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/music/ - Music

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Zoomers: Somebody That I Used To Know
Millennials: Feel Good Inc.
Gen X: Smells Like Teen Spirit
Boomers: Another Brick In The Wall
Silent Gen: That's Life
Greatest Gen:0:30

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Why do communist NERDS dislike jazz?
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its ok to say its 2deep4u whitoids

>jazz has to bop or its made by white people

the 'bop' is to make it palatable to white people, you have it backwards.

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I dont disagree with you the white people had a place in the early formation of Jazz; just that at the time of its early formation it was catergorized as 'black' and put into the narrow box; this is evidenced by the framing around the cotton club and shit we discussed earlier

All blues music after WWII and especially Civil Rights is dogshit
Black people stopped suffering to make good music
Good for them I guess

>Adorno posting
Adorno never really hated jazz, cause he never really studied it, he was studying why popular music was popular and big band white jazz happened to be what was popular in his day
>Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, Dick Jurgens
lets be honest, if you had to listen to these guys as well, you'd also think it'd suck ass compared to some of the best classical modernists such as Berg or Webern.

the thing is Adorno doesn't really hate Jazz, he hates all pop music, and the reason he hates it is because he took his work as a philosopher seriously, and he honestly took pop music seriously to the point where he couldn't deny how terrible it was. To him pop music represents a music that can be consumed and played to fit a role in society, and Adorno felt like art music shouldn't ever be exploited or used in this way, it should defy law and society.


post leftist music
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This is by far one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

>post-leftist music
Kind of a stretch and leftists hate "lifestylists" but okay.

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>reading about vaporwave and other 2010s genres (including ones that aren't just samples slowed, chopped and changed) for nostalgia purposes
>start seeing all the musical genre discussion, namedropping artists, people talking about their craft, discussion of technique, cliques, whatever
>start seething again that despite being a passable artist, 3d modeller, and programmer, i cannot and will not ever understand how to make music
fuck musicians. every other group can make a tutorial but not them. oh, go learn sheet music, learn all these italian terms for shit. bro you can do it with all these online resources out there (btw i had pro music lessons since age 5 hehe). fuckers. ask an artist and he'll show you how to draw a cube, or even break down an existing drawing for you. ask a programmer and he'll show you how to type up hello world or make basic game mechanics or whatever. ask a 3d modeller and he'll show you the donut tutorial. useful, practical advice that you can use. musicians? uhh, practical advice? uhh i dunno bro ~just do what sounds good~. show you? why would i do something like that? idk bro download a midi, look at that wall of blocks and just understand it, okay? just do that but different… just do what sounds good…
fuck you, how about i learn how to surgically replace your arms with lobsters. huh? does that sound good buddy? get out of my ears, worm.
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i want to know how chord progressions translate into what notes you actually play, specifically whether you can repeat the same chord within the progression before "moving on" (i.e. play the I chord 4 times and have it still count as the I phase of the progression, then move on to V and play it 3 times…and so on.)

basically: if i play the "C" chord on a piano 4 times, can that be the first part of an I-V-vi-IV progression (i.e. it only "progresses" when you pick a new chord, but you can play that chord over and over as much s you want), or would doing that create an "I-I-I-I" progression because you can only play the chord once.

basically my question could be turned around to: on a guitar you can keep your hands on C and strum away while still being in the "I" part of this progression, on a piano can you keep mashing "C" in the same fashion? every time i've typed the note of a chord in a confusing way, imagine strumming the guitar or playing that chord on the piano. (i.e. Strum C, wait 2 beats, Strum C, Strum G 4 times, Play C, wait 2 beats, Play C…)

or if you like: is the key part of a chord progression playing the chord or the chord change? if you play the same chord twice, does that count as the second phase of the progression, or does it stay in the same phase until you pick a new one?

i tried this and ran into the problem i was content with music at a much simpler level than was necessary to understand it. like, i'm happy not playing chords at all and just finding melodic versions of tunes i like. that's relaxing to sit and play but it didn't teach me anything.

>i tried this and ran into the problem i was content with music at a much simpler level than was necessary to understand it. like, i'm happy not playing chords at all and just finding melodic versions of tunes i like. that's relaxing to sit and play but it didn't teach me anything.
Well, anon, the learning comes from analysing what you've played. Could you give an example of a melodic version of a song you like?
>basically my question could be turned around to: on a guitar you can keep your hands on C and strum away while still being in the "I" part of this progression, on a piano can you keep mashing "C" in the same fashion?
NTA but this seems like more of a piano-playing question than a theory question. I'm no pianist, but as far as I know pretty much anything goes. Listen to the piano in Mr Blue Sky, for example, which has the pianist playing straight quarter notes for most of the verse, and then something like Don't Stop Me Now, where Freddie plays it as a broken chord and does some fancy rhythmic stuff incorporating both hands. It's just about whatever fits the feel of the song.

