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/music/ - Music

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I downloaded a bunch of random albums from rutracker and found pic related. recommend me similar stuff. bear in mind I don't care about music


song from the halo 4 soundtrack by this artist

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what were some albums this feral soyjak said were bad but were good actually?
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This, yeah


what's that one justice album with "audio video disco" on it? is it called audio video disco? anyway, i like that one and he didn't. therefore he is AN bitch and also an poser faker




I gotta agree with fantano here. Album isn't bad but definitely underwhelming for those of us that were expecting Cross 2.0. Still played the fuck out of it and saw them tour it tho
Speaking of Justice they dropped this 2 weeks ago


Songs about death?
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that was me, I'm one of your stalkers. what's up


Great! Normally it's me who stalks people. Are you male or female?





Post music about sex, or music you can have sex to
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If you don't aspire to have sex with this song playing in the room there is absolutely no hope left for you.

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Thread about musicals, what is your favorite musical? What is your favorite song from a musical? Musicals in general.


The Sound of Music is banger after banger


very cute and a banger.


Notre Dame de Paris is my favorite recently; I found the costumes and set design to be really bad, but the performances and the plot adaptation are excellent. My favorite song is "Belle" from the same musical.


I like Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny!


West Side Story is probably my favorite
A direct to tv version of The Music Man (2003) was partially filmed in my hometown.
My friends and I memorized the words to every song lol. Speaking of Jack Black they made a musical of School of Rock

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How would music sampling work under socialism, given that intellectual property laws wouldn't exist?
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TBH I don’t understand why we go through that much effort to keep people who are that sick alive. At some point it’s better if we put them out of their misery esp if their families will be forced to pay all those medical bills. Patients should accept death and call it quits.


Some people don't want to die even in the face of grave illness.


MAiD isn’t offered for lupus…


This thread is fucking insane when the one thing that has hardly changed is how much bands and artists absolutely HATE the record industry that they're forced to be part of to get their music out there. At least it's not nearly as much of a problem these days.



This video makes the perfect argument against sampling. The guy in the video shows how J Dilla's signature timefeel drum patterns can't be made or reproduced by a live drummer and can only be made by a drum machine. Doesn't matter if he was artsy or whatever with it. None of those "beat tapes" could ever be reproduced by a band playing live. This furthers what everyone else ITT was saying about sampling cheapening music. Traditional musicians hate sampling and electronic music overall for this very reason: machines have now made musicians who actually play instruments effectively obsolete. Producers and DJs can simply sample any guitars or drums they want and put together an instrumental without needing any IRL guitarists or drummers, and in order to play it live all they need to do is push buttons. Bands that play their instruments together are a rarity in pop music today.

I have never heard any good argument in favor of sampling and it's not too far off to say sampling is the eventual gateway to AI music. If traditional musicians have become useless, why not have all our pop music be made by robots and algorithms? It's a very real slipper slope you refuse to acknowledge.


Starting with mine (Montreal).



They're all ass.

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It's literally the soundtrack to Banjo-Kazooie, and I can't get enough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz90iTlVPd0&t=719s


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That's the good stuff
out of laziness I've had the same "Glenn Gould plays Prokofiev and Shostakovich" CD playing in my car for months now yet I never tire of the latters Piano Quintet in G minor, Op. 57


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Love me some good orchestral jazz

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This thread is dedicated to the people on this site who play instruments for fun or dollars. Talk about your setup, songs you like playing, techniques, performance. Today I'm with my Fender Player Precision tryna figure out some Geddy Lee bass lines.
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I don't know about that
You might as well try your luck


New five day course on YouTube. The first lesson is only a couple of minutes, an intro and then a breathing exercise only. It's a really easy way to get started. What she's describing is basically an opera singing method of breathing. You basically suck the air in by expanding your lower ribs out to the side. You can search bel canto breathing on YouTube, if you want more exercises on it


do it for fun, doing it for money involves compromise and whats the point if you have to compromise


bring your shit to local open mics instead will build up more of a organic response; do move to bandcamp too though, just use that to send people afterwards.


My little bro wants me to make music for a video games hes making. Are there any free, preferably open source programs for doing so that you would recommend? I know I was able to rip Ableton Live a decade ago is that still a thing

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