band, thanks
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