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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Rock/blues from the Berber Sahel area

Appearantly it exists and it's real good stuff.

Was gonna write I discovered it in a Siberia thread about roleplaying in the desert but whoever cares.

Youtube kept pimping me some videos about it a year or two ago I never clicked on.

Ooops just saw that was a clipped down version of the vid.

Ok this is the video youtube kept promoting to me I think.

>The Best Guitar Music Today Is Coming From The Sahara Desert

>1.6M views 4 years ago
>Hypnotic, soulful guitars with groovy, intricate rhythms; Tichumaren (AKA Sahara desert blues) is one of the most exciting guitar-rock genres to emerge in the 21st century.


Post music that makes you feel like coolest motherfucker ever.
3 posts omitted.

sigma bateman stuff has already been beaten to death long ago but this mix is decent, no phonk, just original music

This style of dancing emerged from (mostly) black gay men and transgender people in Harlem in the 1980s. They lived in serious poverty and would hijack clothes for drag balls from luxury department stores. Willi Ninja, the main star in this video, was one of the drag queens and started breaking out of the ghetto as a designer. He died of HIV/AIDS. One of the drag queens in their social circle was a transgender prostitute who went home with a man who murdered her in a seedy hotel room.


THIS IS SUCH A BANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

shit slaps

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Is the metal scene left wing or right wing?
14 posts and 2 image replies omitted.

I like Autumn Eternal better, Kentucky feels… too gimmicky?

Classic/power other than Black Sabbath is either apolitical or right-wing because of the monarchist LARP, black and slam can be reactionary (racism and misogyny) or apolitical (typical edgy Satanism and snuff/guro lyrics), (melo)death is also mostly Satanist edge and gore, thrash, crossover and traditional metalcore are more likely to be left-wing but that's not a given. Melodic metalcore (both Shai Hulud-core and Gothencore) is either positive messages, emotional angst or finding Jesus so apolitical. Brutal death can be surprisingly lolbertarian (see Dying Fetus).

In conclusion, listen to thrash/crossover/metalcore. Anything with a strong hardcore punk influence is a safe bet.
>hardcore and noise rock
Not metal, doesn't count.

In that case economic liberalism is the most proletarian ideology, isekais are the most proletarian anime, soap operas are the most proletarian TV series and AAA games are the most proletarian video games.

Metal is mostly right wing. I think this is because many who are into metal are edgelords. The right has a monopoly on being edgy and offensive. Honestly a lot of left wing metal heads are really annoying and try to force their pc ideas onto a genre that is supposed to be extremely edgy and have no limits.

Crossover and crust are leftist as well. And Bay Area Thrash is at least anti-war and lolbertarian (*cough* *cough* Lars Ulrich *cough* *cough*).
Which one? Traditional is leftist, modern is more apolitical and philosophical rather than liberal. Except maybe seeyouspacecowboy, those are intersectional feminists (they don't like being called "metalcore" for some reason though).
>boomer metal - reactionary
How so? Seems to be largely apolitical.
>power metal - reactionary
If you consider Napoleon Bonaparte reactionary then sure. 'Cause the ideology of power metal is enlightened abso|utism. Though I don't think people who make this music genuinely want a monarchy, they're probably lolberts.


post some good anti-war music, bonus points for unknowns and newer shit thats actually good
2 posts omitted.

I think this might be the most Marxist anti-war song I've ever heard.


Any mainstream pop music from any decade that you like, including remixes.
17 posts omitted.

PinkPantheress x Ice Spice - Boy's a Liar Pt.2 (NEVER DULL REMIX) [90s house remix]

I really like The Fame Monster EP (the original one with 6 tracks or so). Unironically. It's pure synthpop fun.
Homogenic did really well on the charts (as it deserved) but isn't Unravel a little too out there to be mainstream pop? Maybe the 90s were just built different.
Best "Boy's a Liar" remix coming through.

this is majestic

>this radiohead ice spice mashup awakens my tragic quadroon soul

Kim Petras - Problématique


does leftypol like sewerslvt?
38 posts and 6 image replies omitted.

this is a chipbreak thread now

She titled one track as 'Bubble Tea Is Gay, Taiwan Is Still China, Fuck You', which is gonna be a yikes from me..

Why you mad at them supporting the one China policy???

Rightoid transhumanist. Is there a deeper contradiction?

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another AI song covers thread since the old one died

an "OK" taylor swift cover of The Road I'm On by 3 Doors Down

a few vocal artifacts

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Any native people here? Why is it so hard to find Native music by tribe? It's all just 'native' or 'native american'. I found a playlist on spotify that's all Cherokee music and thought some of y'all would like it:

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RIP Syed Nasrallah. Post your favorite nasheeds here. https://soundcloud.com/facho3133/ya-wadallah-ya-nasrallah

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