>if i play the "C" chord on a piano 4 times, can that be the first part of an I-V-vi-IV progression (i.e. it only "progresses" when you pick a new chord, but you can play that chord over and over as much s you want), or would doing that create an "I-I-I-I" progression because you can only play the chord once.
you could play C major for as long as you want and it would still be written as I-V-vi-IV, since that denotes the chord 'changes' and not necessarily how many times each chord is played

>basically: if i play the "C" chord on a piano 4 times, can that be the first part of an I-V-vi-IV progression (i.e. it only "progresses" when you pick a new chord, but you can play that chord over and over as much s you want), or would doing that create an "I-I-I-I" progression because you can only play the chord once.
Ooooooh, I see what you mean now. This is an interesting question, because if the chord doesn't change, it wouldn't be a progression so much as a vamp. It kind of depends on context. Like, I'd say that the verse from Ever Fallen in Love by the Buzzcocks is a chord progression, albeit a very simple one. The first chord is held for almost two bars, then another is played, then it is returned to, then the second chord is played, then a third. I'd write that progression as


I wouldn't write


because that takes ages and is silly. If I wanted to show rhythm and meter as well as chords, I'd use a chart, either incorporating numerals or the Nashville Number System (but I don't know how that works, so don't ask)

its because theres natural talent involved anon. No matter what not everyone will be a good singer


itt: outlaw music

>"outlaw music"
>look inside
>song about a cop killing an outlaw

Renzo Novatore approves this thread.

I'm curious: is there nihilist outlaw music? Nietzschean outlaw music?

I don't know, maybe this song counts?

People say I'm no good
And crazy as a loon
'Cause I get stoned in the mornin'
I get drunk in the afternoon
Kinda like my old blue tick hound
I like to lay around in the shade
And I ain't got no money
But I damn sure got it made

'Cause I ain't askin' nobody for nothin'
If I can't get it on my own
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post jah chune n dat fam
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Delroy Wilson - Living In The Footsteps

In Crowd – Born In Ethiopia! & Ethiopia

Leroy Horsemouth Wallace - Herb Vendor

Fuck this song goes hard. Makes me want to become a weed dealer.

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Neasden Connection - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1

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post reggae music

Morgan Heritage - Hail Up The Lion (uncomfortable)


Vocaloid, UTAU, clever use of Text-To-Speech or Sentence Mixing, ect…

AI stuff has it's own thread tho >>>/music/8397
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most songs have fucked up lyrics, look it up, you may be surprised if you don't know japanese
English Lyrics:
At the bottom of my futon in the pitch dark
I'm sinking further and further into this dreamy nightmare.
On the other side of a familiar screen
Is someone's malicious siege.

What fills the walls
between the gaps in the broken curtains?
Is it tirade? A rant? I don't really know.

Euthanasia is an easy and carefree way to die.
I don't want to commit suicide, that'd be too painful.
I'd rather die a safe and comfortable death.
In the dark of night, a dizzy mort d'amour.
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ITT: I poast bolly music I just heard
You can also post if you want

I'll help anybody to understand it or share the resources to

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I love this with the meme man

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I bought a new Kramer Baretta Special for 180 bucks to try to get back into guitar playing. It's been fun, but I'm running out of songs I want to learn. I like to be spontaneous by just picking up random songs that I might not have listened to on my own. Tell which song to learn please, it's your pick. I'm advanced enough I play pop,metal, rock, some jazz, but please don't say Polyphia or something that's going to blister the fuck outta me fingers.
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John Cage's 4'33''

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fine, beat on the brat

American Idiot would be amazing for you to cover if your still playing (I know this was posted three years ago, but hopefully you still lurk here) Comrade, ✊😜! I am probably going to start playing guitar soon, though it will probably take me a few months to start covering some Green Day songs, but once I’m able too I might post some audio here if I’m in the mood for it, 🎸✊😜!

>or something that's going to blister the fuck outta me fingers
And I wanted to suggest flamenco a.k.a the best acoustic guitar music. But oh, well.

Play Highway to Hell or Crossroads ig.

this thread old as fuck and im not reading it all but if OP somehow hasn't learned any songs on guitar and also this hasn't already been recommended, you should learn "Come as you are" by nirvana. its really easy.

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